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单词 Speed of light
1. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
2. The speed of light boggles the mind.
3. The speed of light is 300 million metres per second.
4. The speed of light is a treacherous thing.
5. Similarly, the momentum becomes ever greater as the speed of light is approached.
6. His little puzzle of the speed of light has you completely foxed.
7. The giant Slav had progressed close to the speed of light.
8. The speed of light through our apparatus should vary as the speed of the relative ether current varies.
9. Moving at the speed of light around the globe, it promotes both greater timeliness and higher quality.
10. Yes, but because the speed of light is finite, there will be a delay between the leftward and rightward pushes.
11. It would have to happen at the speed of light.
12. The speed of light is an invariant constant.
13. The speed of light is an important constant.
14. Scientists have determined the speed of light.
15. The traditional survey speed of light method uses the determination light signal the propagation distance and the propagation time definite speed of light.
16. Hurtling across space at 1/10 the speed of light, the starship would get to Alpha Centauri within the lifetime of its builders.
17. An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light.
18. The result may be a wave of call attempts spreading like a tsunami, at the speed of light.
19. Electromagnetic energy can be thought of as moving in a wave-like pattern at the speed of light.
20. These devices process and transmit information to and from many Sources over great distances at the speed of light.Sentence dictionary
21. About a quarter of an hour later, traveling at the speed of light, that pulse would reach its destination.
22. Roemer now recognized that earlier attempts to clock the speed of light had failed because the distances tested were too short.
23. Seemingly always perky, the young Jane would swing at the speed of light and win everything on offer.
24. Now let us suppose that the train is traveling at six-tenths the speed of light.
25. Cold dark-matter particles move slowly - hot ones move at nearly the speed of light.
26. Everything was set, poised, waiting to function at the speed of light.
27. How does having their own individual time cause people traveling at different speeds to measure the same speed of light?
28. We move about, even in jet travel, at speeds far less than the speed of light.
29. Its world line is tipped at the angle corresponding to the speed of light.
30. He spent many years trying to figure out the speed of light.
31. A personal computer, it says, can send letters at the speed of light, diagnose a sick poodle, custom-tailor an insurance program in minutes, test recipes for beer.
32. In a vacuum, gamma rays travel in straight lines with the speed of light.
33. Once your speed approaches the speed of light then Newtonian mechanics no longer works.
34. In other words, if these theories accurately describe nature, high-energy gamma rays travel slightly slower than the speed of light.
35. I think you really stepped into this time Snippy with this question, Powers of the speed of light in the periodic table?
36. We cannot dispense with the idea of the speed of light.
37. The spaceman flew through the galaxy at the speed of light.
38. They said they measured a subatomic particle, called a neutrino, traveling faster than the speed of light.
39. The MINOS experiment saw hints of neutrinos moving at faster than the speed of light in 2007 but has yet to confirm them.
40. For example, Newton's Law of motion is incorrect when object is moving at near speed of light.
41. The constancy of the speed of light seems, at first thought, unremarkable.
42. The inverse of its slope is the speed of light.
43. No input of energy , however great, can push the speed past the speed of light.
44. That it is a "virtual Partical", nor that it can exceed the speed of light.
45. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz proves that electricity is transmitted at the speed of light.
46. The speed of light is widely regarded as the Universe's ultimate velocity limit.
47. The speed of light is the natural link between distance and time measurements.
48. Metrologists are busy trying to recast it in terms of Planck's constant, a formula which is deemed cosmicly inviolate, as is the speed of light (pending further findings from CERN, anyway).
49. And the curing time is dependent on the speed of light pressure.
50. Physicists using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the European Centre for Nuclear Research,[http:///speed of light.html] smashed heavy lead ions together at close to the speed of light.
51. For instance, a 100-foot-long spaceship traveling at 99.99 percent the speed of light will appear one foot long to a stationary observer, but it will remain its normal length for those onboard.
52. In 1895 Albert Michelson and Edward Morley performed this experiment and surprisingly, saw no difference in the speed of light for different directions.
53. The speed of radio waves through the atmosphere is affected by magnetic fields, and by other phenomena; it is far from simply a radio beam passing through a vacuum at "the speed of light".
54. If the Enterprise could warp the space-time continuum by expanding the area behind it and contracting the area in front, the crew could avoid going the speed of light.
55. Besides the principle of relativity and the postulate of that the speed of light is invariant, the third postulate, the transformable postulate, is found in Einstein's special relativity.
56. The speed of light plays a special role in relativity theory.
57. The earth moves at a crawl compared with the speed of light.
58. And as the speed of light, the role of the same principle of relativity is the material object and the electromagnetic wave light.
59. Why does combining the principle of relativity with the invariance of the speed of light lead one to conclude that no medium is required for light to propagate?
60. My question about measuring the speed of light pertains to light traversing 'curved' spacetime - gravitational lensed light.
61. The gravitational field is so strong that the escape velocity near it exceeds the speed of light.
62. The speed of light in free space is one of the fundamental constants of nature.
63. But if MINOS, too, clocks a neutrino traveling faster than the speed of light, theorists like Patrick Fox will have their work cut out for them,(http:///speed of light.html) designing a new foundation for future physics research.
64. The speed of light turns out to be nature's speed limit.
65. Come on, guys, you're already part of a make-believe world in which mankind can outfly the speed of light.
66. At the event horizon, the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light.
67. Similarly, a quasiparticle in graphene always moves at a high constant speed, albeit about 300 times slower than the speed of light.
68. This paper shows that special relativity theory cannot negate that the real motion faster than the speed of light would be existent.
69. Scientists in Switzerland say they have measured a kind of subatomic particle traveling faster than the speed of light.
70. This found that if the reverse idea of the electron charge-mass ratio as a known quantity, it can re-theoretical derivation, and thus obtain the value of the vacuum in the speed of light.
71. it is far from simply a radio beam passing through a vacuum at "the speed of light".




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