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单词 Musty
1. The room smelled musty and stale.
2. The cottage had a musty smell after being shut up over the winter.
3. The musty aroma of incense made her head swim.
4. These clothes smell musty.
5. The wine tastes musty.
6. A damp, musty smell lurched out to greet him.
7. There was a musty smell and a deep silence.
8. The room was warm and smelt musty.
9. A dark hall, musty with age.
10. The air was musty; he opened the seaward window.
11. The furniture smelled musty and old.
12. So crack open those musty steamer trunks.
13. It was a damp musty smell.
14. The hotel room was dark and musty.
15. The company was demoralized and faintly musty.
16. There was a musty smell: it had not been opened for a decade.
17. It wasn't locked and a musty smell floated into the passage.
18. He put his belongings into a musty old cupboard beside his bed.
19. The monkey was enveloped by the musty darkness of a coarse woollen bag.
20. The room was festooned with cobwebs,(http://) the air musty and thick with dust and disuse.
21. He stood, arms akimbo, looking around in the musty gloom.
22. It has 10 floors, with elevators, and a musty, professional ambience.
23. Only in musty electronic libraries will tunes survive, but nobody will hear them, because by then they will be incomprehensible.
24. Stepping through the door we entered into a musty Mary Celeste type atmosphere.
25. The room smelt stale and musty with the pungent odour of the fat tallow candles placed on the desk.
26. Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell.
27. In the corner of the room is a large bed hung with a dark musty surrounding curtain.
28. Marie said, following Helen along the hallway with its familiar dank smell of musty horsehair and cedar and mothballs.
29. No footmarks disturbed the dust, cobwebs hung like festoons and a strange musty smell pervaded the atmosphere.
30. We had the carpet cleaned, but we couldn't get rid of the musty smell.
1. The room smelled musty and stale.
2. The cottage had a musty smell after being shut up over the winter.
31. Light bores down through cracks in the roof settling on rubbish lying in musty shadows.
32. There were many conflicting smells -- musty scents suggestive of faded perfumes, herbal teas, and an aging woman.
33. The law can seem a distant, musty reality, no matter how shocking the changes it effects in national custom.
34. There are those for whom the thought of rifling through rails of musty clothes bring back horrible memories of student life.
35. They were married in a room smelling of varnish and floor wax, and official documents growing musty in the filing cabinets.
36. The library was full of musty old books which no one wanted to read.
37. The rooms smelled musty and airless, and wallpaper was peeling in great patches.
38. In the thick, musty air of the dungeon I felt a creeping graveyard chill.
39. This, and the musty smell of books, was its chief attraction for Richard.
40. It was very hot in the room already and there was a musty smell.
41. After the crisp freshness of the shop, the flat had a musty stale smell.
42. The high velvet shoulder of his doublet smelt musty as though it had been lying in a trunk for centuries.
43. They sat on the musty divan with a scratchy wool plaid blanket covering them to their chins.
44. It was cold inside but the friar was pleased that it had lost its musty smell.
45. His essays can be Oxbridge musty.
46. There is a musty chronicle, written in tolerable Latin.
47. In the worn out 3) lino , the fireless hearth, the dank, musty smell of the place.
48. The chemical reaction has most of us running to wash our hands to get that musty scent out.
49. I loved the smell of cork grease and slide oil, of musty woolen uniforms, and the tangy dankness of brassy horn bells.
50. There are racks of musty clothing and piles of junk.
51. Suddenly the foul musty odour of the brutes struck his nostrils.
52. And we see the empty front desk and tiny silver bell... The vacant lobby, with its musty old rugs... The open elevator, waiting... The dining room, with its crisp white tablecloths .
53. My crutches gather cobwebs in a musty corner of the garage while Trey's handicap remains as fresh as the day he was born.
54. The air was permeated by the odor of saddle soap and camp smoke, and the reek of musty human armpits and sour human breath.
55. The one-armed smith had left few personal effects: the cup, six pennies and a copper star, a niello brooch with a broken clasp, a musty brocade doublet that bore the stag of Storm's End.
56. He had spent several hours in the library poring over those musty documents.
57. If damp, musty buildings make you ill, mould is probably the cause.
58. So my prediction for 2009 is that the devoted book reader will beat a path ever more urgently to those forgotten, out-of-the-way corners of musty tranquility of which the shopping class knows nothing.
59. But as technology advanced, piano rolls and player pianos became curiosities - musty musician museum pieces.
60. A bookish bunch, the office members work in an ivy-covered building out of three rooms lined with books and musty card-catalog drawers.




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