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单词 Dent
1. There was a large dent in the passenger door.
2. We're here to put a dent in the universe.
3. Memory is heel, lonesome is dent, I a person coexistence.
4. Losing the match made quite a dent in his ego.
5. The dent on the wing of our car can be beaten out at the garage.
6. There's a dent in the left wing.
7. There was a dent in one wing.
8. The trip made a big dent in our savings.
9. The experience failed to dent her confidence.
10. It seemed that nothing could dent his confidence.
11. The holiday made a big dent in our savings.
12. There was a dent in the nearside wing.
13. The front of the car has a dent in it.
14. The stone made a dent in the roof of my car.
15. United's championship pretensions took a dent when they were beaten 5-1 by Liverpool.
16. The lawyer's fees will make a dent in our finances.
17. They can beat out the dent in the car's wing.
18. There was a dent in the car which hadn't been there before.
19. Nails dent into metal.
20. Eight years of effort have hardly put a dent in drug trafficking.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. My side of the car had a large dent in it.
22. The stone made a dent in the roof of the car.
23. That would put a dent in his omnipotence.
24. A real dent in the budget!
25. Among most it has barely made a dent.
26. The latest health scare has made a very considerable dent in the sales of beef.
27. The embarrassing stories about his past made quite a dent in his reputation.
28. He beat over the cause of the acci - dent.
29. I don't know how you're going to explain away that dent you made in your dad's car.
30. If the advertising agency loses the United Beer account, it will make a big dent in their profits.
1. There was a large dent in the passenger door.
2. The dent on the wing of our car can be beaten out at the garage.
3. The latest health scare has made a very considerable dent in the sales of beef.
31. The loss put a dent in the team's confidence.
32. But these projects only make a slight dent in the Shakur vaults.
33. Churchill's stroke in June 1953 put a dent in the working of the Government.
34. It rapidly became evident that this clinic could not make even a dent in the problem.
35. S., but any meaningful dent in that market is years away, say analysts.
36. These smaller sales teams will also dent new premium sales.
37. These strategies are commonsensical and have made a large dent in the fertility of many nations.
38. A home run by Mark McLemore in the fifth was the only dent Texas was able to lay on him.
39. Dent is a throwback to medieval times bypassed by modern progress, an anachronism that has survived the passing years.
40. And a hell of a price it is for that first big dent.
41. In the morning sunlight Dent was no longer a fantasy but a solid and compact cluster of dwellings of a past age.
42. But the lovey-dovey conversation didn't even dent readers' affection for the caring Princess.
43. As they try to cut stocks, this is likely to make a big dent in orders to manufacturing industry and importers.
44. But all of this may do little to dent the accident rate.
45. When the car arrived I noticed a large dent in the rear bumper and immediately lost my temper.
46. By the riverbank in the warm afternoon sunlight I meandered back to Church Bridge and Dent.
47. But that only made a dent in what had to be done.
48. Young, holding the ball a little too long, came through the sacks without a dent.
49. Take heart: the green consumer movement has made a significant dent in manufacturing practices over a very short time.
50. For our purpose it is important to note that it merely threatened to dent the Treasury ascendancy over economic policy-making.
51. There's a big dent in the side of my car.
52. Figures showing a fall last month in official reserves did not dent market sentiment.
53. They barely made a dent in the vast area they were supposed to cover.
54. She thought it dry, and it was,[] but she could not make a dent in the downpour itself.
55. Dad'll get a huge shock when he sees the dent in his car.
56. Six years ago Stephen Dent was paralysed in a freak accident.
57. Farming's image looks like getting another damaging self-inflicted dent as a result of what the public perceive as wholesale tax dodging.
58. After receiving standing ovations, Dent went on to tour with the B-52s.
59. Prevention education has been unable to halt this behavior, or even to make much of a dent in it.
60. Now Sakata, with its new car, Glory, had at least made a dent in the numbers of unemployed.
61. From time to time they shed meteorites and the odd one will make a small, exotic dent on the surface of pop.
62. If we drop a tin can probably nothing will happen; at the worst we may make a small dent.
63. Nothing could dent the self belief that was driving her on to new heights.
64. The commission had barely begun to make a dent in the problem.
65. There was a large dent in the panel and a scratch in the paint.
66. Emma backed into a tree, leaving a dent in the car's rear bumper.
67. You'd better tell your dad about the dent in the car - I'm sure he'll have something to say about it.
68. Afterward, Mr Dent walks him home(), shares a nightcap and makes a pathetic attempt at seduction.
69. A not insignificant dent in our trade deficit, and a loss to the Inland Revenue.
70. At the same time, rising exports have made a sizable dent in the trade deficit.
71. But the First World War put a dent in business and neither the train line nor the hotel lasted through the Second.
72. The doors are made of plastic so they don't dent.
73. Moving this took 15 trips in my ancient Renault, which struggled under loads that threatened to dent its roof bars.
74. It was brand, spanking new, not a dent nor scratch on its sleek body.
75. The car survived the accident without so much as a dent.
76. I haven't even made a dent in this job.
77. Bartender: Dent! I intellection you were dead!
78. Recently it makes a sizable dent in this prediction.
79. I'll try to help you make a dent in some of that work.
80. The genetic relationship of flint corns dent corn and popcorn inbred lines were analyzed by simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers.
81. The effects of baking temperature,[http:///dent.html] baking time and prestrain on the bake hardenability and dent resistance of isotropic sheet steel and BH sheet steel produced by batch annealing were studied.
82. Can you hammer out the dent in the side of my car?
83. This is the man who was in the fight with Dent Baxter's men?
84. It will be a slog to make a big dent in the nation's unemployment numbers.
85. When Togo—a country with a population less than half of Ontario—had medals and Canada didn't, it put a bit of a dent in our National amour propre.
86. I asked, 'Can you make a real dent in the understanding of the layperson in three weeks, intensively every day?'
87. All pipes protective rings were partly dent on the edge.
88. Analysts expect the pace of jobs growth to improve, but remain too slow to make a dent in unemployment levels.
89. I haven't a dent in the job of paining the house.
90. That's helped dent his popularity aroundTaipei - based Global Views Survey Research Center.
91. The cost of climate protection would barely make a dent in that growth.
92. So selling Alcon, a highly profitable business, will not make much of a dent.
93. Partial compound isolation layers are further removed to form the isolation structure, and the top part of the isolation structure is provided with step-shaped dent.
94. An Australian amateur star gazer who spotted a rare impact on Jupiter told of his astonishment as he chanced upon the Earth-sized dent in its gassy atmosphere.
95. Like Dent, Norwegian artist Vebjorn Sand became fixated on an unrealized Leonardo dream, the Bosporus bridge.
96. But side effects are a problem, and it's unclear whether the findings will make a dent in an addiction that affects millions of Americans.
97. But to make a dent in the cleaning, you'd need to dedicate a whole month's worth of weekends.
98. The riots, however, failed to dent Modi's popularity in Gujarat, which is regarded as a Hindu nationalist stronghold.
99. Please strike up a dent in the medal ( of a fender ).
100. I don't know how it came about but I've got a dent in the rear of my car.
101. Corruption and bureaucracy was far too entrenched in the economy for legislation to make a dent in the economic crisis.
102. Dent did nothing in the evening but pull at cigars and beer.
103. Talking to The Guardian, Peccadillo Pictures managing director Tom Abell stated, 'It's a huge dent in our business.
104. We had made a dent in the problem by doubling the Earned Income Tax Credit.
105. There is a dent in the bumper of my car.
106. To make a dent in the slaughter of the sharks, however, there are going to have to be a lot of people willing to spoil this particular sport.
107. NICK: Surface discontinuity, a depression or dent caused by impact.
108. The muted moves came ahead of U.S. data on nonfarm payrolls for November. Analysts expect the pace of jobs growth to improve, but remain too slow to make a dent in unemployment levels.
109. A third candidate, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, hopes to make a dent in a few Southern states.
110. Hard news stories demand a straight summary, like this headline from The Zimbabwe Independent newspaper[http://], "Smugglers Dent Zimbabwe's Gold Production."
111. The houses on this side of Dent Road stood no higher than 20 feet.
112. Exclusive content deals may just be what Microsoft needs to reach a combined 30%, which some experts see as the minimum to make a dent in Google's business.
113. Two long, white hands shot out protectively in front of me, and the van shuddered to a stop a foot from my face, the large hands fitting providentially into a deep dent in the side of the van's body.
114. Now we're just trying to make a dent in a war that's actually gone on a lot longer and claimed a lot more lives.
115. We worked all day and still didn't make a dent in this paperwork.
116. The doctor told him to quIt'smoking, but it didn't make a dent.
117. By simplified model, the effect of strain rate upon dynamic dent resistance is analyzed.
118. Basically smooth and shiny on the surface, have no obvious fault of contraction dent, brindle, warpage, defective bubble and plastify.
119. And instead of screaming abuse, there's the passion to make a dent in the universe.
120. Yet any attempt at significant diversification would seriously dent their value.
121. And the invasion of Humboldt squid seems to be making a noticeable dent in the local population of hake, experts note in a new study.
122. The Chevvy , though , didn't have a dent .
123. "A lot of the smaller companies are coming up to commercialize and, if you want to make a dent in the energy space, you have a huge amount of capital needs, " Molnar said in an interview.
124. Second, no conceivable revaluation of the renminbi is likely make a dent in China's exporting prowess.
125. Therefore, implementation of policy is irrelative to the official on high position, for which his position doesn't dent.
126. The strengthened skin tensity, the tension, the improvement organize and stimulate the dent restoration.
127. A breakaway party, the Congress of the People, may dent the ANC's authority in a general election in mid-2009, though probably without ousting the ruling party.
128. That dent is not big enough to be worth hammering out.
129. Perhaps Hulu just wants to stay in the black while hoping to make a small dent in the number of users rampantly pirating video.
130. The economy needs to grow by at least 7% per year to make a dent in high unemployment and poverty levels.
131. These acts shatter steel, but thet cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
132. I've been in three bars and I put a dent in all three.
133. The doctor told him to stop smoking, but it didn't make a dent.
134. Falla made an early exit from the United States Open on Monday, losing to the American Taylor Dent, 6-4, 7-5, 6-1.
135. As for B vitamins, research shows that yes, these do cut homocysteine levels ...but no, that doesn't make a dent in heart danger.
136. They also planted dent corn to grind and use to make their own cornbread and tortillas, and grew beets for the first time this year.
137. The first large dent in the house was brought about by still another bee landing on Jack's cigar as he was driving the car into the front yard that peary autumn the stock market crashed.
138. So far, none have managed to make a dent in the search market.
139. Similarly, a stronger yuan would do little to dent America's trade deficit.
140. It is in these sleepless hours, propelled by my inner drive to make a dent in world, where I find the solace to connect with the deepest parts my own soul.
141. Kao Sung-nien's fat but firm face was like an unleavened millet-flour steamed bread. "Voracious time" (Edax vetustas) could not make a dent on it. There was not a single tooth mark or crease .
142. He tried to show her with his hands . " The Chevvy , though , didn't have a dent .




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