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单词 dispirited
释义  di·spir·ited /dɪˈspɪrɪtɪd/ adjective  HOPEsomeone who is dispirited does not feel as hopeful, eager, or interested in something as they were in the past 灰心的,沮丧的,意兴阑珊的 SYN discouraged At last, dispirited and weary, they gave up the search. 他们又灰心又疲惫,最后放弃了搜寻。 —dispiritedly adverbExamples from the Corpusdispirited• Kirkpatrick identifies the need to change existing institutions as being vital in helping the poor, the disadvantaged and the dispirited.• Older people can quickly become dispirited and depressed by chronic illness.• He returned to Vienna a broken and dispirited man, according to Williams.• Pernkopf returned to Vienna a broken and dispirited man.• This results in dispirited performances, sometimes marred by feigned injuries.• Both pieces deserve much better, though their strength shines through even this dispirited sight-reading.• The passengers made a dispirited trio as they approached Dunbar Castle.• Then Alvin endured a long, dispirited wait for a flight back to New York late that night.di·spir·ited adjectiveChineseSyllable  not does Corpus is feel someone dispirited who




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