单词 | Withdrawn |
例句 | (1) She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone. (2) She has withdrawn her nomination as chairman. (3) The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted. (4) The funding was withdrawn after they botched up the first stage of the research. (5) Since the accident he has become withdrawn and mistrustful. (6) The garrison was immediately withdrawn. (7) Our force has been withdrawn from the danger area. (8) The offer has been withdrawn. (9) Copies of the magazine were withdrawn from circulation. (10) Two thousand troops were withdrawn from the battle zone. (11) The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation. (12) we have withdrawn our suggestion. (13) They have withdrawn to a safer area. (14) The article was hurriedly withdrawn from the newspaper. (15) Forces will be progressively withdrawn. (16) The UN has withdrawn its troops from the country. (17) Pound notes have been withdrawn from circulation. (18) The horse had been withdrawn from the race. (19) He became very withdrawn and broody. (20) Ralph has withdrawn from the other kids. (21) The child became secretive and withdrawn. (22) They are demanding that all troops should be withdrawn. (23) Her husband had become withdrawn and moody. (24) He's become increasingly withdrawn since his wife's death. (25) The country has withdrawn from the European Union. (26) The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn. (27) I was depressed(), withdrawn and sexually frigid. (28) All troops will be withdrawn by the end of the year. (29) Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn. (30) Unless you return the form within seven days, the offer will be withdrawn. (1) She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone. (2) She has withdrawn her nomination as chairman. (3) The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted. (4) Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn. (5) The funding was withdrawn after they botched up the first stage of the research. (6) The garrison was immediately withdrawn. (7) Our force has been withdrawn from the danger area. (8) They have withdrawn to a safer area. (9) I was depressed, withdrawn and sexually frigid. (31) The drug has been withdrawn from the market for further tests. (32) The painting failed to reach to its reserve and was withdrawn from the sale. (33) After his wife's death he became more and more withdrawn . (34) There was some debate as to whether the benefit scheme should be withdrawn or simply allowed to wither on the vine. (35) Marilyn was a complete child, playful and skittish one moment, sulky and withdrawn the next. (36) Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of prices. (37) If fighting worsens, the troops might be reinforced, or ingloriously withdrawn. (38) Eleven million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to a health scare. (39) The company has withdrawn the drug as a precautionary measure. (40) Rail services to rural areas could be withdrawn without undue hardship. (41) The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect. (42) The new camcorders were withdrawn after consumers failed to bite. (43) He had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent. (44) Only a small fraction of a bank's total deposits will be withdrawn at any one time. (45) After a failed military offensive, all government troops and police were withdrawn from the island. (46) The funding for the project was withdrawn so that really threw a spanner in the works. (47) One of the minority parties had withdrawn its support for Chancellor Kohl. (48) The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects. (49) They could have withdrawn into the mountain fastness of Eryri. (50) Following her son's death, she became quiet and withdrawn and rarely went out. (51) All charges against them were withdrawn after the prosecution's case collapsed. (52) The Van Gogh failed to reach its reserve and was withdrawn. (53) The horse was withdrawn from today's race meeting with an injured leg. (54) Larger amounts may be withdrawn by cheque. (55) In 1988 heating additions were withdrawn from supplementary benefit. (56) He looks somewhat gloomy and withdrawn. (57) Mark was withdrawn and uncontrollable. (58) WordPerfect Corp is thought to have withdrawn its support. (59) But he was more withdrawn, tetchy. (60) Mustoe should be fit after being withdrawn at half-time on Saturday when he complained of a groin injury. (61) The ad has been subsequently withdrawn from a number of magazines because of the fear of possible legal action under libel laws. (62) Heroin acts as an ill-fitting key which can open the lock but can not then be withdrawn. (63) In the face of resolute opposition, the bill was withdrawn in November. (64) It was suggested that 400 passenger services be withdrawn or modified and 2,000 stations and 5,000 route miles closed to passenger traffic. (65) Books may also be withdrawn if their content becomes out-of-date even though they are still being used. (66) His blue eyes, which normally pierced you with their directness, were hooded and withdrawn. (67) Kent Opera goes into liquidation after Arts Council grant withdrawn. (68) By reflex action - a mechanism of the nervous system - the threatened hand is instantly withdrawn and the threatened eye closed. (69) The dusty streets, now that the traders had withdrawn from them, seemed to enjoy a silent life of their own. (70) The pornographic film star Ilona Staller, alias La Cicciolina, has withdrawn from the lists, pleading marital pressure and pregnancy. (71) Soviet forces were not, at least in the first instance, to be withdrawn unconditionally. (72) An individual who is passive, utterly apathetic and withdrawn from community life is no true citizen. (73) More significantly, Walesa's proposals for constitutional change were withdrawn, after amendments had weakened them. (74) I had become withdrawn and at times very depressed which, of course,[http:///withdrawn.html] had repercussions on my family. (75) The vital organs, the stomach, the intestines, the lungs and the liver, were withdrawn carefully and whole. (76) They then become defensive, withdrawn, or too angry themselves to care about your feelings. (77) Punished behavior is likely to reappear after the punitive contingencies are withdrawn. (78) Cases which had been settled or withdrawn were removed from it and sanctions for non-compliance were announced. (79) But Taylor will insist on independent medical evidence if any selected players are withdrawn. (80) Similarly, an expert selling obsolete knowledge may soon find power is withdrawn. (81) When they are withdrawn the patient may suffer fatigue, headache, depression, weakness, and aches and pains. (82) An obvious example is that old editions are normally withdrawn from library shelves as new editions are added to stock. (83) As a sign of conciliation, army troops were withdrawn from the area. (84) Foreman has gone from withdrawn and suspicious to the smooth, urban talk show guest and advertising spokesman that he is today. (85) It appeared isolated, withdrawn, harbouring something which, if revealed, might shock and frighten its neighbours. (86) Some women and children have become exceptionally withdrawn or almost catatonic. (87) An earlier attempt had been withdrawn immediately after the 19 October 1987 Wall Street crash. (88) It was a recurrent one, withdrawn from the popular memory when pressure situations arose. (89) Mr Kiley complained that the Government had withdrawn concessions that would have given him some power over the private contractors. (90) If it is withdrawn, then the advertiser is in breach of contract with any bidder who had come in response to the advertisement. (91) Even then, a large proportion are withdrawn, many settled, before a hearing. (92) They have seen their elected government removed at gunpoint and now face having their democratic rights withdrawn. (93) The little children were crying constantly, and the older ones were sullen and withdrawn. (94) Psycho made over 4,000 consecutive appearances before it was withdrawn in 1880. (95) Once a claim has been made and accepted by the Revenue, it may not be subsequently withdrawn. (96) Over the last few months he had become rather withdrawn and mistrustful; a subdued version of his former self. (97) In the evenings, when I am apt to recede to a withdrawn vacancy, she will come to stroke my hand. (98) Been to the cash dispenser, got a statement, then withdrawn everything except four pounds ninety-five to keep the account open. (99) Sludge can be removed from the bottom and also withdrawn from the sludge-blanket zone. (100) Only £700m was withdrawn from cash machines in 1979 - it is now about £50 billion a year. (101) Now he has conditionally withdrawn, apparently not from the committee, but from further participation in the Gingrich case. (102) I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell. (103) It was difficult to tell when she was so withdrawn. (104) Lisa is the one in doubt -- the only remaining runner in serious trouble who has not yet withdrawn. (105) Patients deteriorating to the point when renal dialysis is considered should be withdrawn from the transplant list. (106) Years of drought, crop failure and migration have meant that land is continually withdrawn from active production. (107) The Standards looked most attractive, and operated throughout the summer season in normal service until 1966, when they were withdrawn. (108) At the same time the sensory awareness of the organism, and its ability to react to stimuli, are also withdrawn. (109) The first women inspectors were appointed in April 1942, but were withdrawn shortly afterwards following objections from the remaining men. (110) If a licence holder contravenes any of these conditions, their licence will be withdrawn. (111) However, normal work continued until mid-January, when short-term visits were suspended and the residential staff were withdrawn until April. (112) Why had Mahoney withdrawn his offer to help so suddenly and unexpectedly? (113) Two candidates had withdrawn from the contest, leaving him as sole contender. (114) Following her death, Park became even more isolated, withdrawn, and remote. (115) After it he'd become withdrawn and moody, his formerly friendly nature turning acerbic and harsh. (116) When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding. (117) He limped over to the leg-press machine, his air brusque and withdrawn. (118) With the exception of patients withdrawn due to deterioration, there were no apparent differences in response to treatment. (119) The withdrawn lands had to be kept off-limits at all costs. (120) The headache was the Leyland Class 155, withdrawn after only a few months with doors that jammed open. (121) The originals were never formally withdrawn, but have been out of stock for some time. (122) It is highly desirable that from every product in regular production, samples be withdrawn periodically and put on long-term stability test. (123) Car 68 was withdrawn and replaced in the following year by a modernistic design, which eventually became known as the Bandwagon. (124) The closely held retailer said it would sue its partner to recoup more than $ 50 million it claims was unfairly withdrawn. (125) The posters were withdrawn after the tobacco industry sued the city council. (126) Archer understood that he ran the risk of having his mandate withdrawn, and for some obscure reason he disliked the prospect. (127) All or part of the investment can be withdrawn without notice or penalty, provided the minimum balance stays at £10,000. (128) Boris Becker and Ivan Lendl have both withdrawn from the world indoor tournament in Rotterdam. (129) Ian says from then on Robert has been a changed man - withdrawn and completely unapproachable. (130) He has long since withdrawn his name from Who's Who, declines to accept honorary degrees and refuses to be interviewed. (131) Paul Tsongas, who had formally withdrawn from the contest, polled 12, 8 and 10 percent respectively. (132) In each case the pipette should be gently inserted and withdrawn from the fluid in order to minimize disturbance. (133) Another backbencher was told his place on a Foreign Office organised trip would be withdrawn if he defied the Government. (134) Pluserix was withdrawn by the Government on the advice of the company manufacturing it. (135) The skull then is crushed so the fetus can be withdrawn through the birth canal without inducing labor. (136) The aliquots are withdrawn from specified depths at the time intervals shown for a full analysis of the fine particle content. (137) Charles collapsed like a glove puppet with the hand withdrawn, and stood for a long moment,[http:///withdrawn.html] sagging. (138) Sylvie was no longer the withdrawn, slightly pitiable figure she had last seen in New York. (139) The King came in, sullen and withdrawn, but his mood changed rapidly. (140) The Motive Power depot at Derby Road had been disused since 1966 when the last steam locomotives were withdrawn from service. (141) The right to claim benefits will be withdrawn when loans are introduced. (142) Many regional brewers' products have already been withdrawn, leaving the major brewers to flex their marketing muscle. (143) When the sensory neuron is stimulated, it fires the motor neuron, and the siphon and gills are withdrawn. (144) Withdrawn, solemn, feeling like a shadow, I took up the shoemaker's apprenticeship my parents negotiated for me. (145) There was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder, although it was clear that she had become withdrawn since the breakup of her relationship. (146) Strengthening of that infrastructure would stimulate self-sustaining growth in the private sector-growth which would continue after federal assistance had been withdrawn. (147) Around 100 submarines withdrawn from service are moored at sea because there are no facilities for treating their radioactive components. (148) But this report was withdrawn, and reissued under a blander title. (149) Whatever the reason, he seems a totally different person now, very withdrawn and moody. (150) Almost half the cases reported to police are withdrawn before investigations begin. (151) Come Sunday you're more withdrawn and reticent so any hassle or hitch will prove too much to cope with. (152) As the years passed, Celia became increasingly lonely and withdrawn. (153) The evidence is that when free concessionary travel was withdrawn fewer trips were made and there were fewer elderly bus passenger casualties. (154) Sight deposits are any deposits that can be withdrawn on demand by the depositor without penalty. (155) The morning star has withdrawn behind the curtain of light to wait for its chance to shine again tomorrow. (156) Providing you give us at least seven days notice you won't lose any interest on the amount withdrawn. (157) It was only recently that a police presence had been withdrawn from No. 22 after the Pitt deaths. (158) The Princess was to have ridden her famous Doublet, but her third entry was withdrawn. (159) By this stage the sap in the vine will have withdrawn into the roots. (160) Surely this alone would be sufficient justification for the privilege to be withdrawn. (161) It had recently withdrawn the ice-breaker Endurance, generally taken as a clear sign of retreat. (162) It seemed so unlike his own withdrawn, tentative inclusion in the life around him. (163) It was discovered that the funds had been withdrawn in error. (164) A promise to end schoolbook censorship, made only a week ago,[http:///withdrawn.html] has already been withdrawn. (165) Actually, though, if the other owners had approved of his free agency proposal, Finley probably would have withdrawn it. (166) At 19 though, he had lost his fire and brimstone and was withdrawn and melancholy. (167) But, as the days go by, Fifi grows withdrawn and watchful. (168) We have at times withdrawn tactfully from a weak sponsor to align with a new sponsor who is more powerful. 5. (169) It was rumoured that banknotes were never withdrawn from circulation but simply frayed away. (170) Federal troops would be sent into an area to settle the dispute and then withdrawn. (171) This gruesome act does not lead to Agdisthus becoming crippled, or withdrawn, or enraged. (172) Nearing retirement age, he had withdrawn in disgust and fled to Kyoto. (173) But some doctors say while the memo may have been withdrawn, the unfairness remains. (174) League sources said the suit was filed and then withdrawn in favor of the arbitration hearing. (175) Some days later some staff raised objections at a staff meeting and the offer was withdrawn. (176) Residue and vapour are withdrawn continuously from the boiler. (177) Surrey was withdrawn in 1522. (178) Several shareholders have withdrawn earlier acceptances of the offer. (179) The summons was withdrawn. (180) In 1937, this subsection was withdrawn and became the independent School Library Association. (181) He's been very quiet and withdrawn, sort of different, somehow. (182) Another is distraught after an offer of a permanent job was withdrawn. (183) Russian troops stationed in Lithuania had withdrawn to Russia one year earlier. (184) During the course of the TBP distillation, the distillates which accumulate between specified temperatures are withdrawn. (185) Money put in a traditional IRA is not taxed until it is withdrawn. (186) Surely if the woman had any decency at all, she'd have withdrawn at once. |
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