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单词 southern hemisphere
释义  ˌsouthern ˈhemisphere, Southern Hemisphere noun  the southern hemisphere the half of the world that is south of the Equator 南半球Examples from the Corpussouthern hemisphere• Even when it is near the zenith, as it can of course be from the southern hemisphere, it still twinkles quite noticeably.• Had explorers come from the southern hemisphere, would maps appear upside down?• Those that evolved in the southern hemisphere, the marsupials, start to do this when their babies are very young indeed.• Alerce is one of the longest lived trees in the southern hemisphere with some specimens believed to be over 4000 years old.• In the southern hemisphere, however, few cemeteries can match La Recoleta in Buenos Aires.• There are eighteen species of penguin worldwide, all confined to the southern hemisphere.• Pigeons used to the northern hemisphere but moved to the southern hemisphere likewise orient with the predicted 180° error at noon.ˌsouthern ˈhemisphere nounChineseSyllable  south the half of world is that Corpus the of




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