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单词 Yaws
1. As the plane climbed to 370 feet, it started yawing.
2. The ship yawed as the heavy wave struck abeam.
3. He spun the steering-wheel so that we yawed from side to side.
4. As with yaws, penicillin is the treatment of choice.
5. If the glider is in a very steep climb this should be reduced slightly before yawing.
6. The destructive lesions seen in yaws do not occur, however, and bone lesions seldom cause trouble.
7. In the past the yaw damper has occasionally moved sharply, causing abrupt plane movements.
8. Them with terrible majesty, it snap-rolled on to its back and with its nose down began yawing violently to the right.
9. As the drop-ship yawed away, fleeing, a hem of the cat's cradle dipped towards it.
10. Applying the opposite rudder will tend to reduce the yaw and so help even out the stalling of the wings.
11. The book says if you keep yawing the aircraft from side to side the wheel may release.
12. Variable gearing changes aileron and elevator forces with airspeed Yaw damper is standard item but not flight limitation without.
13. The small jet yawed sharply to the right, upwards and towards the Ilyushin airline.
14. The road yaws out in front of us, and it is clear that yet another armadillo has been chucked overboard.
15. Many spirochetes are pathogens that cause yaws and syphilis.
16. There is no vaccine to prevent Yaws.
17. More recently(), India has also eliminated yaws.
18. New cases of yaws appear every year.
19. Yaws is a high-performance HTTP/1.1 server written in Erlang.
20. Late yaws appears after five years of the initial infection and is characterized by disabling consequences of the nose, bones and palmar/plantar hyperkeratosis.
21. Can yaws be eradicated?
22. Yaws is transmitted mainly through direct skin contact with an infected person.
23. It is unclear if cases of yaws still occur in the Americas.
24. Yaws is a chronic infection that affects mainly the skin, bone and cartilage.
25. Yaws can be treated with a single dose of a cheap and effective antibiotic: Benzathine Penicillin injection cures the disease.
26. Experts believe that yaws can be eliminated and eventually eradicated because humans are the only reservoir of infection.
27. The causative organism is a bacterium called Treponema pertenue, a subspecies of Treponema pallidum that causes venereal syphilis. However, yaws is a non-venereal infection.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. Between 1950 and 1970, WHO and UNICEF led a worldwide campaign to control yaws in 46 countries.
29. This talk covers how to use Erlang to implement reliable, highly- concurrent HTTP-based services using the Yaws web server.
30. In the south-east Asia region, the aim is to eradicate yaws by 2012.
31. There is no specific blood test for yaws, but because it is closely related to the bacterium that causes syphilis, the blood tests for syphilis are diagnostic in yaws as well.
32. Any group of spirochetes genus Treponema , including those that cause syphilis, pinta, and yaws.
33. Yaws, a disease which eats away at the skin, cartilage and bones of its victims (mostly children), is re-emerging in poor, rural and marginalized populations of Africa, Asia and South America.




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