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单词 Intersection
1, Take a left turn at the intersection.
2, The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.
3, Bridges are used to avoid the intersection of a railway and a highway.
4, The car stopped at a street intersection.
5, The traffic banked up at the intersection.
6, Turn left at the intersection.
7, The cars slowed down as they approached the intersection.
8, Take a right turn at the intersection.
9, Turn right at the next intersection.
10, The intersection of the lines on the graph marks the point where we start to make a profit.
11, A police car sped through the intersection, lights flashing.
12, Turn left at the intersection onto Mohawken Avenue.
13, My house is four blocks past the main intersection.
14, The intersection between these two divisions yields six regime types; all of which appear in Figure 1.1.
15, At each intersection, Converse had cringed in anticipation of the bullet, the blade,(http:///intersection.html) the hatchet.
16, The cab paused at an intersection to give right of way to a car chase.
17, The intersection is one of the busiest in the city.
18, At the next intersection he drew in against the left-hand wall, peering around the corner into the corridor to his left.
19, City College lives at the intersection of these two principles.
20, Graphically, the intersection of the supply curve and the demand curve for the product will indicate the equilibrium point.
21, Each intersection of wires becomes a pixel, or dot on the screen.
22, Patrol cars cruised the intersection looking for a naked lady, but never stopped at the gas station.
23, Thousands of automobiles pass through this intersection every morning, heading north, south, east and west.
24, Their car was blindsided by a bus at the intersection.
25, So we come to a crossroads of sorts, an intersection of rice sticks.
26, The X-shaped crosswalk painted in the middle of the central intersection is the city's heart.
27, At least the moonlight was beginning to filter down, and showed him an intersection almost at once.
28, Up ahead, a thoroughfare Traffic was going across the intersection at a good clip in both directions.
29, A contribution by a function to one of the key activities is indicated by a symbol at the intersection.
30, Washington police said he was traveling at an estimated 80 miles per hour as he entered the congested intersection.
1, Take a left turn at the intersection.
2, The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.
3, Bridges are used to avoid the intersection of a railway and a highway.
4, Their car was blindsided by a bus at the intersection.
31, They start rocking the cars stopped at the intersection, jumping on fenders and pounding on hoods.
32, Both remained important, creating the worst conditions at their intersection, in the conurbations of the North.
33, How does he see himself poised at the intersection between his various stories about the past and his various imagined futures?
34, We waited at the intersection of Fulton Street and Gough Avenue for the lights to change.
35, Tendons which intercept the central core are anchored at the slab / core intersection.
36, He paused at the intersection, fearful that a hard leather boot was waiting for him no matter which way he ran.
37, She said the driver had stopped at an intersection, got into the back seat with her and assaulted and raped her.
38, I usually posted myself then at a busy intersection where a traffic light controlled commuter flow from Newark.
39, But never mind all those skulls lined up at the intersection of the Aztec pyramid and the Catholic cathedral on stage.
40, Body bags lay off to one side of the big intersection, while the corridors leading off were strewn with wreckage.
41, The destruction of the Thornydale and Cortaro intersection just reveals the pervasive mentality in Tucson.
42, At Third Avenue, two turning busses were stopped in the middle of the intersection.
43, That is a scary intersection. Like yesterday I saw two cars go straight through a red light.
44, Women will wait much longer at an intersection rather than take a risk.
45, Consider a four-way stop at an intersection.
46, A more general topologically finite intersection property is obtained.
47, In difficult River and the intersection of Penn River.
48, Two parallel lines will never have an intersection point.
49, Each intersection point will have two labels.
50, Jack and Missy are standing at an intersection.
51, So(/intersection.html), Would point of intersection betting us!
52, There four-way stop at that intersection.
53, That intersection is the primary entry point into the re-developed zone of Culver City.
54, Effectively managed mobile, bicycle and pedestrians mixed traffic flow at signalized intersection is a key to traffic management in China.
55, The concept of intersection set of "possible attacking sector" and its application in the fighter course determination for multi-target attacking are also discussed.
56, It is believed from this study that the perspective of the study is very promising in the signalized intersection evaluation using simulation package like CORSIM.
57, A smiling crossing guard led us silently across the last intersection before our intended destination.
58, Based on analyzing the intersection curve between the rolled-piece and roll(), the method of determining the nip point is put forward.
59, A clipping algorithm for complex2 D graphs based on the robust intersection points seeking method is presented.
60, By the analysis of terminal traffic net structure, we established the traffic net model, in which we take road sections as the basic unit. and intersection safety model.
61, One of difficulties in descriptive geometry theories is to draw the intersection created by two general position intersecting quadric surfaces.
62, Go down to the intersection cross at the zebra crossing.
63, The primary step includes discharging mode design , signal design and channelization design of signalized intersection.
64, Despite the declaration, hundreds of red-shirted demonstrators were streaming into the main protest encampment last night, at a key intersection in the heart of Bangkok's retail and hotel zone.
65, The signal control of the isolated intersection has two basic parameters: the cycle length and the green split.
66, This article is intended to provide new algorithms for the intersection processing of straight line and arc used in the 2-D plane figure.
67, Result shows that the precision of height measurement by the theory of space intersection is relatively high within a given range of error.
68, Select to snip using the View Intersection and make sure that "Keep Inner" is checked. This will delete the pieces beyond the snipping curves.
69, Manual programming is inefficient when using CNC pipe cutting machine cuts intersection lines with welding groove.
70, The intersection of sweep volume with complicated surface normal is transformed into computation of intersection between triangular mesh and directed line segment.
71, First, we relax the uncertainty set to be intersection of a closed convex cone and the translation of an affine subspace.
72, Exposure latitude: Its lower limit is at the intersection point of the two curves, with an exposure time of 15 units for the example below.
73, The Balmville Tree is an old-growth Eastern cottonwood growing at the intersection of River Road, Balmville Road and Grand Avenue in Balmville, New York.
74, Finally, an algorithm of triangle intersection based on the non-linear programming is provided.
75, Come to a complete stop and full stop at the intersection.
75, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
76, A hierarchical adaptive fuzzy control system for an isolated urban traffic intersection using genetic algorithm to modify its fuzzy membership functions is proposed.
77, A new intersection theorem is obtained in FC-spaces without any convex structure.
78, Based on computational geometry and set theory, a vector algorithm for getting the Intersection set of two complex polygons is put forward in this paper.
79, The theory of common intersection channelization has been rather mature, but the the- ory of deformity intersection channelization is short of systematicness.
80, It is discovered that the dimension and measure of the intersection of triadic Cantor dust with their translates are related to the translate length.
81, Here a new algorithm is described, i. e. two arbitrary linear graphs are computed with 'union, intersection and difference' to constitute another geometric graph.
82, Each intersection point would have to be made into an overpass and underpass.
83, Based on the proposed basic principles and methods for pedestrian traffic control at intersections, the paper introduces several examples of intersection layout design and signal control.
84, City Light Railway goes directly to Xiantao along Hu-Rong Highway, along which there are three stops: Liutan Road Intersection, south of City Administration Center, C-bons Road Intersection.
85, Aiming at the familiar problem of intersection curve, from the point of view of mathematics, the academic equations are worked out.
86, Inductive logic programming was defined as the intersection of machine learning and logic programming.
87, The younger volunteers also didn't seem to be affected when the scientists sped up the time at which the cars approached the intersection by shortening the bumper-to-bumper distance between cars.
88, This paper is mainly about a three-D coordinate measurement system, which is based on intersection converge imaging principle , using space probe .
89, If the intersection point falls in the shaded area, cavitation can occur.
90, In this paper, the tracing and the calculation method of the point of intersection of isopleth and net line are developed.
91, Auxiliary surface is commonly used as a graphic solution for the projections of the intersection line of quadratic cambers of revolution.
92, Then combined with teaching example, detailed analysis on intersection curve of normal revolution solid is provided, theoretical basis is advanced for computer graphics.
93, In chapter two, we prove a nonempty intersection theorem in L-convex space by using a continuous selection theorem. As applications, some minimax inequalities are obtained.
94, Just like the extremely high activity and potential, UFP are making intersection and interaction of various scientific branches.
95, A little train, with some ancient flavor, when going through the intersection of roads, would sound its steam whistle in the manner of an extremely majestic-looking.
96, William Somerset Maugham is an unique writer of modern Britain in the intersection of theand modernity.
97, Scapular is brotherly Sanyang meridians intersection, daily Rixi massage 60 times each, prevention and treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervical vertebra disease function.
98, On the contrary exclusive bus lanes have impact on automobiles, changing the characteristics of signalized intersection capacity, such as geometric, traffic and signalization conditions.
99, Then we prove that the optimal fuzzy decision of fuzzy linear programming is the intersection ofthe two functions.
100, The base block at the intersection of the baseboard and the vertical trim around an opening.
101, As such, dreams concerning the medicine man often reveal our position at the intersection of these influences in our lives.
102, The basement shows characteristics of trichotomy, that is, "T" type intersection of two hidden deep faults may be the stitching line among Yanliao, Luxi and Taihang basement.
103, The theory of automorphic function is the result of the intersection of geometry, algebra, complex analysis and differential equation, which manifest the unity of mathematics.
104, This paper introduces the method of expanded and channeled intersection with traffic light, which raises road pass through capacity effectively in the traffic reorganization in Shenzhen City.
105, By using this method, the traffic benefit of the bus lane is mainly evaluated by taking into account of that at the intersection and the comprehensive benefit of the section of road .
105, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
106, This paper presents the inner volume technology, which is used to seek the point of intersection.
107, The math model about synchronism controlling between line scanning rate of CCD and object moving speed in the TDI CCD intersection measuring system is established.
108, Considering the mixed traffic running characteristic on signalized intersection, this paper sets forth optimized cycle time, green ratio and green light interval model.
109, This paper presents principle, character and application of calculation area method of polygonal intersection.
110, The bicycle following behavior was described firstly, and the parameters about the bicycle traffic were collected by the video experiments at the signalized intersection.
111, The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of measuring intersection angle of the steel stiffening ring connection using the digital image correlation method (DICM).
112, The program has a certain reference value for the value of the transition fillet of intersection of the structure of the pump head line.
113, In a strange city, please pay attention to the fuel tank when you get on a complex cloverleaf intersection, because there is no gas station.
114, In System / 38 graphics, the default result of the intersection of two or more colors.
115, Stage by stage, they were getting close to the intersection.
116, The cloverleaf intersection being built is designed by a young man.
117, The intersection contains three aspects:"heterological etymology ", "etymological use in common" and "etymological borrowed words".
118, Then the adjacent contours are blended by using a rotary vector through a proper inner point in the intersection to achieve the current layer's scanning contour.
119, Pitch Point is the intersection of the spline tooth profile with the pitch circle.
120, It can include the range operator (a colon), the intersection operator (a space), or the union operator (a comma).
121, Then, it investigates the most effective evaluation index of left-turning traffic forbiddance system, discusses of two cases a section of a road and an intersection, separately.
122, The permissions sets of the caller class and its ancestors (that is, all stack frames above this one) are not included in computing the intersection set.
123, In the meantime, it is also proven that the non transversal intersection mentioned above exactly corresponds to the static bifurcation point, i. e. the critical point of voltage collapse.
124, Accurate real-time delay model of signalized intersection is one of the cornel models of real-time traffic control system.
125, Even if the intersection into the empty set and should not have the slightest bit of resentment.
126, The sound pressure level changes acutely in shock intersection, and shocks outside nozzle and exhaust plume cause strong noise.
127, The paper presents a new method of selecting intersection points of one class spline regression curve.
128, The key problem of direct allocation method is to determine the intersection of the desired objective vector with the convex hull of the attainable moments set(AMS).
129, The measuring principle of large curved surface measurement system is intersection measurement of electronic theodolite.
130, Last night, Arapaho Avenue near the Pine Street intersection was under water as a water main burst in that area.
131, Perhaps he would come out on some man-hole at the intersection of streets.
132, The Cumberland Gap is a natural pass in the Cumberland Plateau situated near the intersection of Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee.
133, Don't jaywalk. Go down to the intersection and cross at the zebra crossing.
134, Circular intersection. Drag the center control handle to add up to eight connecting roadways.
135, At this point of intersection and transformation, Socrates intervenes and declares his love for Alcibiades.
135, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
136, In the approach, a ray is defined as the intersection of two nonparallel planes.
137, The intersection controller is based on STD bus structure, its processor adopting MSC-89C51 monolithic computers of the INTEL company.
138, A cavernous and almost perfectly round sinkhole swallowed an entire intersection in Guatemala City during a tropical storm, spooking people in the neighbourhood but exciting geologists.
139, For this reason, it has become an integrant subject that research about the inosculation and intersection of the distribution activity and design of the product.
140, The intersection of the offer curve of the two nations defines the equilibrium relative commodity price at which trade takes place between them.
141, The cutting edge the drill is the intersection the hyperboloid and the spiral rake face.
142, Based on this model, every point's object space coordinates are calculated by space resection and space intersection.
143, The second intersection right ( left ) turn and join taxiway B 1 for Bay No 4.
144, Lastly,() finding and computing of intersection points is a main procedure.
145, In order to avoid the intersection of triangles, the cross-over operator is given up.
146, This paper presents the inner bounding volume technology , which is used to seek point of intersection.
147, On the ground state potential energy surface , a conical intersection produces the geometric phase effect.
148, The point of intersection of arcs or curves , such as the inner points of a trefoil.
149, By using monotony and convexity- concavity of polygonal chain as well as box technique an improved algorithm for polygonal chain intersection is proposed based on the line scan conversion algorithm.
150, Asymptote, which is infinitely close to but not an intersection of the line.
151, A young couple. both blind. were walking arm-in-arm across this busy intersection with cars whizzing by in every direction.
152, In the paper, models for fuzzy reliability digital simulation of mechanical series system and parallel system based on the operators of intersection and parallel set in fuzzy mathematics are given.
153, The PROJECTION onto a plane of the intersection of a surface with a plane parallel to the projection plane.
154, After that, the intersection of middle and high frequency defining vocabulary in MCD and the limited vocabulary was taken as "core vocabulary" of defining metalanguage .
155, And the important metallogenetic concentrate region is located in the separation, composite, intersection part of linear structure or superimposition part of different structure images.
156, In order to effectively analyze the traffic operation in urban intersection, the micro simulation model for the vehicle behavior is needed.
157, I blew a tire right in the middle of the intersection.
158, Its intersection with the celestial sphere will be a great circle -- the ecliptic.
159, This paper is about no-signal intersection traffic safety study for the city road.
160, The house is one of a cluster of homes near an intersection in Loysville, a rural stretch of farm land about 25 miles west of Harrisburg.
161, Barstow City desert area in Southern California, the valley basin, located in the traffic arteries, where the intersection of two interstate highways, about 180 kilometers from Los Angeles by car.
162, It is only in the intersection set up signs asking drivers to down to give way.
163, The queue length prediction model of saturated signalized intersection established by predicting the real time traffic flow of single lane, which on the basis of deterministic queuing theory.
164, This metadata abstraction enables the storing of information that is the intersection of that which is specific to neither the class nor the interface.
165, The method uses the implicit definition to interpolate the intersection curve based on step selection rules which guarantees one step position error at most.
166, Study on the Earth with a variety of astronomical state of motion and mechanical mechanisms of disciplines, is astrometry intersection of science and earth science.
167, About a quarter of a mile down the road is the local intersection, with the identikit Taco Bells, 7-Elevens, dollar stores and payday loan outlets that punctuate America.
168, The effect of strong and weak currents on wave under conditions of wave-current coline and slant intersection are explained.
169, This model is capable of predicting the queue length at the saturate signalized intersection, and its prediction result is strongly adaptive and in accord with the practical traffic flow condition.
170, The theory of automorphic function is an intersection of many subjects, which manifests the unity of mathematics.
171, In fact, the procedural appraisal may be supposed to the city and countryside intersection ordinary senior middle school language teaching multitudinous questions.
172, Being exposed in an open contextual dimension, body becomes a point of intersection.
173, It is only in the intersection set up signs asking drivers to slow down to give way.
174, By analyzing the high-congestion running status of intersection, a general rule has be modeled that a compressible section in the queue system keeps moving from the stop line to the back of queue.
175, The angle drawn at the point of incidence (intersection of) a reflected ray and the normal line perpendicular to the reflecting surface.
176, Ensemble data assimilation is at the intersection of ensemble forecasting methodologies and relatively independently developed data assimilation based on the theory of statistical estimation.
177, Intersection study of vibration and particuology has a broad prospect of application.
178, The plan now in development will transform a deadly intersection into a walkable, pedestrian-friendly streetscape.
179, Representation of road network topology in the intersection is a difficult point in transportation GIS.
180, A distinct de pressed pressure was found located at the intersection between aortic arch and descending aorta.
181, As application of generalized L - KKM type theorems, a nonempty intersection theorem is proved.
182, It needs neither iterative process nor getting derivative of the intersection point.
183, By using the probability theory and queuing theory, the proposed approach incorporates both platoon dispersions and the stochastic variations of the queue at the intersection.
184, Firstly the paper explored the characteristics of spatial distribution of density, velocity, rate of bicycle traffic flow in the intersection, including survey methods and distribution patterns.
185, The key in clipping algorithm is the efficiency which is mainly influenced by computing the intersection points between the clipping window and the clipped object.
186, Yamashita Minjiang River and its tributaries sheep hole intersection, forming a large river floodplain and magnanimous.
187, A 360-degree tour of Du Du's intersection now runs past a row of tents, buckled homes, a trash heap and vendors in tilted shacks.
188, The wedge angle bisector gives as intersection with the cutting edge profile point pint. (3) Draw a circle that intersects point pint and is tangent to both straight fitting lines.
189, The traffic flow of next cycle is forecast and allocated the best phase time in real-time by fixing the cycle on each intersection.
190, At every intersection stands a uniformed policewoman -- handpicked, they say, for their beauty -- directing traffic with parade-ground precision.
191, Pascal's Theorem points of intersection of opposite sides a hexagon inscribed in a conic are collinear.
192, The accident occurred between the intersection of Nanking W . Rd . and ChangAn W . Rd.
193, The torsion of the intersection curve of two surfaces in R3 can be expressed by geodesic torsions, normal curvatures and the angle between surfaces.
194, Strike is the trace of the intersection of an obliquelyinclined plane with a horizontal reference plane.
195, Similar Point : Given two circles, construction their outer and inner tangent lines. Then the outer similar point P is the intersection of outer common tangents of two circles.
196, Cornwall Street, Student Residence of City. University of Hong Kong (intersection of ...
197, The intersection of two right circular cylinders is usually quartic curve.
198, Assuming the coming traffic flow to be stationary, a model of nonlinear programming is proposed to decide the arrangement of traffic light time of a single intersection.
199, Based on the analysis, determine the unicity of point of tangency and point of intersection.
200, Experiment has shown that this algorithm is robust and efficient in coincident intersection test for 3-D convex polygon.
201, A place at which roads , lines , or tracks intersect an intersection.
202, The point of intersection of coordinate axes, as in the Cartesian coordinate system.
203, In this paper, the method of analytic descriptive geometry is applied to set up the parameter function of the intersection line ofparaboloid and cylinder whose axes are inclined to intersect.
204, Time control or adaptive control were chosen by judging the traffic intensity at the intersection.
205, Intelligent traffic controlling machine is an equipment used in the street intersection to control vehicle flows.
206, At the accident-prone intersection of innovation and law, clashes between business and consumers, business and government, and government and their citizens are growing in frequency and in volume.
207, The mechanism of aspectual intersection is the deep motive for aspectual markers to realize the function of "time reference".
208, Zhongshan Road West road traffic density, every intersection, and so have the light, slow taxi companies.
209, Then it introduces the research fruit of road weight types, road impedance function model, intersection delay model, and network reliability.
210, Gold mine distribute at the edge of circular structure and intersection of circular and linear structure.
211, Uron canyon summer resort drop canteen - Uron canyon summer resort located at Yanqing County Northeast 70 kilometer Yanqing County and Huairou County intersection points.
212, One evening last March in small-town Delaware, June Griffith was on her way to pick up her son Barry from a friend's house when she took a right turn at an unfamiliar intersection.
213, At the same time , a single intersection traffic flow model is proposed to reflect the light traffic and heavy traffic and describe the queue length.
214, The angle formed by the intersection of two adjacent edge faces where either an excess or lack of glass can occur.
215, Because of the inevitable blur of a optogram, some geometric figures composed of intersection lines are of twisted cord illusions in reality.
216, The preselection of the checkboxes will occur at the intersection of the two arrays.
217, At the accident-prone intersection of innovation and law, clashes between business and consumers, business and government, and governments and their citizens are growing in frequency and in volume.
218, You are standing next to a blind person at an intersection.
219, The other one is to straight store road network with the generalized forward star structure, which can represent turn restrictions and intersection delays.
220, It is discovered that the dimension and measure of the intersection of triadic Cantor sets with their translates are related to the translate length.
221, The definiteness of prepositive distance to intersection of parking guidance display screen is of important meaning.
222, An isometric mesh on the concave of a spherical substrate was formed by latitude line intersection each other, in which latitude lines was generated by a concentric optical scanning method.
223, Secondly, the coordinate of corresponding object point is calculated through two-image space intersection, and these points are grouped according to the distances between each other.
224, As a consequence, two equivalent formulations of the nonempty intersection theorem are obtained.
225, Intersection point closure is one of the difficulties in the processing.
226, Neuroethics, a new field at the intersection of bioethics and neuroscience, is founded on discussions associated with mind and behavior.
227, When turning left or right you must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing the intersection.
228, The other point of intersection of equator and the ecliptic is called the Autumnal Equinox.
229, Production possibility set in DEA has two equivalent forms: sum form and intersection form.
230, Three approaches to the graphic representation for lines of intersection are introduced in this article, namely, central projection, parallel skew projection and arc line projection.
231, The first example is a T - intersection of a rural two - lane highway and a paved side road.
232, Finally(), the method to determine the actual capacity and limitation capacity of the non - signalized intersection is presented.
233, The vertical crustal movement after the quake is just on the contrary. This shows the characteristics of elastic rebound and the hypocenter is just near the quadrantal intersection.
234, It was blocking the intersection while people were trying to cross the street.
235, Neuroethics, a recently field at the intersection of bioethics and neuroscience, is founded on basis associated with mind and behavior.
236, The thesis studied systematically, the designing methods of bus lane, bus entrance lane of intersection and bus bay stop and their interrelationship.
237, Crossovers: When the price oscillator falls below its signal line, the point of intersection is crossover.
238, I was sitting in my car at a stoplight intersection listening to the radio.
239, When it comes to the monospaced chamfer at intersection line of orthogonal cylinder and cylindrical bore, however, no mature manufacturing method has been found yet.
240, If my memory serves me right, at the next intersection we have to turn left.
241, First of all, a minimum storage ray triangle intersection was introduced.
242, A hierarchical adaptive fuzzy control system for an isolated urban traffic intersection is proposed, and an evolution strategy is used to modify the fuzzy membership functions of the system.
243, Mixed traffic is the main characteristic of large cities in China, especially at signalized intersection.
244, Chao Guan was a type of architecture that formed in Ming dynasty, which were most distributed at the intersection of the waterway to collect tax.
245, The threading position located at the point of intersection of median 1/3 and superior 1/3 of the line between extemal occipital protuberance and mastoid apex.
246, The phase design of intersection signal control is the first problem to solve in intersection automation design,(Sentence dictionary) directly affecting the control project.
247, The article designs the single - intersection fuzzy controller in detail.
248, Site until the Dallas "North" near the intersection with Preston and the provisions of ...Game "room" size pool "table" and full wet bar through.
249, Go cautiously and use the intersection the same way you would use an intersection with all-way stop signs.
250, Some problems about the intersection condensation of aldol in the present textbook of organic Chemical Experiment are pointed out. Mean while some improved are presented.
251, We also obtain a new intersection theorem by the fixed-point theorem in this chapter.
252, The theme, which I set forth in my keynote address was XML and its intersection with open standards and open source.
253, The presigmoid petrosal intersection and fissure for endolymphatic sac should be used as landmarks for drilling petrous bone to decrease injury to internal structure of the petrous bone.
254, In the linear space with descending chain condition of subspaces, every subspace can be written as finite intersection of maxmin subspaces.
255, Produces the set intersection of two sequences by using the default equality comparer to compare values.
256, Yield the right-of-way to vehicles in the intersection and to vehicles entering the intersection from your right.
257, All the matched parts formed the intersection set between the capability envelope and the parametric part family, which was a bridge connecting the process and the part family.
258, She starts at some intersection and goes down a randomly chosen passage, unreeling the string.
259, A water to cross, four-way intersection, backed by snow - capped mountains, grasslands in the face.
260, The siderite nodules formed in the early diagenetic stage under reduction conditions were found in the intersection parts of the Member 8 of Xiashihezi Formation.
261, Two Roman inventions allowed for greater architectural flexibility: the dome and the groin vault-formed by the intersection of two identical barrel vaults over a square plan.
262, At each intersection, a "magnetic tunnel junction" (MTJ) is created that serves as a switch-and thus as a repository for a single bit of memory.




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