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单词 Swelled
1. The balloon swelled out with gas.
2. The sails swelled out in the wind.
3. The rain swelled the rivers.
4. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.
5. The sails swelled in the strong wind.
6. Membership has swelled to over 20 000.
7. He swelled with pride as he held the trophy.
8. The group of onlookers soon swelled to a crowd.
9. The willing of living swelled in their mind.
10. His breast/heart swelled with pride at his achievement.
10. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
11. He always swelled to his subordinates.
12. My eyes swelled with tears.
13. The wind swelled the sails.
14. The murmur swelled into a roar.
15. The sails swelled in the wind.
16. That uncertain thing was swelled bigger.
17. He cupped his cheek swelled by toothache.
18. After the heavy rain the river swelled.
19. Crowds of commuters were swelled by Christmas shoppers.
20. The cheering swelled through the hall.
21. Party ranks have swelled by nearly 300 000.
22. Her heart swelled as she turned to face him.
23. The infection swelled his hand.
24. Her face swelled with the toothache.
25. He swelled out his chest with pride.
26. The waves were swelled over the rocks.
27. The crowd swelled to around 10,000.
28. His chest swelled with pride as he accepted the award.
29. His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter collect her prize.
30. His heart swelled up when he learned that he had won the prize.
1. The balloon swelled out with gas.
2. The sails swelled out in the wind.
3. The rain swelled the rivers.
4. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.
5. Our neighbour has most generously swelled the collection with a gift of £25.
31. She swelled up her head when she learned that she had won the prize.
32. His bank balance has swelled by £222,000 in the last three weeks.
33. The bird swelled out its chest to attract the attention of the female.
34. His heart swelled with pride when his daughter came in.
35. Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.
36. He couldn't control the indignation that swelled in his heart.
37. My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee.
38. His remarks swelled a past event up in my mind.
39. Peasant land hunger grew ever more acute as the population swelled.
40. Music swelled around us.
40. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
41. Our neighbour has most generously swelled the collection with a gift of £25.
42. My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.
43. Her feet swelled up after the long walk to the top of the hill.
44. Anger swelled the young man's breast.
45. An awkward pause swelled in the room.
46. It swelled, diminished, and swelled again like an oratorio.
47. Her throat swelled up until she needed a tracheotomy.
48. When she saw that the new bride was Snow White, her evil heart swelled with passion and burst.
49. My oldest daughter, poor girl, swelled up like an elephant.
50. And they were songs that filled you with sadness, that made you want to cry until your throat swelled with salt.
51. I was a big guy in those days and my legs swelled up.
52. This amount was further swelled by a generous donation from Norfolk of £200.
53. But have the erstwhile long stay patients swelled the ranks of homeless people?
54. The constant stream of praise burbling in the background of the class swelled into shouts of rapture.
55. Pressure on the land mounted as the rural population swelled by some 25 Percent between 1877 and 1905.
56. The majesty of the opening bars of the St Matthew Passion swelled to fill the car.
57. The ranks of the discontented were also swelled by returning soldiers who found things less rosy than they had hoped.
58. The cylinder swelled and contracted with the changing atmospheric pressure.
59. Gradually the balloon swelled out and rose into the air, until finally the basket just touched the ground.
60. An unsullied safety record swelled pride in Concorde's technical achievement as the years passed.
61. There were flies now-a low droning buzz that swelled up from somewhere deep inside the village.
62. Students who took the course were laughed at because their faces swelled up and they walked around with their heads in bandages.
63. As the march swelled to 4,000, a carnival atmosphere swept through the crowd.
64. These protrusions swelled until they eventually budded off the oil layer.
65. Begun the hatred that swelled the tiny spark of life that had escaped from the meteorite and become the Worm?
66. Since then his fleet has swelled from 28 to 125, advertising products as disparate as detergent, pharmaceuticals and fans.
67. His heart swelled at the very look of her; he was thrilled to see her eating like a stevedore.
68. How the sly one squeaked, howled, sizzled, hissed, and swelled his hairy carapace!
69. Meanwhile the number of gunmen in the complex has reportedly swelled to as many as 60.
70. Moreover, its ranks have been increasingly swelled by deserters from social behaviourism - an evidently liberal position.
71. A friend of mine got stung by a bee and swelled up and died.
72. Their lead swelled to 46-41 when Jamar Curry made an off-balance jumper with 17: 06 left.
73. The sound swelled, bounced from wall to wall, was projected down at her from the roof.
74. But in the midst of economic crisis, including at least 25 percent unemployment, the trade has swelled.
75. Josie's hand slipped on the grater and a bright bead of blood swelled out of her forefinger.
76. It ended in the 1930s when another depression swelled the numbers of itinerant workers.
77. As the churning mass swelled within him his resilient Goblin digestive system got to work on the over-abundance of raw material.
78. Dan exclaimed; he had been hit in the jaw with a hockey stick, and his lip had swelled.
79. Swelled by over 300, 000 new residents a year, it now sprawls westward into the endless neighborhoods of Giza.
80. Her face became blue, the veins in her neck swelled up and the pupils of her eyes were huge.
81. Sheep-stealing swelled in spurts -. over fifty disappeared from Hurstmonceux alone in a couple of weeks in 1838.
82. Yellow headlights swelled and sank on the road beyond the front gates as a late car swept by.
83. Then, in the freezing cold of London in February 1969, his feet swelled up.
84. It was summer, and the door, which was rarely opened, must have swelled in place and stuck fast.
85. Moreover, peasant land hunger grew ever more acute as the population swelled.
86. And their personal therapy group can now be swelled by the addition of Thom Yorke, the wordsmith and frontman of Radiohead.
87. Her body absorbed the silence that swelled through the darkened room.
88. The youthful immigrants who swelled the population were attracted not only from the Vale of York but from far beyond.
89. So fierce was the rain that it swelled the river until its banks burst and the fields were flooded.
90. Riley swelled with pride at the ceremony.
91. Heavenly music swelled from nowhere.
92. He has a swelled head.
93. Pretty girls shouldn't get a swelled head about it.
94. A dumb and grumbling anger swelled his bosom.
95. The baby boom swelled the population.
96. The baby boom swelled population.
97. His vanity swelled like a bloated belly.
98. The bee sting swelled up.
99. Swelled head If I win the math contest, I promise not to get a swelled head.
100. As the monkey looked at the face,[] blood vessels supplying nerve cells in the visual part of the monkey's brain transiently swelled in exactly the same pattern.
101. In Fukuoka City , where 1.3 million people reside, roads and sidewalks cracked or swelled.
102. My face swelled up because of an inflammation of a wisdom tooth.
103. So it gave us a little bit of a swelled head.
104. The U.S. trade gap with China has swelled to $201.2 billion in the first nine months of 2010, compared to $165.9 billion in the same period in 2009.
105. I hope that in jail, the other inmates will tattoo or pierce the body parts that obviously give him a swelled head.
106. Romola's heart swelled again, so that she was forced to break off.
107. Still higher, on their left, the elevation called Bulbarrow or Bealbarrow, well-nigh the highest in South Wessex, swelled into the sky, engirdled by its earthen trenches.
108. Nearly all joined in singing this hymn, which swelled high above the howling of the storm.
109. Results In 10-days morphine dependent rats, the lamellar myelin of VTA began to release and distort, and some has been swelled and vacuolated, but there was no demyelination.
110. As the program has swelled in the last few years, the institute has outgrown its main building and expanded to classroom space behind the International House of Pancakes on the campus's main drag.
111. Numbers swelled a little during the week, mostly with Egyptian families on half-term.
112. As a vuvuzela chorale swelled from the barstools around him, one township doctor admitted to a Canadian writer he was experiencing a surge of “hope.
113. Their ranks swelled after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
114. As cultural iconoclasm swelled , Stalinist clich é s ( and the hacks who produced them ) began to tumble.
115. The seeds treated by fluridone began to germinate after 10 days, and then the apex of the seedling radicle swelled and haustorium developed.
116. The cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum swelled obviously and the ribosomes denuded.
117. However, GD 362 started out as a star like the sun in our solar system. But when the star used up its fuel, it swelled up into a red giant and then ejected its outer shell.
118. He has had a swelled head since he went to Harvard.
119. His heart swelled out in roundelay of summer fields and clover.
120. Mesangial cell nuclei showed irregular shape and mitochondria swelled, stroma was normal.
121. A big belly swelled out beneath the buttons of his dinner jacket.
122. He pointed to emergency levees made of concrete and dirt erected on the banks of the Grijalva, which has swelled rapidly and threatens to flood the state capital, Villahermosa.
123. Insomuch that his heart had just now swelled , and the tears had come into his eyes.
124. The ? ? - PGA hydrogel swelled on the high pH region ( pH 9.0 ).
125. It was not are cord of imaginary transactions such as so many people keep merely to make or lose millions of dollars without getting the swelled head or going to the poorhouse.
126. About fifteen thousand years ago, the delta swelled and in time land was formed through alluviation.
127. Swelled regions(Positive G-bands)and invaginated regions (Negative G-bands or interband regions)appeared in G-banded chromosomes. This phenomenon corresponded to G-bands in the LM.
128. NEW DELHI: Protests swelled across the nation on Wednesday in support of Gandhian Anna Hazare's fast-unto-death in Tihar Jail.
129. Some segments of hypha, swelled hypha, pelotons and conidiophore were in colonies in cork and secondary phloem.
130. He has a somewhat swelled head, I don't like this.
131. Olympus's long-term borrowings have swelled to 527 billion yen in the past five years, when former Chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa made acquisitions including the $2.1 billion takeover of Gyrus Group Plc.
132. But in the German Democratic Republic, the GDR, another wind had begun to blow, softly at first, until it swelled into a storm that blew the communist regime away.
133. If I win the math contest, I promise not to get a swelled head.




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