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单词 Smuggling
1. The government intends to clamp down on drug smuggling.
2. There's a lot of smuggling across this frontier.
3. Drug - smuggling is a serious crime.
4. There have been several successfulprosecutions for drug smuggling recently.
5. They're involved in a drug - smuggling racket.
6. He was arrested in connection with drug smuggling.
7. He was caught smuggling cameras into the country.
8. They were spied out smuggling weapons.
9. They were caught smuggling diamonds into the country.
10. A smuggling racket is killing thousands of exotic birds each year.
11. If found guilty of smuggling drugs, she could face indefinite detention.
12. If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.
13. Police believe he is involved in an international smuggling racket.
14. These islands have a history of shipwrecks and smuggling.
15. Regan persists in smuggling in such propensities.
16. Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death sentence.
17. They would be a perfect base for smuggling.
18. Smuggling increased and public order virtually broke down.
19. One major problem occurred repeatedly, that of smuggling.
20. It ended an era born from drug smuggling.
21. Some claimed that the docker's union fronted for the smuggling ring.
22. The committee found no evidence to support allegations of smuggling.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. Some claimed that the doctor's union fronted for the smuggling ring.
24. It's unconscionable for the government to do anything for a man who admits to smuggling 135 tons of cocaine into the United States.
25. An air hostess was arrested and charged with drug smuggling.
26. The machinery company was a front operation for arms smuggling.
27. France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.
28. The evidence pointed to the existence of an international smuggling network.
29. The murdered man is thought to have been involved in drug smuggling.
30. The casino was used as a front for cross-border smuggling operations.
1. The government intends to clamp down on drug smuggling.
2. Some claimed that the docker's union fronted for the smuggling ring.
3. Drug - smuggling is a serious crime.
4. They're involved in a drug - smuggling racket.
5. The committee found no evidence to support allegations of smuggling.
6. The evidence pointed to the existence of an international smuggling network.
31. We never did crack the watch smuggling racket.
32. Mexico has made efforts to reduce smuggling.
33. The Arellanos have drug smuggling in their family tree.
34. Therefore claims incurred where, for example, a vessel was being used for drug smuggling would not be covered.
35. It was the method used for smuggling that interested me.
36. His arrest and ultimate acquittal on cocaine smuggling charges made headlines in the mid-1980s.
37. Imperial Tobacco pushed up profits by 15 % in the six months to March 25 despite increased cigarette smuggling.
38. Pitt was a great philanthropist and wanted to stamp out smuggling, which was rife.
39. The black market for hot art now ranks third behind drug smuggling and the trade in illicit guns.
40. And the cave Ogof Tobacco bears witness to the area's smuggling past.
41. This was one of Rona's showpieces, and in fair weather would be the archetypal cave of smuggling fiction.
42. Penzance, once a centre of smuggling, is now very much a holiday resort.
43. So the two sides talked about smuggling, piracy and other sorts of crime.
44. If accepted by the jury, the allegations could lead to the first criminal charges against the industry relating to smuggling.
45. There is a strong tradition of smuggling, illicit goods being brought from nearby Flookburgh on the coast.
46. Ku, 49, of San Jose, was told he faced charges of conspiracy and firearms smuggling and dealing.
47. It appears a smuggling plan went wrong when a lorry driver went on holiday.
48. He also stressed the need for faster and more sophisticated vessels to combat modern smuggling by sea.
49. New laws will clamp down on the illegal smuggling of cigarettes and tobacco.
50. Tobacco smuggling into the UK is seriously affecting the profits of legitimate importers.
51. While visiting her sister on the island of Corfu, Lucy Waring innocently finds herself involved in a smuggling ring.
52. The club was just a front - Luchese's real business was drug smuggling and gun running.
52. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
53. Cigarette and alcohol smuggling is also severely squeezing hundreds of small traders.
54. Personal insecurity was meanwhile increased by a rapidly deteriorating law and order situation which was fuelled by arms smuggling from the mainland.
55. He has been accused of smuggling weapons and of crimes against national security -- charges widely seen as politically motivated.
56. He was fined £200 by Cardiff magistrates for smuggling in 1.32 grammes of cannabis.
57. The group may be smuggling drugs. Additionally, they're suspected of several murders.
58. If this involves smuggling something of an avant-garde sensibility into the theorization of television, so be it.
59. Four young girls are hanged for smuggling dynamite to blow up an Auschwitz crematorium.
60. Observers noted that a large number of those involved in racketeering and smuggling were among the estimated 500,000 troops demobilized since 1987.
61. As for the business with the docks, if that wasn't a case of drug smuggling, Hill was no investigative reporter.
62. Boscastle itself has long been associated with smuggling and witchcraft, and today has a witchcraft museum.
63. He was accused of providing airstrips for drug smuggling and receiving $ 350 million for his efforts.
64. He worked here until 1769, during a period when smuggling was rife.
65. The whole system was financed by smuggling gold purchased by his clients' money, and the organiser made fat profits.
66. The bill also would give federal agents authority to obtain wiretaps to detect smuggling and document-fraud crimes.
67. The Massachusetts standing order had learned that it could best keep its official establishment by smuggling in some respectable dissenters.
68. He is now an extraordinarily rich man with a private fortune estimated at £4 billion, largely derived from oil smuggling.
69. A parade of scientists and scholars told the panel that the risks of nuclear smuggling were real and rising.
70. I am not responsible for all the smuggling in the whole world.
71. He idly wondered if Joscelyn had returned to his old ways and was engaged in some petty smuggling.
72. Maurin had already tried to ruin Joseph by helping Cobalt reveal his drug smuggling.
73. He suddenly remembered that Stephen Blufton's information about drug smuggling was due to be put to the test that day.
74. Victims of the rare bird trade A SMUGGLING racket is killing thousands of exotic birds each year(), say undercover investigators.
75. A second indictment is pending in Tampa on charges of marijuana smuggling.
76. They were so cheap that, even with the cost of smuggling them west, Kurzlinger could make a huge profit.
77. Officials suspect the remote and narrow nine-mile long peninsular may also be used for smuggling, including drugs.
78. Mr Withington dismissed suggestions the company might face a growing number of smuggling cases.
79. Meanwhile, smuggling fees have tripled in some cases to $ 1, 000.
80. Coetzee was found guilty of currency smuggling, telephone tapping and disclosing official information.
81. The laws have been strictly upheld, with fines of up to two thousand pounds for smuggling animals into Britain.
82. In those days units, or mobile rummage crews, setting up schemes between us as a result of local smuggling information.
82. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
83. Has there been an improvement in stopping smuggling and building weapons of mass destruction?
84. Standing against them, however, is a multibillion-dollar smuggling network that will not give up its privileged position without a fight.
85. He was charged with smuggling obscene materials into the UK.
86. As well as buying drugs, gangs are smuggling money abroad to have it laundered.
87. A more interesting and illicit trade followed this route - smuggling!
88. His aggressiveness paid off, as Kerry was finding significant evidence of contra-connected drug smuggling.
89. His smuggling operation employed shipping containers and sailing vessels to move the freight, officials said.
90. Moxie had early detected Ned smuggling in a bottle of whisky, and had delivered a chastening lecture.
91. A deputy prime minister, Yulia Timoshenko, is facing criminal charges for tax fraud, smuggling and forgery.
92. Inspectors found that the import/export business was just a front for a huge drug smuggling operation.
93. He admitted to smuggling 20 tons of cocaine and pinned Noriega to the shipments.
94. One unusual craft used for this type of smuggling was a very fast power boat race competitor approximately named Who Dares.
95. Does smuggling lead to less tax revenue?
96. They made prize of a smuggling ship.
97. He is charged the smuggling.
98. The prosecutor wanted a life sentence for smuggling.
99. For years he has been smuggling watches through customs.
100. Thousands of years ago, the Ebon Hawk became legendary in smuggling circles.
101. The FBI suspected him of fronting for a smuggling ring.
102. He had been a member of the crew of the smuggling schooner Halcyon when she was captured by a revenue cutter.
103. Blow smuggling makes each company stands on same scratch line, assured fair competition.
104. And if you dig a little deeper, you'll find smuggling, fraud, extortion, public deception, lying under oath about the addictiveness of tobacco, and even links to terrorism.
105. Malaysia has become a hotbed for all sorts of smuggling schemes.
106. She had saved his life in a labour camp, smuggling him leftovers from the camp kitchen.
107. Our boss was prosecuted with propping up our company as a cover for child smuggling.
108. Smuggling, privateering, and legal trade with overseas partners only partially offset the drastic trade reductions with Britain.
109. Since you're breaking the law anyway by smuggling contraband, you might as well trick out your starship with all manner of illegal modifications.
110. Wedged between Europe and Asia , Turkey serves as a big transit route for people - smuggling.
111. This part makes briefly stating theory to the manchuria area smuggling situation.
112. Fuentes was speaking in Beijing where he was attending a regular dialogue with Chinese counterparts to coordinate on law enforcement issues ranging from cybercrime to human smuggling.
113. Mexican military officials said the unfinished tunnel is 298m long, 2m high and about half that wide. CNN reported it is thought to be intended for smuggling drugs.
114. To go upon a smuggling expedition is an act of barratry.
115. In this historical stage, salt owls' smuggler smuggling was exceptionally flourishing with the relation of official's "nonfeasance" and "disorder feasance".
116. Afghanistan has not one but three economies: the aid economy, the largest one; a second illicit economy centered on drugs and smuggling; and a tiny licit economy, both formal and informal.
117. Since 2007, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) controls the Gaza Strip, Israel to stop arms smuggling on the grounds of the region to implement strict blockade.
118. Officials said the agreement would be key to helping stamp out poaching and cross - border animal smuggling.
119. The cartel controls some of the main drug smuggling routes from Ciudad Juarez into the United States.
120. It is. difficult to precis. ly define smuggling, because smugglers constantly adapt their activities to get around new regulations and customs controls.
121. A colorful portrait of Miami's pot smuggling scene of the 1970s, populated with redneck pirates, a ganja-smoking church, and the longest serving marijuana prisoner in American history.
122. Williams operated the smuggling scheme in league with his brother.
123. Because basically from smuggling and other assets illicitly acquired, will be handed over to Customs to auction.
124. A remarkable feature of Rana's opium smuggling is the use of the diplomatic exemption owned by the Nepalese tribute quinquennial mission.
125. Coleus, bougainvillea, snow-on-the-mountain, wandering Jew, violets, agapanthus, Johnny-jump-ups, poor-man's-orchid, spider. They trade cuttings, smuggling them over state lines, to propagate at home.
126. All these have resulted in a higher frequency both of crimes committed by professionals and by enthusiastic amateurs---in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, pocket-picking, etc.
127. Since then, the number is understood to have been dormant while police maintained an open file on Dishliev's killing and his smuggling ring.
128. The airport official blew the whistle on the drug smuggling ring.
129. Amounting to a parallel state, these illicit networks engage in arms trafficking, money laundering, extortion, human smuggling, black-market adoptions, and kidnapping for ransom.
130. Earlier this year federal officials discovered more than half-a-million fake Trojan condoms that were being sold via a counterfeit smuggling ring.
131. Such methods increased the poverty of the people and were a direct incentive to smuggling.
132. We still count on you to enforce maritime law and to fight drug smuggling.
133. His namesake, his great-uncle Anthony, was an alcoholic who made a small fortune smuggling Canadian whisky during Prohibition.
134. a second illicit economy centered on drugs and smuggling; and a tiny licit economy, both formal and informal.
135. It was a dirty place enough, and I dare say not unknown to smuggling adventurers.
136. Traditionally, the main role of Customs is the collection of import and excise duties and the prevention of smuggling and trafficking in drugs.
137. The suspect of smuggling act shall accept inspection, and shall not hinder it.
138. After a 3-year undercover investigation Tyson Foods was charged with smuggling illegal immigrants to work in meat packing plants.
139. Tyson Foods was charged with smuggling illegal immigrants to work in meat packing plants.
140. BAT is under investigation by the UK Government Department of Trade and Industry over tobacco smuggling.
141. Police have busted a large cross-border firearms smuggling ring and arrested five suspects, the3) Criminal Investigation Bureau announced yesterday.
142. Large - scale smuggling also requires a willing market and a local distribution network to supply it.http:///smuggling.html
143. Last June, Guangdong police cooperated with customs officers to uncover a major smuggling ring, discovering 1,032 kg of heroin and detaining 16 suspects.
144. In addition, 231 smuggled, stolen cut-up cars were successfully seized and this has had a large impact on stolen cut-up car smuggling activities.
145. The trade of human flesh is so lucrative that authorities complain that even as they close in on one smuggling ring in the US, another one pops up.
146. However, a few years ago, the ship-breaking industry was on the verge of collapse with little activity, which made room for the smuggling of pipes from Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet states.
147. S. narco- demand, cut off weapons - smuggling into Mexico and lasso more of the billions of dollars heading to the drug cartels.
148. We distinguish between two kinds of illegal circumvention of taxation : bootlegging and large - scale organised smuggling.
149. He was now organising a little scheme for smuggling tobacco into London.
150. Police uncovered a truck smuggling moonshine over the state line.
151. Israeli airstrikes continued in Gaza today, pounding 40 Hamas targets before dawn, including smuggling tunnels and rocket launching sites.
152. Monitoring at national, regional and international level is needed to provide high quality data on smuggling, tax-free imports and cross-border trade of tobacco.
153. The success of terrorist organizations crime of laundering means the decriminalization of terrorist organizations black money that is got through illegal channels such as smuggling and drug trade.
154. He testified to overhearing whispered conversations about a smuggling plot while in an Australian prison.
155. While some who have known her doubt she is capable of run a drug smuggling ring, others describe Valencia as ambitious and determined from an early age.
156. The real problem with the bear paw trade, the authorities say, is that it creates smuggling channels for two other species — the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard — that are highly endangered.
157. New Star, the cargo ship, was sequestered at the Russian port of Nakhodka earlier this month for alleged smuggling.
158. It was the largest palm oil smuggling case in the history of Gongbei customs.
159. The incident led to an investigation by European Union prosecutors, who uncovered an international organ-stealing and smuggling ring of alarming scope.
160. The problem is also complicated by the constitution, which bars the army from doing police work such as the smuggling ring bust .
161. Third chapter. This part elaborates Yalu River bank and the Tumen river bank smuggling situation.
162. The two sides cooperate actively in the field of security and jointly crack down on the "three forces" including the "East Turkistan" and cross-nation crimes such as drug smuggling.
163. Publically, the tobacco industry maintains that tax increases are not effective. The industry asserts that smuggling is caused by taxes, and that to combat smuggling, taxes must be reduced.
164. Michoacan state is home to the country's monarch butterfly reserve as well as many violent drug gangs that have carved smuggling routes through the often-arid terrain.
164. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
165. Did AQ Khan [a Pakistani scientist who confessed in 2004 to running a nuclear smuggling ring] have access to this, or is it another player?
166. In the Republic of Kazakhstan there is a penalty stipulated for drugs smuggling.
167. Among other reasons, smuggling is prohibited because it will make countries suffer losses in customs duties.
168. Dahl, who is serving a five-year sentence for complicity in smuggling amphetamines, stole the show.
169. The fall of Hosni Mubarak not only left Iran with one enemy fewer; it also loosened Egypt's control of the Sinai Peninsula — the preferred route for smuggling arms into the Gaza Strip.
170. The police are trying to put an end to smuggling, root and branch.
171. DRUGS SMUGGLING WARNING: In the Republic of Kazakhstan there is a penalty stipulated for drugs smuggling.
172. Murder and arson, drug trafficking, smuggling and the brutal crazy.
173. Five-year, $350 million Global Tiger Recovery Program to better manage tiger habitats, step up enforcement along smuggling routes, and increase penalties and conviction rates for poachers.
174. They had already interviewed North Korean defectors living in China illicitly and said they wanted to document the smuggling route across the Tumen River which divides China and North Korea.
175. A commentator in the China Daily said export curbs would encourage smuggling.
176. So called "snakehead" gangs have beenresponsible for smuggling thousands of illegal migrants out of China into HongKong every year.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:37:28