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单词 Awoke
1 The noise awoke me from my sleep.
2 The sound of the heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog.
3 Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly.
4 She awoke early the next morning.
5 I awoke to bright sun-light.
6 He awoke from his sleep in a cold sweat.
7 John awoke from a fitful sleep .
8 The slam of the shutter awoke me.
9 The following morning she awoke refreshed.
10 She awoke early after a disturbed night.
11 She awoke when the nurse entered the room.
12 Mike awoke to find that he was lying on the beach.
13 They finally awoke to the full extent of the problem.
14 She awoke to the realities of life.
15 The alarm clock awoke me on time.
16 He awoke to find her gone.
17 He awoke to find Charlie standing near the bed.
18 I awoke at five with a feeling of dread.
19 He awoke the sleeping child.
20 Artists finally awoke to the aesthetic possibilities of photography.
21 She awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.
22 He awoke from a bad dream.
23 I awoke from a deep sleep.
24 I awoke to find that it was raining.
25 She awoke me at seven.
26 We awoke to a day of brilliant sunshine.
27 I awoke at seven o'clock.
28 It was midday when she awoke.
29 The chance meeting awoke the old passion between them.
30 They awoke to find the house in flames.
1 The noise awoke me from my sleep.
2 The sound of the heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog.
3 Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly.
4 She awoke early the next morning.
5 I awoke to bright sun-light.
6 He awoke from his sleep in a cold sweat.
7 John awoke from a fitful sleep .
8 The slam of the shutter awoke me.
9 The following morning she awoke refreshed.
10 She awoke early after a disturbed night.
11 Mike awoke to find that he was lying on the beach.
12 They finally awoke to the full extent of the problem.
13 The alarm clock awoke me on time.
14 She awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.
15 He awoke from a bad dream.
16 I awoke to find that it was raining.
17 She slept badly, awoke tired and pale.
18 He awoke to his opportunities.
19 The affair awoke them from the false belief.
20 I awoke to bright sunlight filling my room. It was already midday.
21 He has been very restless all day and he awoke nearly all last night.
31 Her voice awoke the sleeping child.
32 She slept badly, awoke tired and pale.
33 A great noise awoke her.
34 He awoke early, as was his custom.
35 I awoke from a deep sleep at six o'clock.
36 The letter awoke old fears.
37 He awoke to his opportunities.
38 He awoke from a deep sleep.
39 He awoke with a pounding heart, sweating with fear.
40 I awoke feeling rested and refreshed.
41 The affair awoke them from the false belief.
42 I awoke to bright sunlight filling my room. It was already midday.
43 The girls awoke to the sound of rain rattling on the windows.
44 Her flagging interest awoke.
45 Old memories awoke in him when he read the book.
46 He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of firewood.
47 He has been very restless all day and he awoke nearly all last night.
48 It's time you awoke to the realities of the situation.
49 She awoke with a numbed feeling in her left leg.
50 At midnight he awoke and listened to the radio for a few minutes.
51 The gesture awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards her.
52 On the morning of the expedition I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster.
53 I suddenly awoke to the fact that I had the answer in front of me.
54 I awoke next morning to brilliant sunshine streaming into my room.
55 The sound of many voices awoke her with a start.
56 She awoke to a day of brilliant sunshine. Waken and awaken are much more formal. Awaken is used especially in literature:The Prince awakened Sleeping Beauty with a kiss.
57 I awoke,() feeling that someone was nearby.
58 But when I awoke I was sane.
59 When I awoke, though, I had a brilliant idea.
60 When she awoke, she was undressed.
61 This morning, g00 million people awoke starving.
62 He awoke feeling completely refreshed.
63 The giants awoke from their enchanted slumber.
64 Karl von Bruhel awoke feeling calm and refreshed.
65 Rory and Mallachy awoke with raging hangovers.
66 Man awoke being dragged across the grass.
67 When he awoke, he was next to a fire.
68 Beast on the Loose Anabelle awoke with a start.
69 In the morning I awoke, thick-headed and a prisoner.
70 I awoke the next morning to a heavy frost.
71 And then one day it awoke.
72 When he awoke Lucy was still at his side and the position of the sun had hardly changed.
73 When he awoke again, it was with a pounding headache.
74 After struggling through umpteen games of blackjack, I would taxi home and sleep till 8 a.m. when the boys awoke.
75 The morning was well advanced by the time Schumacher awoke.
76 When they awoke on the third morning, they were ravenous.
77 When he awoke, he found himself in San Francisco -- as the art director of a ballet magazine.
78 He slept deeply and when he awoke he was refreshed.
79 He awoke several hours later to find Barrow slumped in a chair by his bedside, soft snoring noises droning from him.
80 The doctor awoke an hour before he arrived and, calling for hot water, delivered the child without further delay.
81 She awoke around 2: 30 a.m. and went to work.
82 He awoke with a slight headache and a keen appetite[], a very unusual combination for him.
83 The cold in the building became so intense that he awoke one morning with feet and hands that were purplish and numb.
84 In a hospital emergency room, a man awoke on a table.
85 Her small gold watch showed almost noon when she awoke, refreshed and ravenous.
86 Nevertheless, Leo's pontificate did not realize the hopes it awoke.
87 He awoke at his usual time Wednesday morning, November 27, and remained awake until 12 o'clock Saturday night.
87 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
88 I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. Rabindranath Tagore 
89 When I awoke, I leapt out of bed ready for a new, bright day.
90 He awoke, and it seemed that he had scarcely closed his eyes.
91 We approached the east landing cautiously and the cliffs awoke with bird clamour which was to assail our ears until we left.
92 I awoke feeling cold and crawled out to the front of the trench.
93 He awoke, forgetting he had left his car in gear, and switched on the engine.
94 The next morning he awoke to find the cancer had vanished.
95 He dipped in and out of it and sometimes when he awoke he found his body had been moved.
96 In the morning when I awoke, with my bright new ears I heard her talking urgent Hebrew into the radio.
97 The three warm days that awoke the flies in the house have also considerably lowered the snow level.
98 Long before dawn I awoke to see the darker mass of Sula Sgeir looming against the pale grey skyline.
99 She awoke as he was about to place a wooden hood over her head.
100 I awoke to hundreds of birds piping their morning song.
101 Each time he awoke the pain seemed to have intensified.
102 He slept late, and when he awoke the wind was rising in the rafters.
103 He snored through the presentation and awoke with the applause and jumped up and took a bow.
104 He stirred and awoke as she pulled back the covers.
105 Suddenly I awoke, inspired, and jotted down a complete Constitution for Ireland.
106 I would place the picture next to my bed so that I could see it first thing when I awoke.
107 And when she awoke, her face was moisture wet, as if she had been weeping for some sorrow all night long.
108 I awoke in the early afternoon to find the room empty.
109 As Father Tim read, Barnabas awoke, yawned, and began to listen with rapt attention.
110 Across the country, anxious United Nations workers awoke to the thought that the long-awaited Khmer Rouge offensive had started.
111 And when Merrill awoke the following morning her lips were slightly parted to receive his dream-kiss.
112 I awoke next morning to a brilliant pearly light, but when I went to the window, no sea was visible.
113 On August 27 they awoke to find that food had gone on ration, as had petrol and many other necessities.
114 I awoke in the soundproofed luxury of the Princess Grace Hospital, none the worse for the two-hour operation.
115 Chapter Twelve Melissa slept late and awoke with a splitting headache.
116 As Heather descended the hill Rufus awoke, barking and slavering ill the back scat.
117 Next day, when he awoke at noon, he was as bright and cheerful as if nothing at all had happened.
118 As she heard the noise of the front door slamming she awoke with a feeling of relief.
119 She awoke with the innocent children asleep around her, she who had lost her innocence.
120 When Paige awoke it was still early, not long past dawn, and she was alone in the sleeping-bag.
121 I awoke to find myself still standing before the water-colour painting of the curled iron gate.
122 Later that same day, I awoke from a restoring sleep to find rain pouring down outside, the lake nearly invisible.
123 I awoke to rain and sleet pounding on the roof, and to the sound of rushing wind.
124 She called and awoke the local head of the Third Directorate and made her request, citing General Shaliapin's name.
125 He must have drifted off again, for when he awoke, the train had come to a halt.
126 We all awoke to sunshine: a cloudless sky, pale winter sunshine, a cold day but bright.
127 When she awoke she pronounced herself feeble, and said her bones were stiff in her skin.
128 I awoke in pain, still hung over from the Nembles, and from there I proceeded to stumble downhill.
129 I awoke with a start and reached for the phone.
130 A loud alarm bell rang out soundly and he awoke from a trance.
131 Woman awoke to see him coming. Neither knew what had happened.
132 She awoke with her body lazily relaxed, only slight soreness to remind her of what had happened the previous night.
133 Then later, in the middle of the night, he awoke for no reason at all.
134 With promises of endless ice cream when he awoke, Mama kissed her little son and bade him goodnight, sleep tight.
135 At four, he awoke exhausted, and lay staring at his moonlit window until dawn.
136 On Friday morning we awoke to frigid temperatures and a San Juan River running at about 500 cubic feet per second.
137 Myeloski awoke like a grizzly bear with a sore head.
138 The distant rumbling of guns awoke us.
139 He awoke to the ringing of electric bell.
140 She awoke in the arms of her cruel undoer.
141 He awoke to the ringing of the electric bell.
142 The noise awoke her from her revery.
143 Ashley's eyes awoke and were tormented.
144 She awoke to the squawk of chickens.
145 He awoke betimes that morning.
146 Instead, she awoke from surgery with an unforeseen problem.
147 He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.
148 I awoke vastly invigorated and rather irritable.
149 The hypnotist clapped(/awoke.html), and awoke the crowd.
150 The wind awoke me before daybreak.
151 I awoke to find myself in a white room.
152 Presently he awoke, and the first light of day filled the room with a grey coldness.
153 Carreen and Suellen, emaciated and white, slept brokenly and awoke to mumble with wide, staring eyes in the tall four-poster bed where they had whispered together in better, happier days.
154 We awoke one Sunday morning to gunfire. A neighbor's son was the target of a drive-by shooting. We was frightened and disturbed.
155 On the sixth morning of his hospitalization, his bowel congestion finally relieved, he awoke pain-free and cheerful and announced, half joking, "Today, I almost feel like living."
156 The night of the twelfth day there was a violent wind, and when I awoke in the morning the ship was nowhere to be seen.
157 He awoke in his right mind, lying on his back on a rocky ledge.
158 Somewhere around midnight, I awoke a sound tingling in my ears.
159 It was exactly one year to the day after the world had turned violet that people awoke to find the world had turned yellow. All except the Blue Jay.
160 Yes, I thought as much, as I had tried to clear my space from the 'off' mood I awoke in!
161 He was a banker; when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break, the cobber awoke him with his song.
162 Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard.
163 So horrible was it that sensibility awoke long enough to be shocked.
164 When they awoke, they yelled for her to make tea.
165 Her neurologist , Dr. Randall Bjork , said he couldn't explain how or why she awoke.
166 If I awoke every morning, and fell asleep each night, bathed in a sense of gratitude and not self-doubt, the in-between hours would doubtless take on a different cast.
167 The chateau awoke later, as became its quality, but awoke gradually and surely.
168 Mr. McKee awoke from his doze and started in a daze toward the door.
169 And the and leanfleshed kine did eat and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke.
170 Every morning, as I awoke, I somehow felt the day coming to me like a new gilt-edged letter, with some unheard-of news awaiting me on the opening of the envelope.
171 I had left my tent flap half open during the night, and awoke at 7 a.m. to a stream of soft desert light.
172 Hem and Haw awoke each day a littlea little slower , and walked to Cheese Station C.
173 Such are the thoughts which assail me since one fine Bysakh morning I awoke amidst fresh breeze and light, new leaf and flower, to find that I had stepped into my twenty-seventh year.
174 Confucius awoke and knew his compatriot was not an ordinary person.
175 With this Ibrahim departed and soon after awoke from his trance.
176 Pinatubo awoke in 1991 after more than 450 years of quiescence.
177 Awoke residents in the vicinity of the shooting,(Sentence dictionary) the people are crowded together on Montmartre.
178 I awoke with stiff and cramped muscles from having slept long on the incommodious seat of a day coach.
179 "Hit the deck, boys! " said the old seaman who awoke us.
180 On September 10, 2007, Petraeus awoke at his stateside home at Fort Meyer, Virginia, which is on a hill above Arlington Cemetery.
181 And the ill favoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke.
182 The young, strong body, now helpless in sleep, awoke in him a pitying, protecting feeling.
183 When she awoke at eight the next morning, Hanson had gone. Her sister was busy in the dining-room, which was also the sitting-room, sewing.
184 The only friction in their marriage was caused by the husband's habit of breaking wind nearly every morning as he awoke.
185 Mauna Loa awoke from a 25 year silence in July 1975, filling its summit - pit crater with lava.




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