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单词 Undertaken
1. A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies.
2. A group of enthusiasts have undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive.
3. The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.
4. Party leaders have undertaken to purge the party of extremists.
5. The inves-tigation was undertaken primarily to mollify pressure groups.
6. They have undertaken a reappraisal of pupils'needs.
7. The studies were undertaken by people working in education.
8. 40% of all research is undertaken for military ends.
9. Marriage is not something to be undertaken lightly.
10. They have undertaken to underwrite a large proportion of the supermarket's deficits.
11. Constant revision of the curriculum must be undertaken to ensure its continuing relevance.
12. We have undertaken a major review to ensure best use of the available manpower.
13. Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses.
14. The UN has undertaken to reinforce its military presence along the borders.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. However, teaching should not be undertaken lightly.
16. Research is being undertaken into evaluation of applications.
17. In a similar survey undertaken in 1974, Greeley found the effectiveness of catholic schools either the same or slightly increased.
18. A development programme was undertaken by chemists at the Roche laboratories in New Jersey during the 1950s.
19. The module will be undertaken on a group basis and self and peer assessment will feature strongly.
20. The detailed work has been undertaken by two subgroups, also multi agency and with practitioner involvement.
21. The research to be undertaken will attempt to remedy this deficiency.
22. Because of these shortages, much research has been undertaken to produce a fat with cocoa butter properties.
23. A number of very well designed studies have been undertaken.
24. This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken.
25. He soon realized the scale of the task he had undertaken .
26. I personally guarantee total and immediate support in all measures undertaken.
27. New clauses will be debated and the government will introduce amendments which it has undertaken to introduce.
28. The exchanging of tokens was, like the exchanging of vows, not to be undertaken lightly.
29. He attempted to envisage and explain the incredible feat of navigation undertaken by Captain Bligh after the Mutiny.
30. Each economic unit borrows and lends at the same time because individual transactions are undertaken for different reasons.
1. A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies.
2. A group of enthusiasts have undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive.
3. The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.
4. Party leaders have undertaken to purge the party of extremists.
5. They have undertaken a reappraisal of pupils'needs.
31. The different tasks undertaken by each worker are organized in sequence throughout the agricultural year.
32. How willing were abolitionists to challenge both the accepted ways of acting publicly and by whom the action should be undertaken?
33. The walk should only be undertaken from June 1 until October 31 so that the vitally important calving and lambing seasons remain undisturbed.
34. It is not possible to assess his total output as no serious work has been undertaken on him till now.
35. He had undertaken that morning to attack and he should move forward, wherever he was.
36. Having just undertaken a costly bail-out of the thrifts and tightened regulations, it might seem that this problem is behind us.
37. Robson recognized that, throughout history, courts have performed administrative functions and administrative bodies have undertaken judicial functions.
38. A randomised controlled trial comparing prompted care with continuing hospital clinic care was undertaken.
39. It was undertaken generally by people who had experienced personal misfortune.
40. Accordingly, evaluation will be undertaken to ascertain that the preventive measures implemented have been effective.
41. Clinton won praise both for his education proposals and for the national dialogue on race that he has undertaken.
42. A principal role should be undertaken by staff directly involved with and who are experienced in dealing with, elderly groups.
43. Gingrich said he favored congressional hearings into campaign fund-raising practices such as those undertaken on behalf of Clinton during the latest campaign.
44. This exploratory project examines the marketing procedure undertaken by a number of software houses.
44. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
45. It's undertaken a number of mercy missions such as to the Kurds.
46. This project is to assess whether sufficient material exists to enable a more substantial research project to be undertaken.
47. There has been concern about and criticism of the manner in which public consultation has been undertaken.
48. In general there was the invocation of one or more deities to bear witness that a binding contract was being undertaken.
49. Discussants will respond to the speakers with their assessment of the implications of the work undertaken and the need for future development.
50. This is not to say that a three E's audit is never undertaken in nationalized industries.
51. The nature of the work undertaken will also be substantially determined by the size of the advisory team.
52. To achieve this, a new Marina has been established and extensive residential and commercial development are being undertaken.
53. The Institute's main concern is that the new entities should be expressly subject to national legislation governing the activity undertaken.
54. These were in contrast to upland permanent pasture, where arable farming could only be undertaken infrequently[], in special circumstances.
55. Quite a variety of tasks can be undertaken, but most of them relate somehow to an ability to discern patterns.
56. Those dramatic figures reflect several things, not least the steady and progressive reform that the Government have undertaken in industrial relations.
57. Since that time, no other organization has, to our knowledge, undertaken so comprehensive an enquiry.
58. When undertaken, renal biopsy has usually shown interstitial nephritis, although minimal change nephropathy has been reported.
59. So much bigger than anything I have ever undertaken, he wrote.
60. Saving seed can help balance the books, but it's not to be undertaken lightly.
61. Any visual task is rendered more difficult and fatiguing if it is undertaken in poor lighting.
62. But, she added, the company had undertaken to sponsor only the inaugural event.
63. Direct supply by publishers can ease margins, but can also be very costly if undertaken on a large scale.
64. This includes activities undertaken by individuals to prevent disease or to detect it in an asymptomatic state.
65. The development of tests for the feasibility project Test development and administration Test development was undertaken in conjunction with teachers in the liaison groups.
66. Process rights are modelled closely upon those of ordinary courts, and any balancing is undertaken within this context.
67. Dating a rug from its weave and design requires extensive specialist knowledge and can only be undertaken by an expert.
68. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries many studies were undertaken in hopes of solving the difficult problems of animal locomotion.
69. It defines the physical actions and thought processes which must be undertaken to perform a task.
70. A major review was undertaken of the Society's regulatory functions including practising certificates, accountant's reports and investment business certificates.
71. At Philips, a world-wide international corporation with 400,000 employees, most innovation projects are undertaken within 14 product divisions.
72. At the other end of the scale there are ambitious research projects undertaken for methodical demonstration purposes.
73. It was not undertaken to support, refute or criticize contemporary urban and regional theory.
74. The assessment of learning outcomes related to problem solving and personal qualities requires mathematics to be undertaken in context.
75. This in itself is a great help to designers even before any analysis of their new product is undertaken.
76. These surveys are invariably undertaken by specialist research organizations,[http:///undertaken.html] since the construction and administration of questionnaires is a highly skilled operation.
77. Treatment is best undertaken in a specialist unit with a dedicated multidisciplinary team skilled in dealing with anorexic behaviours.
78. Before they sailed from London they had undertaken to do all that they could under all the emergencies of the voyage.
79. The value of the work undertaken by informal carers is difficult to estimate with precision.
80. Work with parents Little professional work with parents is undertaken after the compulsory school period.
81. Considerable work has also been undertaken to develop new blends using wool and experimenting with new man made fibres and dyestuffs.
82. The Vendor may then wish to counter this argument and limit the warranty by stating precisely what enquiries it has undertaken.
83. Research may well be undertaken to discover how effective it is proving.
84. Search at the police station should not be undertaken as a matter of routine but only where justified under Lindley v. Rutter.
85. In the arable fields the same crops were grown throughout a field and the task of harvesting was undertaken communally.
86. The case studies will be undertaken to establish how a bus company operates from the viewpoint of its management and organisation.
87. In the past year the first phase of the analysis of bus passenger casualties highlighted in the 1991 Plan has been undertaken.
88. No information is provided on the individual programmes undertaken within each of these divisions.
89. A review of contingency fees was undertaken and research on commercial legal expenses insurance was published.
90. The Wyeth project is one of the largest construction jobs currently being undertaken in Ireland.
91. They have undertaken an independent training course and induction programme, and are now preparing for their first meeting.
92. The education program, ordered by state regulators, is the largest undertaken by a phone company.
93. The research is being undertaken on an inter-disciplinary basis and the two principal investigators are an economist and a social policy specialist.
94. The review was undertaken by one of two research fellows who attempted to be as objective as possible.
95. Some limited laboratory and clinical tests undertaken at Bayer led to the belief that it was slightly too toxic to be acceptable.
96. The complaints must be made to the police themselves in the first instance and all subsequent investigations are undertaken by police officers.
97. A bank loan should not be undertaken lightly, especially if your bank manager wants security for the loan.
98. A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies to propose optimum data acquisition techniques and formation evaluation procedures.
99. I would like to hear from anybody who has undertaken the DipSW.
100. Combined with the preparatory work now being undertaken, that will give councils the maximum time to prepare themselves before April 1993.
101. The physical geography of the city in general can now complement studies already undertaken of specific cities.
102. This is not a step to be undertaken lightly for it can have serious implications, even if the test result is negative.
103. All prosecutions are undertaken by the public prosecutor, the Lord Advocate, or his subordinates, the procurators fiscal.
104. Threatened interests bristle at the first sign that they might be superseded; rituals of pacification must be undertaken.
105. Nevertheless, it was independently undertaken, in a very matter-of-fact way, to assist a respected superior in coping.
106. Funding for this program, undertaken with a federal grant, now depends precariously on state support.
107. An experimental research project is undertaken in the seventh term, usually at the students place of employment.
108. Operations of this kind should only be undertaken by the intelligence services, and then only under the strictest guidelines.
109. This encouraging workload is undertaken by Wimpey Alawi from its headquarters and depot at Azaiba on the outskirts of Muscat.
110. Might not the mastery of a skill quickly mean that an approach to learning through discovery could be more effectively undertaken?
111. The research undertaken will provide a basis for nature conservation in the wider countryside and aid the promotion of nature conservation values.
112. Meanwhile, members states have undertaken to apply the substance of the rules.
113. A one year period of apprenticeship to an established barrister must be undertaken.
114. Projects already undertaken for pharmaceutical customers have involved removal of plant and equipment contaminated with low-levels of radioactivity and other hazardous materials.
115. Moreover, the linguistic analysis undertaken during the comparison provided concrete support for these observations.
116. An outline of some of the domestic chores undertaken by Mr and Mrs McGill will help to answer this question.
117. Reintroduction of food after elemental regimens must nevertheless be undertaken with the greatest of care irrespective of whether or not elimination diets are used.
118. If dysphagia persisted despite dilatation, barium swallow examination was undertaken to assess the oesophageal lumen.
119. In addition, extensive research is being undertaken to improve existing lines and develop new products.
120. It was shown that translation work is undertaken even for impecunious clients.
121. It builds on work undertaken by the researcher on the first generation in Leicester, thus providing a basis for intergenerational comparison.
122. Over the same period university expenditure, where more research is undertaken, was fairly constant at about £5,200 per student.
123. Repair Best done by professionals, but some minor repairs can be safely undertaken at home.
124. The crash in south London was caused by faulty wiring undertaken by the 11 signal engineers and managers during the signal modernisation.
125. Such work is undertaken primarily for large institutional clients and is discussed more fully elsewhere.
126. A personal computing project is undertaken by all students during the final year.
127. Any work undertaken on an individual basis should always focus attention on the broader social context in which the individual lives.
128. It is appropriate to set out additional vocational or practical skills training you have undertaken, and any languages you have mastered.
129. In many cases, such projects would not be undertaken without structural fund backing.
130. What varies, and varies dramatically, is the conscious effort with which they are identified and undertaken.
131. A regular newsletter keeps people in touch and a whole series of social events are undertaken.
132. Detailed pathological studies to detect subclinical renal disease have not been undertaken.
133. Having undertaken the same journey in my own youth, I can testify to the authenticity of the obsession described.
134. With limited exceptions,[http:///undertaken.html] it proposed that all functions of local government be undertaken by a single authority in each area.
135. Documentary research in the technical literature was undertaken to plan interviews and to identify key areas of technological innovation and technical uncertainty.
136. Personal Interviews will often be on a one to one basis but can also be undertaken as a group exercise.
137. Alison Petch has undertaken research in a range of social policy areas, in both local authority and university settings.
138. These results could still be seriously attenuated by insufficient follow-up, since they include many studies undertaken in the 1970s.
139. The upgrade path is simple and can be undertaken whenever the relevant skills have been learned.
140. This lightning campaign undertaken in the depths of winter while most people were still celebrating Christmas had the desired effect.
141. Analysis of accidents involving bus passengers in future years will be undertaken.
142. This process can also be undertaken via a modem link.
143. An even later flight to assess late senescence of the cereal crops might be undertaken this year.
144. The guild also contributed regularly to investigations undertaken by the Labour Department of the Board of Trade into female labour.
145. In these simpler methods no wrapping with linen was undertaken.
146. In 1936 a survey of Jarrow elementary school children was undertaken by an educational psychologist ....
147. As set out below, more detailed valuations will be undertaken for actual targets at subsequent stages in the deal process.
148. Development undertaken without permission is not an offence in itself; but ignoring an enforcement notice is.
149. Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods increases the volume of waste and should be undertaken only when necessary for safety reasons.
150. The story of Combsburgh - an imaginary place Writing a good parish history is not a task to be undertaken lightly.
151. A recent pilot project of social work attachment in general practice has been undertaken recently in Upton on Severn.
152. It is not the purpose of this chapter to provide a comprehensive survey of the empirical work undertaken upon this topic.
153. Undertaken by the National Children's Bureau, this is a longitudinal study of breathtaking scale and thoroughness.
154. His classification allowed all perinatal deaths to be categorised whether or not necropsy had been undertaken.
155. But many organists have undertaken some years of an expensive musical training and still give many hours a week to practising.
156. Perhaps the most notable of other attempts to describe parents in this fashion was undertaken by Earl S. Schaefer.
157. Indeed, this person's role would not have been dissimilar to that undertaken by the present-day funeral director.
158. He is reported to have undertaken most of the journey on foot over mountains in intense cold and wind.
159. Many courses require that some kind of placement project is undertaken by the student.
160. Initiatives undertaken in response to the widespread dissatisfaction with residential care have led to a general improvement in the quality of services.
161. If further size analysis is to be undertaken the best procedure is to use two identical sub-samples.
162. In hospital environments basic services such as cooking and laundry were organized centrally and cleaning was undertaken by domestics.
163. There was some diversity in the ways in which departmental self-appraisals were undertaken.
164. Even when the installation has been undertaken by an expert, the inclusion of a circuit breaker is a wise precaution.
164. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
165. The most detailed research, however, has been undertaken by S. Dench in mid-Devon.
166. The first possibility is that such an increase in productive capacity is not undertaken.
167. During each year of study, work will be undertaken in both departments which are located within easy walking distance of each other.
168. The government would in turn have undertaken various projects to improve the region's infrastructure.
169. Methods Studies were undertaken in 176 male patients who were having investigational colonoscopy and who were found to have a normal colon.
170. The research represents the second stage of cross-national collaborative studies undertaken by colleagues working in education in a number of countries.
171. An external auditor must decide the scope of the work to be undertaken to discharge his or her duties.
172. The Society are now seeking a skilled modeller to carry out this work and have undertaken to bear the costs involved.
173. All reported faults will be investigated, and approved minor repairs will be undertaken.
174. When the total procedure was done under local anaesthesia, staged dilatation of the track over five to seven days was undertaken.
175. This task is being undertaken by HealthWatch(), a registered charity.
176. Even so, talk of course alterations continued throughout the jittery months of 1938 but no expenditure was undertaken.
177. Study for the dissertation for postgraduate degrees is normally undertaken during the summer vacation.
178. The journey I had just completed in the Arussi had been the first I had undertaken in the highlands of Abyssinia.
179. It is being undertaken in 50 small engineering firms with up to 100 employees during the period 1985-1987.
180. At Kidd's arrival Clive and Stokes concentrated solely on executive search, but it has since undertaken organisational consulting assignments.
181. In recent years considerable research has been undertaken to build computer models of asset performance and returns and their correlation with liabilities.
182. There will always be some further extension or growth of democracy to be undertaken.
183. Marathon and other operators were also undertaken during the year.
184. The projects undertaken by the centres will be assessed by a formal refereeing systems of international standards.
185. Methods of Excavation Excavation is both costly and destructive, and therefore never to be undertaken lightly.
186. Types of Political System Classifications of political systems have been undertaken in diverse ways and for a variety of purposes.
187. If the investigation is undertaken by some one primarily interested in intonation, for example, the data selected has to meet certain requirements.
188. Identifying handwriting is normally a tortuous and time-consuming job, not to be undertaken lightly.
189. Use of tapes Videotapes of school activities are a useful means of communicating about work undertaken at school.
190. In the final section an analysis of the fifteen deviant cases is undertaken.
191. This procedure was undertaken by passing a guidewire down the drainage catheter under radiological control.
192. Also, the programme of trade missions undertaken in 1990/91 decreased in comparison to the previous year.
193. To date they have undertaken four conversions, with others reportedly under way.
194. We have undertaken the type of audit Coulter and colleagues suggest,[http:///undertaken.html] using a small cohort of patients from Northwick Park Hospital.
195. These steps into new territory were too big and too risky to be undertaken by individual merchants.
196. This is often the case when the search is being undertaken across borders or in a new market segment.
197. Much analysis of what is wrong with current systems has been undertaken.
198. In the steepest, wettest areas, stock-rearing takes complete precedence, and little, if any, arable farming is undertaken.
199. This little episode shows how Norman regarded the stress which accompanies any art form when it has been seriously undertaken.
200. It has also undertaken studies and simulation exercises in emergency planning.
201. An analysis of the 1987 survey was undertaken to estimate the dose-response relations of height and respiratory symptoms to passive smoking.
202. On his retirement the job of district head postmaster will cease to exist, the responsibilities being undertaken by four senior managers.
203. The original coal and iron concerns of Butterley were expanded, and engineering work was undertaken for the railways.
204. It could be that adult literacy is an important programme undertaken in the adult education budget.
205. Significant contracts were also undertaken for Total, Amoco, Marathon and other major operators.
206. Also at Horstead Keynes are the carriage sheds where work is undertaken to restore coaching stock to working order.
207. I am sure that providing the proper maintenance is undertaken, many of them are unnecessary.
208. Initially, at managerial level, an educational programme was undertaken by outside consultants.
209. The advocate has undertaken my case.
210. Each store of retailing status has undertaken different periods.
211. Substantial policy reforms have also been undertaken in Bangladesh.
212. In Guizhou, logging is undertaken in the forest areas.
213. Releves may be undertaken without classification as a purpose.
214. In univariate analysis the computer is often performing functions that could be undertaken manually.
215. Methods: 24 chronic prostatitis patients were undertaken bilateral seminal vesiculography.
216. Estimating: Determining the cost of printing a job before it is undertaken.
216. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
217. The uranium reconnaissance was undertaken in the U . K.
218. When any large operation is undertaken, it is usually a surprise attack against an ally.
219. On behalf of the A . E . A . , the uranium reconnaissance in the U . K . was undertaken.
220. Scientific excavation of the remains was undertaken by the Franciscans in 1909.
221. Drainage usually has to be undertaken as a first operation.
222. Another reason might be the kinds of regulatory activities undertaken by the states.




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