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单词 Discredited
1. They discredited her good name with ugly gossip.
2. The Government was discredited by the scandal.
3. The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.
4. Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the President.
5. The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.
6. Her honour was discredited in the newspapers.
7. His theories were discredited by scientists.
8. Later research discredited earlier theories.
9. These theories are now largely discredited among linguists.
10. We discredited the story as mere rumour.
11. Her honor was discredited in the newspapers.
12. Some of Freud's theories have now been discredited.
13. He discredited my good name with gossip.
14. Scientific discoveries have discredited religious belief.
15. His venality has discredited Parliament.
16. In the United States eugenics became almost completely discredited.
17. Insider dealing has been roundly trounced, widely discredited, and often outlawed.
18. The anti-globalisation movement is in danger of being discredited because of the antics of a small group.
19. The myth of philanthropy is quickly discredited by a realistic look at how older people lead their lives.
20. The discredited army came under popular pressure to step aside and allow an elected civilian to negotiate a peace process.
21. With their old taboos discredited, they immediately go to pieces, disintegrate, and become re-sorts of vice and disease.
22. The idea that the sun goes round the earth has long been discredited.
23. The theory is rendered suspect by its reliance on now discredited sources.
24. The judge ruled that the defendant had no case to answer, as the evidence had been discredited.
25. The idea that the earth is flat has long been discredited.
26. His reports about the war affairs in the Middle-East area have been discredited because it is realized that the reporter used false information.
27. So is it worth having another go at such a discredited vision?
28. As a conceptual analysis of the idea of law, sanction theories of the traditional Austinian type are largely discredited.
29. It was widely agreed that the episode had damaged the public image of Congress and had discredited the confirmation process.
30. But the succession of financial scandals involving the president in recent months has discredited the office of president.
1. They discredited her good name with ugly gossip.
2. The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.
3. Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the President.
4. The idea that the sun goes round the earth has long been discredited.
5. The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.
6. The theory is rendered suspect by its reliance on now discredited sources.
31. Once discredited in economic terms, authoritarian regimes tend to lose their grip.
32. Idealism was deeply discredited by the failure to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War.
33. Franco and his henchmen had undoubtedly allowed the monarchists to stand in the hope that they would be discredited by defeat.
34. But it is widely expected that further heads will have to roll if the discredited Communist Party is to retrieve the situation.
35. The persistence of black troubles, and the loss of faith in the old integrationist cause, has discredited traditional black leaders.
36. It will be an interim attempt to be seen to be doing something to replace the discredited poll tax.
37. They were determined to stop the widespread corruption that had discredited government contracting.
38. Rumours that he had been deliberately poisoned were generally discredited, but the exact cause of his death was never established.
39. They continue to perpetrate the discredited myth of economic invincibility rather than reflect the harsh realities of recession and reunification.
40. But he is a man presiding over a collapsing economy and a discredited political system.
41. Why should we drag about with us the fetters of the discredited thinking of the past?
42. Is the discredited regression therapy still taught and used in any homes and, if so, will he make it illegal?
43. If the attempt was made and failed, the organisation would be discredited and no longer able to intervene decisively in Ulster affairs.
44. Cantor knew the depth of the trash can containing discarded hypotheses and discredited experiments in the cancer field.
45. Among virtually all public health professionals, Duesberg's and Rasnick's views are seen as discredited.
46. In the eyes of many Surkov was a discredited figure who had prostituted himself for privileges, such as this present trip.
47. For others, Urbank was only a re-invention of the discredited urban renewal program.
48. As this view wins general favour, the elder is denounced and discredited.
49. For instance, she cited studies that had been extensively discredited methodologically as though they had not been.
50. The attempt to use the theatre for purposes of moral education, still practised in Schiller's time, was soon discredited.
51. If anything, good ideas are discredited by the fact that they come from here.
52. The power of the church that consecrated the Bishops of Alba against the power of a dead and discredited Pope.
53. She discredited his good name with ugly gossip.
54. New information discredited the old report.
55. The disclosure of cheating, and plagiary discredited him thoroughly.
56. I haven't discredited to Delawares.
57. The comprador - bourgeoisie has long been discredited.
58. The theory has been discredited.
59. Michael Mann hockey stick graph -- debunked, discredited!
60. She discredited him with ugly gossip.
61. They have discredited the local tyrants and evil gentry.
62. The perceived failure of this approach discredited non-intervention, and ended up enhancing the influence of Mellon's successors.
63. We still fall for the same logical traps, the same wacky ideas, the same old discredited snake oil in shiny new bottles that plagued our forefathers—and their forefathers.
64. Aversion therapy, famously employed in Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange to cure Alex of his obsession with violence, was used up to the 1980s, but has since been discredited.
65. I completely discredited the email and went about my bushsiness.
66. By the late 1970s, progressive rock had become discredited and its stylistic opposite, punk, captured the imagination of rock listeners for a time.
67. However, the failure of austerity program, so that Socrates discredited to the "villagers again."
67. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
68. This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause, and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be ...
69. As far as this subject, later researches discredited the earlier conclusions.
70. It is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science.
71. Since EMH has been thoroughly discredited, I am more worried about being overshadowed by AMH, which is ascendant.
72. It also gave William of Orange the opportunity to slip across the Channel and replace the discredited James II on the English throne.
73. The governing equations are discredited by using Galerkin method, and the matrix for elastoplastic constitutive model is also deduced.
74. As an important component of UN reform, UN abolished the UN s discredited Commission on Human Rights which has 60 years history, and replaced it with a Human Rights Council.
75. Those who spread rumors have been discredited and severely criticized.
76. Fascism was discredited by the total defeat of the Fascist states in World War II.
77. The plaintiff's sole witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited.
78. The earthly paradise had been discredited at exactly the moment when it became realizable.
79. The reactionary authorities are between two fires and have been discredited.
80. Its first proper chairman, Neville Chamberlain, was discredited in many people's eyes by appeasement, but he was the first Tory leader to dedicate himself systematically to welfare questions.
81. Ironically, discredited rating agencies might even damage trust in hitherto creditworthy governments.
82. Beijing's assertiveness discredited those Americans who were most willing to compromise with China.




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