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单词 Goddess
(1) According to ancient legend, the river is a goddess.
(2) They adored her as a living goddess.
(3) Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.
(4) The river was personified as a goddess.
(5) Aphrodite was the ancient Greek goddess of love.
(6) She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.
(7) The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.
(8) In Greek myth, love is personified by the goddess Aphrodite.
(9) She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career.
(10) The Egyptian goddess is represented as a woman with cow's horns.
(11) Your goddess, perhaps, is chewing gum.
(12) Her favorite goddess had vanished, leaving clear instructions, however.
(13) Like electrons, the Goddess requires participation.
(14) She makes her vows to the goddess.
(15) Today the emperor sleeps with the Sun Goddess.
(16) This goddess survived little changed into the classical pantheon.
(17) The goddess listened to his plea.
(18) Pomona - Roman goddess of fruit trees.
(19) Excavators found headless Goddess figurines(), squatting in birth postures.
(20) The Goddess tradition, it seems, emphasizes process rather than dogma.
(21) The Goddess is history, with all its pain and horror as well as its beauties and discoveries.
(22) The Goddess of Love was surprised at the visit, for Hera was no friend of hers.
(23) Their deity, Goddess Vankul Mata ji, rides on a camel and specifically bequeathed the animal to them.
(24) The great goddess Nemesis, which means righteous anger, undertook to bring this about.
(25) He hangs on her every word as if she were some sort of goddess.
(26) He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.
(27) Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess.
(28) A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.
(29) The olive tree was regarded as sacred to the goddess Athena.
(30) Was she to be regarded as a ghost, a courtesan, lost lamb, misunderstood goddess?
(1) According to ancient legend, the river is a goddess.
(2) They adored her as a living goddess.
(3) Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.
(4) He hangs on her every word as if she were some sort of goddess.
(5) She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess.
(31) And yet, the idea of a Goddess, a wholly divine being, actually being born struck them as bizarre.
(32) Again, they may have been one Goddess whose different sides became assigned to different personalities.
(33) I looked for the name of yoof goddess Janet Street-Porter on the credits.
(34) It is dramatic and violent and beautiful-no native of the island could not have believed in a volcano goddess.
(35) Building models found in various places make explicit the connection between the Goddess and temples or dwellings.
(36) This avenging boar, the agent of the insulted goddess, is henceforth identified with the destructive forces that produce tragedy.
(37) The prime mover of all generation is said to be the goddess Necessity, who occupies the centre of the universe.
(38) He talked of her as a goddess beyond reproach who was being restrained against her will.
(39) The oldest images of Athena show Her, not as a warrior, but as a Snake Goddess.
(40) Through shouts and music and dancing we worship the Goddess with joyous bodies.
(41) At the sight they forgot the goddess and turned in pursuit of the beautiful creature.
(42) Other Hawaiians have claimed that geothermal exploitation disrupts their worship of the goddess, Pele.
(43) Tough, virgin, Artemis was the Goddess of women in childbirth.
(44) My daughter, the poet, says Sofia was the goddess in charge of wisdom long ago.
(45) They generally symbolize pagan religion and particularly the presence of a goddess and priestesses.
(46) In Neolithic art we discover a vast array of bird-woman Goddess statues, pots, and paintings.
(47) The ritual is performed in order to thank the Sun Goddess for the rice harvest.
(48) They begged forgiveness from the Mother Goddess and blessed the axe in a ritual of mourning before hacking down trees in autumn.
(49) The Goddess of Love and Beauty knew very well where the most beautiful woman on earth was to be found.
(49) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(50) Both the Minoan Goddess and Artemis were pictured as bees.
(51) The old woman struggled to hold her up, but she wheeled away, mounted by the goddess, into the dance.
(52) He buried himself in books on comparative religion, and began publishing scholarly tracts and books about the goddess.
(53) Erda, as she appears in Germanic mythology; and Cerridwen, goddess of intelligence and knowledge in Celtic mythology.
(54) Once a year worshippers gather at Hindu temples to celebrate the birthday of Murugan, son of the goddess Parvathi.
(55) And Perseus carried a shield provided by the goddess of wisdom.
(56) The eternal, overarching divinity whom Graves' favorite goddess personified has gone by many names.
(57) Olive trees especially may embody the Goddess, for they live a very long time.
(58) Goddess becomes Aunt Sally, crown a dunce's cap, when all is done.
(59) Lee lifted herself a little towards her goddess and rested herself on one elbow, looking up like a child, expectant.
(60) The many depictions of bulls in Cretan art include images of bulls sacrificed to the Goddess in joyous processions.
(61) Velchanos was always subject to the goddess and always shown in attitudes of adoration.
(62) Similarly, many of the figurines and relief sculptures of the Goddess found in the later caves were painted in red ochre.
(63) However, Professor Gimbutas suggests that the Goddess displayed different characteristics.
(64) The Goddess who performs this act is Kubaba, the Hittite name for Cybele.
(65) The west welcomed the great universal goddess as a phenomenon neither alien nor imposed from without.
(66) They had livelier personalities and danced roles such as Diana, goddess of the hunt, or Mercury, messenger of the gods.
(67) Several small terracotta birds were found with goddess idols in a shrine at Agia Triadha.
(68) Instead, he says, the Goddess was portrayed in human form.
(69) Women were most resistant to his strictures, claiming that when they served the goddess, they were never short of food.
(70) She was reckless enough to challenge the goddess Athene, patroness of those crafts, to a contest of skill.
(71) There were probably also sacrificial tables and statues of deities, like the clay goddess found at the sacred enclosure of Sachturia.
(72) On top was a confectionary incarnation of the goddess Liberty.
(73) Mrs Lane was the miniature goddess who controlled her large, tolerant, good-humoured menfolk, and made this whole organisation work.
(74) Sometimes the goddess appears in the midst of the priestesses, manifesting as one of their number.
(75) Lou was still the goddess of Marchmont Street, his confidante, his regular companion.
(76) And it was that very Goddess of Love who brought about what next happened.
(77) He thought the lovely young lady was the goddess of the island.
(78) Gaia as Earth Goddess: whoever she is, let's keep her.
(79) The Cucuteni graves contained vases, beads, spindle whorls,(http:///goddess.html) and three Goddess figurines in each one.
(80) The Bible describes both cities as evil precisely because people there worshipped the Goddess.
(81) Pompeii lay in verdant, wine-growing country and so gave special prominence to Venus, goddess of fecundity, Hercules and Bacchus.
(82) Hood has suggested that the statue at Knossos may have looked like the snake goddess shown in faience in the Temple Repositories.
(83) Originally Delphi manifested the Goddess of Prophecy in a vaporous cave where fumes induced visionary trances.
(84) She was a virgin fire goddess and every hearth had its own Vesta, which no doubt became blackened by smoke.
(85) Some have made pilgrimages to re-enact ancient rituals in caves, others have dressed in costumes and objects evoking traditional Goddess images.
(86) Professor Gimbutas has traced the prominence in later Goddess art of precisely that image, parallel curved lines.
(87) I could cite many more examples of the tree as the Goddess, especially her Tree of Life.
(88) It was obliged to admit the feminine principle, permit the Goddess to reclaim her share.
(89) She was the goddess married women turned to for help.
(90) In later periods people worshipped the Goddess as a stone, often black and / or conical.
(91) The female figure on the knife handle appears to resemble Aphrodite or Venus, the goddess of love.
(92) Jouctas, like Ida and Dikte, contains cave sanctuaries where the Cretans worshipped the Goddess.
(93) It honours the goddess Durga, who slew the fearsome buffalo demon, Mahisasura, thus freeing mankind from terror.
(94) It is a short deductive step to equate the pillar with the goddess Potnia or the Mistress of Animals.
(95) Could a culture of human beings worshipping a Goddess really get by without murder or war?
(96) I have heard it said that they were built by Iron Age men in honour of Megan, a Celtic goddess.
(97) Trees embodied the Goddess throughout the Neolithic period and later.
(98) But when Meryl Streep tumbled off a plane at Heathrow yesterday, the screen goddess looked every inch a mortal.
(99) Until the physical appearance of puberty a girl enjoys the privilege of being regarded as an image of the great Goddess.
(100) Hawaiian folklore tells of the movements of the volcano goddess Pele.
(101) This parentage would make her akin to Persephone, the dangerous Virgin goddess of the underworld.
(102) Today is Beltane, the May day festival devoted to the goddess.
(103) She bade Demeter be seated and herself offered her honey-sweet wine, but the goddess would not taste it.
(104) The Goddess did not create human beings as a one-time event thousands of years ago.
(105) The Earth, and the Goddess, become fearful as well as despised.
(106) Neith: goddess of Sais and a divinity of warfare, with her early symbols of a bow and arrows and shield.
(107) Sir James Frazer described them as wearing bridal dresses for their initiation into the service of their Goddess.
(108) These passages mimic the cave sanctuaries in those mountains where the people of such places as Crete went to worship the Goddess.
(109) The Goddess tells Ari to ignore those things and concentrate on the pleasure.
(110) If indeed the people imagined that a human death would appease the Goddess they obviously got it wrong.
(111) She was small, delicate,(http://) like a goddess made of the finest porcelain.
(112) The one clue comes from frescoes and vases that depict griffins protecting a seated Goddess.
(113) The moon rose high in the sky and shone unfalteringly into the woods, a silver goddess that I felt like worshipping.
(114) So she set forth to find the goddess who was looking everywhere for her.
(115) The towering, gilded replica of the Goddess of Liberty was the next to go.
(116) Other ways exist to see the Goddess as physically present in the land.
(117) I talked to him the way Bhairon had sung to his goddess.
(118) Venus could not object to a goddess for her daughter-in-law; the alliance had become eminently suitable.
(119) Towards the front, some of the men had gone into trance, waiting for the goddess to possess them.
(120) The Goddess, in various forms, is widely worshipped amongst Hindus.
(121) She identifies this figure as an aspect of the Goddess - water maiden.
(122) This singular passion did not long remain concealed from the Goddess of Passionate Love.
(123) She was born on Diwali-the Hindu festival of light-when the goddess of wealth blesses your house.
(124) Separation from the Goddess allows the possibility of immortal perfection.
(125) Venus was a goddess worshiped by the Romans.
(126) He adored her as a goddess.
(127) Diana, the goddess of hunting.
(128) And indeed, WISE project scientist Davy Kirkpatrick went so far as to propose a name for the possible new world: Tyche, for the Greek goddess of good fortune.
(129) It is dedicated to Amaterasu (the Sun goddess) and has been in existence since 4BC.
(130) In ancient Egypt, however, all cats were sacred to the goddess Isis.
(131) Deity of Men! Goddess of Women! Where Thou gazest, the Dead live!
(132) Lydian maid, Arcane by name, did not seem to think much of Athena' s skill, for she frequently talked big that she could beat the goddess if she had the chance to do so.
(133) Finally Heracles resorted to some castanets given to him by the goddess Athena.
(134) She was Athena, goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens.
(135) Aphrodite was worshiped chiefly as the goddess of human love.
(136) As goddess of the arts and crafts, Pallas served as the patroness of artists, artisans, sculptors.
(137) Hindu tradition says that the dead woman becomes a goddess and her family will be blessed for seven generations.
(138) Egret Island Park, a sculpture of the goddess egrets , she is Ludao Xiamen is a symbol of urban sculpture in the boutique.
(139) In fact, the wheel, which the goddess Fortuna spins to determine the fate of those she looks upon, is an ancient concept of either Greek or Roman origin,() depending on which academic you talk to.
(140) Every god -- even Zeus himself -- wanted this " beautiful, golden goddess " as his wife.
(141) Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune.
(142) The cake was inspired by a recipe in Nigella Lawson's How to be a Domestic Goddess, her Dense Chocolate Loaf Cake.
(143) The goddess of the earth who bore and married Uranus and was the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.
(144) Now she's gone to broody melodrama, as a cop conflicted by love and honor in Ann Hui's new movie Jade Goddess of Mercy.
(145) Desdemona's image is one of flawless goddess images in Shakespeare's writing.
(146) She's the daughter of night, or at least the goddess Nyx and is still said by some to have evaded the advances of Zeus.
(147) For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera.
(148) Early Greek art represented Aphrodite as an oriental, nude goddess type.
(149) Agamemnon had unwittingly killed a hind in Artemis'sacred grove incurred the displeasure of the goddess.
(150) The Goddess of the Empyrean had come up in several classical novels. She had become the patroness of the heroes.
(151) A sculptor applies finishing touches to an idol of the Hindu goddess Durga as his son looks on him in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata September 25, 2006.
(152) Get tips on planting and growing green goddess calla lily flowers in this free gardening video.
(153) Ascension requires turning inward to discover one's own god goddess within.
(154) The results refer to things of earth Goddess on behalf of their propagation methods, the human is divided into men and women, with men and women called humans, reproduce.
(155) Since the days of the Green Goddess, we've known that the healthiest way to lose weight is through exercise.
(156) In the Vaishnavite Puranas, Shiva starts telling the efficacy of Vishnu to the Goddess Parvati.
(157) Hathor is the Goddess of love, pleasure, sexuality, music, dance and beauty, as well as the patroness of women, children, and the act of birth.
(158) God goddess of human form will not press itself upon you; you must request soul, oversoul and source to dance with your field.
(159) In the beginning, there was only chaos, the primodial abyss.Then came Gaia, the Earth Goddess, and Eros, the force of love.
(160) The fate of Atlas had been sealed, and the goddess Persephone was no more.
(161) The first takes the form of Jesus; the other depicts "Kuan Yin, " the famous female Buddhist Goddess.
(162) Selene was the moon - goddess, and it was because of her that Mount Latmus was so beautiful.
(163) On the wall behind his chair he had hung gold foil images of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, and the fat elephant god, Ganapati.
(164) In the war that followed she proved to be a " coward goddess ".
(165) Rather, if she turns into a domestic goddess around you—offers to sew a loose shirt button, brings you a dish of homemade mac and cheese—take note.
(166) But the ignorant craftswoman wantonly dared the goddess herself to come down and compete with her.
(167) Chapter IV discussed the story with the Goddess of Mercy Kuan Yin Ling-Ying Chinese relations.
(168) From then on, Pallas become the protect goddess of the city Athens.
(169) Instead, she acted magnanimously like a goddess of beauty who understands and forgives her followers' jealousy.
(170) The story of his life revolves around his devotion to the goddess Ishtar (also known as Inanna) and painful yearning for an heir to the throne.
(171) The new goddess was unheard-of a few years ago and has no basis in any Puranic myth.
(172) As a goddess of Taoism, she is astonishingly similar to the Guanyin Bodhisattva.
(173) Horace slandered autumn as a " dread " period - " harvest - season of the Goddess of Death.
(174) Gods are invited to participate in the wedding and not only the goddess Eris not invited.
(175) His father Peleus was a brave warrior and later married the beautiful sea goddess, Thetis .
(176) Liberty is not a crowned goddess , beautiful, in spotless garments, victorious, supreme.
(177) Settlers from Fujian cleared the jungle to plant rice, sugar, and tea in the fertile volcanic soil, bringing their Min dialect and their worship of Matsu, goddess of the sea.
(178) The goddess delivered the heifer to Argus, to be strictly watched.
(179) The metaphor of Diana as goddess of fertility runs through the play, and with the arrival of Ruth the family reconstruction is accomplished and the spiritual rebirth is realized.
(180) For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.
(181) Ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of justice and order blindfolded, Baipao, Golden Delicious, to weigh his left hand, right hand Jujian.
(182) The Silkworm Goddess had been beneficent to the tiny village this year.
(183) The Goddess is the symbol of the vedic culture, settled in the Saptasindhu region, on the banks of the river Sarasvati.
(184) The elves speak of a moon goddess, did you know?
(185) In Greek legend, the rose was created by Chloris , the Greek goddess of flowers.
(186) Echo a nymph, used to be the goddess Juno's servant.
(187) To them, the earth is the sacred body of the goddess, whose life-force flows through everything.




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