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单词 Substantially
1. The percentage of girls in engineering has increased substantially.
2. His account of what happened is substantially accurate.
3. The deer population has increased substantially in recent years.
4. This range is substantially cheaper than any of the other own brands available.
5. Your assessment is substantially correct.
6. They contributed substantially to our success.
7. Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially.
8. The company's profits have been substantially lower this year.
9. The plane was substantially damaged in the crash.
10. What she says is substantially true.
11. The price may go up quite substantially.
12. The price was substantially higher than had been expected.
13. We've seen our house diminish greatly/sharply/substantially in value over the last six months.
14. He checked the details given and found them substantially correct.
15. Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.
16. The costs have increased substantially.
17. At first the company invests substantially in developing content.
18. In no country does equity finance contribute substantially.
19. To depart substantially from them invites question unless it can be demonstrated that such departure conforms to accepted practice by rational analysis.
20. Study 1 demonstrated that drivers were substantially more likely to recall those situations in which they had experienced risk.
21. I am aware of journals that alter text substantially yet never seek the authors' approval.
22. Section 6 of the Act of 1980 was substantially amended by section 30 of the Act of 1988.
23. The Society was substantially unsuccessful in its aim of persuading other charities to adopt the same methods.
24. There are one or two minor differences, but they're substantially the same text.
25. This model has a few extra fittings, but the two cars are substantially the same.
26. Critics of the democratizing vision of the corporation contended that specialized technical knowledge would substantially enhance the power of management.
27. Golding's office was grey and cheerless, with the disorientating feature of being substantially higher than it was wide.
28. But just about every skill in making and selling computers substantially differed from making and leasing copiers.
29. The Housing Act 1988 is likely to reduce the stock of public-sector dwellings substantially.
30. Revenue more than doubled for the year ended Oct. 29 and earnings from continuing operations rose substantially, he notes.
1. The percentage of girls in engineering has increased substantially.
2. His account of what happened is substantially accurate.
3. The deer population has increased substantially in recent years.
4. This range is substantially cheaper than any of the other own brands available.
5. The price may go up quite substantially.
31. That process differs substantially from how the City of Tucson usually leases property.
32. In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply.
33. If so, are we passengers willing to pay substantially higher fares so that the airlines can continuously purchase new aircraft?
34. It also could be altered substantially by the presence of a third-party candidate, such as Ross Perot.
35. Because everybody claimed the allowances, the cost of increasing the value of the tax allowances was substantially increased.
36. The nature of the work undertaken will also be substantially determined by the size of the advisory team.
37. Occasionally, a substantially increased platelet or white cell count may lead to apparent increases in plasma potassium concentration.
38. Companies listed below reported quarterly profit substantially different from the average of analysts' estimates.
39. As Figure 2.8 shows, substantially more men than women are economically active.
40. The mean density of Mercury indicates that its interior is substantially different from the interiors of the other terrestrial planets.
41. This helps them to produce work substantially more creative and thoughtful than what they have been able to do before.
42. To cope with inflation, buy stocks of companies that annually raise your dividends substantially.
43. The council does not have to consider a new application within two years,(http:///substantially.html) unless it differs substantially from the original.
44. The main problem in economic terms is that net farm incomes are substantially lower than for other farm enterprises and types.
45. Are judged by informed observers to be substantially better than comparable groups. 5.
46. Substantially the reverse occurs in the adversely affected cigarette industry.
47. It has now been shown that the number of male carers has increased substantially.
48. Zoos contribute substantially to the captive banks of many endangered species and those that are less rare.
49. In Ponthieu the seneschal's functions did not differ substantially from those or the seneschal of Gascony.
50. In an introduction to the report Mr Prescott says that the need for improvement will differ substantially across the country.
51. This figure had increased substantially since 1964 and, of course(), conceals considerable variations for individual councillors.
52. Such operations have expanded substantially in recent years but they still add less than 2 percent to our defense budget.
53. So in some cases a compromise must be made, although this should not substantially alter the overall effect of formality.
54. The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
55. Religious Education should provide the context for and substantially influence the whole school curriculum.
56. Other kinds of oil emulsify on contact with water, turning it, even when substantially diluted, the colour of milk.
57. New York has substantially worse infant and neonatal mortality than London or Paris and some signs of worse problems of social deprivation.
58. Direct action by central government would necessitate substantially increased expenditure and therefore revenue.
59. The character of most parks depends substantially on a scattering of trees - whether individually or in clumps.
60. A uniform call for special deposits, it was argued, could upset their foreign business very substantially.
61. Similarly, practices could appeal if they had evidence that the population characteristics had altered substantially since the last census.
62. This would substantially defray the cost of operating a lunar base.
63. These are usually substantially negotiated before the seller produces the disclosure letter which contains items of non-compliance with the warranties.
64. The computer industry is determined to shape a market, substantially broader than that for computers-the success story of the 1980s.
65. Particle beams promise substantially higher efficiency than do lasers, but focusing presents severe problems.
66. The proportion receiving aspirin within the first 24 h may be substantially lower.
67. If this rate operated annually then 5.6% of boys aged 17 would be circumcised - not substantially different from the Mersey figure.
68. Thorough revision of laboratory routines could substantially reduce radiation doses received.
69. Because the diesel engine uses so much less fuel it releases substantially less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
70. Table 16-2 shows that the first Thatcher government was able to reduce marginal tax rates substantially, especially for the very rich.
71. For instance ice which is formed on salt water is substantially fresh, to the great convenience of Polar explorers.
72. Furthermore, the costs of entering the housing market have risen substantially.
73. By 1961 internal tariff barriers had been substantially reduced and quota restrictions on industrial products had been largely eliminated.
73. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
74. By the 1995-96 school year, ProTech was substantially larger than Craftsmanship 2000 or any other youth apprenticeship program nationwide.
75. The draft statement had to undergo some further minor amendment, but was substantially accepted by the executive.
76. Government funding to Social service departments who pay 230-pounds for each resident each week will be cut substantially in April.
77. And the percentage who report membership differs substantially from country to country.
78. With concentration, conglomeration and internationalization the issues of power and accountability became substantially more difficult, in both principle and practice.
79. Many high-income people can reduce their income tax liabilities very substantially by availing themselves of this loophole.
80. In addition, environmental standards have improved - sometimes dramatically - and leisure and recreational facilities have been substantially enhanced.
81. Regrettably, this illogical and antediluvian attitude still persists even when we are dealing with nations substantially richer than ourselves.
82. For purposes of consistency and enforcement across state lines, divorce laws need to be substantially federalized by the national village.
83. Time has established their worth, which is now unlikely to alter substantially, either in terms of esteem or financial value.
84. Rising unemployment and the development of Government employment schemes have substantially altered the pattern of young people's activities.
85. Long stays on the lunar surface demand prolonged exposure to an environment differing substantially from that at the surface of Earth.
86. Newspaper accounts and official reports from both sides correlated substantially.
87. That is the policy which we have pursued consistently, with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially.
88. Forbes' platform makes sense in a state on a mission to eliminate the income tax and substantially reduce the property tax.
89. At their recent meeting the Parish Council were disturbed to find that both these bills have increased substantially.
90. It has been substantially altered in later periods and has a largely classical, dull exterior.
91. Over the following months, de Gaulle assumed total control over political affairs and substantially reduced Giraud's authority as Commander-in-Chief.
92. This attempted to establish uniform expenditure targets that, if substantially exceeded, would initiate penalties.
93. In thirty minutes he substantially re-established his parliamentary position and announced a 200-mile naval exclusion zone around the Falklands.
94. Under our public expenditure plans, housing association output is due to rise substantially to at least 40,000 by 1993-94.
95. Outside agriculture the number of self-employed actually grew by 1 million, while falling substantially as a proportion of total employment.
96. Over the millennia, cultures have changed very substantially as they have learned to cope with environmental vicissitudes.
97. Most substantially, Rockefeller is attacked as an apostle of big government.
98. It is one of the few game birds where the flavor does not vary substantially between the wild and farm-raised fowl.
99. And if the blade had gone in farther than that, the case was altered substantially.
100. It substantially increases the complexity of the environment of the animal.
101. Production of other crops also rose substantially - the important oil-bearing crops saw a rise of 13.8 percent during this period.
102. The parallel structure differs substantially from the fold-back structure at the individual nucleotide level.
103. Substantially rewarded as they often were from ecclesiastical revenues they constituted only a minor burden on the Crown.
103. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104. That will substantially help those who are in the circumstances that the hon. Gentleman mentions.
105. However, visitors from outlying areas to attend football matches will contribute substantially to the local economy of the cities mentioned above.
106. Keating said the merger would have substantially reduced competition in the life insurance market.
107. The Act substantially raises the amounts of money Congress may appropriate for various aspects of the program.
108. Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict.
109. All the companies surveyed have increased their intelligence-gathering budgets substantially in the past five years ....
110. The new editorial policy complicates the process of producing authorised versions, but it does not substantially change it.
111. We are grateful for all these contributions which have substantially enhanced the quality of life of the residents at Sussexdown.
112. We have substantially increased our fuel - efficiency standards.
113. It is standard of machinery equipment rises substantially.
114. Disclosed is a substantially tubular socket contact.
115. So,() the design of the burst-mode transmitter is substantially necessary.
116. The aligned nanotube thin films are substantially strong, and chemically inertial with their onset field low and the emission current strong.
117. Not only should current ODA pledges be kept, but they should be increased - substantially.
118. Because of the harm of thrips ' to alfalfa, both production and quality decrease substantially.
119. Different measures of mental injury solatium is substantially connected not only the compensation ability of the trespasser, but also the protection and realization of the victim's interests.
120. Our research substantially reduced the computational time consumption asas improves the computational efficiency and accuracy considerably.
121. With this last change, we substantially improve both the worst operation time (down to only 19 ms) as well as the overall throughput (up to 357 operations per second).
122. VR Dippers have a durable and cost effective plate lip design that ensures longer life and better serviceability at a substantially lower cost than cast models.
123. This substantially reduces the time and resources required for manual entry of motor data during commissioning; it also eliminates any margin for error.
124. And Britain is also well ahead of the United States, where the current top rate of federal income tax is 35%, though additional state levies can add substantially more.
125. Although the existence of interrogatives seems a universal property of natural languages, languages differ substantially in the strategies they employ for coding interrogatives.
126. By the end of 2006, Hoder had changed the tone of his writing substantially.
127. The cabling effort is thus substantially reduced, which benefits the planning of the cable duct.
128. The resistance factor and the ratio of the resistance factor to residual resistance factor of the flooding system in presence of residual oil are decreased substantially.
129. The directional substantially of this kind of trend and action of law of value is consistent.
130. Unmoderated Usability Data is Mostly Reliable: Data from remote usability test takers is rather similar to lab based studies except for task-times which differ more substantially.
131. Additionally, methods for the use, identification and production of an inhibitor that does not substantially cross the blood-brain barrier are also provided.
132. Refinements in lenses (e. g. , the Fresnel lens) and reflectors made it possible to substantially increase the light's intensity.
133. Following the arrival of the Navy's floating hospital ship, the USNS Comfort — with 1,000 beds and 11 operating rooms — the capacity for surgical care in Haiti has jumped substantially.
133. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
134. This weak cyclone can develop substantially and become a typical extratropical cyclone only when air from the lower stratosphere flows downslope along isentropic surfaces into the region of interest.
135. Comprehensive and frequent external and internal reporting on both significant risks and on risk management performance contributes substantially to effective governance within an organization.
136. This Agreement shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of this Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes.
137. But they should always sell for substantially less than top-grade fruits, like half-price; if you pay full price for culls you are being rooked.
138. We have over that time also substantially increased the amount of funds we hold, which counts as a favorable development but only because the cost of funds has been satisfactory.
139. Thoracic scoliotic deformity with prominence should be substantially reduced by the surgical treatment to improve satisfaction rates and self-image regarding back appearance.
140. If we are to substantially enhance the volume is needed to increase credit market liquidity.
141. The test performance for reflection method calls with arguments are substantially slower than the calls with no arguments on all JVMs.
142. Gold is the objective indicator of inflation: When its price in any currency rises substantially, that means the unit of account is weakening and that we're inflating.
143. Skeptics, though, contend that the technology to substantially displace oil-fired mobility will take years, maybe decades, to develop.
144. Double heterostructure(DH)realizes the complete confinement of carriers and light, decreasing threshold current density substantially.
145. Therapeutic efficacy of botulin A usually lasted no longer than six months. Substantially, the botulin A injections could serve as a kind of easy and useful symptomatic treatment.
146. The populations at each end of the cline may be substantially different from one another.
147. To do so, we must ensure that the flexibilities provided for in NAMA and agriculture do not undermine substantially improved market access.
148. Progressively, larger objects substantially increase the timescale for collapse over still longer wavelengths.
149. Could the following factors substantially affect my state of mind or performance: physical discomfort –constant rain –insects – unvaried diet –lack of sleep or privacy?
150. Term insurance is substantially cheaper per month, enough so that it's worth cashing in the other policy, removing the cash value, and instead start a term policy.
151. The elimination of jelly substantially facilitates the preparation of cable terminals and cable splicing, and is particularly helpful to environment protection.
152. The second atomic species has a characteristic emission peak that substantially matches the absorption edge of the detector.
153. However once team members learn to understand and value 'difference', the leadership control function can be substantially relaxed and self-organization can take place.
154. The test results show that hot resistance increases substantially with the decrease of carbon content.
155. The company will need to substantially increase its earnings to justify its high price-to-earnings ratio, or the stock price will drop.
156. CONCLUSION By the racemization, S-salbuterol can be recycled substantially, increasing the yield of levalbuterol and lowering costs. This method has cheerful prospects for industrialization.
157. Utilizing rare-earth permanent magnet materials with high coercive force results in substantially higher efficiency than their counterpart with brushes of the same size.
158. A slant angle of the dividing surfaces is set to one at which the light projected from the light source is reflected in a direction substantially parallel with a plate of the light guide plate.
159. Sales of romance novels have increased substantially in the US despite a sluggish market resulting from the economic downturn, according to US media.
160. Therefore, the hepatopulmonary syndrome substantially is a triplet that consists of liver disease, dilatation of the pulmonary microcirculation, and hypoxemia.
161. Accordingly, color mixing can be substantially prevented by changing the transmission mode of gate signals.
162. The Agreement shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes.
163. This is the actualest performance of emancipatory action of communism substantially.
164. But to a certain extent, the government can control and handle the media too. They interdepend with each other, and they have the same ideology(), values and interests substantially.
165. If the enzyme activity is caused to stop at a very early stage of tea processing, then substantially unfermented or green tea is the result.
166. Mass spectra of proteins such as ribonuclease A(RNase A) and lysozyme were obtained with substantially enhanced abundant peaks of low charge states.
167. The utility model guarantees installing accuracy of axial-flow pump, substantially reducing vibration and noise of pump, thereby ensuring long-term and reliable operation of the overall pump system.
168. This service substantially reduces potential risk for both the developer and the investor.
169. It would also substantially limit payments that farmers receive under guaranteed loan programs.
170. U.S.D.A. data shows that the amount of farmland erosion nationwide from water fell substantially from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, then largely stagnated.
171. As an exception for ordinary stock, substantially, the preferred stock is a right except for equal rule of stock rights.
172. Therefore, a lossy Internet image transmission scheme based on wavelet transform is presented, by which Internet image transmission time can be decreased substantially.
173. The remaining nitrile, after decantation or filtration, is still colored but is substantially free of amide.
174. The primary object of the present invention is to provide a substantially lead free alloy that is press quenchable.
175. The compact electrostatic coalescer can improve the coalescing efficiency of water-in-oil emulsion and reduce space substantially.
176. As a result, a congressional research arm estimates, the "net cost [to the government] is likely to be substantially less than $700 billion."
177. The book value per share can – and usually does – differ substantially from a stock's market value.
178. As database size grows into terabyte and petabyte, the time and hardware resources required will grow substantially.
179. So far the theoretical study and practical design of the control of continuous rolling mills have been substantially based on lumped parameter model.
180. Without the expensive overheads of a physical store, virtual stores can undercut the High Street substantially.
181. "assignment" shall not include the transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of, or the interest in the voting stock of a party, or the merger of a party with one or more entities.
182. Master Armourer substantially improves the armour available to new and retrained units.
183. The membrane formed being elastically deformable and substantially impermeable for functioning as a vacuum bag in Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding, debulking, compaction, or similar processes.
184. During computer typesetting, words are input via a keyboard, which is substantially different from the typesetting method of combining types in the past typesetting period.
185. Overall, Hispanics children account for 37 percent of the children in poverty, a share that has gone up substantially since 2009, according to William Frey, a Brookings Institution demographer.
186. When the oblique angle is larger, the wall served as the main transmission components, and synergy ability of force substantially reduced.
187. And forecast return on equity , at per cent, is substantially below Exxon Mobil's 32 per cent.
188. During the Bush Administration and in the last two years, we have substantially increased government expenditures. Government expenditures as a fraction of GDP are way too high.
189. Harvard endowment fund increased substantially this year, the main reason is its investment in the success of the market.
189. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
190. His conclusions show that, for slow-growing organisms, the energy costs for maintaining cells in suspension is substantially less for gas-vesiculate than for flagellated organisms (Walsby 1994).
191. I had excruciating back pain that was substantially relieved after I saw the physical therapist that my father-in-law had been recommending for months.
192. In addition the incidence of a disease of diseases of these philtrum cardiovascular system also is reduced substantially.
193. Recent epidemical study indicates that the incidence of AD in some populations is substantially influenced by the gene polymorphisms of the inflammation mediators.




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