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单词 Flushed
1. Her face was flushed with embarrassment.
2. Her face was flushed after her run.
3. The mason flushed the joint with mortar.
4. His face flushed with anger.
5. She flushed with pleasure as she accepted the prize.
6. He looked hot and rather flushed.
7. A woodcock flushed from its cover.
8. She flushed the unused tablets away.
9. He flushed the toilet .
10. She flushed with anger.
11. Naomi stood in front of them, her face flushed, her hair tousled.
12. He flushed crimson and began to shout angrily at Frank.
13. The girl flushed from modesty when the man praised her appearance.
14. His parents flushed with pride when he went to receive his prize.
15. He was flushed with excitement at the thought.
16. Gallons of toxic waste were flushed into the sea.
17. Mary flushed up when Jim praised her cooking.
18. She flushed up when he praised her appearance.
19. The blood flushed into his cheeks.
20. He leaned forward, his face flushed with anger.
21. He flushed the letter down the toilet.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. He flushed the letter down the loo.
23. The setting sun flushed the mountain tops.
24. Water flushed through the pipes.
25. His face flushed red with excitement.
26. Grace was flushed with the success of the venture.
27. They flushed the drugs down the toilet.
28. The girl's forehead was flushed with fever.
29. Jack's face flushed with embarrassment.
30. Her cheeks were flushed , her expression angry.
1. Her face was flushed with embarrassment.
2. Her face was flushed after her run.
3. The mason flushed the joint with mortar.
4. His face flushed with anger.
5. She flushed with pleasure as she accepted the prize.
6. He looked hot and rather flushed.
7. A woodcock flushed from its cover.
8. She flushed the unused tablets away.
9. He flushed the toilet .
10. She flushed with anger.
11. Naomi stood in front of them, her face flushed, her hair tousled.
12. He flushed crimson and began to shout angrily at Frank.
13. The girl flushed from modesty when the man praised her appearance.
14. His parents flushed with pride when he went to receive his prize.
15. Have you flushed the toilet?
31. We were flushed with success.
32. The police flushed the gunmen out of the building.
33. The aurora flushed into the sky.
34. Her face was flushed with excitement.
35. She felt short of breath and flushed.
36. They flushed them out of their hiding places.
37. His plump face flushed with indignation.
38. Mrs Cooper flushed with indignation.
39. His face was flushed with anger.
40. Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment.
41. Julie's cheeks flushed with pleasure at the compliment.
42. Ross flushed red with embarrassment.
43. He flushed scarlet with embarrassment.
44. Susan flushed deeply and looked away.
45. Have you flushed the toilet?
46. Her forehead was flushed with fever.
47. The criminal was flushed out from hiding place.
48. He flushed when he saw her.
49. The river flushed the meadow.
50. He looked flushed and glassy-eyed.
51. She flushed and her eyes fell .
52. Her cheeks flushed with annoyance.
53. He was flushed with success.
54. Her face was flushed with anger.
55. His face flushed with embarrassment.
56. You look a bit flushed - are you hot?
57. The team was flushed with its first victory.
58. Flushed with success after their surprise win against Italy,(http:///flushed.html) Belgium are preparing for Saturday's game against Spain.
59. The heating system needs to be flushed out once a year.
60. He suddenly became very talkative, his face slightly flushed, his eyes much brighter.
61. He was flushed with success after his first novel was published.
62. The police flushed the criminals out of their hiding place.
63. Fever flushed his cheeks.
64. The dogs flushed out the deer that were left in the wood.
65. She flushed with delight.
66. She flushed bright scarlet.
67. The young parents were flushed with happiness at the birth of their first son.
68. She flushed the toilet and went back in the bedroom.
69. She flushed the rest of her drink down the toilet .
70. The team are still flushed with success after their weekend victory.
71. Anger flushed his cheeks.
72. My face and neck are flushed bright red.
73. I flew back to the field flushed with embarrassment.
74. His face was flushed with excitement when they came.
75. Realizing that Foley was studying his face(), he flushed.
76. I flushed and bit my lip.
77. We have flushed him out today.
78. He flushed and made no comment.
79. Their discussions, though flushed with certainty, did not clarify.
80. A door closed, taps ran, the loo flushed.
81. An overwhelming feeling of inadequacy flushed through me again.
81. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
82. My skin crawled; anger flushed my neck and cheeks.
83. He flushed, trying to scramble to his feet again.
84. Father's face was flushed, and his eyes bulged out.
85. The other man was flushed with anger.
86. She flushed the lavatory, although she hadn't used it.
87. She arrived flushed and dishevelled.
88. He flushed with embarrassment and turned away.
89. Soon Rainbow's cheeks are flushed, her eyes are sparkling.
90. Gradually these minimalist restrictive practices have been flushed out by the unstoppable march of information technology.
91. Her teeth were chattering, her eyes staring, and her face was deeply flushed.
92. His brown curls were tousled and his cheeks were still flushed from sleep.
93. I flushed, swallowed hard, struggled to keep from crying, struggled not to be overwhelmed by my fear of falling.
94. I sank into an exquisite passivity staring ahead as dazzling colours flushed and flew, metamorphosing into duck elephant cat dog house.
95. From the edge of one of these clearings Chloe suddenly flushed a sepoy.
96. But sometimes he seemed unnaturally flushed and lively - and it was not with drink.
97. His face was flushed and damp and he mopped his forehead with a large handkerchief.
98. There on the settee, looking a little flushed, sat Rosemary.
99. Fredrickson talked himself out and finally flushed and apologized like always and sat back down.
100. He lowered his head on to the table; the marble felt fresh in contact with his flushed skin.
101. And when she reached her room Lucy told herself her flushed cheeks were merely the result of the climb up the slope.
102. She was clutching her coat tightly around her waist; her face and neck were flushed a deep red.
103. The fun centred on a stocky individual with a flushed face and sandy hair.
104. He remembered Lisette's flushed, flirtatious look and the way she had taken his hand and placed it on her body.
105. I flushed with teenage resentment of the female role I was supposed to assume.
106. After the fire exterminated itself, I flushed the ashes down the toilet after a not-inconsiderable bowel movement.
107. Her skin was tingling and for some reason or other her face felt flushed.
108. Chill at 10 or 11 am; starting in the extremities, with a throbbing head and flushed face.
109. Lily flinched from his warm flushed face, his satisfied glow.
110. The fire had roared itself out and the ash in the centre flushed up grey with each entry and lay over everything.
111. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes sparkled, while the deep rose pink of the bodice suited her to perfection.
112. The girl swung her eyes to the window and flushed with guilty embarrassment.
113. Her cheeks flushed now at the thought of doing the upstairs, even though Grondine said he never went up there anymore.
114. His breathing would become rapid and shallow, his cheeks flushed.
115. The two women flanking her were flushed with pleasure and excitement.
116. A flushed and jolly character raises his glass among friends and family - how real, how reliable is that evidence?
117. The voice called out from the kitchen, the toilet flushed.
118. With dark hair rumpled by the wind, flushed face and those brilliantly blue eyes, he looked very handsome.
119. The water is flushed through the sheds numerous times, becoming more concentrated with each pass.
120. When Damian raised his head, he was darkly flushed, dragging air into his lungs.
121. Agitatedly, it changed its spots from orange to blue to green and, finally, flushed perfectly purple.
122. Which means nothing nasty gets flushed into our ponds, rivers and streams.
123. Domestic and industrial waste, discharged oil and millions of gallons of raw sewage are flushed into the sea every day.
124. The merchant was flushed with drink; he grinned at Cranston and Athelstan as if they were lifelong friends.
125. Jenna's face flushed with embarrassment at the way the girl watched in amused surprise.
126. A that Mala flushed slightly, but even so seemed unable to tear her gaze away from the man in gold and white.
127. Her face was flushed, her mouth slightly open, her teeth lying in a glass on the night table.
128. Instead, I flushed the toilet and opened the door just wide enough to slip through the gap.
129. So far, she'd just flushed the smack down the loo and shoved the syringes in the bin.
130. Doubles up and screams with a hot, flushed face and sweat.
131. The face that had paled with fright and shock had now flushed.
132. Standing before the coffin, with seven stolen snowdrops in his hands, he flushed with shame.
133. Consequently the saturated zone must be constantly flushed by undersaturated water if dissolution is to be an effective mechanism.
134. I filled his food dish, freshened his water, flushed his toilet, and came back and watched him eat.
135. Dorothea flushed from neck to hairline and, bending her head, took a sip from her tea-cup.
136. I tore my lunch invitation to Carla into little pieces and flushed them down the lavatory.
137. Vass regarded her flushed face, then let his eyes drift slowly down the length of her slender, dressing-gown-clad figure.
138. She was flushed and handsome after her rest, wearing something red, with ruffles round the neck.
139. His face was flushed, all the petulance and disappointment smoothed away.
140. The last time I flushed the toilet for Raffles, I thought about in-stalling one of those pet ports.
141. Harry nearly jumped back in surprise and flushed instantly in embarrassment at the distaste his flinching movement had signalled.
141. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
142. An older woman whose hair and dress were folded and starched leading a younger woman flushed with inexpert embarrassment.
143. He glanced down at her flushed face in its frame of wild hair.
144. Laura's cheeks flushed as she hunted in her handbag for her bunch of keys.
145. Bryony's cheeks were flushed and her eyes bright and excited.
146. I won't remember it, thought Fenella, leaning her flushed cheek against the cold window.
147. She talked to Susan about it being flushed away and that Susan could flush the lavatory when she had finished.
148. She seemed to shiver when they pulled back to look at each other, faces flushed with emotion.
149. She crouched on the lino, her face flushed from the fire, fingering that string of Christmas cracker beads.
150. She was also flushed and evidently in a state of unrest, which made him feel chivalrous and sympathetic.
151. The toilet can also be flushed whilst the fan is in operation.
152. Her flushed cheeks, wide eyes, and slightly opened mouth made her look sexy.
153. The waste is flushed out of the barn, through pipes, and into holding lagoons.
154. Through the end of July, the high-tech toilets have flushed 359, 431 times.
155. Her shoulders shook with laughter, her alabaster cheeks flushed with warmth.
156. Irritated she swept away, flushed the tissues down the lavatory and returned to hear Oliver pursuing her question.
157. Hence the oocytes are flushed out of the oviducts from below-they are not sucked out from above.
158. But I flushed a barred owl from a red maple tree among the balsam firs.
159. Her cheeks are flushed the fluorescent melon orange that also glimmers on her lower lip.
160. Our apartment was generating serious energy, shifting from its usual somnambulism to a flushed and slightly kinetic mode.
161. She went back to the car, a little flushed, knowing her real reason for being there.
162. Fei Yen seemed flushed, excited by the ride, her eyes wide with enjoyment.
163. Haverford also sat, lifting his panama to mop his flushed forehead with a red and white spotted handkerchief.
164. The dark hair clung to his forehead and his body was flushed and glistening and bathed in the dull crimson glow.
165. Singer's face was flushed as if he'd just got out of a hot bath.
166. She is gesturing and smiling, her cheeks flushed with pleasure that there is so much to offer.
167. Her face was flushed, she drew her coat tightly around herself and she dropped her eyes.
168. The heavy brown head lolled a flushed cheek on the red cushion that supported his bandaged shoulder.
169. Mordovia is the cesspit into which are flushed the malcontents and malefactors of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
170. The dogs soon flushed the quarry.
171. She flushed crimson with shame.
171. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
172. His face was flushed and his hair disordered.
173. He flushed crimson with indignation.
174. Aileen flushed a little at his familiarity.
175. By then the Bismarckian political vestiges had been gradually flushed away by Kaiser's expansive strategy.
176. Chang Su - su 's face was flushed and her eyes alight with excitement.
177. Her shining eyes, the flushed cheeks and the breathlessness indicate some amorous excitement.
178. Bellatrix's face , so recently flushed wit happiness, had turned an ugly, blotchy red.
179. He flushed hotly under the derisive grins of the bulldozer drivers.
180. The child, flushed and with eyes blazing, was curiously serene.
181. Her cheeks were delicately flushed and her eyes clear and sparkling , though slightly tired.
182. She was still adamant; her face was flushed, but her lips were bloodless.
183. This was worse than a slap in the face for Li Yu - ting, and he flushed hotly.
184. Her face flushed scarlet.
185. Bellatrix's face, so recently flushed with happiness, had turned an ugly blotchy red.




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