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单词 Utilised
1. The longitudinal data will be utilised to investigate change over time and the factors which predict good or poor outcome.
2. Total permanent grassland represented 65% of the utilised agricultural land and this proportion has changed little over the years.
3. The first electronic reference books, therefore, have utilised the same underlying technology as the latest laptop and palmtop computers.
4. The film was poorly written and acted, and utilised much stock footage of manoeuvres supplied by the Department of Defense.
5. However, multimedia may also be utilised to make online systems more friendly.
6. For example, information technology may be utilised in the following ways.
7. Six dancers utilised a variety of costume changes, arguably too many, to journey through the enormity of the past.
8. They can also be utilised in programming work including network analysis and critical path.
9. Instead it utilised materials less costly and more readily obtainable.
10. The need for stimulation has been recognised and utilised by social controllers at all levels, throughout history.
11. It is to be hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilised than before.
12. Behind the scenes, cinema chains enjoy the economies of centralised purchasing and have utilised computers to track inventory and prevent spoilage.
13. There is a strong interest in qualitative research, although a variety of other methodological approaches are utilised.
14. She might repeat the procedure at another specified bank in Parish and so on until the Credit was fully utilised.
15. Grass was the main crop with sheep, dairy and beef cattle providing the animal enterprises which utilised the grass.
16. The separation between cytoplasmic content and parietal structures may represent the metabolic end point in which structural components must also be utilised.
17. Both have powered mills, but the Carrant Brook was much more heavily utilised.
18. In some of these areas. the traditional heritage is openly acknowledged and utilised.
19. Nature seems to portend no danger and is there to be utilised by Marlowe and his lover almost as a playground.
20. Now enlightened farmers are fencing off and replanting areas which can he selectively utilised for animal feeding.
21. Most existing recognition systems concentrate on the pattern recognition process, and have not utilised the substantial amounts of available context.
22. It would however be misleading to say that the United States courts have always utilised the rational basis test.
23. In this case, they would constitute a pool of labour which can be utilised in boom periods and disregarded in recessions.
24. Work which is relevant to family life, where skills acquired may be utilised outside the immediate work environment.
25. People with different skills and training were to be allocated to places where these could be fully utilised, unlike before.
26. Patterns of in-phase and out-of-phase voltage and current signals can be utilised to recognise and in some circumstances correct for Groningen effects.
27. It has also resulted in isolated, small areas of land not being fully utilised for agriculture or any other land use.
28. The Forest of Dean is not an area with a vast quantity of mills although certain areas were quite heavily utilised.
29. These are the times when part-time staff should be utilised.
30. Boxes of new T-6 main landing gears and P-40 tail wheel assemblies were located and utilised in the mock-ups.
31. Well over thirty distinct hard-rock types, each representing a different rock outcrop, were utilised for artefacts in the prehistoric period.
32. The total cereal area is 280,000 hectares and permanent grassland covers 68% of the utilised agricultural land in the Auvergne.
33. The Great Barrier Reef has long been known to and utilised by the Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and is an important part of local groups' cultures and spirituality.
34. It cannot be utilised unless air dried to reduce moisture content to 30 % or less.
35. Learn a creation progress to creating cityfied environments and time-saving modeling, texturing, and UV function techniques that crapper be utilised for Film, Games, and Architectural Visualizations.
36. Only with standardisation can the function of a language be utilised to its limit.
37. All females with RA utilised in the case control group of the study were diagnosed according to the 1987 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for RA.
38. Only high quality electronic are utilised, including a custom design chip ( IC ) controlling signal generation processing.
39. To treat this information, which is generally inaccurate, systematically, fuzzy arithmetic and approximate reasoning methods can be utilised.
40. The macro picture is that emerging economies have large reserves of under - utilised savings and human resources.
41. The substantial public money spent can be better utilised for more needy purposes.
42. The deductible losses, which can be utilised against the future taxable profit in accordance with tax law[/utilised.html], are regarded as temporary differences and a deferred tax asset is recognised accordingly.
43. Fretting resistant & long - life servomotor bearings are utilised where precise motion control is vitally important.
44. You utilised to be so cocky. You were feat to go and conquer the world.
45. Approve and monitor all quality related systems, procedures and documentation utilised within production streams.
46. It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilised than before.
47. Primarily utilised as missile troops using their crossbows , Aventuriers are so well armoured with plate and skilled with a sword that they can also be used as shock troops when called upon.
48. However, this ongoing ban allows member nations to grant themselves special permits to kill whales for scientific research, with the proviso that the whale meat is utilised following data collection.




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