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单词 Excretion
1. Excretion is one of several activities common to both plants and animals.
2. Thiazides may cause a slight increase in magnesium excretion.
3. Sweat is also an excretion.
4. Acidemia tends to decrease potassium excretion, and alkalemia tends to increase potassium excretion.
5. Significant excretion of solute-free water can not occur unless significant amounts of solute and water reach this point.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. They also promote sodium excretion and induce a mild volume contraction.
7. The fractional excretion of magnesium rises as glomerular filtration rate falls.
8. And might add thoughtfully, if excretion depends upon metabolism in the liver, I wonder what's happening there.
9. Sulphate reducing bacteria were never detected, and methane excretion was not affected by sulphate feeding.
10. For a subject in balance, sodium excretion equals sodium intake.
11. Abnormalities it, urinary but not intestinal excretion of uric acid may produce clinically recognizable disorders of urate metabolism.
12. Treatment includes augmentation of sodium excretion with diuretics and water administration.
13. The excretion of mercury by the kidney generally forms the basis for measurement of exposure.
14. A 24-hour urine specimen should be collected to determine creatinine clearance, and protein and uric acid excretion.
15. Similar difficulties arise in the interpretation of another study of polyp patients that showed no differences in faecal bile acid excretion.
16. Furthermore, dietary manipulation studies have shown that high fat intake can increase faecal bile acid excretion.
17. The bile acids serve as a vehicle for cholesterol excretion and aid in the digestion of dietary lipids.
18. The use of rose bengal dye was the first attempt at assessing liver function through dye excretion.
19. The means by which body water content may be altered is by changing either intake or excretion of water, or both.
20. Xanthinuria is a rare hereditary deficiency of xanthine oxidase, which results in hypouricemia and diminished urinary uric acid excretion.
21. Should the supply of sodium ions presented to the distal exchange sites decrease, potassium excretion decreases also.
22. The two groups were strictly similar for all variables, especially for initial blood pressure and urinary albumin excretion.
23. Intake of diary products was less in the patients and probably contributed to the normal faecal fat excretion.
24. Nevertheless, we propose that the increased concentration of bile acids and increased daily excretion may predispose to the development of polyps.
25. These patients typically have mild renal insufficiency and diminished urate excretion due to renal tubular damage.
26. Infusion of calcium concomitant with the diuresis will further augment renal magnesium excretion.
27. Most factors that normally or pathologically alter renal magnesium excretion operate in the loop of Henle.
28. At first glance, it would seem that the kidney should perform this regulatory process by altering water excretion.
29. Physiological changes that normally accompany the aging process alter absorption, distribution, excretion, and drug metabolism.
30. Figure 1 shows the individual changes in urinary albumin excretion with time and treatment.
31. Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice.
32. Only one of four studies in polyps has shown any increase in faecal bile acid excretion in this group.
33. These steroids are uricosuric, but the mechanism by which they promote uric acid excretion is poorly understood.
34. When tonicity rises, release of antidiuretic hormone increases water reabsorption and reduces excretion of solute-free water.
35. We have recently shown that at such an excretion rate, breath exhalation is about 50-60% of the total excretion.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
36. In these Patients, reduction of urate excretion reduces stone formation.
37. Its endogenous synthesis and urinary excretion have been well established, but no consensus exists concerning the mode of intestinal absorption.
38. Use of diuretics that increase the urinary excretion of bicarbonate can cause metabolic acidosis. 291.
39. Hyperuricosuria suggests the presence of uric acid overproduction, while low or normal urate excretion indicates altered renal handling of uric acid.
40. In primary polydipsia, hyponatremia and hypotonicity occur in the face of maximal urinary dilution because water intake simply exceeds water excretion.
41. It is then necessary for the bilirubin to be transported to the liver where it is conjugated for excretion in the bile.
42. Additionally, there will be an increased renal excretion of potassium causing a decrease of potassium in the extracellular fluid. 258.
43. Even more recently Hammer etal measured the magnitude of faecal carbohydrate excretion in five patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
44. They showed that three of the five patients had excessive faecal excretion of carbohydrate and organic acids.
45. This is a rare familial disorder in which conjugated bilirubin levels are increased due to defective excretion of bilirubin in the bile.
46. Because of this increase in the conjugated fraction, urinary bilirubin excretion is positive.
47. Variability in 24 hour urinary albumin excretion within and between subjects was 35% and 66% respectively.
48. Thus a correlation between faecal fat and faecal bile acid excretion has not been seen in all studies.
49. The results of urinary albumin and transferrin excretion are shown in Figure 2.
50. Sodium Sodium delivery to the distal tubule is necessary for adequate potassium excretion.
51. It is also possible to predict under what pathologic circumstances excretion of free water would be impaired.
52. These decrease absorption of calcium from the intestine and have an even greater impact on lowering calcium excretion by the kidneys.
53. The subset containing fabliaux with lavatory humour, tales concerning basic bodily functions of excretion or flatulence, are fewer in number.
54. Osmoregulation and excretion: excretion is by segmental nephridia.
55. Inappropriate calcium supplements also lead to calcium excretion.
56. Latin word originally means a mucous excretion.
57. Excretion of excessive amounts of sodium in the urine.
58. Assists excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys.
59. Factors influencing the PABA excretion were discussed.
60. Probenecid can delay this for the renal excretion.
61. These can later be gradually released for excretion.
62. The turbulence of excretion of amylin induces insulin resistance.
63. During 5.8 years of follow-up, 93 of 1105 participants with normal albumin excretion rate at DCCT closeout developed incident microalbuminuria.
64. Clean skin, balance grease excretion, help to release rubbish, eliminate comedo and acne, shrink capillary, also could dispel tiredness, defend cold virus and is good for improving breathing problems.
65. These results suggest that an enhanced tendency to concentrate urine may delay the excretion of the daily ingested fluid and sodium and may increase pulse pressure in young normotensive individuals.
65. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
66. The lack of excretion of scleroprotein probably contributes to the irregular layers which lead to the pearls with poor luster.
67. Objective To establish the rabbit model of experimental infection with Giardia lamblia, and to observe its histopathological changes, distribution of trophozoites and regularity of cyst excretion.
68. Furosemide increases urinary excretion of calcium, may lower serum calcium levels and cases of tetany have been reported.
69. Objective To investigate the effects of fosinopril and nifedipine on urinary albumin excretion and kidney function.
70. It was presumed that KBP may playa role in the regulation of metabolism of tissue kallikrein on the level of biosynthesis and excretion.
71. Potassium is in competition with hydrogen ion for renal tubular excretion in exchange for sodium ion.
72. The function was normal. Conclusion: MEBT/MEBO can promote excretion of dipterex an...
73. Two methods were used to measure the excretion of urinary estriol in the late pregnancy to determine the function of fetal-placenta unit.
74. The effect of phosphate-load (PL) on urinary protein excretion (UPE) was observed in 14 NIDDM patients without azotemia.
75. Method: The method of strong aqua ammoniac induced cough, the method tracheal spiral line and phenolsulfonphthalein excretion test were used.
76. Phytase can improve the phosphorus digestibility of plant stuffs and decrease the phosphorus excretion.
77. Its occurrence is often associated with the malabsorption in intestine or increased excretion from kidney.
78. Angiotensin receptor antagonist ( ARB ) can also decrease proteinuria excretion, which big dose is superior to routine dose.
79. Recombinant AAV vector carrying PDX-1 can not only transduce PDX-1 gene into C2C12 cells, but also increase insulin excretion of insulin-secreting cells differentiated from C2C12 cells.
80. The excretion of a small, harmless, snake-shaped creature known as the coral grubb, coralite is spongelike in appearance.
81. Sweat is an excretion.
82. Based on the excretion of D—xylose in urine, it was found to strengthen the intestinal absorption in normal rats and the rats with the deficiency of spleen induced by Rheum palmatum.
83. A hormonal substance produced by the right atrium of the heart that stimulates the excretion of sodium and water by the kidneys and helps regulate blood pressure.
84. You see, the process used to harvest the Kerria lacca excretion is a pretty simple one.
85. Excretion theof toxic materials and the products of metabolism, from organisms.
86. The tumor growing in the enteric cavity blocked excretion of food.
87. Objective To purify pyrroloquinoline quinone(PQQ) from bacterium ferment and observe the effect of PQQ on lead excretion in mice with lead poisoning.
88. Metabolism and excretion occur simultaneously with distribution, making the process dynamic and complex.
89. Osmoregulation and excretion: discrete excretory organs including Malpighian tubules in insects.
90. While olfaction means smelling the patient's odor of the secretion and excretion.
91. QKT high dose group can increase the excretion of phenolsulfonphthalein.
92. Biochemical investigations showed hyponatremia , hyperkalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic acidosis and large amount of urinary sodium excretion.
93. Determination of rumen microbial - nitrogen of sheep using urinary excretion of purine derivatives was studied.
94. The effects of Zhenzhugai on Pb expelling were studied. The results showed that it can increase the excretion of Pb in urine and decrease Pb concertration in bones. It can also prevent plumbism.
95. It must be cautiously used for animals with renal dysfunction because of delay of sulfanilamide excretion.
95. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
96. Vasopressin is a hormone secreted from the posterior pituitary and regulates water excretion from the kidney by increasing water permeability of the collecting duct.
97. The result shows bamboo vinegar produced in Jianou Fujian can significantly promote phenolsulfonphthalein excretion in mice trachea, and relax mouse cough induced by ammonia.
98. Results: The clinical symptoms of the 11 cases of colonic lipoma mainly includes abdominal pain, hematochezia and change of stool excretion habits.
99. During 5.8 years of follow-up, 93 of 1105 participants with normal albumin excretion rate (AER) at DCCT closeout developed incident microalbuminuria.
100. They also found that serum, urine and fractional excretion of inhibin A were increased in women with severe pre-eclampsia compared with other gravidas.
101. The vacuolar localization of last class of excretion products , isoprenoids, is based on electron microscopic observations.
102. Excessive urine calcium excretion may be one factor in the nephrocalcinosis observed in these patients.
103. Earthworm as one of universal invertebrates in soil, its acts including food-intake, burrow and excretion can influence the activity of heavy metals.
104. PURPOSE To compare the efficacy and urinary copper excretion in the treatment of hepatolenticular degeneration (HLD) with penicillamine and zinc.
105. Extrarenal volume depletion is a possible reason for low blood pressure, high aldosterone excretion, and potassium loss.
106. Symptoms include excessive excretion of urine (polyuria), thirst (polydipsia), constant hunger, weight loss, vision changes and fatigue.
107. Methods: Test 1. the phenolphthalein excretion method of mices trachea.
108. The reason is that tapazole excretion through milk, the milk of drug concentration in the blood 3 times.
109. Objective To compare the effect of compressed, ultrasonic and simplified nebulization on sputum excretion.
110. Aim:To compare the effects of the drug transporter substrates such as probenecid, methotrexate, digoxin and verapamil on renal excretion of dicycloplatin in rats.
111. The Kerria lacca uses the sticky excretion as a means to stick to the trees on which it lives.
112. This, in combination with inadequate renal excretion of drug in the newborn level of chloramphenicol plasma.
113. Topiramate also significantly reduced blood pressure and urinary albumin excretion.
114. Lindane reduced feeding rate, oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, food absorption efficiency, and scope for growth.
115. Objective : To study the effect of glucocorticoid on urinary protein excretion in adriamycin nephrosis ( AN ) rats.
116. The excretion of methyl mercury becomes very difficult because of high enterohepatic circulation and reabsorption by proximal convoluted tubule.
117. Moreover, FOS increased fecal mucin excretion and mucin concentrations in cecal and colonic contents, and in cecal mucosa before infection.
118. Moreover, no difference in excretion was shown between the esposed smokers and nonsmoker, yet both of them was also lowered than that of control.
119. The possible etiologies of the hypophosphatemia include decreased phosphate intake, cellular redistribution of phosphate and increased renal excretion.
120. Hypokalemia itself may produce a metabolic alkalosis , since an increase in excretion of hydrogen ions occurs when the concentration of potassium in the tubular cells in low.
121. Objective To compare the effects of kidney calcium oxalate calculus resistant acidophilus milk (KCOCRAM) versus commercially available acidophilus milk (CAAM) on urinary oxalate excretion in rats.
122. Chronic exposure to Cd mainly causes the renal proximal tubule damage, which represents that the excretion of proteinuria, glucosuria, aminoaciduria, enzymaticuria and urinary cadmium increase.
123. The essence of the common fennel helps balance the excretion of oily matter from your skin, and solves your pore problems substantially.
124. Increased renal excretion occurs with both respiratory and metabolic alkalosis.
125. The product can not only deeply clean heady lipa and bilge on the face but also form a nourishing protective mask and balance sebum excretion.
126. Besides , CDCA can increase phenolsulfonphthalein excretion quantity of trachea in mice, singnificantly.
127. A drug, C23H 20N 2O 3S, related to phenylbutazone, that promotes urinary excretion of uric acid and is used in the treatment of gout.
128. Clearance rates of both two bivalves were higher on mixed food than on single food. The excretion products (faeces and pseudofaeces) of two bivalves contained mainly S. obliquus.
129. In this article, the courses of absorption and excretion of alcohol through bodies is simplified to general house models, and the conceptions of absorption factor and excretion factor are defined.
130. The progressive rate of the patients with increased urinary B_2 excretion was lower than the rate of those with decreased urinary B_2 excretion(12.5%; 47.1%).
131. Gaseous excretion takes place by diffusion through the stomata and lenticels.
132. Renal transporters play an important role in the excretion and reabsorption of drugs and metabolites.
133. The function was normal. Conclusion: MEBT/MEBO can promote excretion of dipterex and wound healing.
134. We must take measures to prevent the excretion of toxic gas plant!
135. During early follicular phase, FSH excretion was significantly less in the anovulatory cycles than ovulatory cycles,(http:///excretion.html) and progesterone always remained at very low level for the whole cycle.
136. During 5.8 years of follow - up, 93 of 1105 participants with normal albumin excretion rate ( AER ) at DCCT closeout deeloped incident microalbuminuria.
137. Renal excretion plays a minor role in elimination of the parent compound.
138. Single dose injection method is used for substances with slow renal excretion rate.




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