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单词 Neoliberal
1) His influence was greatest on the centre left during the neo-liberal ascendancy in the 1980s.
2) Instead the 1980s has seen neoliberal market philosophies being adopted even by parties of the Left.
3) And it was criticised on the Right by neo-liberals who favoured a more liberal form of capitalism.
4) Raquel Zelaya, a neo-liberal economist, was an advisor to the previous government.
5) This move towards the short term is specific to the contemporary, neo-liberal era of capitalism.
6) The core of the neoliberal argument is the need to free enterprise and initiative from the dead hand of the state.
7) Adopt the egalitarian neoliberal model or die?
8) More than anything else, our modern neoliberal ideology contends that competition and a culture of winners and losers assures us all our freedom.
9) "It challenges the neoliberal ideology which promotes the drinker's freedom to choose his or her own behaviour, " she says.
10) By the view of neoliberal institutionalism, the author holds that international institutions have been playing an important part in promoting the countering-terrorism collaboration.
11) In effect, neoliberal discourse is not just one discourse among many.
12) Neorealism and neoliberal institutionalism are the two main schools in the 4 western international relations theory debate, in which international cooperation was one of the core issues.
13) That system, what might be called neoliberal globalization, was the system that just blew up.
14) And that highlights the weakness in the neoliberal agenda — global problems such as climate change cannot be solved by the invisible hand of the market.
15) Fourth, another problem which is related to neoliberal globalisation, in which China plays an important role as WTO-member, is that the world market is more important than local markets.
16) The world is a bad place run by neoliberal ideologues.
17) The agreement also ensured that the skewed economic and social system would continue, as well as the neoliberal economic policies.
18) The rise of corporate power is a direct result of governments' actively adopting neoliberal economic policies.
19) The processes identified in Minsky's financial instability hypothesis played a critical role in the crisis, but that role was part of a larger economic drama involving the neoliberal growth model.
20) Ecuador's leftist president, Rafael Correa, is an economist who, well before he was elected in December 2006, understood and wrote about the limitations of neoliberal economic dogma.
21) He finds that, despite the promises of its backers, NAFTA has locked in a harsh neoliberal economic policy that has swept away laws and protections that Mexican workers had established over decades.
22) However, the most important point to emerge from the crisis is that Europe's political reinvention will depend exclusively on the social struggle against neoliberal politics.
23) Empire is the only form in which global capital and its neoliberal regime can maintain and guarantee their global order and this fact gives the tendency of Empire a real necessity.
24) In turn, however, it is friendship that allows us to see that there is more than what the prevalent neoliberal discourse places before us as our possibilities.
25) Monetary reform alone will not bring prosperity to Euroland. That will also require breaking with the neoliberal approach to labor markets and macroeconomic policy.
26) This paper presents a case that the financial and economic crisis began in the U. S. in 2008 indicates the start of a systemic crisis of neoliberal capitalism.
27) In its wisdom,(http:///neoliberal.html) the troika imposed policies of severe austerity and deregulation consistent with the neoliberal ideology of the EU.
28) The euro was introduced in 1999, the high water mark of neoliberal economics.
29) World Bank or International Monetary Fund austerity packages in return for debt renegotiation are central to neoliberal programs.




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