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单词 Secretive
1. Her secretive manner had made me curious.
2. Everybody is being secretive : there's something cooking.
3. Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.
4. The government has been accused of being secretive and undemocratic.
5. She criticized the system for being secretive.
6. He's being very secretive about his new girlfriend.
7. He's very secretive about his work.
8. The child became secretive and withdrawn.
9. Carla was always very secretive about her work.
10. They were very secretive about their plans.
11. The Ministry is being obsessively secretive about the issue.
12. He's so secretive - you'll have a hard time prizing any information out of him.
13. I'm not at all secretive, and I'm pretty good at calling a spade a spade.
14. The Treasury-tight-knit, secretive, ferociously intelligent-is winning the battle.
15. Somehow it fitted into my stealthy, secretive nature.
16. Kath's very secretive about her past, isn't she?
17. They sat there smiling a secretive smile.
18. North Korea is a secretive nation.
19. But in our house, everything is very secretive.
20. East Coast drunks are very secretive.
21. A very secretive boy, I think I mentioned that.
22. Secretive sects also had a field day.
23. So why was the fortune-teller so secretive?
24. So why had he been so secretive?
25. In their financial affairs they have been abnormally secretive.
26. Were you concerned a very small, very secretive group with enough money can pose a security threat?
27. Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive.
28. As for the army, it is a proud and privileged, secretive and insulated institution.
29. But despite being a household name, pools is the most secretive part of Littlewoods' business.
30. Nothing came out, but then she seems to have been very secretive.
1. Her secretive manner had made me curious.
2. Everybody is being secretive : there's something cooking.
3. Billionaires are usually fairly secretive about the exact amount that they're worth.
4. The government has been accused of being secretive and undemocratic.
31. In the mess, speculation had buzzed about in hushed whispers, knowing, secretive nods.
32. Some few still showed the tell-tale signs of multiple occupation, dishevelled lawns, peeling paint and drawn secretive curtains.
33. The secretive negotiations between administrators and polluters meant there was no public accountability.
34. The agency has been criticized for being too secretive and hiding information from the public.
35. She is so secretive she won't even say what the initials stand for.
36. To say that the military is secretive about this technology would be an understatement.
37. The secretive nature of crime raises a number of problems for the study of crime.
38. But he was also a complex, highly secretive individual whose inner workings and motivations are profoundly glossed over in this film.
39. His style as leader, distrustful and secretive, prompts regular comparisons to Richard Nixon.
40. He had become a key player in the New York real-estate game community, which is both tightly knit and secretive.
41. Much of the discussion focused upon North Korea's highly secretive nuclear program.
42. At least one dancer was surprised to learn that Alvin had a brother, so secretive was he about his life.
43. He behaved as a benevolent autocrat, but was reluctant to delegate, suspicious, and secretive.
44. She became secretive, wary, looking over her shoulder at the slightest noise.
45. I am often secretive about what I eat, trying to hide it from my friends and family.
46. They are fiercely secretive and of their own choice inhabit a dim world of ambiguity and half-truths.
47. It was a street of small secretive houses with tiled roofs.
48. Proponents of the new policy said that the intent is to crack open the often secretive world of air safety regulation.
49. He was viewed by critics as being secretive, arrogant and aloof, but supporters described him as progressive and effective.
50. He is the nominee of the Reform Party, a secretive organization he invented, subsidizes and controls for his own purposes.
51. Falconer was quiet and secretive but seemed in very good humour,() laughing and talking rather garrulously.
52. This is in direct contrast to the company's more secretive past as part of the Central Electricity Generating Board.
53. Secretive steps, snuggling into their mother stone, giving you a sense of entering something rather than ascending it.
54. To reconstruct his thought and rediscover its movement is as difficult as investigating his secretive life.
55. For one, Blinder said he favors increased public knowledge about the intentions of policymakers at the secretive Fed.
56. Why did Stephen always have to be so secretive in his business dealings?
57. Ranulf sighed heavily, a long way from this dour monastery and his secretive master.
58. These secretive facilities house the deadly legacies of the Cold War: nuclear weapons, radioactive waste and toxic chemicals.
59. Now the secretive whistler with the woodwind song was revealed.
60. The review drew criticism as overly secretive, especially as it became clear that Rumsfeld was contemplating major change.
61. We will be less secretive about the workings of government.
62. She lives in her own world and is very secretive.
63. Headteachers could be as secretive as they pleased, concealing their results and disguising their problems.
64. The incident troubled me -- it wasn't like Sarah to be so secretive.
65. Blinder said he favors increased public knowledge about the intentions of policymakers at the secretive Fed.
66. Three decades after its birth the agency itself remains nearly as secretive and mysterious as when it emerged from the presidential womb.
67. This contrasts, hackers say, with crackers, who tend to gather in tight-knit, secretive groups.
68. Years of living alone had made her secretive and unwilling to trust anyone.
69. Oh you secretive ironist, was that perhaps your—irony?
70. He was evidently secretive and kept his own counsel.
71. There is nothing secretive about Ombudsman's work.
72. Unlike lions or cheetahs, leopards are secretive, solitary cats.
73. Bears are asocial secretive animals.
74. Experience has predisposed him to be very secretive.
75. Williams becomes quite vague and secretive at this point.
76. Miriam becomes melancholy and secretive.
77. The fact that it's a genocidal and secretive police state only exacerbates matters.
78. She told me about this with the secretive giggling attitude of an errant schoolgirl.
79. But China's secretive budgeting system makes it impossible to verify these figures.
80. You Scorpions are rather secretive about your likes and dislikes.
81. Secretive activities involving pornographic websites and cybersex take away sexual attention a person could be giving his or her partner, he said.
81. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
82. There is nothing secretive about the Ombusman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.
83. Katherine was forever secretive.
84. At the moment, the world's pandemic - alert system is distressingly secretive.
85. Secretive marsh birds like clapper rails, king rails and soras—one of which has already been found oiled—frequent brackish and salt marsh habitat.
86. All were Albert and myself, secretive, busy and multiform in other dimensions of time.
87. Mollenhauer, sly and secretive himself , was apparently not at all moved by this unexpected development.
88. Privatisation and other economic reforms are impeded by a secretive , Soviet - style bureaucracy.
89. There is nothing secretive about the Ombudsman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.
90. It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, country to chide Baidu for murkiness.
91. Two U.S. senators said Sunday they will ask federal authorities to crack down on a secretive narcotics market operated on the Internet with anonymous sales and untraceable currency.
92. Just because the situation has been secretive underground finally had take the air seam article.
93. So far, the media-wise Commerce Ministry is trouncing the normally secretive central bank.
94. When it comes to the secretive business of recruiting spies, images of shadowy figures and covert meetings at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge spring to mind.
95. He said: "I know Madonna bought one for the room of one of her houses, it was all very secretive, but I think it hangs in a child's room.
96. Um, let me tell you, it's a very secretive program ... It's called K, K48. That's the internal name.
97. This, coupled with the fact that flying machines remained universally a subject for jeers and derision, made the brothers secretive.
98. The plan has brought new attention to the largely secretive world of private financing and the rules for private companies in the United States.
99. And then there are ancient Aboriginal cultures, dazzling salt pans, secretive reptiles, rough-cut canyons and pristine gorges.
100. Just like mega-corporations, a couple of the countless supermassive black holes scattered across the universe have a merger about once a year -- but they're incredibly secretive about it.
101. In the Hatoyama administration, he also served as deputy prime minister and was a point man in the party's push to rein in the secretive central ministries that have run Japan since World War II.
102. It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.
103. The American army has viewed China's deployment in the Gulf of Aden, initially involving two destroyers and a supply ship, as a useful way of getting to know more about a secretive force.
104. A pale concrete structure is embedded in the lushness of a slope. Secretive, it does not immediately reveal itself to its visitor.
105. He's been so secretive he makes Thomas Pynchon seem like a gadabout.
106. General Michael Hayden who has overseen electronic eavesdropping and code breaking for the intelligence community as chief of the highly secretive National Security Agency for the past six years.
107. Under her nails she could feel the things her secretive daughter had bequeathed her.
108. An often defensive and secretive Chinese bureaucracy up against a bewilderingly complex mishmash of competing interests in America will not make for harmony.
109. The invention relates to a binary channel magnetism-free secretive electronic payment system based on voice and Internet and a payment method thereof.
110. Any effective opposition to a totalitarian regime must be secretive and cellular.
111. Pornography , once a secretive backdoor industry, is now out in the open.
112. The latest attacks go further, though. It might seem a bit rich for the state broadcaster of a secretive, authoritarian country to chide Baidu for murkiness.
113. My suggestion was sacrilegious because automakers have long been secretive about design.
114. "Other than pedophilia, it's the most secretive behavior I've encountered, " says Charles Yesalis, a Penn State University professor who has studied steroid use for 28 years.
115. Dai Qing, a Beijing-based water-conservation activist (sadly a rare breed in China), says the authorities are highly secretive about water-supply data.
116. Bilderberg has been called the most exclusive and secretive club in the world. To be admitted, you have to own a multinational bank, a multinational corporation or a country.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 22:34:26