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单词 Documentary evidence
1. In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.
2. We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action.
3. Much of the documentary evidence against her had been put through the shredder before she was arrested.
4. Campaigners now have compelling documentary evidence of the human rights abuses that they had been alleging for several years.
5. One of the most useful sources of documentary evidence is maps.
6. Lehder provided no documentary evidence to support his claims.
7. The main input to the review process is documentary evidence.
8. Recently published documentary evidence enables one to support these possibly tenuous impressions with fact, however.
9. Moreover, there is documentary evidence that adolescents have always attended the game without the supervision of adults.
10. It is unusual to find documentary evidence earlier than the fifteenth century, and extremely fortunate to find actual details of buildings.
11. A party intending to rely on documentary evidence in proceedings under the Children Act must disclose this in advance.
12. Fortune's documentary evidence ultimately changed tea's Linnaean classification.
13. I saw some documentary evidence before I left Moscow.
14. The indifference is mainly to use material evidence, documentary evidence, oral evidence and the way of the "Five Listening to" in judge in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period.
15. You believed that you had seen unmistakable documentary evidence proving that their confessions were false.
16. Should documentary evidence demonstrating the phase-in status of a substance without an EC number be submitted in parallel with pre-registration?
17. She was able to shoot the rumour down in flames with ample documentary evidence.
18. The idea of questioning is central to the chapters on reading, note making and documentary evidence.
19. I was examining teachers and teaching in one school using such methods as participant observation, unstructured interviews and documentary evidence.
20. The principal methods of investigation are interviewing and the collation of documentary evidence.
21. There are specific statutory powers to admit certain types of documentary evidence particularly relevant to child care cases.
22. Only Hangleton, now buried beneath Hove, has been adequately excavated and the archaeological work related to documentary evidence.
23. In carrying out the work, the research will draw on both the available documentary evidence and on interviews with key actors.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. As it so happens, Columbus' personal reactions can be reconstructed in some detail from documentary evidence.
25. This includes obtaining access through a judge, prior to charging a suspect, to bank accounts and other documentary evidence.
26. The historian's problem is that there is insufficient archaeological or documentary evidence to establish the chronology of this process.
27. The confiscation of dangerous goods be forfeited to produce documentary evidence.
28. The third lays emphasis on two special and outstanding rules of evidence of documentary evidence:one is authentication, the other is the best evidence rule.
29. Article 68 The administrative appellant or intervenor appellant may present the documentary evidence or other evidence during the procedure.
30. Article 34 The Ministry Finance shall promulgate regulations governing the books of account and documentary evidence.
1. In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.
31. In addition, a new book called Katyn 1940 by Polish author Eugenia Maresch also collects together much documentary evidence about how the Western powers reacted to the murders.
32. Documentary evidence that title to personal property (chattels) has passed to the Purchaser for valuable consideration.
33. The investigative articles we print are supported by documentary evidence thanks to the public-spiritedness of citizens who at great risk to themselves pass on this material to us.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:18:03