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单词 Piecemeal
(1) Alterations have been carried out on a piecemeal basis.
(2) The buildings have been adapted in a piecemeal fashion .
(3) The new fire regulations have been introduced piecemeal.
(4) The reforms were implemented piecemeal.
(5) Unfortunately(Sentence dictionary), everything is being done piecemeal.
(6) I've only had a piecemeal account of what happened.
(7) The companies were broken up and sold off piecemeal over several years.
(8) The government plans to sell the railways piecemeal to the private sector.
(9) To his disappointments it developed in a piecemeal fashion.
(10) Improvements have been largely piecemeal, without adequate government support.
(11) The use of resources was a piecemeal affair.
(12) In the interim, the Stock Exchange implemented piecemeal reform.
(13) No piecemeal liberal reform will make one iota of difference.
(14) Milosevic has granted piecemeal concessions while sowing the kind of confusion that he has used in the past to stymie opponents.
(15) Rather than do this piecemeal over several years(), Mr Moore chose to complete the process in five months flat.
(16) Elsewhere slum clearance activity was much more piecemeal and avoided spectacular set pieces.
(17) Why is it fair to pass piecemeal reforms for powerful industries?
(18) Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain, on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear.
(19) Three different ways can be identified in which piecemeal improvements to the conceptualisation of the soil erosion problem have been transcended.
(20) In the meantime, however, Dole has begun a piecemeal process of tax cutting around the edges.
(21) Piecemeal Development Attempting to build a school-to-work system company by company and school by school is painfully slow.
(22) A lack of narrative drive leaves the reader with piecemeal vignettes.
(23) It is only during this century that statutory services have been developed and they came in a very piecemeal fashion.
(24) The Conservatives also promised to: reform the tangled web of income-related benefits which had grown up piecemeal over forty years.
(25) The cuckoo's adaptations were simply too perfect to have evolved bit by bit, in piecemeal fashion.
(26) The proposals are intended as a package and not for piecemeal negotiation.
(27) By contrast, the norm for curriculum change is for it to occur piecemeal and gradually over long periods.
(28) But while Congress has wrestled with that issue, there has been only piecemeal deregulation.
(29) In practice this ordinance brought about little immediate change because it was introduced piecemeal into various districts.
(30) Radio nan Gaidheal will broadcast a single morning block to the Highlands and Islands, replacing the current piecemeal pattern of programmes.
(1) Alterations have been carried out on a piecemeal basis.
(2) The buildings have been adapted in a piecemeal fashion .
(3) A lack of narrative drive leaves the reader with piecemeal vignettes.
(31) The discussion so far does not imply that piecemeal improvements of conservation programmes have not occurred.
(32) Both were piecemeal efforts, too far from the city centre, whose shops and businesses drive the local economy.
(33) The matter was not quickly resolved. In the interim, the Stock Exchange implemented piecemeal reform.
(34) New legislation may allow inner London boroughs to take over education, perhaps on a piecemeal basis.
(35) Nevertheless, I find that many companies that have adopted piecemeal changes are already tiring of the subject.
(36) On first returning to power in 1979 the Conservatives set out to make piecemeal adjustments to the social security system.
(37) This is often a legacy of historic inception, piecemeal development, and political expediency.
(38) However, to ensure that proceedings go as you would wish, give the toastmaster instructions in advance, rather than piecemeal later.
(39) She was struggling to save a patchwork system of segregated education by piecemeal projects.
(40) Nor did they see any future in piecemeal political reform of the autocracy.
(41) Then there is piecemeal reform with an ad hoc tribunal created-the classic instance of this concerns telephone tapping.
(42) The process of drainage and enclosure was probably occurring in a piecemeal fashion all through the late Saxon period.
(43) The changes in the state sector before the 1980s have occurred in a relatively piecemeal fashion.
(44) They may conceive of it in piecemeal fashion, recognising particular boundaries as and when it is unavoidably necessary to do so.
(45) Some anomalies which had been arising as a result of the previous piecemeal evolution of means-tested benefit were eliminated.
(46) Most senior managers in such companies have applied piecemeal changes while holding on tightly to their old centralized structure and habits.
(47) The charges against Sutyagin can, therefore, be established only in piecemeal fashion.
(48) Crumley starts by analysing the piecemeal approach to development and lack of adequate environmental control in the Cairngorms.
(49) It is suggested, therefore, that piecemeal reform has to be treated with a certain degree of caution.
(50) A wolf tore the lamb piecemeal.
(51) It was built piecemeal over some 130 years.
(52) The new high - rise was assembled piecemeal.
(53) The work was done by piecemeal.
(54) In so far as historicism is technological, its approach is not piecemeal, but'holistic '.
(55) And not one man, in these last hundred years or so, has been crazy enough to put a bomb up the asshole of creation and set it off. The world is rotting away, dying piecemeal .
(56) Mari was a scrawl over the oasis, built piecemeal in a pallid, dead brick.
(57) The piecemeal engineer, like Socrates, knows how little he knows.
(58) Senators next week may agree to vote on some piecemeal jobs measures such as extending jobless benefits and cutting payroll taxes.
(59) The holists reject the piecemeal approach as being too modest.
(60) It uses the merge logic to determine what changes should be present, and then applies them on a piecemeal basis but without creating a merge node.
(61) Already the fossils suggest that Australopithecus didn’t morph suddenly into Homo, but adapted in gradual, piecemeal fashion.
(62) Piecemeal social engineering resembles physical engineering in regarding the ends as beyond the province of technology.
(63) Our current old, piecemeal energy transmission capability is barely up to today's need let alone tomorrow's and I see no signs of private capital stepping in to do the job.
(64) The piecemeal engineer can attack his problem with an open mind the scope of the reform.
(65) For convenience, I shall label these methods " piecemeal technology ".
(66) Part of the acquisition of cotton processing enterprise piecemeal acquisitions, seed cotton purchase prices after a marked decline in the near future, larger with cotton farmers fall.
(67) The country had seized vast territories of other countries by piecemeal encroachment or wholesale annexation.
(68) Both parties are disstisfied with " piecemeal tinkering " and " muddling through ".
(69) The gradual and piecemeal change was welcomed by most people.
(70) American soldiers in Bavaria carried off Hitler's books piecemeal as trophies.
(71) Mari was a scrawl over the oasis piecemeal in a pallid,[http:///piecemeal.html] dead brick.
(72) Methods: Sessile polyps were removed piecemeal and pedunculated polyps transected at stalk.
(73) It is also because politicians a strong desire to tinker piecemeal.
(74) The village is slowly being killed off by piecemeal development.
(75) The spice of life will help us make full use of our gifts by piecemeal accumulation.
(76) Let's settle the matter at one stroke , not piecemeal.
(77) In order to reduce computational effort , piecemeal dimensionality reduction Newton method was used to solve model.
(78) The facility used a broad rule of electrical business, the blast furnace gas and blast furnace dust scattered Gas Pressure Thermal Power (TRT) cut off piecemeal vital facilities.
(79) Instead of the government's piecemeal approach, what is needed is a radical shake-up of 16-19 education.




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