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单词 Forged
1. The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.
2. She forged a new career in the music business.
3. He forged ahead, panting and breathless.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The transatlantic liner forged ahead through the waves.
5. Someone had forged her signature on the cheque.
6. A bond of friendship had been forged between them.
7. They are charged with using forged documents.
8. The winning crew rapidly forged ahead.
9. Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies.
10. One runner forged ahead of the others and won the.
11. Police say a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.
12. A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.
13. They forged a lead in the first 30 minutes of the game.
14. In 1776 the United States forged an alliance with France.
15. One runner forged ahead of the others and won the race.
16. They used forged documents to leave the country.
17. Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
18. He forged into the lead in the fourth set.
19. Someone's forged my signature on this letter.
20. The students have forged ahead with their work.
21. A number of forged tickets are in circulation.
22. The smith forged the horseshoe with great skill.
23. Experts have determined that the signature was forged.
24. Rugged individualism forged America'sfrontier society.
25. The two women had forged a close bond.
26. She forged down the straight.
27. He was accused of circulating forged banknotes.
28. The two companies forged ahead, innovating and expanding.
29. There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
30. The police have warned shopkeepers to look out for forged notes.
1. The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.
2. She forged a new career in the music business.
3. He forged ahead, panting and breathless.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The transatlantic liner forged ahead through the waves.
5. Someone had forged her signature on the cheque.
6. A bond of friendship had been forged between them.
7. They are charged with using forged documents.
8. The winning crew rapidly forged ahead.
9. Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies.
10. One runner forged ahead of the others and won the.
11. A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.
12. They forged a lead in the first 30 minutes of the game.
13. In 1776 the United States forged an alliance with France.
14. The police have warned shopkeepers to look out for forged notes.
15. One runner forged ahead of the others and won the race.
16. Their friendship was forged by sharing adversity.
31. A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel.
32. Their friendship was forged by sharing adversity.
33. The ship forged ahead through the thin ice.
33. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
34. The police have warned shopkeepers about the forged banknotes.
35. She forged into the lead .
36. One horse forged ahead, leaving the others behind.
37. At last the horse forged ahead of the rest and won the race.
38. The accident forged a close bond between the two families.
39. They have arrested four people who were trying to leave the country with forged papers.
40. The cashiers were asked to watch out for forged banknotes.
41. Forged passports were found in a secret pocket in the hold-all.
42. The alliance had been forged in the crucible of war.
43. She alleged that Taylor had forged her signature on the form.
44. Just 100 metres from the finishing line Jackson forged ahead.
45. He was charged with the lesser crime of possessing a forged bond, rather than actually forging it.
46. Forged passports were found in a secret pocket in the suitcase.
47. The blacksmith forged a bar of iron into a hook.
48. The company forged its own identity by producing specialist vehicles.
49. He forged through the crowds to the front of the stage.
50. The staff were asked to watch out for forged banknotes.
51. Her speech wasn't going down too well, but she forged on.
52. Organizers of the project hope that international links will be forged.
53. Crowds of people forged through the streets towards the embassy.
54. She forged a new career for herself as a singer.
55. The three smaller parties have forged/formed an alliance against the government.
56. Together they forged a plan built on that feedback.
57. Investigators have determined that the signature was forged.
58. It worked, and a bond was forged.
59. He entered the country using a forged passport.
60. He was carrying a forged passport.
61. Joe never forged letters that were known to exist.
62. Their commitment to nationhood had been forged long before.
63. Miss Maynard showed Mum my forged sick notes.
64. Some trace their improvement to the unity forged there.
65. Great Groups are inevitably forged by people unafraid of hiring people better than themselves.
66. The other four men arrested were accused of selling art objects to Itoman at inflated prices founded upon forged valuation certificates.
67. My life fell apart,() but he had no trouble picking up the pieces and forged ahead with a new woman.
68. The two forged blocks set up a visual field where the entire space becomes a manifestation of sculpture.
69. Horak forged ahead on his own but set too fast a pace and died at Elmbridge.
70. See them using traditional skills on new forged ironwork as well as restoration work.
71. In the next four years she forged ahead with her husband's socialist programme-and went further.
72. What notes were these anyway banged out on a pan, petrol drums forged into spinets and harpsichords?
73. Some of these fears have been forged out of bitter experience.
74. The last great overall transformation in American business took place between 1890 and 1910, when the modern corporation was forged.
75. Jan 16, 2001 A new alliance of major technology companies is being forged in Washington to address the problem of hacking.
76. A few instances of forged documentation and fraud have subsequently occurred, but only to a limited extent.
77. The atmosphere is relaxed and convivial and friendships are often forged after dinner in the lounge.
78. After the bitterness had gone, they forged a new friendship, but the flames of romance were not rekindled.
79. Men see this as exercising their right to free speech, upholding a tradition in cyberspace forged by the early hacker community.
80. We have already seen how pioneers of the ecological approach forged an alliance with specialists from the environmental sciences.
81. He added Zeta to his realm in 1186, and forged a strong alliance between his state and the Church.
82. Openend funds have forged ahead to a total of 8, 667, according to Lipper Analytical Services Inc.
83. His self-discipline had been forged and tempered by years of training.
84. Police urged racegoers to be on their guard after six separate incidents of forged £20 notes were reported on the first day.
85. Eventually, she forged an international reputation as a printmaker and etcher.
86. A fierce solidarity was forged of a kind that has become archaic in the west.
87. Funny money: Police issued a warning yesterday after a forged £20 was found in Great Ayton.
88. A template had been forged which was subject to only minor modifications over time.
89. A move further towards the end-user is being forged by linking the chlorine, hypochlorite and electrochemical technology businesses.
90. Since those times the Tzar of Kislev and the Emperor have forged a common alliance against the threat of Chaos.
91. Organisers also hope international links will be forged through another project now into its second year.
92. The arts have also forged new partnerships with local authorities, businesses and private patrons.
93. Instead of shelving the permits, as residential builders do(), Rohr forged ahead with construction.
94. Joe's task was to write these out in the forged handwriting of the deceased.
95. I forged his signature a couple of times, other times others must have done the same.
96. The connection was made, forged beyond the power of pure chance to explain.
97. Working partnerships forged at home have provided a good springboard for launching several initiatives with partners abroad.
98. His identification with skilled workers, forged at the pump works, was real.
99. Forged papers were sent to the Nobel committee in 1982 in an effort to stop him from winning its peace prize.
100. Unmarked boxes of jointed meat with forged inspection stamps are being sold into the bulk meat trade.
101. The Education Sub-Group has forged links with schools of architecture and practitioners.
102. The reflection of a soldering iron in protective goggles as the musical weapons are forged.
103. Export and import licences are forged, people paid off and endangered species or their products smuggled in.
104. From part of this twelve gun barrels were forged and sent to Enfield, but they did not show the desired improvement.
105. Weapons forged from finest steel, decorated with bronze and chased with gold and silver.
106. The electronic communication has forged bonds among staff and third-grade families that are the strongest at Logan, said Principal Francine Schaffer.
107. The details of how Strominger and collaborators forged the link are highly mathematical arguments only a physicist could love.
108. His inner strength is forged in his relationship with his wife, Glenys.
109. Try to get a nanny with recognised qualifications, and check they are not forged.
110. When confronted with his forged signature on the introduction letters, he claimed it looked like his signature but could not be.
111. Links of pure gold may be forged in the flame of adversity.
112. There is a static display showing work and photographs, also possibility of the purchase of small hand forged items as mementoes.
113. More often than not, state budgets and other compromises were forged in the Senate, rather than the highly partisan Assembly.
114. Tawell would be charged with the lesser crime of possessing a forged bond rather than actually forging it.
115. After lengthy legal proceedings the forged will was declared void in 1989 and the forgers duly punished.
116. The transactions are secure, so the cash does not go astray or disappear; nor can it be forged easily.
117. And as is the way of things in nature, given sufficient heat and hammering, the result is forged steel.
118. Already equipped with two take-home containers of food, I nevertheless forged ahead.
119. When it does work, lifelong friendships can be forged with those you might never otherwise have been likely to meet.
120. In his workshop he has handmaidens he has forged out of gold who can move and who help him in his work.
121. And fears are multiplying that professional counterfeiters will take advantage of the unfamiliarity of the new currency to circulate forged notes.
122. It was here that Aenarion's sacred armour was forged, along with enough swords and suits of armour to outfit an army.
123. It led to the birth of the jumper a slender iron rod with a chisel-end forged by the mine smiths.
123. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
124. Sun's Scott McNealy says the deal was forged after long-term discussions on how the two companies could work together.
125. The entry would have been obtained by fraud in the presenting of a forged transfer for registration.
126. Among the international clients with whom we have forged solid relationships, we number many with specific merger or divestiture needs.
127. He refused the offer of any sword, preferring to use the blade he had forged with his own hands.
128. And, whereas King forged an alliance with the Democrats, Loury is a member of an exotic breed.
129. Now police have seized 3,000 forged lapel tickets in a raid on this Birmingham pub and a number of houses.
130. A new planning system was worked out and new research methods forged.
131. He forged up the narrow path, slippery with a myriad pine needles, as though his feet were winged.
132. Some couples have forged partnerships they consider fully equitable.
133. The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch.
134. His single - mindedness was forged in indigent childhood.
135. He vas imprisoned for passing forged banknotes.
136. However, on some Ming Qing rigid swords, it's hard to descry it's forged by inserted steel by eyes. Is it possible to be judge this type of steel blade is forged by wrapped steel burning blade method?
137. That is to say, this certificate is forged very sorrily actually.
138. In recent years, the Department has also made remarkable achievements in the investigation of and the combat against the use of forged documents.
139. And you think the broker's documentation was forged here on my copier?
140. The services of the KONTUR WERKZEUGSTAHL GMBH cover further services and also Forged tool steel.
141. They were forged by them, moreover, into a self-conscious nation as early as the 10th century.
142. Contemporary sterling silver stiletto earrings with links forged to represent connection.
143. Kaida forged his own khanate in Central Asia out of his lands and part of the khanate of Genghiz's son Jagatai which he had annexed.
144. Then he took lodgings and found humble work , using forged references from a nonexistent Manchester firm.
145. Attain ingenious forging and guarantees forged piece quality and effectiveness and pragmatic.
146. The non-contact CPU card can eliminate counterfeiting cards, forged terminals and false trading, and ultimately ensure the system's security.
147. An identity borrowed from a dead Canadian, forged passports, messages sent by shortwave burst transmission or in invisible ink.
148. The underground Railroad was forged by the efforts of those who were prepared to fight against slavery and stand up for the long-suffering Southern black Americans .
149. Capitalism, too, was forged in blood and tears; it is just that it has survived long enough to forget about much of this horror, which is not the case with Stalinism and Maoism.
150. The forged disc has an integral Stellite hard faced seat and guide surface.
151. The provisions of the unscrupulous traders forged documents to facilitate fraudulent loan offers.
152. An Iron Ancestor is a reanimated and iron - forged dead body possessed by a ghost.
153. As to the validity of forged bill, the commercial instrument law in China stipulates very simply. There is no direct provision about the taking of risk responsibility, and it needs to be perfected.
154. Our main products include all the types of drop forged shackle, commercial type turnbuckle, D type shackle, heavy type wire rope clips etc.
155. Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948.
156. The realization of - business confidentiality, integrity, authenticity can not be forged and non - repudiation.
157. Today, we see the curiosity of those ping-pong players manifested in the ties that are being forged across many sectors.
158. High-quality chrome molybdenum steel forged, the overall hardness up to HRC52-55, mainly used for removal of broken bolt.
159. Regin wished to secure the treasure for himself, and forged a sword for Sigurd to slay the worm with.
160. Copland (1900-1990), a first-generation American Jew of Lithuanian origin, forged an American musical style that evokes the vastness of the Western frontier.
161. Allies of Nigeria's ailing president forged his signature on the country's supplementary budget last month, opposition politicians have alleged.
162. Van Gogh and Gauguin forged a deep friendship during the two years they lived and painted as neighbors in Arles, in the south of France.
162. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
163. The 2 A 14 aluminium alloy large forged rings need thermo mechanical treatment.
164. An attacker could generate a forged signature on the assumption when the factorization problem is solved.
165. The one-piece forged brake caliper body houses two opposed pistons, with a choice of high-power metallic pads or resin pads offering finer modulation.
166. Generously dimensioned ball or roller bearings, case hardened forged and ground gears, and internally and externally reinforced gearboxes ensure a long, low maintenance service life.
167. The Chinese newspaper Time Weekly reported claims that officials forged documents stating that the babies were orphans, and that they split adoption fees with the orphanage.
168. Narrator: The Blades of Chaos, forged in the foulest depths of hades.
169. A Mainland visitor was sent to jail for using a forged identity card to secure a job as a foot masseur and breach of condition of stay.
170. Great business relationships are forged on golf courses, fine restaurants, and the occasional junket.
171. By 1929, Lawrence himself possessed a pirated edition, a "filthy-looking book...containing my [his] forged signature by the little boy of the piratical family" (Lawrence 4).
172. Especially nowadays with the world-wide economic hold back, you see dull employee faces with forged smiles.
173. In addition, the methods for the obligees to protect their rights of bill from the forged endorsement are concernal.
174. Given the condition of the intractability of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, the proposed scheme was proved secure against forged user attack, impersonation attack and replay attack.
175. He told Hungarian police that after the "accident" he had swum to shore where a friend gave him clothes and forged documents.
176. His independence had been forged on the anvil of a harsh environment.
177. I think the additional one point the bladesmith forged on. Such edged blade was common in Longquan in late Qing dynasty.
178. The microstructure and property of alloy carburizing steel forged parts after general normalizing and isothermal normalizing were studied.
179. New forged austempering technology is used in steel spade heat treating for energy-saving and the quality of the treated spade is guaranteed in a retrofitted equipment.




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