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单词 Protectionism
1, The party wavered between free trade and protectionism.
2, Our party can never follow the path of protectionism.
3, Still, these averages mask a lot of protectionism for individual sectors.
4, The idealistic arm of animal protectionism also includes its fair share of extremists, such as the now infamous Animal Liberation Front.
5, The first, rich country protectionism, comes from within global capitalism, but in the form of national as opposed to systemic interests.
6, As it was Britain's shift to protectionism and Imperial Preference provoked much criticism from Washington.
7, In general terms, the report argues that protectionism has a negative effect on the environment.
8, Protectionism is also rife in such areas as the electronics and semi-conductor industries.
9, One more argument downplay protectionism can be discounted.
10, The other aspect is the revival of trade protectionism.
11, Recession and rising unemployment always provoke calls for protectionism.
12, Old style textile protectionism suddenly has a new look.
13, That is pretty selfish and philosophically it is protectionism.
14, And do not forget populism and protectionism.
15, Trade protectionism begins to prevail when economic depression occurs.
16, Currency devaluations are the moment when protectionism gets nasty.
17, Racial quotas and protectionism are scaring away some foreign investors.
18, Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism.
19, This evening we have seen the old familiar Labour party of intervention,[http:///protectionism.html] protectionism and high prices.
20, North-South models; international migration of labour; trade and industrial structure in the 1930s; the political economy of protectionism.
21, But the relative strength of scale economies and political protectionism varies greatly between different communications fields.
22, Dole, Alexander and Forbes responded by accusing Buchanan of advocating a dangerous form of protectionism.
23, In two fields - telecommunications and media - self-sufficiency and protectionism predominate.
24, Bismarck used two issues to divide the liberals and unite his new majority: protectionism and the suppression of the Social Democrats.
25, But those of us who understand history must shudder at his adulation of the false gods of isolationism and protectionism.
26, But with the presidential election looming, the cries for protectionism from the ultra-conservative Buchanan are angering many business people.
27, Employers' organizations generally welcomed the package, whereas farmers were among the fiercest supporters of protectionism.
28, In public life his guiding principles were Protestantism and protectionism.
29, Given China's undervalued currency of recent years, it is hardly innocent in the protectionism debate.
30, Sadly, these were often abused by Latin American governments (and some economists at ECLA itself) to justify exaggerated protectionism and inflationary financing of government.
31, In this paper, the methods of direct trade flow analysis and indirect industry structure convergence analysis are used to measure the degree of the local protectionism.
32, We need to take a firm position against all forms of protectionism and strongly advocate and support free trade.
33, In the foreign economic policy, protectionism of the high tariff policy and the free trade policy became the two kinds of feasible choices.
34, Fears of rising protectionism in the West are a newfound Asian enthusiasm to promote intraregional trade.
35, So, we should firmly resist calls for protectionism, isolation and economic nationalism.
36, Second, we should open markets further and oppose all forms of protectionism.
37, But trade experts warn that protectionism remains a serious worry.
38, The president went to America's heartland to make the case for free trade and against protectionism.
39, As an active participant in economic globalization, China will never engage in trade or investment protectionism.
40, Mr. Putin has, in contrast, argued for greater protectionism and for building a trade bloc of former Soviet republics.
41, China's clampdown on the free flow of information has often smacked of protectionism.
42, If you think in terms of slogans like “free trade good; protectionism evil”,[http:///protectionism.html] you find it outrageous that a credentialed economist might actually consider trade sanctions on China justified.
43, China dedicates itself to promoting the construction of impartiality, new tolerant order in international finance and free trade system, than protectionism in any methods.
44, I was privy to the row at a European Council meeting in 2002 when Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac went head-to-head over the impact of agricultural protectionism on poor African countries.
45, High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance.
46, They will complain bitterly that this is protectionism, but so what?Globalization doesn't do much good if the globe itself becomes unlivable .
47, Yet the government - led global rebound could still be aborted by government - sponsored protectionism.
48, There's a good lesson here for policy makers in Washington who think protectionism is costless.
49, Some argue for trade protectionism to promote growth in the west.
50, Their party looks ever more susceptible to the siren call of protectionism.
51, The repeal of the Corn Laws by Great Britainin 1846 ended Britains long - standing policy protectionism.
52, The latest version of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade will wholly or partly eliminate national tariffs, subsidies, quotas and other forms of protectionism for dozens of industries.
53, But India is not in danger of reverting back to protectionism or statism.
54, But despite the fears of many experts there has reingly been no major outtake apsculptures of protectionism.
55, Perhaps worrying aloud about global trade has its uses, focusing enough attention on the dangers of protectionism to become a self-denying prophecy.
56, There is no room for parochialism or protectionism in our model of the future.
57, Second, with these policies growing with a vengeance, any Western victory on the renminbi would be pyrrhic as Western firms could be subject to greater murky protectionism by the Chinese authorities.
58, The global economy is slowing, possibly horribly: under such conditions, protectionism thrives.
59, Against the background of the G20 trade talks in Pittsburgh, that contretemps made this an auspicious time to examine the age-old question of protectionism.
60, Yet the effects of such incipient protectionism have been small, so far.
61, We will continue to give impetus to the Doha round of trade talks, oppose protectionism in all forms, and work to make the international economic order more just, equitable and mutually beneficial.
62, Bailouts, stimulus packages and guarantees should be seen as a kind of backdoor protectionism.
63, Current, make agricultural protectionism should stress a focal point, take different kind according to different product and different area.
64, These tendency may arouse trade protectionism, browbeat thereby global economy is integrated.
65, In this thesis the author thinks there are there main causes that result in the failure: First, the harborage of corporations immoral behavior of local protectionism.
66, Protectionism could alter the pattern of out-migration of manufacturing, but only by imposing costs on domestic consumers and risking the breakdown of the open global economy model.
67, "Today, Canada's cities and communities joined the federal and provincial governments in a common front to stop American protectionism," FCM President Jean Perrault said.
68, Bring down the tariffs and cut back the non-tariff barriers that all too often are covert protectionism.
69, We must oppose all forms of trade protectionism and any attempt to politicize economic and trade issues.
70, CEPA creates new opportunities for such cooperation as it removes local trade protectionism and improves trade effectively.
71, protectionism evil”, you find it outrageous that a credentialed economist might actually consider trade sanctions on China justified.
72, This would instead lead America toward neo-isolationism, with a prioritized focus on immigration, homeland security and protectionism.
72, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
73, Although Beijing publicly continues to rally against protectionism, China's provinces are busily erecting internal barriers.
74, In addition to local protectionism, we also examine the impact of scale economies and external economies on industrial concentration.
75, Financial protectionism is an almost inevitable result of taxpayer - funded rescues.
76, Trade protectionism arisen the evolution of international liberalization of trade, it is different from traditional trade protectionism in many aspects.
77, The trade protectionism in recent years seeks help from the new-type non-tariff barriers way, but it is more elusory and ingenious protection that IPRs protection among a great ...
78, I also think that concluding the Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations would restrain protectionism and help create greater security of market access for developing countries.
79, Fears of rising protectionism in the West are inspiring a newfound Asian enthusiasm to promote intraregional trade.
80, With the establishment of WTO and formation of the international free trade system, the "Green Trade Barriers" has become the major means of the international trade protectionism.
81, Overcome local protectionism through implementing the system such as judge annulus hillock, realize fair judicatory.
82, This should not be at the cost of Britain hosting big international banks. There is no room for parochialism or protectionism in our model of the future.
83, European Anti-dumping Law is seeking for high protectionism, which does not treat Chinese companies equally in the determination of normal value and export price.
84, anti-dumping measures are about protectionism, they about fighting unfair trade.
85, And through the G 20, we've agreed to act against protectionism , which would only harm everybody's interests.
86, Farm protectionism is not new and international markets grotesquely distorted by tariffs and subsidies.
87, The rich world does not even have this feeble justification for agricultural protectionism.
88, According to his productivity theory, he put forward his Protectionism for the infant industry of Germany and rebutted Smith's liberalism which was overwhelming in the whole Europe at that time.
89, Powerful voices across the political spectrum, including in my own country, are calling for, and rationalizing, protectionism.
90, And the warnings and promises on protectionism fly in the face of a series of increased duties, reimposed subsidies and non-tariff barriers erected in the past few months.
91, Lamy says China sees the WTO as a bulwark against protectionism.




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