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单词 Citizenship
1 I have applied for French citizenship.
2 They stripped me of my citizenship and deported me.
3 We have tried to inculcate a feeling of citizenship in youngsters.
4 He has German citizenship.
5 Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.
6 Citizenship is automatic for children born in this country.
7 There is a residency requirement for obtaining citizenship.
8 They're going to take my citizenship away.
9 He holds joint citizenship in Sweden and Peru.
10 Their citizenship in school is very good.
11 he is entitled to British citizenship.
12 Ten years later,[] she chose to take Australian citizenship.
13 McGuirk holds dual citizenship in Ireland and the US.
14 They were granted full French citizenship.
15 Marriage to a national gave automatic eligibility for citizenship.
16 He was granted Canadian citizenship.
17 You can apply for citizenship after five years' residency.
18 Citizenship is about the sense of nationhood.
19 He had "derivative citizenship" from his father's naturalization around 1990.
20 He was stripped of his citizenship when he criticized the government.
21 Joyce regarded his US citizenship as a moral and political incubus.
22 You will have to renounce citizenship of this country if you apply for citizenship of another.
23 He had " derivative citizenship " from his father's naturalisation around 1990.
24 She renounced her citizenship.
25 After 15 years in the USA,() he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship.
26 In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.
27 Husbands and wives of British nationals do not automatically gain citizenship.
28 The schools should be responsible for teaching our children good citizenship .
29 Only after ten years in the country did she gain her citizenship.
30 He was born in Sweden, but he doesn't have Swedish citizenship.
1 I have applied for French citizenship.
2 They stripped me of my citizenship and deported me.
3 After 15 years in the USA, he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship.
4 We have tried to inculcate a feeling of citizenship in youngsters.
5 He has German citizenship.
6 Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it, whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak.
7 In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship.
8 Their citizenship in school is very good.
9 Ten years later, she chose to take Australian citizenship.
10 He was stripped of his citizenship when he criticized the government.
11 He had " derivative citizenship " from his father's naturalisation around 1990.
12 Husbands and wives of British nationals do not automatically gain citizenship.
13 He was born in Sweden, but he doesn't have Swedish citizenship.
31 Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship.
32 No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.
33 Ching Hua was granted American citizenship last year.
34 It is the very foundation of good citizenship.
35 Rudolph voluntarily renounced his U.S. citizenship.
36 I will give him citizenship if he asks.
37 I believe Scout groups help teach good citizenship.
38 Krebs was granted French citizenship in 1992.
39 What do teachers think makes good citizenship education?
40 Does this qualify me for citizenship?
41 However, dual citizenship would not be allowed.
42 Citizenship is access to your records in a database.
43 Active citizenship, they believe, requires active participation in policy-making and taking responsibilities.
44 The existing law stated that only those who had been granted citizenship would be enfranchised.
45 Independence, self help and active citizenship have all been praised.
46 Public institutions need to be democratised and decentralisation is necessary in the public domain in order to achieve active citizenship.
47 A.. After five years of residency, an individual may apply for citizenship for a $ 95 fee.
48 This centre will examine the non-economic benefits of learning such as social cohesion, active citizenship and improved health.
49 As Desmond King has argued, ultimately ideological and institutional support are the best protectors of social citizenship rights.
50 Put another way, that means lower salaries for members a proposal more redolent of second-class citizenship than a classless society.
51 Marshall traced the development of a legal status of citizenship in the United Kingdom through a number of historical stages.
52 The tourist card is issued upon presentation of proof of U.S. citizenship.
53 Active citizenship, in the form of participatory democracy, is only possible in small communities where there is no organisational complexity.
54 The Government for a start, which is commissioning research into dozy citizenship.
55 Clinton also writes about hurried parents, religion, child care, education and citizenship.
56 Many feel political participation must be made worthwhile before active citizenship can occur.
57 In these respects they differ markedly from the other two parties and have a much stronger and more developed concept of citizenship.
58 Here, the strengthening of family values and citizenship go hand in hand.
59 It is not a mere matter of citizenship; it is a birthright and a shared inheritance.
60 Their judicial proclamations range from grandiloquent declarations of sovereign citizenship to lowly refusals to pay speeding tickets.
61 Women were granted the vote and given equal citizenship for the first time in the 1950 Constitution.
62 We now turn to consider why a counter-strategy should be mounted against this loss of a universal citizenship.
63 Their leader, Thorez, had deserted from the army and been stripped of his citizenship in 1939.
64 Citizenship status would have insulated her from deportation even after her drug conviction.
65 The Social Democrats once said that a new citizenship law should accompany any restriction of the right to asylum.
66 Also the material benefits of Prussian citizenship had begun to show in improved living standards and educational opportunities.
67 Participatory democracy does need to be strengthened to promote active citizenship at local and national levels.
68 In the schools we are observing such a transition to active citizenship is facilitated in a number of ways.
69 Citizenship needs to be developed by extending rights to women, blacks, and other minorities.
70 General will should ensure the equality and liberty necessary for active citizenship -; taking collective decisions.
71 Perhaps it means that low-key, sporadic participation, which is the norm for most displays of citizenship, is not enough?
72 History is a priceless preparation for citizenship, work,[http:///citizenship.html] and leisure.
73 Some of the athletes in this international potpourri, like Kaila, McGuirk and Thomson, hold dual citizenship.
74 It is the loss of a comprehensive approach to citizenship that makes it appropriate to talk in terms of an emerging underclass.
75 Active citizenship is still an ideal, but we must not lose the vision of the classical theorists, regarding participatory democracy.
76 They accepted an objectionable, racially-discriminatory basis on which Hong Kong citizenship would be decided.
77 Avoiding the poll tax will be costly in terms of universal political citizenship.
78 Their analysis traces the political origins and impact of social movement activity in terms of the protection of individual rights of citizenship.
79 Active citizenship involves the participation of individuals in the social, economic and political organisations of the state.
80 Work Ethics Schools need to emphasize and demand basic work ethics and good citizenship from students.
81 He told his Intourist guide, a young woman named Rimma, that he wanted to apply for Soviet citizenship.
82 Better-fed and better-educated children had grown into young adults who could move confidently into full citizenship.
83 Mr Kohl himself has floated the idea of offering dual citizenship on a trial basis.
84 Political disobedience is sanctioned as a possible expression of active citizenship on which a self-managing democracy is based.
85 The official told him he was not yet being considered for Soviet citizenship.
86 Such exclusion from citizenship is again the mark of the underclass.
87 Present immigrants would stay and gradually acquire citizenship once fully integrated.
88 Sometimes he talked of marrying Gina in the sixties to give her citizenship.
89 But if the Conservative Party thought that it was cornering the market in citizenship, they were to be quickly disillusioned.
90 Some aliens may qualify for citizenship under the new law.
91 I served on the citizenship working party after receiving a phone call from David Blunkett's office.
92 Costas has dual citizenship in the U.S. and the Philippines.
93 These are also the characteristics of good citizenship, and they should be emphasized in the teaching of all subjects.
94 Anything less would be second-class citizenship in the world of intercollegiate sports.
95 The conference highlighted and promoted service teaching and learning as a way to build academic and citizenship skills while renewing communities.
96 The citizens of Athens recognized that responsible citizenship would not come about automatically; it had to be carefully cultivated.
97 More important for most purposes of private law than citizenship is domicile.
98 Schools also have shifted the focus of education away from citizenship towards training for jobs, he said.
99 Almost inadvertently, through such activity, structures emerged which promoted active citizenship through community education and development initiatives.
100 As we have seen, the civil and political elements of citizenship have been eroded in recent years.
101 Nor has it dealt with the question of a new citizenship law, though the Solingen atrocity has revived debate about this.
102 And a fourth explanation is that voting is primarily an expression of citizenship, social solidarity,[sentence dictionary] and political communication.
103 No zealous advocate of good citizenship would argue that political participation ought to be pursued to the neglect of all other obligations.
104 A shortage of teachers trained in social sciences could undermine attempts to introduce compulsory citizenship lessons into schools, campaigners warn.
105 Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.
106 Discussion of less traditional approaches and concerns continues with reference to social work and citizens' charters, citizenship and participation.
107 Means-tested assistance is equated by the customer with second-class citizenship.
108 Citizenship and political leadership were vested in those most inherently worthy.
109 After five years in the US, foreign nationals can apply for full US citizenship.
110 We now turn to consider why a counter-strategy should be mounted against this loss of a universal citizenship. Why Bother?
111 Under Western pressure the language and citizenship laws have been liberalized.
112 Conceiving citizenship is this manner allows for a clearer understanding of the complexities of contemporary forms of social inclusion and exclusion.
113 No wonder the rights of citizenship were granted only grudgingly, except when the town urgently needed to increase its population.
114 Defining citizenship in terms of market participation is therefore one aspect of the Conservative government's aim of promoting inequality.
115 Those who argue for participatory democracy believe active citizenship can not be established within the limitations set by the existing liberal-democratic framework.
116 It is for this reason that citizenship in the polis could be attained by birth only.
117 Many bureaucrats have not been welcoming, illegally charging for forms that the newcomers have to complete to obtain citizenship.
118 Beveridge provided a rationale based on concepts of national efficiency, rationality and the rights of citizenship.
119 Felony convictions in most instances would automatically disqualify an immigrant from obtaining citizenship.
120 New citizens are asked to swear allegiance during the citizenship ceremony.
121 The welfare cutoff is prompting record numbers of people to apply for citizenship.
122 And so we come to our third reason for the propagation of citizenship as an ideal.
123 Boxing is a means toward good citizenship, of fair play, of self-reliance.
124 Hermandad Mexicana Nacional is a national organization that offers citizenship classes and other immigration services and encourages voter registration.
125 Nor will this underclass disappear without the implementation of a series of policies aimed at re-establishing full citizenship.
126 The electronic republic, therefore, has already started to redefine the traditional roles of citizenship and political leadership.
127 She said that this pioneering reference library was good for democracy and good for citizenship.
128 In 1345, for example, shortly after the Black Death, Venice promised citizenship to anyone who would settle there.
129 A change of citizenship did not of course imply a divorce from the old country.
130 The Conservatives believe that as long as government allows individuals to to pursue their own goals their citizenship is served.
131 Mr Kinnock described the health service as the bedrock of Britain and health care as an inalienable right of citizenship.
132 The effect of this order was to confer second-class citizenship on the proud Washington.
133 Ironically,[] it was the fear of congressional action against noncitizens that had finally motivated him to apply for citizenship.
134 It is suggested that citizenship is a relationship between an individual and a polity.
135 Do you feel the tradition of citizenship and the tradition of parliamentary rule under law are incompatible?
136 The child must learn how to learn, for learning is the defining pre-requisite of modern citizenship.
137 Accompanying the exclusion from the labour market has been a policy of disenfranchising the underclass from full welfare citizenship.
138 The case dragged through the federal bureaucracy for seven years, before she finally gave up her citizenship voluntarily in 1971.
139 President Herrera was making progress in the resurrection of the national spirit and was making clearer the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.
140 She had gotten involved in the paper chase to obtain U.S. citizenship.
141 Under the amnesty law, many illegal aliens were given citizenship.
142 Every society must figure out ways to bring them into the disciplines and duties of citizenship.
143 Indeed, many Czech Roma were denied citizenship of the new republic under the 1993 Citizenship Law.
144 Why, Fox is so diverse that he even has dual citizenship -- neither of them in the United States.
145 The award is given annually to a deaf person of outstanding merit in leadership, citizenship and general achievement.
146 World Studies - a grant of £5,355 was approved for developing new modules and courses in global citizenship.
147 Dr. Boyle also holds Canadian citizenship.
148 This applies only to applications for citizenship by conferral.
149 Certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship.
150 Widespread racial prejudice inhibited their opportunities, and institutional discrimination such as black codes and Jim Crow laws denied them full citizenship rights.
151 The Group President Tangsirisaree had a photo taken with Canadian immigration and Citizenship Judge Louis Sekora and RCMP Officer in Vancouver.
152 Liberal citizenship is a passive shaping of the citizen image, while republicanism is in contrast to shape the image of active citizenship.
153 As a complicated systematical social project, the fanner-worker's acquiring citizenship is facing a lot of handicaps , some of which are institutional while some come from the workers themselves.
154 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the new civics questions and answers last week. The reading and writing parts of the naturalization test have also been redone.
155 For more information on citizenship and naturalization, contact an attorney who specializes in immigration law.
156 These provisions apply to applications for Australian citizenship by descent and conferral.
157 In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws deprived German Jews of their citizenship.
158 The essence of "scissors difference" is the deprivation of the peasants' economy. In identity, citizenship is divided into two types of peasants and citizens.
159 I authorize the Social Security Administration to release information about me in its records to the Department of State and U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
160 Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it.
161 After applying for U. S. citizenship in the 1950s, however, he became an innocent target of the Red Scare and was deported.
162 The new provision will prohibit the approval of a citizenship applicant who is assessed by ASIO as a risk to the security of Australia.
163 But officials at the Citizenship and Immigration Service point out that the agency receives no federal funds to process applications. Costs are covered entirely by fees charged.
164 Present investigation department was informed that the deceased has Russian citizenship.
165 He was stripped of his U.S. citizenship after he was accused in the 1970s of being "Ivan the Terrible,[]" a notoriously sadistic guard at the Treblinka death camp.
166 She put a cupped palm to Byron's face,'something about Uncle Aron's citizenship. ".
167 Socrates'is a philosophical citizenship, relying on one's own powers of independent reason and judgment.
168 This applies only to applications for Australian citizenship by conferral.
169 On immigration, he favored a plan to tighten border security, create a temporary worker program, and allow illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship.
170 His house in Berlin was rummaged along the Nazis. Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised dweller inhabitant in 1940.
171 Psychological contract(PC) and organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) are both hot research problems of management psychology.
172 The denial of a recognized nationality, just as the denial of a recognized citizenship, constitutes a legally cognizable injury-in-fact for the purpose of standing.
173 Sense of civic responsibility is an important part of citizens' qualities in modern citizenship, and is the core of civic education .
174 New provisions will prohibit the approval of a citizenship applicant who is assessed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation as a risk to the security of Australia.
175 In 2003, the Group President Saree Tangsirisaree had this photo taken with Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Imigration, the Honourable Judy Sgro at a dinner party.
176 His house in Berlin was ransacked by the Nazis. Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
177 The DVD and CD are part of the Civics and Citizenship Toolkit that USCIS distributes to libraries, churches, community groups and adult education classes.
178 Although this territory's immigration laws would not allow for naturalisation , a person born in the territory before 1983 would hold BOTC (and British citizenship) on that basis.
179 On Flag Day every June, roughly 100 immigrants swear oaths of citizenship at a naturalization ceremony held in an UNO gymnasium.
180 Research indicates transformational leadership can improve employees'job satisfaction, increase employee's trust to the leader, and show more organizational citizenship behavior.
181 This will apply to all applications, that is, for citizenship by descent, by conferral and for resumption.
182 In the United States, as in most countries, anyone can make a FOIA request. Neither U.S. citizenship nor residency is required, and access is open to all, not just journalists.
183 Assumptions about authenticity and identity are read off of national location and citizenship.
184 Actually, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated to provide a program for community organizations that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth.
185 And then step number three is, I do believe, and this, for some, is the most controversial part, that we've got to have a pathway to citizenship...
186 The Fourteenth Amendment gave citizenship to anyone born in the United States and guaranteed equal protection to all people.
187 Moreover, in public governance in the actual operation, there are also many problems, lack of citizenship, public liability fuzzy, multi-community conflict, crisis of legitimacy.
188 Paul also realizes that his Roman citizenship may offer him some protection, because Romans are protected by their legal system from false imprisonment and illegal whippings .
189 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the new civics questions and answers last week.
190 Under the right conditions, youth sport can help children develop transferrable personal and social skills — citizenship qualities that they'll retain throughout their lives.
191 The Senate version includes a temporary guest worker program and a formula that would enable some illegal immigrants to eventually apply for citizenship.
192 John was eligible to serve because he holds Grenadian citizenship, as well as American.
193 His house in Berlin was ransacked by the Nazis . Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
194 The nature and constituents of citizenship turns out to be at the center of debate on welfare provisions and delivery in these new discursive modes of. social policy.
195 Methods To investigate the party and governmental cadres by questionnaire of job burnout and organizational citizenship behavior, t-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression were used to compute data.
196 It was just the problem of citizenship and capitation that made Philo take the diplomatic mission to Rome and produce the correlative historical works.
197 U.S. citizenship can also be granted through a process called naturalization.
198 If there are codes of citizenship and a belief in Britain's virtues, acts of domestic terrorism are unlikely to happen.
199 Objective To investigate the relationship between personnel satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior.
200 In the social transition of our country, it is significant for electronic network to further promote peasant-workers citizenship and better integrate into urban society.
201 The country on Thursday celebrated Citizenship Day and to mark the occasion 4, 000 people were sworn in as new Australians.
202 This will apply to all, that is, for citizenship by descent, by conferral and for resumption.
203 The strength of citizenship is manifested through a sense of social belonging and civic responsibility.
204 Aid workers hope the Rohingyas will eventually be granted Bangladeshi citizenship.
205 The Consular Representation then delivers all the documents to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs of the Republic of Latvia.
206 Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
207 Many of these people sought repatriate and complex questions of citizenship arose.
208 Some have already been gassed in Auschwitz, their American citizenship has become a useless mockery.
209 Only people who can trace their family history in Kuwait back before 1920 are entitled to citizenship.
210 The Greek Parthenon is not only religious activity center, is citizenship social activities and business activities, or storage place where public wealth.
211 Chinese action star Jet Li has taken up Singapore citizenship and bought a property in the city state worth almost $14m, AFP cited Singaporean media as saying.
212 A Tale of Three Logos: The Swoosh, the Shell, the Arches Conclusion, Consumerism versus Citizenship. " Chapter16 in No Logo."
213 But even as early as the Punic Wars the sense of citizenship was being undermined by the growth of wealth and slavery.
214 But the civic education in China just has civic virtue education[http:///citizenship.html], in defect of citizenship education for a long time.
215 Spouses will need to meet the same criteria as other adult applicants for conferral of citizenship.
216 She acquired dual citizenship with the Caribbean nation of St. Kitts and Nevis in hopes of making the 2008 Olympic Games and now has her sights set on 2012.
217 It grew because at first the idea of citizenship held it together.
218 If there are codes of citizenship and a general belief in Britain's virtues, acts of domestic terrorism are unlikely to happen.
219 "Two-thirds of American voters say they support bills that include a temporary worker program or path to citizenship, rather than one that focuses solely on border security," he said.
220 The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service is doubling, and in some cases tripling its fees.
221 To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.
222 The French government has refused to grant citizenship to a foreign applicant who made his French wife wear the full face veil.




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