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单词 ethic
释义  eth·ic /ˈeθɪk/ ●●○ AWL noun  1  [countable]BELIEVE a general idea or belief that influences people’s behaviour and attitudes 伦理;道德体系 The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification. 旧有的崇尚勤勉的道德观已被及时行乐的新观念所取代。 → work ethic2  ethics [plural]GOOD/MORAL moral rules or principles of behaviour for deciding what is right and wrong 道德标准,道德规范 a report on the ethics of gene therapy 关于基因疗法的伦理学问题的报告professional/business/medical ethics (=the moral rules relating to a particular profession) 职业道德/商业道德/医德 public concern about medical ethics 公众对医德的关注 a code of ethics 道德准则Examples from the Corpusethic• the Judeo-Christian ethic• At the time, Gingrich said a speaker should step aside when questions about his ethics are being investigated by in Congress.• Either that, or a different investment ethic prevails there.• Suddenly the climate was imbued with a new Puritan ethic, not the work ethic but the breeding ethic.• Furthermore, he admitted to having given the ethics panel untrue information when it investigated those projects.• This insight into the ethics of international trade comes from the Geneva-based World Economic Forum, a research organization.• It was my introduction to the ethics of science.• Perhaps worse, where it does give lip-service to ethics, it is to an ethics divorced from moral sensitivity.Origin ethic (1400-1500) Old French ethique, from Greek ethikos, from ethos; → ETHOSeth·ic nounChineseSyllable  general idea that or Corpus a people’s belief influences




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