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单词 Identified
1. She has been identified as the prime suspect.
2. He identified his baggage among hundreds of others.
3. Two broad types of approach can be identified.
4. Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
5. The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard.
6. The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers.
7. She identified the bag as hers by saying what it contained.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. None of the four people killed was identified pending notification of relatives.
9. The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad.
10. The police identified the murderess from a smudge of blood on the shirt.
11. Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.
12. He thinks the Archbishop has identified himself too closely with party politics.
13. The police identified the murderer from a smudge of blood on the shirt.
14. Many football fans are unfairly identified with violent behaviour.
15. America's treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries.
16. His hoarse voice was quickly identified.
17. The police took fingerprints and identified the body .
18. Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects.
19. An eyewitness identified him as the shooter.
20. His accent identified him as a Frenchman.
21. He was identified by his watch.
22. The blood was never positively identified as the victim's.
23. Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.
24. She is identified with our plans.
25. Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth.
26. He was identified in an April 21 police line-up.
27. He identified with our distress and despair.
28. She has always been identified with the radical left.
29. She identified her son among a lot of children.
30. All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
1. She has been identified as the prime suspect.
2. He identified his baggage among hundreds of others.
3. Two broad types of approach can be identified.
4. The ship was identified, and its name and position were reported to the coastguard.
5. The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers.
6. She identified the bag as hers by saying what it contained.
7. None of the four people killed was identified pending notification of relatives.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad.
9. All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
10. The police identified the murderess from a smudge of blood on the shirt.
11. Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.
12. He thinks the Archbishop has identified himself too closely with party politics.
13. The police identified the murderer from a smudge of blood on the shirt.
14. His hoarse voice was quickly identified.
15. She identified him as her attacker.
16. He identified the corpse as the criminal hunted after.
17. A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer.
18. Haas identified the suspect by the scar on his face.
19. None of the four people killed was identified pending ( the ) notification of relatives.
20. Both of the dead men were identified as from No 15 squadron.
21. All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines.
31. Eye witnesses identified the gunman as an army sergeant.
32. The aircraft were identified as American.
33. She identified him as her attacker.
34. They identified a number of problem areas.
35. The cells were identified through microscopic analysis.
36. Four possible outcomes have been identified.
37. The police quickly identified the real culprits.
38. She identified the man as her attacker.
39. She is actively identified with our plans.
40. The infiltrator was identified and killed.
41. He identified the corpse as the criminal hunted after.
42. No clear direction in policy can be identified.
43. His hoarse voice quickly identified him.
44. She identified with foreign workers.
45. The policeman identified him as the thief.
46. The assassin's paymasters were never identified.
47. The report identified eight pollution hot spots.
48. The body was too badly mutilated to be identified.
49. It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.
50. The press has identified several government ministers-in-waiting, saying that they are likely to be appointed in the autumn.
51. After she had identified the body of her husband, the police asked her to collect his personal effects.
52. A bacterium is identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer.
53. By the 1950s some sociologists were confident that they had identified the key characteristics of capitalist society.
54. Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market.
55. He was not the 'tough guy' the public identified him with.
56. I think he's going to be pleased that we identified the real problems.
57. The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been identified as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver.
58. Haas identified the suspect by the scar on his face.
59. We think we've identified a gap in the market .
60. Officials fear some of the thugs identified by British police may have slipped through the net.
61. We have not yet clearly identified the source of the pollution.
62. This study has clearly identified a major problem area for the National Health Service.
63. All the people who were on the aircraft have now been identified, excepting one.
64. The play was so gripping that the audience quickly identified with the actors.
65. He spoke to reporters on condition that he was not identified.
66. Many behaviour patterns have been identified in the chimp colony.
67. The chemicals have been identified as a source of pollution .
67. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
68. She identified strongly with the main character in the play.
69. None of the four people killed was identified pending ( the ) notification of relatives.
70. Aircraft are required by law to carry transponders, so that they can be identified.
71. Scientists claim to have identified natural substances with cancer-combating properties.
72. Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.
73. I identified the jacket at once; it was my brother's.
74. The reporters identified one of the six Americans as an Army Specialist.
75. Both of the dead men were identified as from No 15 squadron.
76. That politician is too closely identified with the former government to become a minister in ours.
77. The policy is closely identified with the prime minister himself.
78. Engineers have identified serious design flaws in the proposed nuclear waste dump.
79. The body was too badly decomposed to be identified at once.
80. He has positively identified the body as that of his wife.
81. He refused to identify himself/become identified with the new political party.
82. He does not wish to be identified with the reform party.
83. Before probate can be granted, all business assets have to be identified and valued.
84. All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines.
85. The company cannot be identified by order of the court.
86. The remains have been identified as those of a Mr Thomas, who lived in Richmond.
87. The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime.
88. As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company.
89. Several witnesses identified the man in the composite.
90. Many more carcinogens have been identified since then.
91. Researchers have identified the substance's chemical components.
92. Koch identified the tubercle bacillus only in 1882.
93. Such an interchange is identified as crucial for maintaining the cooperation that appears absent in adversarial Western systems.
94. The cameras clearly identified the property as it lay on the counter, and the vendors who produced it.
95. Fujimori pardoned 110 inmates based on recommendations of the commission, which has identified about 400 more strong candidates for release.
96. Rib chops are identified by the slightly curved rib bone and the presence of the rib-eye muscle outside of the curve.
97. It is true that religion has been closely identified with our history and government....
98. Any permanent impairment of tangible assets identified is written off.
99. It has clearly identified goals and outcomes that are readily measured.
100. Labour had disappointed many of its supporters(Sentence dictionary), who closely identified the party with the advancement of the welfare state.
101. We also identified the product of the team of teams as we ascended from the micro to the macro level.
102. Previous development may also have left old foundations, concrete slabs and basements which must be identified and quantified for additional cost.
103. If these data were combined with clinical data then large subgroups with low mortality could be identified.
104. Contributors Mary Relling did pharmacological studies of antimetabolites and identified their relation with risk of brain tumour.
105. Each one had identified a list of successes to call up and share with the other when anxiety threatened.
106. Mark Langley had previously been wrongly identified as the aggressor.
107. The first report reviews existing environmental conditions, emphasising that many problems identified in the early 70s still remain.
108. After the tubercle bacillus was identified, accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis, of the lungs and of other organs, became possible.
109. Colette, it was, who looked at the calendar and identified that day as such.
110. The Republicans happen to loathe Americorps simply because it is identified with their archrival Clinton.
111. However, even this view of relatively autonomous, locally based development shares some of the same themes as those identified above.
112. Scarman identified two views that were commonly held as to the causation of the disorders.
113. Our management included a measurement of haemoglobin concentration and the treatment of any identified anaemia.
114. In the chronic disease eggs are present and L3 can be identified following faecal culture.
115. They identified two key clusters in chemistry; a general and organic chemistry cluster, and a physical chemistry cluster.
116. This phrase is a clue, becoming a means whereby adherents of the same movement can be identified.
117. The clearly visible wing bands enable individual birds to be identified and detailed records of their growth to be kept.
118. The police identified the girl from a birthmark on her leg.
119. He identified Davis as one of the people and described the other as a stocky woman with a ruddy complexion.
120. There has been only one report that has identified epoxide hydrolase in colonic carcinomas, by western blot analysis.
121. In fact, around one-half of the cases can be identified solely from the headlines as persons abusing their positions of trust.
122. The school, all-male for its first 157 years, identified the woman only as a junior athlete from Virginia.
123. With some of these sociological theories we are perhaps again witnessing the process we identified earlier with the aid of Raymond Williams.
124. A man suffering from amnesia was identified by his sister, who saw his picture on television.
125. The local managers of cattle stealing operations exchanged purloined cattle to prevent them from being identified.
126. The widening of awareness and gaining of new insight associated with the latter is clearly identified with the aesthetic domain.
127. On one artefact from Nevada, for instance, Newman has identified big cat, sheep, bison and bear blood residues.
127. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
128. More than 100 bird species and 35 mammal species have been identified at the park.
129. The leader of the earlier occupation of the broadcasting station was identified as Maj. Narcisse Djoua.
130. This sense is often identified with nationalism and patriotism which can be dangerously close to racism, chauvinism and xenophobia.
131. Most identified turning points in terms of crises in family relationships, often connected with a change in financial circumstances.
132. The problem is less acute in specialist fields identified to one particular agency.
133. However, in many cases the parties may create a binding contract by agreement on the three matters already identified.
134. This partisanship is reinforced when parents' preferences are congruent with the influences to be identified below.
135. The Organising and Liaison Committees of the schemes are comprised of a small and identified number of solicitors.
136. They identified your ten ships right away and cheered back.
137. It also covers data held manually which can be identified using a code held on a computer.
138. Having identified the main sectors we can now include them in the circular flow approach adopted in Figure 1.2.
139. Second, it evacuates the social and political agendas that often informed the movements identified in favour of a deracinated art.
140. Doctors cannot find a cure for the illness until they have identified the cause.
141. First, alternative technological solutions and the types of communication service they may carry are being identified.
142. A period of adjustment will be required as the role of support workers is properly identified and established.
143. Farming is therefore identified as fundamental in achieving the two objectives of maintaining rural populations and conserving the countryside.
144. Short-lived, spontaneous aggregations of people who share a political concern are identified by Almond as anomie interest groups.
145. The orientations of the political culture identified in the preceding chapter remain.
146. Industrial hazards and risk assessment Once hazards have been identified there may follow efforts to assess the hazard risk.
147. A report commissioned by the group identified a total of 315,000 staff which the colony needed to keep.
148. Put bluntly, to be identified positively, homosexuality usually has to be dissolved into the androgynous.
149. Have aims and objectives been identified in the early stages and are these goals related to managerial issues? 3.
150. Present-day economic, social and political conditions are identified and an outline description of their origins is attempted.
151. Thus, residue Cys 177 is identified as essential for catalysis.
152. Venues awarded a Heartbeat logo in the council's healthy eating campaign are also identified.
153. Respondents identified a number of procedural deficiencies in the Act which was said to lack sufficient powers to enforce compliance.
154. Almost all of the identified work-inhibited students had average to superior intellectual ability scores.
155. Eleven centres were selected near to teachers' colleges or state capitals and in each six experimental schools identified.
156. Each band was identified only by a number, and they were marked by adjudicators sitting behind closed doors.
157. The change in signal frequency is identified by the software and appropriate action taken.
158. Approved additives. Food additives are identified by E numbers and all new ones must be tested.
159. It identified the components of the bomb - not who made it or how it was put aboard Flight 103.
160. Further,(http:///identified.html) the companies set up by Pike to distribute and market the drug were not initially identified.
161. Nicholas Winton identified the state travel agency as the source of the trouble.
162. I think our problem is that we're too closely identified with beer, and traditional draught beer at that.
163. I was not the only one to have identified closely with my character.
164. The target audience should be identified giving details of level and syllabuses to which the program relates.
165. The stored characters that most closely match the input are identified as the most likely interpretation of that input.
166. Duodenogastric reflux was identified when intragastric sodium concentrations exceeded 50 mmol/l.
167. This was the activity with which they came to be most closely identified in the first fifty years of their existence.
168. A range of alternative motivations among bureaucrats have been identified by other investigators.
169. And this possibility had been closely identified with the figure of Osvaldo himself.
170. What varies, and varies dramatically,() is the conscious effort with which they are identified and undertaken.
171. Because the television identified only successful candidates, the public does not know if Uday, 36, ran.
172. We've already identified a need for a home care service which we aim to meet.
173. With each click, the new channel and the program are identified at the bottom of the screen.
174. Once an offer can be identified there is not usually any difficulty in ascertaining whether it has been accepted.
175. The report, drawn from evidence given by supergrasses, identified those whom the Mafia considered allies or potential allies.
176. Local authority associations have identified the need for additional resources to provide both housing and education of the children of refugees.
177. So, we have identified two characteristics of winning strategies: niceness and forgivingness.
178. Sometimes manmade objects in high orbits about Earth are also seen and identified from their distinctive motion.
179. Many anatomists identified three such stages of visual analysis in the cortex.
180. What the sociobiologists have identified are some underlying relationships and latent forms of human behaviour.
181. Women were for the first time identified in their own right as potential land reform beneficiaries.
182. Hence, the equilibrium output in a competitive market is also identified as the optimal output.
183. It identified 500,000 hectares of costal habitat which it said were in need of active conservation measures.
184. The need for additional staff should be identified at the earliest opportunity after consideration of alternative means of meeting the shortfall.
185. The strata identified in the class approach are called classes, the second key concept.
186. His Mirror Group papers were non-partisan, but they were, equally, not identified with colonial rule.
187. Sinai Hospital Geriatrics Department identified 233 older adults with heart conditions,(http:///identified.html) all of whom should have been receiving the drugs.
188. Two AIDS cases have been identified from death certificates where Kaposi's sarcoma has been mentioned as cause of death.
189. Areas of poor acoustic quality but tightly constrained by local syntactic and semantic information would be identified through top-down prediction.
190. No such levelling off has been identified in the proximal colon.
191. Our study identified 167 firms auditing this population of companies in 1992.
192. For example, the origin of ivory can be identified by its strontium isotopic composition, which reflects the diet of the elephant.
193. The key characteristics of each company which make them a good fit with the client should be identified.
194. The report identified how she was forced to quit her secretarial job and how she suffered a breakdown.
195. An additional 115 audit firms active in this market were identified.
196. You indicate in detail how key concepts are identified and measured in actual research settings.
197. Eysenck's theory depends on a high correlation between criminality and particular personality characteristics identified by personality tests.
198. A comparable soil and silt horizon with charcoal flecks was tentatively identified east of the road in Townsend Close.
199. We identified two different types of albatross, four species of petrel(), and a tern.
200. We are still waiting for all the paintings to be identified and catalogued.
201. She identified the most likely candidate as Leach, who, she said, had agreed to accept her nomination.
202. After a short while he identified a small bacon-curing business that he felt was worth investing in.
203. Students' Books and you will be reassured to note that grammar points are clearly identified, explained, and practised.
204. If an area of abnormality is identified a punch biopsy may be taken.
205. Although these task demands can be identified, they may interact or compound the difficulty in particular tables.
206. Essentially, it is a process under which goods are ascertained by being identified.
207. Problems can be clearly identified through an audit, and solutions can be found to improve service and nutritional care.
208. Brains are not designed like electronic circuits, with easily identified separate components that can be taken out independently.
209. Car and bodies had been so badly charred that it was some time before they could be identified.
210. In the city, I stood at the window and identified the cars as they breezed by.
211. He was prevented from doing so by a miracle, which he prefers not to describe in order to avoid being identified.
212. The day care centre can often be the link to other agencies when special needs are identified.
213. The current review of the Structure Plan identified the gap in conservation measures.
213. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
214. Indeed, in large measures, that could be identified as a central feature of Mr Major's ministerial career.
215. The observed inter-element correlations are reflected by the four major factors identified in a principle component analysis.
216. Between 1945 and 1956, many research findings identified other factors which affected the blood pressure.
217. An orthopedic surgeon who asked not to be identified said he also hears increased patient complaints about waiting for bedpans or medications.
218. He looked around, and identified several of his acquaintances who might just have the information he needed.
219. The last of the five periods identified by Geary is the 1980s, when industrial confrontation reverted to a more violent form.
220. The buyer was not identified, but is thought to be a private collector.
221. She heard the various accents and identified them without thinking, Cockney, West Country, and a thick nasal Mancunian.
222. Hexamita can only be identified when moving, otherwise they can not be distinguished from the background debris.
223. Sutton identified Tizhe as a customer who frequently came into the branch office to make large overseas wire transfers.
224. Land registers record disused public-sector land: between 1981 and 1988, about 50,000 acres were identified and subsequently developed.
225. He identified the methods they used, both of language and of body language, to elicit applause from their audiences.
226. Fortunately, although much about the cerebellum is mysterious, enough is known for such features to have been identified.
227. Juvenile Court proceedings can be reported but under no circumstances may any child involved in the proceedings be identified.
228. The gene for asthma has been identified.
229. First, the noticed material must be specifically identified.
230. Epoxy structures can be similarly identified , provided they are not fully alkylagted.
231. Welfare has become identified with the long-term poor, the underclass.
232. He was identified only by his uniform and personal belongings.
233. Palestinians identified the three as members of the Islamic Jihad militant group.
234. Gatsby identified him, adding that he was a small producer.




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