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单词 internal
释义 Word family  adjective external ≠ internal adverb externally ≠ internally adjective internal ≠ external adverb internally ≠ externally  Related topics: Government, Medicinein·ter·nal /ɪnˈtɜːnl $ -ɜːr-/ ●●○ W2 AWL adjective [usually before noun]  1  PGCOUNTRY/NATIONwithin a particular country 国内的 SYN domestic OPP external We have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. 我们对干涉其他国家内政不感兴趣。 the threat to internal security 对国内安全的威胁 internal markets 国内市场2  IN/INSIDEwithin a company or organization rather than outside it 〔公司或组织〕内部的 OPP external There’s to be an internal inquiry into the whole affair. 对整个事件将进行内部调查。 the internal mail 内部邮件3  HBMMinside your body 体内的 OPP externalinternal organs/injuries 内脏/内伤4  IN/INSIDEinside something rather than outside 内部的,里面的 OPP external They’ve knocked down a couple of internal walls. 他们已拆掉了几面内墙。5  IN/INSIDEexisting in your mind 内心的 SYN inner internal doubts 内心的疑虑 —internally adverb The matter will be dealt with internally. 这件事将在内部解决。 This medicine must not be taken internally. 此药不得内服。Examples from the Corpusinternal• Many companies use the program for internal accounting purposes.• The internal affairs of other nations should not be of concern to us.• The US was accused of interfering in the internal affairs of the country.• Each country has the right to control its own internal affairs.• The doctor said they found some signs of internal bleeding.• They took him into the internal corridor.• an internal dialogue with himself• a computer's internal hard drive• Mrs Jones suffered serious internal injuries as a result of the accident.• Guest ordered an internal investigation into the money transfers.• After the accident, NASA conducted an internal investigation.• an internal memo• In November the directors wrote an internal memorandum suggesting that the company should close down three of its factories.• internal organs such as the heart or liver• Russia faces many internal problems, for example inflation.• Western countries have been accused of interfering in Brazil's internal problems.internal security• Calcutta was then beset with unrest, and Hoppy was kept busy on internal security.• He graduated from Moscow University with degrees in psychology and political science and joined the internal security.• The lord lieutenancy was originally devised by the Tudors as a means of internal security.• The second was the problem of internal security.• An initial preoccupation was co-operation over economic development, but later priorities were internal security and defence.• The landowners were able to express their views on problems of internal security, foreign affairs, and taxation increases.• Fear of greater threats to internal security, such as open revolts, clearly does not exist.• As the confederation moved toward constitutional government, issues of internal security were found to require careful consideration.internal organs/injuries• Segmentation is not only shown in the external differentiation of the body but also involves many of the internal organs.• The usual type of chair puts an enormous strain on the spine, back muscles and many of the internal organs.• These electrical pulses are then analysed and used to produce detailed pictures of a patient's internal organs.• They ran over Mr Letts and left him lying in the road with serious internal injuries.• Who knows what permanent disability his little internal organs may be suffering because of our good intentions?• A post-mortem examination showed he had suffered internal injuries, said a spokesman.• If we look at the internal organs there is not much to distinguish a chimpanzee's heart or liver from our own.• Medical illustrators keep the Pernkopf Anatomy on their drawing boards for ready reference as they depict obscure internal organs with computer-generated images.From Longman Business Dictionaryinternalin‧ter‧nal /ɪnˈtɜːnl-ɜːr-/ adjective1within a company or organization, rather than outside itThe bank is holding an internal inquiry into the internal auditWe have decided to make an internal appointment (=give a particular job to someone who already works for the company).This tray is for internal mail.2within a particular country or area, rather than involving other countriesinternal tradethe European internal marketan internal flightOrigin internal (1400-1500) Medieval Latin internalis, from Latin internus “inward, inside”in·ter·nal adjectiveChineseSyllable   Business within country Corpus a particular




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