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单词 Sorely
1 I was sorely tempted to retaliate.
2 I for one was sorely disappointed.
3 Jim will be sorely missed .
4 I was sorely tempted to say exactly what I thought of his offer.
5 The room was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint.
6 The demands of the job have tried him sorely.
7 There were times when my temper was sorely tested.
8 He squinches his features sorely.
9 I was sorely tempted to complain, but I didn't.
10 She was sorely missed at the reunion.
11 The building is sorely neglected.
12 Your help is sorely needed .
13 Your financial help is sorely needed.
14 John will be sorely missed by his family and friends.
15 Sabine was sorely tempted to throw her drink in his face.
16 Their patience was sorely tested as yet another delay to the scheduled service was announced.
17 Courage is a quality that is sorely lacking in world leaders today.
18 She was sorely tempted to throw the wine in his face.
19 You'll be sorely missed by everyone here, and we wish you success in your new job.
20 Tom was sorely tried.
21 The farmer felt the cow, went away, returned, sorely perplexed, always afraid of being cheated.
22 In the process his patience was sorely tested.
23 Conference watchers say his barnstorming oratory's been sorely missed.
24 A regular pitch was sorely needed.
25 It was this company they sorely missed once unemployed.
26 The Captain of the Diefrnbaker was sorely tried.
27 In my heart there is a secret. It is contained in only four words-l miss you sorely.
28 If you're expecting Dad to let you borrow his car, you're going to be sorely disappointed.
29 Today, the once-grand streets are characterized by decaying HMOs, sorely in need not just of redecoration but more fundamental repair.
30 If you don't come to the reunion you'll be sorely missed.
1 I was sorely tempted to retaliate.
2 I for one was sorely disappointed.
3 Jim will be sorely missed .
4 I was sorely tempted to say exactly what I thought of his offer.
5 The room was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint.
31 That vow was sorely tested during the tour.
32 But he will be sorely missed.
33 Mrs Collingwood will be sorely missed at Penwortham C.P.
34 As such a symbol, it will be sorely missed.
35 He will be sorely missed.
36 Several people may have been sorely tempted to accept Wilson's offer.
37 I am sure I am only one of many who will sorely miss this happy-go-lucky golfer.
38 Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot of acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. Mark Twain 
39 Alyssia refused to give in to any urge to stare at Piers, though she was sorely tempted.
40 Crawford says Blue Heron officials insist a soundstage is sorely needed to boost film revenues here.
41 Incompetent candidates with friends valuable to Keith's political interest could try his patience sorely.
42 The auction promotes openness and honesty, sorely needed in the process.
43 These medical aspects are sorely needed in most of the current bestseller diet books.
44 I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death. Nelson Mandela 
45 An admirable state of mind that is sorely lacking these days.
46 I exhort you to do the monitoring you so sorely need, and hang in there.
47 Sergei Ivanov will be sorely missed as a drinking companion by many.
48 However, U2 will have sorely disappointed fans who rely on the music press as their solo source of information.
49 It sounded like one of a series of novels for young girls that was now sorely out of date.
50 The ability to leverage private capital has also come to be increasingly expressed in defense of sorely needed downtown redevelopment activity.
51 Jimmy Phillips has been sorely missed through suspension and will make a welcome return at left back.
52 If a major crisis occurred the United States might find itself sorely embarrassed and perhaps ultimately drawn into the affray.
53 What I discovered far too late in the game was that my child-rearing methodology was sorely lacking.
54 Such a recognised company is sorely needed to develop the next generation of theatre-goers.
55 The combination of his views and his casual approach to politics sorely tested some Conservative activists in Aldershot.
56 They made martyrs of themselves occasionally - a sorely missed commodity.
57 But if he thought that he could goad a reaction out of her then he was sorely mistaken.
58 Two hours is ample time, but walkers with interests in botany, geology or archaeology will be sorely tempted to linger.
59 I want to propose a toast to an absent - and sorely missed - friend.
60 No doubt it will sorely test the liberal and progressive credentials of certain members.
61 Schools in Sao Leopoldo, the parents felt, were sorely lacking, and Joviane wanted to study medicine.
62 And though no one had said so, the traveling senior warden had not been sorely missed.
63 Her brief, elliptical poems, most written in the 1850s and 1860s, sorely discomfited some but greatly delighted others.
64 The Naval Air Corps was then in its infancy and sorely needed a strong leader and champion.
65 I was sorely tempted to show him the way to the phone booth, but I am not a vindictive man.
66 He sorely needed to strike the right note.
67 Truly, Fate and Father Time had tricked him sorely.
68 We are sorely in need of this first step.
69 He is sorely afflicted with the gout.
70 He is sorely perplexed to account for the situation.
71 Left below alvine be often what sorely child reason?
72 Roosevelt was sorely tempted to make this able corporation lawyer his successor.
73 National institutes in the east are sorely in need of renovation and modern equipment.
74 While a Portuguese bailout would be manageable, assistance for its neighbor Spain would sorely test EU resources and raise deeper questions about the integrity of the single currency bloc.
75 This business of the Black Arrow stuck sorely in his throat.
76 Steve says that he was sorely tempted to ignore the fire.
77 With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were sorely perplexed.
78 He asked himself yearningly , wondered secretly and sorely, if it would have lurked here or there.
79 Spermary gets hurt, bear hard sorely normally, that singer can insist to achieve a performance, those who see its psychokinesis is strong.
80 Jordanian officials hope the medical tourism industry will provide some sorely needed cash.
81 Joe Cole is also sorely missed as he is a player who can cause opponents problems with his cross field, two-footed ability and his inventiveness.
82 "The FIGC does not want to and indeed cannot change the sanctions agreed by the Federal Court, " noted Commissioner Guido Rossi. "Anyone who thinks this is an end of season sale is sorely mistaken.
83 The enemy is sorely chagrined at our continual diplomatic victories.
84 Nurtured and reshaped a little, however, that milquetoast quality becomes that tenderness that you, as a man, sorely need.
85 StAX also defines a serialization API, a feature that has been sorely missing in Java's standard XML processing support.
86 Aso has vowed to stimulate Japan's domestic economy, possibly by increasing government expenditures. Opponents say he will slow the pace of economic reforms Japan sorely needs.
87 " I am a stranger , and have been a wanderer, sorely against my will.
88 The Jazz sorely missed Mehmet Okur, who sat a mild hamstring strain.
89 At the gate of the town the grave-diggers met him: they shone their torch on his face, and, recognising Zarathustra, they sorely derided him.
90 The feeling that his clerical character had been wholly disregarded sorely vexed him.
91 It was a sorely needed lesson because I had been an inveterate arguer.
92 Being out of health, she was sorely afflicted with the blue devils.
93 Compare in the female that chronic pudenda is in 229 years old normally sorely common.
94 It was a sorely needed lesson because I had an inveterate arguer.
95 Most dramatically, the position of the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , has been sorely undermined.




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