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单词 Democratic party
1. She is standing for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
2. They supported the Democratic Party.
3. The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
4. The Democratic Party captured 70% of the vote.
5. We need to turf the Democratic party out.
6. Social Democratic Party won few seats.
7. Public opinion turned against the Democratic Party.
8. The Mongolian Democratic Party is campaigning for electoral reform.
9. The Democratic Party candidate has already conceded defeat .
10. He is a stanch supporter of the Democratic Party.
11. He is currently the front runner for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
12. The Democratic Party has been splintered into 3 major groups.
13. Only the Democratic Party is capable of running the country.
14. The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline.
15. The president asked the Social Democratic Party to form a new government.
16. The black vote is astonishingly loyal to the Democratic Party.
17. The newspaper was the mouthpiece of the National Democratic Party.
18. There is room in the Democratic party for many shades of opinion.
19. The scandal has shaken the Democratic Party to its foundations.
20. The Democratic Party needed a net gain of only 20 votes.
21. The Democratic Party romped to victory in the recent elections.
22. I'll always stay by the Democratic Party and vote for them.
23. The new Democratic Party is not likely to scare off voters.
24. The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections.
25. The Liberal Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.
26. The president is on the left/right wing of the Democratic party.
27. There are two political parties in the US - the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
28. He is a former defence secretary of the United States and a grandee of the Democratic Party.
29. In the early 1980s some members of the British Labour Party broke away to form the Social Democratic Party.
30. He is being widely touted as the next leader of the Social Democratic party.
1. She is standing for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
2. They supported the Democratic Party.
3. The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
4. We need to turf the Democratic party out.
5. He is a stanch supporter of the Democratic Party.
31. The Democratic Party has called for an independent inquiry into the incident.
32. These are excellent results for the Christian Democratic Party.
33. The three incumbents are supported by the Democratic Party.
34. Johnson was always true to the Democratic party.
35. We are more democratic than the Democratic Party.
36. The future looked bleak for the Democratic party.
37. The New Democratic party won 13 seats, which allows them to retain their official party standing.
38. Perhaps the First Boomer could also use a map to Democratic Party headquarters.
39. Which raises the question: what exactly does the Democratic Party want to stand for these days?
40. Q: Can the Democratic Party afford to take the black vote for granted?/democratic party.html
41. It was a dramatic transformation, from society hostess to Democratic Party power broker.
42. The Democratic Party was in disarray as a brutal primary season approached its end.
43. Nader advanced a variety of conflicting predictions for the Democratic party over the course of an hour.
44. Nine years later, Watts proclaimed that the leadership of the Democratic Party had abandoned the values of his family.
45. She was credited with moving the Democratic Party closer to the center of the political spectrum.
46. Hormel is a long-time supporter of the Democratic Party and there were no suggestions of wrongdoing on his part.
47. Led by the Social Democratic party of the prime minister, Ivica Racan, it only came to power 18 months ago.
48. But when Brown sought the Democratic Party chairmanship after the 1988 election, many moderates were less than thrilled.
49. The coalition includes members of the Social Democratic Party, which has traditionally been opposed to the nuclear option.
50. It was as if Lewis had wanted to murder his own child, the new Democratic Party he had created.
51. But he is also respected by groups that tend to gravitate toward the Democratic Party.
52. In Washington Harriman quickly became active in Democratic Party affairs.
53. The traditional southern support for the Democratic Party was maintained, in spite of the doubts of some of the more conservative southern politicians.
54. So if you are a Democratic Party dependent on labor votes, cutting government services is not exactly popular.
55. The Democratic Party has long since taken black voters for granted.
56. Clinton needs 2,145 delegates to win outright on the first Democratic Party ballot at the July convention.
57. Both the Republican and Democratic Party platforms called for a victims' rights amendment.
58. A unified Democratic party versus an ideologically split Republican party.
59. The extreme social and economic difficulties they faced on independence meant that the emergence of recognizably democratic party politics was by no means certain.
60. The Liberal Democratic Party was recognized to be in fact an ultra-nationalist formation.
61. But he is not liked by his own colleagues in the Liberal Democratic party.
62. But ministers from the conservative Liberal Democratic party were more circumspect in their criticism.
63. Candidates from the ruling Liberal Democratic party won the most seats in last month's Tokyo metropolitan assembly elections.
64. Some were established party activists, such as entertainer Barbra Streisand, who gave $ 50, 000 to the Democratic Party.
65. Their new Social Democratic Party favoured multilateral disarmament as opposed to unilateral nuclear disarmament.
66. Second, a weak and outnumbered Democratic Party rarely gets help from the large block of independent voters.
67. Clinton also has helped attract young voters to the Democratic Party.
68. There were Democratic party militants, anarchists, people with no party, workers, small businessmen, intellectuals, professional people.
69. Mr Berisha's Democratic party alleged widespread electoral fraud by the government and intimidation of polling station officials by the police.
70. The leadership of the Democratic party was anxious for him to declare his intentions about running for the second term.
71. The Democratic party has won the presidency only once out of the last six elections since 1964.
72. He'd gone down to Atlanta to watch the Democratic Party select its presidential candidate,[] and at night he went dancing.
73. His Democratic Party loyalty turned him into an oracle who foresaw electoral disaster for his party in 1980.
74. The Liberal Democratic Party has retained power for much of the past half-century.
75. The irony is that most blacks have voted for the Democratic Party in recent times.
76. The changes in the tax code are supported by the Democratic party.
77. The critical role here belonged to the Social Democratic party.
78. It now has to become a modern social democratic party which can win because of the popularity of its vision.
79. The Democratic Party machine did not return his calls, the media ignored him, but he kept driving.
80. The Democratic Party officials and machinery mobilized against him after his surprise primary victory and he lost overwhelmingly in the general election.
81. Once again the Democratic party may have thrown away a historic opportunity to retake the White House.
82. But the Democratic Party needs a net gain of only 20 seats.
83. In short, the class warfare wing of the Democratic Party remains in control.
84. But the welfare bill has split the Democratic Party on the eve of its national convention in Chicago.
85. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., Democratic party chairman, took the opposite view.
86. Democratic party rules require that state delegations to the convention be split evenly between men and women.
87. Muhamad Salikh, chair of the ErK democratic party, gained 12 percent.
88. Others are delegates by virtue of positions in Congress and in the Democratic Party.
89. It also opened a convention at which Mr Gore must put his own stamp on the Democratic party.
90. To be sure, the going will be tough for Hashimoto, who heads the Liberal Democratic Party.
91. The co-ops have longstanding political ties to the Liberal Democratic Party, which dominates the government.
92. Democratic Party nominees who have lost the White House will not be attending the Democratic convention.
93. A.. The Democratic Party was an unnatural coalition, bound together only by the name Democrat.
94. This is not the kind of issue that is going to cause a great fissure in the Democratic party.
95. If anyone has been set up to be the white knight in the Democratic Party fund-raising debacle, it is Sen.
96. The Republicans have given the president his greatest gift of all: a united Democratic Party.
97. One Democratic Party legislator quit the party in protest.
98. His Democratic Party opponent was Adlai Stevenson.
99. The main faction, led by Andrew Jackson, called themselves the Democratic Party, while the faction opposed to Jackson formed the Whig party in 1834.
100. Between them, the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the centre-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) captured 90% of the votes cast in national elections in the 1970s.
100. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
101. In a way, he also benefited from two developments in the Democratic Party: the candidacies of Jesse Jackson and Geraldine Ferraro.
102. The Democratic Party chose for its presidential candidate, a hero of the Civil War- General Winfield Scott Hancock of Pennsylvania.
103. William Jennings Bryan, the leader of the Democratic Party, opposed the take-over of the Philippines. But he urged Democratic senators to vote for the treaty.
104. He said lawmakers from Japan's main opposition Democratic Party had bought book to study Obama's speeches.
105. Aso's Liberal Democratic party government does not look up to the task.
106. The titular head of the Democrats is also the head of the Dixiecrats, because the Dixiecrats are a part of the Democratic Party.
107. Nobuteru Ishihara, secretary general of the opposition Liberal Democratic party, accused the government of engaging in "tone-deaf diplomacy".
108. Arguably, there are more ideological differences within the party than with its rival, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which governed Japan for most of the half-century to 2009.
109. Chicago is one of the strongest bases for his Democratic Party. The city has not had a Republican mayor since nineteen thirty-one.
110. With the power to deliver the voters of this fiefdom to Boston's Democratic party machine, Patrick's advance was spectacular.
111. In the summer of eighteen fifty-eight, two candidates campaigned across the state of Illinois for a seat in the United States Senate. That seat belonged to Stephen Douglas from the Democratic Party.
112. The leaders of the anti-war movement in the north were members of the opposition Democratic Party. They wore on their coats a copper penny showing the head of a Native American Indian.
113. After an exhausting primary season, the Democratic Party gathers in Denver to anoint its presidential candidate and lambaste the Republicans.
114. The "grand coalition" of Germany's two biggest parties, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), has been voted out of office.
115. It was swept from power last September by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), which promised to end the economy's dependence on fickle exports and promote a more balanced economy.
116. In the seventeen hundreds, for example, President John Adams supported laws to stop Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic Party from criticizing the government.
117. "People can't just continue to go on as if the expansion of nuclear energy around the world is the correct and only plan, " Sigmar Gabriel, leader of the Social Democratic Party, said.
118. Germany's Social Democratic Party is pushing for legislation to clamp down on pay, though its partner in government, Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, has so far resisted.
119. The Social Democratic Party was full of people of an academic cast of mind.
120. Was dissolved before the National Democratic Party is ready for the new National Party changed its name, leader by the late former President Anwar Sadat Talat Sadat, nephew as.
121. Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic party plans to legalise casino gambling next year.
122. That message helped Republicans trounce President Obama's Democratic Party in recent Congressional elections.
123. "When that happens, the Democratic party will have ceased to be the economic statist party," he said.
124. At a protest off Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, it was unclear what the protesters stood for, much less if they'd accept political support from the Democratic Party.
125. In Parliament to occupy half of the seats of the two opposition Social Democratic Party, the Czech and Moravian Communist Party are firmly opposed to U. S. plans to base the radar.
126. He added that the Republicans had been "grossly outspent" by groups affiliated with the Democratic Party.
127. Unlike the weasel-worded Liberal Democratic Party, which long ran the country, Mr Hatoyama's new government, he says, "has the courage to face up to history."
128. The Prime Minister's talks with the leaders of the Democratic Party were largely exploratory.
129. Later these men returned to the Democratic Party, committed to the preservation of states' rights, planter interests, and the institution of slavery.
130. My holy trinity consisted of the Catholic Church, the Democratic Party[/democratic party.html], and the Chicago White Sox.
131. Bush said he is hopeful the Republican party now in tatters will soon resurge, pointing to Republican gains in 1966 after its 1964 trouncing by Lyndon Johnson's Democratic party.
132. 'This is not putting people first, it's putting profits first, it's putting repossession first, ' said Kam Nai-wai, a Democratic Party legislator who opposed the amendment.
133. Even in the dark days of this economic crisis, I hold out hope that some sort of "third way" can be found between the statist Democratic Party and the rapidly imploding Republican Party.
134. The current Democratic Party originally was known as the Republicans, then took the name Democratic-Republicans and in the 1830s became the Democrats.
135. In voters' eyes Mrs Merkel outshone her previous government, a "grand coalition" with the Social Democratic Party (SPD).
136. Several leading members of the governing Democratic Party threw their support behind Mr. Kan, a sharp-tongued political veteran who earned a name for himself by battling Japan's powerful bureaucrats.
137. Little else distinguishes it from its rival, the People's Democratic Party (PDP), led by another former prime minister, Sangay Ngedup, brother of the former king's four wives.
138. The election of the Democratic Party of Japan could create a sustainable two-party democracy for the first time in the country's history.
139. Hoffman’s deputy, based in Paris, was W. Averell Harriman, an equally respected Democratic Party leader, former ambassador, businessman and banker.
140. Much like their brethren in the USSR and the Democratic party, the Chinese are atheistic wonders.
141. The Democratic Party state chairman Hirano for Bowen called on Congress to advise the media that the anti-symmetric: "In early October there is the trial of Ozawa."
142. The Democratic Party was led by President Franklin Pierce. Pierce wanted to run for re-election.
143. A politician (particularly one who is a member of the U. S. Democratic Party) who talks about energy conservation but who owns and drives a fuel-inefficient sport utility vehicle.
144. The president and his Democratic party face the possibility of losing majority control of Congress in midterm elections early next month.
145. For the witless gutsiness of past policies, it should be noted that the current major opposition party, the Liberal Democratic party, is very much answerable.
146. 1870-the Democratic party was represented as a donkey for the first time in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in "Harper's Weekly."
147. One recent poll put the PdL just 2.5 percentage points ahead of the biggest opposition group, the Democratic Party.
148. Thirdly, the liberal democratic party has straightly taken part in the governmental operation, and has become a nerve centre of it.
149. Max Baucus, the top-ranking Democratic party member on the Senate finance committee, says he opposes the legislation.
150. The first International Women's Day was launched on 8 March 1911 in Copenhagen by Clara Zetkin, Leader of the 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in Germany.
151. The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party.
152. Germany Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) is one of the most representative parties among all the west European parties.
153. The R.N.C. says that "the Democratic Party is dedicated to restructuring American society along socialist ideals."
154. Mr. Lee is a democratically elected legislator and the founding chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party.
154. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
155. In eighteen eighty-two, a new Congress was elected. The new Congress was controlled by the Democratic Party.
156. A sizable group of lawmakers in Mr. Kan's ruling Democratic Party have urged him to abandon his free-trade drive to placate the nation's farmers.
157. Democratic Party Executive Department that should be within in August to elect a new prime minister to avoid political power for too long blank.
158. In the 1960s, Cornelius Gallagher seemed to be the fair-haired boy of New Jersey Democratic Party politics.
159. The Republican Party re-nominated President Benjamin Harrison. And the Democratic Party nominated former President Grover Cleveland.
160. It scraped through a confidence vote earlier this year, thanks only to the support of the left-wing New Democratic Party ( NDP ), which demanded various spending increases.
161. The gap between the right of the Republican party, which is providing the angriest critics of the reforms, and the left of the Democratic party, which thinks the proposals too timid, is unbridgeable.
162. She was 75. Ms Ferraro, a Democratic Party congresswoman, was catapulted to national prominence when she became the running mate to the 1984 presidential nominee, Walter Mondale.




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