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单词 Purchasing
1. They redlined some items on the purchasing list.
2. The purchasing power of people living on investment income has fallen as interest rates have gone down.
3. The real purchasing power of the rouble has plummeted.
4. The purchasing power of the local currency has halved.
5. Property in the city is beyond the purchasing power of most people.
6. Inflation reduces the purchasing power of people living on fixed incomes.
7. The cost of houses has risen faster than purchasing power.
8. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of the families with lower income.
9. The purchasing power of money has depreciated since she bought her savings certificates.
10. The purchasing power of the average hourly wage has risen in the last five years.
11. The drop in inflation boosted purchasing power, he said.
12. The purchasing power of the dollar has declined.
13. Consider a person purchasing a new motor car.
14. Purchasing plays an important role in production activities.
15. Purchasing power has been severely eroded.
16. Newco then knows precisely what it is purchasing.
17. In purchasing costs, stock holding and direct production costs.
18. That reduces the real purchasing power of wages.
19. They should pop down to accounting or purchasing and introduce themselves to the people they deal with.
20. They discussed purchasing the rights to the treasure with the insurance companies, but no contracts were signed.
21. Purchasing patents would make significant savings on initial research costs and adapting or improving known techniques would increase the speed of development.
22. A new health care purchasing authority will contract for primary services with individual practices or primary care provider units.
23. By contrast, a small saving in purchasing costs can be worth considerably more in terms of equivalent sales value. 9.
24. By the second year there was considerable disappointment that they had not developed the purchasing role as far as they had hoped.
25. John Chambers, 35, has been appointed commercial manager responsible for all estimating and purchasing activities.
26. Each of them has the power to decide immediately to stop purchasing tuna caught by fishing on dolphins.
27. Behind the scenes, cinema chains enjoy the economies of centralised purchasing and have utilised computers to track inventory and prevent spoilage.
28. For example, often firms will receive quantity discounts when they are purchasing large quantities of goods for manufacture or resale.
29. More often than not he managed supervision, set production quotas, controlled purchasing and distribution.
30. Rodgers and his wife built up the collection without the aid of a professional adviser, purchasing from dealers and at auction.
1. They redlined some items on the purchasing list.
2. The purchasing power of people living on investment income has fallen as interest rates have gone down.
31. DRIPs let shareholders increase their investment by taking dividends in stock or by purchasing additional shares straight from the company.
32. Expect to hear information about purchasing an AlaskaPass for independent travel.
33. The scarcity of housing here is mostly the result of the intense interest and enormous purchasing power of international buyers.
34. The first important step was to separate the purchasing and providing functions and devolve services such as personnel and finance to units.
35. Purchasing managers indicated that they are growing more concerned about future demand for their goods.
36. So vignerons purchasing bench grafted vinestock will save one year of productivity from their vineyard, a substantial proportion of their income.
37. The goods became obtainable, but not purchasable, because of the lack of purchasing power among the population.
38. In the case of a privately placed issue, the purchasing institution normally acts as its own trustee.
39. As the newer varieties of catfish have appeared in my local aquatic outlet, I have been purchasing them.
40. But smaller deficits brought on either by spending cuts or higher taxes reduce purchasing power.
41. Purchasing decisions are often very risky, and can involve an organization in carrying considerable costs.
42. For instance, a married couple may want a bigger and better house, so they are motivated into purchasing one.
43. The actual implementation of these programs involves collection of revenues and disbursement of public money, budgeting, accounting, and purchasing.
44. Government purchasing Public procurement is another area where the 1992 programme calls for further progress.
45. The company can not compete on price in the volume markets because of outdated equipment and small purchasing power.
46. Money wage increases are valued in their own right: workers pay no attention to the purchasing power of the money wage.
47. But can the numbers and purchasing power of those following the Yuppy life-style be quantified?
48. We can cut costs by bulk purchasing and take advantage of national retail distribution channels.
49. Much is explained by the growth of purchasing power and consuming propensities among the middle ranks of society.
50. The families of a nation have an enormous collective purchasing power over a very wide range of products and services.
51. The settlement put a Dec. 31 deadline on meeting conditions of the agreement or the purchasing authority would expire.
52. Food safety guarantees can lock food processors and distributors into purchasing home-produced food and not imports produced to lower standards.
53. In 1939,() Minnesota prohibited line agencies from buying items that cost more than $ 50 without approval from Central Purchasing.
54. And it should be leased, not bought, and the purchasing agreement should be protected against swings in currency.
55. The firm has an option on purchasing the share in the project of Hernerdon Mining and Smelting.
56. There was also evidence that Drew had visited several other tobacconists, purchasing pipes to send to friends.
57. Generally, this is adequate for most buyers, particularly those purchasing a modern property.
58. Together the two confiscated property provisions are aimed at discouraging foreign investors from purchasing such property from the cash-strapped Castro government.
59. If a shop doesn't offer secure purchasing, it's not serious about its online presence.
60. He either locks on to whatever brand he began with, or he stops purchasing altogether.
61. Public health medicine and purchasing health care Public health medicine is a goal driven medical specialty.
62. Buying two wooden spoons can be more fun at this time than purchasing an expensive set of china in later years.
63. Many planning systems exist whereby consumers with similar characteristics of purchasing behaviour are grouped.
64. As wages declined, less money was available for purchasing inessential goods, so the prices of these would rise less steeply.
65. Dollars have less international purchasing power and more dollars have to be spent.
66. The average Mexican employee's purchasing power is still relatively low compared with U.S. workers.
67. Example 1 Stockport District Health Authority has developed a locality model of purchasing with extended outposts in localities.
68. You must travel across this highway, whether you are an organization purchasing supplies or a consumer ordering a movie on demand.
69. Some scientists and engineers become managers in marketing, personnel, purchasing, or other areas or become general managers.
70. To do so would risk purchasing care inappropriately and, by wasting money, could exacerbate inequalities.
71. Last week, for example, he took in a pole for repair and wound up purchasing three new ones.
72. In addition, young people's purchasing patterns can be influenced by the advertising and tobacco sponsorship of sports.
73. First they visited the parts purchaser, who agreed that the policy was unwise but blamed central purchasing.
74. They determine computer hardware requirements, evaluate equipment options, and make purchasing decisions.
75. Why is it that the simple act of purchasing something can often be hell?
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
76. They, not just their managers, should be involved in the design or purchasing process, and consulted about their tasks.
77. Most of the major services have received numerous complaints from users who have been conned into purchasing illegal software.
78. Table 4-I is a hypothetical demand schedule for a single consumer who is purchasing bushels of corn.
79. Pensions represent a transfer of resources in the form of purchasing power from current taxpayers or pension-fund contributors to past contributors.
80. PepsiCo entered the restaurant business in 1977 by purchasing Pizza Hut.
81. The Purchasing Manager in charge of a purchasing department exercises his responsibilities in close collaboration with other colleagues.
82. So I have no reason, other than build quality, task suitability and performance, for purchasing components made by specific companies.
83. The foundry was allowed to go to pot in the seventies and Pringle's started purchasing from outside suppliers.
84. Over the coming months we hope to begin the process of finding and purchasing a suitable place.
85. Forbes is purchasing the same instant gratification at the advice of Carter Wrenn, a media warrior from Sen.
86. All the people are to have a voice, which is to be operationalized through their individual consumption or purchasing decisions.
87. He was presented with a cut glass crystal decanter by senior purchasing manager David Bayston.
88. As this happens equity is sacrificed as purchasing power rather than clinically diagnosed need determines which patients should be treated.
89. Individuals with similar functions include materials, operations, purchasing, and traffic managers.
90. The major multiples have already voiced concerns over the system as refugees can not be given change when purchasing with vouchers.
91. SmartStream provides data access, distribution, presentation and development functions for managing purchasing, asset management and manufacturing systems.
92. Lease financing is commonly used as an alternative to purchasing an asset with the proceeds of a debt issue.
93. In return you get the benefits of staff training, purchasing, product development, marketing and leasing services.
94. We're working on a new production model for the whole factory - new stock control, new purchasing policy.
95. In 1993, they increased the amount of merchandise purchased abroad by about 7 percent while holding the line on total purchasing.
96. More narrowly, purchasing departments inside organizations search for information about specific courses of action, such as the purchase of equipment.
97. The board took steps Friday to increase scrutiny of purchasing and construction contracts.
98. After purchasing a card from a vendor or through the mail, customers scratch off the surface to reveal their account number.
99. The proximity of schools, stores, hospitals, and so on is an important factor when purchasing a house.
100. This freedom of choice, our local knowledge and the security of purchasing through a household name must be an unbeatable combination.
101. As well as the initial outlay of purchasing the machine, they need to know what to expect in terms of running costs.
102. They were purchasing the raw product from Iowa Packing Company.
103. Inflation will rise if workers try to compensate for the reduction in purchasing power by bargaining for higher pay.
104. How do we pay for clinical services which we are purchasing?
105. We prayerfully proceeded with the purchasing process, only to have the property survey reveal a £5,000 defect.
105. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
106. When purchasing from a group, arrangements must be made to calculate and clear intra-group accounts.
107. I remind my hon. Friend that the regional electricity companies have an obligation to undertake economic purchasing.
108. He invested his business gains in building up an estate, purchasing as a country seat the former Carmelite priory of Aylesford.
109. All are given clear-cut linkage to their internal customer. As an example, they have broken the purchasing activity into teams.
110. The chapter concludes with a brief examination of decision process and behavioural models of industrial purchasing.
111. These facts support the contention that the market's purchasing power is high.
112. Primary care contracts will be monitored by the purchasing authority and could include medical audit and reaccreditation in the future.
113. By diverting purchasing power from private spenders to government, taxes free resources from private uses.
114. A Los Angeles Times reporter attended the event after purchasing a $ 42 ticket made available when a reservation was canceled.
115. It would also involve such measures as not purchasing a bag with a mobile phone holder prominently attached to the outside.
116. An administrative support team handled such matters as payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, and employment sourcing.
117. Thus Whitty and Jones argued recently that public health medicine embraces the purchasing role at its peril.
118. So how can a return be earned from purchasing one?
119. The most far-reaching internal investigation in Phoenix police history cost four officers their jobs Friday for purchasing banned rifles under false pretenses.
120. Customers can earn extra points when purchasing particular products, and vouchers stretch further when redeemed on particular deals.
121. The government decision on April 29 followed recommendation from its rail services purchasing committee, which includes Banverket.
122. In many cases search and discovery technology as well as organized catalogs or directories are necessary inducements to purchasing decisions.
123. As an example, they have broken the purchasing activity into teams.
124. The retail element is highly fragmented and therefore, historically, mail-order has been an important purchasing element.
125. The agreement will also restrict competition by limiting the selling opportunities of other producers of the components subject to the exclusive purchasing commitment.
126. Arbitration will be needed to prevent exploitation by the purchasing authority.
127. The trouble was that the purchasing power of the workers did not keep abreast of what they produced.
128. Goodwill can permit effective cooperation for purchasing of secondary care but goodwill is ephemeral when difficult decisions have to be made.
129. A buyer may come to expect concessions from a seller in return for purchasing.
130. Members of the Northern Regional Health Authority have backed proposals to create seven powerful purchasing authorities by allowing districts to join forces.
131. Working with the purchasing department, the production manager ensures that plant inventories are maintained at their optimal level.
132. The state Department of Water and Power has spent as much as $ 3 billion since it started purchasing electricity in January.
133. At the same time the peso was devalued by 600 % and inflation soared over consumers' purchasing power declined.
134. The minimum wage has been raised, but its purchasing power has fallen by 40 % since the late 60s.
135. At the moment that gallery is engaged - I use the word advisedly - in purchasing an important Cuyp landscape.
136. Problems in prescribing at the interface present a strong case for commissioning agencies that would consider drug purchasing across both care sectors.
137. Prepare price comparison and purchasing contract till its confirming.
138. Permanently communication with purchasing department regarding price information.
139. Sales and purchasing data summarizing, update, analysis and evaluation.
140. My roommate is used to purchasing daily supplies online.
141. Both purchasing and marketing are brisk.
142. All purchasing has been centralized in our office.
143. Monitor purchasing activities, ordered material flows. Report progress.
144. Assist HQ purchasing department in checking casting quality.
145. I highly recommend purchasing Albolene. You won't be disappointed.
146. Fourth: logistics and commodity purchasing consultation service.
147. Be good at holistic purchasing management and category analysis.
148. Chicago Purchasing Managers Index also hit a new low since 1982.
149. China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Analysis of Contributing analyst Zhang Liqun said.
150. Communicate on a regular basis with mechanical assembly, engineering and purchasing personnel.
151. Utilize people from different perspectives: production, quality, engineering, logistics, and purchasing.
152. Some factors affecting the purchasing price for second hand ship are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively.
153. Among the rural population there is banked up a great mass of purchasing power.
154. Subscription document of residential building is the purchasing intention agreed on by the buyer and seller before signing the pre-sale or sale contract.
155. The international dollar is a common currency unit that takes into account differences in the relative purchasing power of various currencies.
156. The paper discussed the fact literature centralized purchasing in the universities library, proposed the action of library literature purchasing under the new situation.
157. Exemption of income tax can be applied for after purchasing domestically made equipment by logistic enterprises in the course of their technical renovations .
158. Job Summary: Responsible within the limits of delegated authority , for product purchasing and development.
159. Plan, organize and administrate the sourcing and purchasing of supplier.
160. Purchasing Form: to be used only by suppliers to contact the purchasing department.
161. The purchasing power of money has depreciated since she bought savings certificates.
162. Huaxing is in charge of hiring the service staff, purchasing the food and producing.
163. Purchasing order issue and release, confirm the delivery schedule with supplier.
164. Mr. Ross is in charge of purchasing. Shall I put you through?
165. This article analyzes the effectiveness and inevitability of purchasing cost decrease.
166. In order to take advantages of the two purchasing methods, quantity discounts and JIT purchasing, this paper combines them both, and sets up a new JIT purchasing model based on quantity discounts.
167. The purchasing price of raw materials, fuel and power came down by 3.2 percent.
168. Thirdly, catalogues are a hassle free means of purchasing beads beaded items.
169. The Purchasing Card Psychotropic Drugs shall be made solely by the Ministry of Public Health.
170. In centralized purchasing, a separate individual or department is established within the organization and given authority to make the majority of purchases.
171. Please fill out your purchasing order and send to vender as an attachment.
172. For the purpose, a just in time purchasing model was established, then self-adapting genetic algorithm was used to make stochastic simulation.
173. The law relations of the civil priority purchasing right are defined and the law nature and the law value are analyzed.
174. The purchasing agent rushes around every day to secure materials.
175. As a special sign of encouragement, we'll consider accepting payment by D / P at this sales - purchasing stage.
176. Offer necessary information for raw materials purchasing, finished goods shipping, etc.
177. In just purchasing them, he explained, "we were taking a risk. One didn't know whether they were salvable."
178. In this paper, analyze the problems of centralized purchasing drugs and think about countermeasures in 2008, Guangdong Province.
179. Our company is a trading enterprise specializing in supplying export service for many years, and also is purchasing office in China for companies from many countries.
180. Supervise and update material unit price, supplier information and minimum stock, lead time of each model for PMC and other documents in purchasing department.
181. Urban and rural pingdingshan's large market potential, the per capita income in the front rank, residents, purchasing power exuberant.
182. In addition, the target company applies L/C and time bill for some importing products payment for purchasing.
183. Other revenue of Central Government does not include tariff, while since 2003 vehicle purchasing tax is included (the same applies to the following tables).
184. Psychological pricing tactics is that enterprises induce the purchase of customers in order to enlarge their own sales volume according to customer's purchasing psychology.
185. In denomination of US dollars, Chinese economy will exceed Japanese this year, while in terms of purchasing power, China has long surpassed Japan as the second economic entity.
186. Retail store managers supervise sales workers in a retail establishment or department, and may perform management duties like purchasing, budgeting and accounting.
187. Reviews by trusted authors are more likely to be read, and are therefore more like likely to influence a purchasing decision and earn a high Income Share bonus.
188. This shall include purchasing, accounts receivable, cash sales, accounts payable, credit control, costing, ledger and payroll.
189. To carry out daily project, consumable, equipment and tool purchasing. To analyse and understand the purchasing requisition and technical requirements.
190. Buyer should issue written purchasing contract to supplier for commodities which are NOT due to expire in less than a year.
191. Be responsible for purchasing of material, equipment parts and consumable for production.
192. "People don't eat right anymore," said Garcia Garduno "Instead of coming here and purchasing a fruit drink, they prefer to walk across the street and buy fried pork chops.
193. The new standard was set according to what economists call purchasing power parity.
194. Be responsible for negotiation of purchasing price to optimize products cost.
195. Now ,() the irredeemable perpetual public debt presupposes the stability of purchasing power.
196. By illustrating an example, the paper shows the application of ABC in centralized purchasing, which can provide banks with reliable information to select, evaluate and manage suppliers.
197. And almost not purchasing large textile enterprises, mainly raw materials inventory and many, and current as the cotton quickly out to Hong Kong, stocks will further galore.
198. This paper introduced the characteristics of centralized purchasing of drugs by inviting tenders on Internet in Wuhu city. Problems are analyzed and some suggestions are offered.
199. Next the course instructs psychological process of consumer, consumer demand, consumer motive, consumer attitude, consumer personality and consumer purchasing theory.
200. No more purchasing a book anonymously with cash book with a credit card.
201. Assist purchasing specialist in negotiation of purchasing price to optimize products cost.
202. In other words, customers would do well to take accurate measurements before purchasing their fabric. A small piece of cloth cannot adequately clothe a large person.
203. Responsible for status monitoring of purchasing contract and purchasing order, on site inspection for equipment, updating the payment status.
204. Jim wants to enquire about purchasing new computers for his business.
205. Surverys indicate that finding out readers' demands, purchasing the preferent books, sharing information with readers without delay and so on can raise the utilization ratio of Chinese books.
206. The ability to work with people of functional backgrounds - Management, Sales, EDP, Finance, Manufacturing and Purchasing.
207. London rose frome 15th palce to sixth in the gross wages ranking, but was only 20th in domestic purchasing power.
208. If need were, we also in a position act as your United State purchasing agent on a commission basis.
209. More than 3 years working experience. Be familiar with purchasing work, especial indirect material.
210. In inflation, the real purchasing power of money decreased, the government's real income from the coinage tax is less than the nominal income.
211. In purchasing munitions, the contractor has also worked with middlemen and shell company on a federal list of entities suspected of illegal arms trafficking .
212. When purchasing a Party Dresses, veil, and tiara, ensure they all match perfectly.
213. Mr. Bryant , someone representing our Purchasing Department will be here in just a moment.
214. Through a series of testing method, this article introduces the selecting and purchasing methods of high-speed machine tools.
215. Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
216. If the price level rises, the future purchasing power of money over time will go down.
217. I have worked as a purchasing engineer and I'm a construction engineer now.
218. Leicestershire, central "England, " antiques " auctions, " appraisers, and the provision of purchasing collectibles, art auctions, furniture "and" advice.
219. Methods Change the many units of ecological construction management to single unit of ecological purchasing company and render an account system to purchasing system.
220. Good morning, Mr. Montgomery . I've been sent over from purchasing to fill in for Clare Williams.
221. Try to get precise information concerning the sales forecasts and translate them into purchasing forecast programme.
222. Or it is the rate of decrease in the purchasing power of money.
223. Because of super short-term load forecast error, ATC is changing with the adjustment of the generation scheduling by the object function that purchasing charge is least.
224. Responsible for data and equipment. Cooperate with purchasing department to choose the supplier.
225. Tuesday,(http:///purchasing.html) the Fed said it will a shot - term short - term loans by purchasing called comercial commercial paper.
226. The paper introduced the model of Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) in United States, including their initiation, process, the role of government. The model of Chinese Tender was analyzed.
227. But they "act less altruistically and are more likely to cheat and steal after purchasing green products than after purchasing conventional products.
228. If you have a team of five or more, you can qualify for a group discount on our purchasing training.
229. Insist on purchasing only those toys which have been approved as safe and lead-free.
230. He first worked for the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. , working his way up from accountant to director of purchasing for the corporation's retail division.
231. Very few people understand that when you are purchasing an animal that is raised in a factory farm, you're basically saying: I approve, do it again.
232. The General Services Administration is seeking information on potential sources to provide market research support on state and local purchasing methods and programs.
233. Knowing procedure of purchasing, producing, quality control Dep. I can do communicated job home and outer.
234. The Neimoidians had long been careful to skirt contention by purchasing victories in the Senate. Strong-arm tactics were alien to them.
235. This paper explores the establishment and implementation of inner control system of centralized purchasing,() based on the theory and practice of inner control system.
236. Kinhom uniquely issued the international advanced management pattern like "centralized purchasing", "unified management", "unified accounting" and shapes unique superiority of the nuclear competition.
237. The monetary unit's purchasing power never changes evenly with regard to all things vendible and purchasable.
238. To be responsible for reporting expense and budget for production department and purchasing department.
239. For realizing the torch in nc cutter cut jacket clip, purchasing should be required with straight cut with numerical control handle torch.
240. The interest deducted prior to purchasing , selling, or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate.
241. And HSBC's Asia Business Index, which draws on surveys of purchasing managers in the region, shows price pressures in Asia (excluding Japan) at their highest for at least a decade.
242. Responsible the project management of localization, new project, part changes and assist Purchasing Dep. and Dep.
243. If you are intent on making certain that your preschooler gets the most out of videos and DVDs you may want to consider purchasing educational videos or DVDs for your kids.
244. AND TV electronic products trading Co. , LTD mainly bodacious, creative gift purchasing products television, fashionable household supplies, give your life full of fun and innovative!
245. Licensing arrangement could be made for corporation interested in purchasing our line of products in-group.
246. Purchasing shall take appropriate steps to allow for lead time concerning Production Part Approval Process completion and subsequent production release.
247. Manufacturing engineer and manager review and approve Mould Block Purchasing Order and Big Tessera Steel Purchasing Order.
248. Our country has joined WTO, sooner or later it will join Government Purchasing Association ( GPA ).
249. It was concluded that the relation ship between packaging design and consumer motivation is very important to improve packaging design effect and promoting purchasing behavior.
250. Membership card is non-transferable. In order to ensure having member's privileges, please present your card when purchasing, and customer may be asked to present identification.
251. But when purchasing a computer Bible program, the concordance program is usually based on Strong's.
252. Catherine : You are in luck , Jerry, the insurance is covered in the purchasing price.
253. Purchasing medical equipment has realized gradually open invite tenders, during medical health system re-formed continuously.
254. Also need to judge whether customer have already registered or not while purchasing merchandise, for the conferrable hint for DOing not register.
255. Purchasing power parity was developed by Swedish economist Karl Cassel./purchasing.html
256. Mr. Prophet oversees all hardware purchasing for H.P.'s $65-billion-a-year global supply chain, which feeds its huge manufacturing engine.
257. We refer to our letter of January 10, 1999 regarding low Arsenic Antimony Trioxide and take this opportunity to advise that we are also interested in purchasing your low tint Antimony Trioxide.
258. The GAO also noted that the cost of purchasing protection against default of AIG's unsecured debt has fallen.
259. I sense a slight asymmetry with your purchasing this item.
260. Reducing purchasing cost is an effective way for manufacturers to cut down production cost.
261. Just - in - time ( JIT ) techniques are sometimes referred to as just - in - time production, just - in - time purchasing and just - in - time delivery.
262. Tuesday, the Fed said it will make short - term loans by purchasing what is called commercial paper.
263. FAHP; Purchasing cost; Price ratio purchasing; Purchasing of limited price; Value engineering.
264. It would be wise to read and compare the nutritional labels when purchasing prepackaged snacks, especially the energy, fat and sugar content, because some nutrition claims may be misleading.
265. The bar code technology was applied in purchasing management. The coding purchasing information system was designed with the code 39, which was applied in the area of industry extensively.
266. This paper writes about the experience of implementing the system of centralized financial revenue and expenditure on government purchasing fund in government departments and sta.
267. Lawyer fee: Around 0.2 % to 0.3 % of the purchasing price.
268. Anshan Iron and Steel Association is based on purchasing a long contract terms enforced.
269. So be sure to eat prepared food soon after purchasing it, Feist says.
270. Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate, subsidy and wage policy's effects on real exchange rate respectively.
271. Review the purchasing plan given by the store. Control the quantity in the store. Take measures to prevent the short of items or overstock. Review the invoice, delivery sheet, offered price or order.
272. There exist differences in the requirements between the department of accounting and the tax department on the accounting of tax credit in purchasing when paying by instalments.
273. The credit card holder agrees to pay the total amount of money to the credit issue bank on confirmation of purchasing.
274. Material standard of living is measured by gross domestic product per head at purchasing power parity.
275. Other areas, such as registration or customer service, are places you might choose to support by purchasing off-the-shelf packages from a vendor or using an outsourcing service.
276. Meanwhile, centralized purchasing can easily lead to corruption during the purchase process.
277. Why wasting money on purchasing ringtones?With Flying Ringtone Maker you can create ring tones directly on your mobile phone in only a few steps and assign it to your contact.
278. Expounds the procedure and method of evaluation and type - selection before purchasing a breathing machine.
279. But if you can think of surplus funds may be a dream to see Lange makeup, I also heard there in a purchasing a good match Lange!
280. The theory of purchasing - power parity ( PPP ) implies that high - inflation currenciesshould depreciate, relative to harder monies.
281. The example shows that the purchasing cost is reduced a lot.
282. But much of this anticipated revenue will come not from consumer purchasing, but from business - to - business transactions.
283. New export order index was 53.6 percent, down by 0.9 percentage points compared to November while purchasing price index rose by 6.5 percentage points to 63.4 percent.
284. Provide market information and analysis report for developing Indirect Material Purchasing strategy.
285. Article 9 The purchasing companies may make syndicated tender on the principles of voluntary consultation.
286. The gearbox installation fee is included in the fee of purchasing gearbox(), it costs 200000 Yuan.
287. Create purchasing contract or order base on project requirement and release to vendor timely.
288. Could you please clarify the materials specification and purchasing quantity before my quotation.
289. The system displays the results of the analysis on the Purchasing Group Analysis: Basic List screen.
290. The buyer reserves the right to offset any receivable it may have with the supplier against the sums that it may owe the supplier with respect to the performance of the purchasing contract.
291. London rose from 15th place to sixth in the gross wages ranking, but was only 20th in domestic purchasing power.
292. Comparatively, 500,000 new home transactions, purchasing homes saves deed tax only then 5000 Yuan.
293. Head Kandy is the ultimate resource for purchasing high quality clip in hair extensions .
294. Can invitation to bid of the purchasing center of government information see woollen cloth in there?
295. Spend discretionary income on experiences, such as dining out and travel, instead of purchasing goods.
296. 'Current prices are acceptable, and if iron ore rises to $160-$170 a ton, we'll still be able to buy, ' said a purchasing manager at a major steelmaker in China.
297. In content the Internet book will be the same with the paper book. But they are very different in reading method and purchasing cost.
298. With such strong industrial base, these employees are more stable income, purchasing power belittled.




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