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单词 Joan
1. Mary and Joan are quite different.
2. She's a modern-day Joan of Arc.
3. Joan looked at him with disgust.
4. Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.
5. Joan is around the office somewhere.
6. Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
7. Hello, is that Joan Murphy?
8. Joan still mourns her father.
9. Joan was very much against commencing drug treatment.
10. Stars including Joan Collins are expected to attend.
11. Joan suggested asking her father for his opinion.
12. Joan was struck quite forcibly by the silence.
13. Joan has a cleaning job.
14. And now, a big hand for Ms Joan Rivers!
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. Joan was rich, beautiful and proud.
16. Several people, specifically Tom, Mike and Joan have agreed.
17. Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake .
18. Joan is the only lawyer we have on staff.
19. Joan blushed at the unexpected compliment.
20. Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women.
21. Joan has catered functions for up to 200 people.
22. Joan doesn't want to part with the money.
23. Joan will win - that's a certainty.
24. Joan gave me a gentle neck massage .
25. Mary and Joan quarreled, but made up after a while.
26. We ask God's blessing on Joan at this difficult time.
27. When Joan returned to work, the friction between them increased.
28. I could just see Joan on the far/other side of the room.
29. I tried again to get ahold of my cousin Joan.
30. A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc.
1. Mary and Joan are quite different.
2. She's a modern-day Joan of Arc.
3. Joan looked at him with disgust.
4. Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.
5. Joan is around the office somewhere.
6. I tried again to get ahold of my cousin Joan.
7. A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc.
8. Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
9. Joan still mourns her father.
10. Joan was rich, beautiful and proud.
11. Several people, specifically Tom, Mike and Joan have agreed.
12. Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women.
13. Mary and Joan quarreled, but made up after a while.
14. When Joan returned to work, the friction between them increased.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. I didn't know the answers so I cribbed them off Joan.
16. Poor Joan has been tossing around all night with that fever.
17. Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
31. Joan hoped that the others were out of range of her mother's voice.
32. You haven't said much, Joan - what do you think?
33. Through Joan of Arc, France won a great moral victory.
34. I'm not a woman hater, I just don't like Joan.
35. I mentioned the idea to Joan, and she seemed to like it.
36. Bill and Joan had an argument and Bill is giving her the air.
37. Kennedy, who divorced wife Joan in 1982, was tipped as a presidential possible.
38. Their friends think Phillip and Joan are a shining example of a happily married couple.
39. Joan sat down at the front of the bus, and plumped her bags down beside her.
40. I didn't know the answers so I cribbed them off Joan.
41. Joan commented that it was a better play than usual, and I agreed.
42. During the war, Joan helped her mother knit scarves for soldiers.
43. Dame Joan appeared to tumultuous applause and a standing ovation.
44. What is her name? It's on the tip of my tongue. Joan. Joan Simpson. That's it!
45. Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.
46. Poor Joan has been tossing around all night with that fever.
47. Joan came in with the news that a pay rise had been agreed.
48. Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
49. Joan Smith's detective stories are a cut above the rest.
50. Why Joan ever married such an idiot in the first place is beyond me.
51. She may be 67(),[/Joan.html] but Joan Collins can still strike a sexy pose.
52. "Doesn't it go something like this?" said Joan, and played the first couple of bars on her guitar.
53. For example: Joan is going grey.
54. There is a connection with Joan Rivers here.
55. Joan has a unique talent for languages.
56. Five Joan rode home, her heart heavy as lead.
57. You have changed, Joan de Warenne, she thought.
58. But Joan was harking back to that awful day.
59. Joan, it seems, has heard a shriek.
60. Ask Alex and Joan next time you're babysitting.
61. And of course Joan was extremely upset by them.
62. Joan Watt, our physiotherapist, gave me a massage.
63. Joan Ramsey, open-hearted, smiling, caring, changed his life.
64. Joan happily walks out with a new blender.
65. Joan opened it, endeavouring to appear calm.
66. Joan, the mad woman, stopped cooking.
67. Early in 1980, Joan announced that she was pregnant.
68. Joan was nineteen years old when she died.
69. Joan is a brilliant conversationalist.
70. Most days, I worked into the early hours, leaving little time to spend with Joan.
71. And little Joan had grown morose and was under the care of a dermatologist who was giving her antibiotics.
72. The two women got into a violent tussle in which Joan was thrown to the ground.
73. In their courtship, Joan stressed her good sense and ability to care.
74. From that moment on, Richard wooed Joan with all the single-minded persistence of a deal to be clinched.
74. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
75. They had been to the Maxwells' for drinks and afterwards to see Shaw's Saint Joan.
76. Fees Joan Daniels reminded teachers that their fees were due and that prompt payment would be very helpful.
77. The family was an illegitimate branch of the Yorkshire Hoptons, being descended from Sir Robert Swillington by his mistress Joan Hopton.
78. In 1986, there was a nationwide appeal for anyone who may have seen Joan to come forward.
79. Joan and her sister Ruth appeared early in the saga, and young Paul opened the very first book of the series.
80. Do you remember Mrs Richards, the deaf woman, played by Joan Sanderson?
81. She tells Karen that Victor is being excluded from school indefinitely for bullying and for kicking Joan.
82. For some months, Joan moved in some indecision between her home and Richard's.
83. When you replied to that memo from Joan, the pensions manager, was it a successful response?
84. At one point, Joan rose from the table and went to the ladies' room.
85. Think back to the day Joan Yancey of Tandem returned from the sales conference.
86. Besides her present location, Joan has been branch representative in Ballynahinch where she joined the Bank in 1978.
87. Joan Robbins was only a yard away through the fence.
88. Joan asked whether her brother would be charged with murder if she did not work for them.
89. Seventeen Joan settled happily into her new and temporary abode.
90. It is Joan and Ted's hope that even now some one may know something that can solve Brian's murder.
91. Sometimes, Joan was the dowdy, make-up-less wallflower with curves that looked more like sacks.
92. On 8 August 1952 he and Joan gave a farewell party to Cambridge friends.
93. The delight at being finally united with Joan was tempered by a feeling of discomfort about Ronnie Leahy.
94. This gave Joan a taste of freedom, but not yet enough.
95. Next is a coast-to-coast trek with Grammy Award nominee Joan Osborne.
96. Joan wrapped the sturdy cloak more closely around herself, concealing all but the lower part of her face.
97. The child was insecure and frightened, unable to let go of Joan for one waking moment.
98. She acquiesced, agreeing to his plan for a meeting with Joan in the palace rose-garden.
99. All the while I was in college, Joan was traveling.
100. Joan decides to intervene immediately to prevent injury to Robert.
101. I'm so glad you didn't get that nasty flu, Joan.
102. Joan Rivers reveals how she hit rock bottom and recovered in her autobiography.
103. Joan herself was a widow, and as an ex-nurse she befriended Stanley and began to care for him.
104. But you do not have to be a fusion buff to appreciate Joan Bromberg's history of an important part of science.
104. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
105. In her vision, Joan of Arc saw an angel telling her to go and fight for France.
106. We had to ask Joan to moderate her language in front of the kids.
107. For Joan it has been a labour of love and provides an amusing and detailed insight into medicine in the town.
108. At any rate Joan and I were having no problems on that score.
109. Please collect counterfoils and money from your class members and send to Joan Daniels as soon as possible.
110. Joan wept and at first refused to take the pills, but after much persuasion and then pleading, she agreed.
111. You may not like Joan, but you have to admit that she's good at her job.
112. Joan Watt did her best - she's absolutely wonderful and a very considerate person.
113. Sister Joan, she's got chapped hands and a streaming cold, but she's very kind.
114. Martha and Joan kept strictly to their part of the house.
115. Joan holds up a new bottle, which Barbara examines with an optimistic gleam in her eye.
116. "Joan of Arc" was her first meaty role as an actress.
117. Early in her career, Rothenberg worked as an assistant to Joan Jonas, a performance artist.
118. You were saying, Joan, that you regard Grimes as a poet in a way.
119. John and Joan decided that they should meet Alexander Atkins and his colleague in the flesh.
120. He would tell the rudest stories out loud, when he knew that Joan Sims was within earshot.
121. Joan Halton used her husband to express the emotional greed of which she was so frightened in herself.
122. Just as you said, I came home that Tuesday afternoon and found Joan sprawled naked on the daybed in her studio.
123. My parents and Joan were on the crowded pavement near an ice-cream cart and a streamer seller.
124. If Joan was an abstract purist, other young artists were turning toward Bad Painting and cartoon art.
125. After a quick scan of the headlines, Joan put the newspaper down.
126. This is the only group of men for whom Joan Collins seems to hold any appeal.
127. Joan found the transition from sanctuary to Tower wholly satisfactory.
128. He captured this easily and chased Isaac inland, having ensured the safety of Berengaria and Joan.
129. Joan was discovered to have a genius for turning an ancient block of stone into a home.
130. Joan Collins and Keith Baxter will be playing the leading roles in the play.
131. Branson had fully intended to keep his word on not seeing or communicating with Joan for three months.
132. For a moment or two Joan and Atkins were engaged in a separate conversation from the rest of the group.
133. Let us assume for the sake of argument that you are not Joan Crawford.
134. It was not until they had just left the Church that Joan discovered they were going for two weeks to Tenerife.
135. Joan has also 194 established policies for buying birthday gifts and so forth.
136. The choice of actress to play Joan has always been crucial.
137. Life before Joan Freely caught the art bug seemed ideal.
138. The guests were all very polite about the meal, but inside Joan just wanted to cry.
139. Guest teacher was Joan Daniels, and we thank Kent display team for joining us despite the miserable weather.
140. But she stood up as eager as Joan of Arc before the judges at her infamous trial.
141. Joan Carrier; the head nurse, parted the onlookers, marched into the room and stood over the table.
142. In her desperate search for clues, Joan visited clairvoyants across the country.
143. After the 1984 Olympic marathon trials, Joan Benoit Samuelson had knee surgery.
144. He was a regular attender of craft exhibitions, helping Joan with her jewelled Bonsai trees.
145. Let us skirt round professor Joan Bicknell, a major authority in child psychiatry.
146. Joan saw a little girl of eight or nine years, eyeing her alertly and clinging to David's hand.
147. Joan of Arc was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake.
148. Unfortunately, Joan catches Victor slightly off-balance and he falls against a wall, bruising his arm slightly.
149. They started to write songs together and Joan was persuaded to record some demo tapes.
150. It was at once apparent to Joan that, whatever changes of circumstance had taken place, he had changed not a jot.
151. Joan Waters was included in it and acted as chief spokesman.
152. This was a team event, with 7 countries competing for a trophy named after Joan Scruton.
153. It is hard to believe that Joan and I have now been staying on the east coast for six months.
154. In addition, a reader for whom a happy ending is essential may not care for some of Joan Aiken. 4.
155. Joan formed a ladies' committee at Trentham Park Golf Club dedicated to achieving the target.
156. Tierney was nominated for the Oscar, but lost out to Joan Crawford.
157. As Richard grows up and Joan perseveres, their relationship takes subtle turns.
158. I broke the news to Joan that night over a dinner of her delicious meatloaf.
159. Joan told me afterward that I attempted to lunge out of bed and attack Feeley.
160. Joan had been an early riser ever since she was a child.
161. Joan looked with pity and distaste at the mess which had once been the rectory.
162. It hardly needs saying that Dame Joan is a virtuoso.
163. Joan did the laundry, washing up, and housework holding her with one arm.
164. The kindness of this unknown person was too much for Joan who broke down and wept.
165. Joan and Jack enjoy meeting their guests and many breakfasts stretch into the mid-morning as new friendships are made.
166. Joan has a lot of financial problems at the moment.
167. It is to be chaired by Mrs Joan Cameron, whose appointment was announced previously.
168. Joan asked Sunday Life to thank the unknown person who had taken the time to care for her son's grave.
169. Millie's brother Dennis, and his wife Joan, decided to emigrate the following year.
170. Our friend Joan strolls into the bank and plops down $ 100 to open an account.
171. Joan: No way! Have a glass of egg-nog instead.
172. In her Joan Crawford dress and swimmer's legs.
173. Joan Smith is a proper name.
174. Jeff: No need Joan. I love using the shredder.
175. Everybody agree them, without Joan, she is having averment.
176. Joan Sutherland -La Sonnambula 1962 Studio Recording.
177. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.
178. Karen gave Joan a lift with the housework.
179. And, as Joan Crawford would say, "No wire hangers!"
180. Jeff an armful of books you have there, Joan.
181. Joan: You are such a geek, Jeff!
182. They are Darby and Joan.
183. A slight misgiving found place in Joan Durbeyfield's mind.
184. Joan: Have you house-trained your puppy yet?
185. Joan was delighted to welcome her boyfriend into the bosom of her large, close-knit family.
186. Joan seems to have toughened up a lot since last year.
187. Just as Joan Miro, Picasso and other masters of the early years, Tao Dongdong solid grew up with all the necessary process, not skipping any contemporary artist should go through the steps.
188. It didn't get any better for Faye Dunaway in the 1981 Joan Crawford biopic Mommie Dearest.
189. The daughter of King Edward I and Queen Eleanor of Castile, Joan was 18 when she married the 46-year-old earl.
190. Norma Shearer plays the devoted wife to a man who's cheating on her with the lower-class gold digger Joan Crawford.
191. We have invited major hospital complex nutritionist Joan Zheng - shan , for us weight - loss seminars. Dr.
192. Joan: No. The bouncer said that we were not dressed properly.
193. Joan: Nowadays you would walk over hot coals to slow - dance with a cutie.
194. Joan of Arc led a large army to raise the siege of Orleans in 1429.
195. Finally, Wang - posing as the wife of a businessman,[http:///Joan.html] has insinuated herself into the mah-jongg circle of Yee's wife (Joan Chen) - manages to finally seduce him.
196. Said by: Joan Crawford to her housekeeper who began to pray aloud.
197. Joan of Arc:She was a national heroine of France during the Hundred Years' War. She successfully led the French to drive the English out of France.
198. Joan Didion established her fame in new-journalism and prose writing after the publication of her collection Slouching Towards Bethlehem.
199. John sang in with Joan in a duet last night.
200. Joan: I'm sure that it took your parents a long time to house-train you!
201. JOAN: Shall we put 45 to be on the safe side?
202. We were extremely worried because Joan was found to have a significant hearing loss in both ears.
203. Joan of Arc was burnt ( alive ) at the stake.
204. No, Joan, you have crowned him; and you must go through with it.
205. Joan selected quality glutinous rice soaked and cooked dry cooking.
206. The new objectives will be discussed at a briefing held by the Waste Resources and Action Programme and Environment Minister Joan Ruddock .
207. 'Ah, that's the secret, ' said Joan Durbeyfield sagely. 'However, tis well to be kin to a coach, even if you don't ride in 'en.
208. "I think more than anything, adults are a little fearful of children's play, " said Joan Almon, executive director of the Alliance for Childhood, a nonprofit pro-play group.
209. Joan: I can't believe that you have never heard of a TV dinner!
210. Joan herself looks like she'd have no trouble passing the three-figure mark, and I asked her how she'd stayed so fit.
211. She contacted Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, for advice.
212. Amnesty International made her a prisoner of conscience , while Vanity Fair dubbed her Burma's Saint Joan.
213. "I never could decide whether I wanted to be Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, or John L. Lewis, " Hepburn confesses.
214. the producers and directors who had made wonderful film careers using "mature" actors of the previous generation like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford were no more. Ms.
215. Joan: go ape if my teacher called me an egg - head!
216. People like Joan of Ark, Albert Einstein, Clara Barton, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Rosa Parks.
217. Joan: I would go ape if my teacher called me an egg - head!
218. Joan doesn't say anything, replying him a sincere phiz .
219. Everybody agree them, without Joan, she is having a averment .
220. After all, other primates cooperate, said anthropologist Joan Silk of the University of California, Los Angeles, who specializes in reproductive strategies of old-world monkeys.
221. Doctor Lin (Joan Chen) is the mistress of Old Tang (director Jiang), but she finds herself drawn to teacher Liang (Anthony Wong), who is catnip to beautiful women.
222. Joan could not dissimulate.
223. Attention ! The Duke of Vendome presents Joan the Maid to his Majesty.
224. I hate housework! You make the beds, you do the dishes – and six months later you have to start all over again. - Joan River./Joan.html
225. The results were described as "promising" by minister for climate change Joan Ruddock.
226. Joan Xie , Esq. is a senior attorney who specialized in business immigration law and immigration litigation.
227. Joan: I'll be in on Monday. For the rest of the week, I will be telecommuting.
228. Joan Sutherland as the title role of Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor during the Mad Scene.
229. Saint Joan is a play by George Bernard Shaw, based on the life and trial of Joan of Arc.
230. But in that space between Joan Crawford and June Cleaver, where most of us fall, it seemed like a lot could go wrong in the kid-raising department.
231. Well, Professor Joan Taylor from De Montfort University in the UK is developing an artificial pancreas. And she's taking a novel approach.
232. Joan Playle, an unmarried woman from Essex County, England, who was convicted of witchcraft way back in 1592.
233. The late billionaire Kerry Packer articulated how many Australians feel about opera when he said, "The ultimate purgatory for me would be to go to the Opera House and hear Joan Sutherland sing."
234. David Queller and Joan Strassmann, a husband-and-wife team of Dictyostelium experts at Washington University in St. Louis, have found that some strains of the slime mold are natural-born cheats.
235. Even mean Joan is met with a smidgeon of sympathy by film's end.
236. Sure Betty Draper knows how to keep up with the latest '60s styles, but it's Joan Holloway and those dangerous curves that make workwear look wow.
237. Joan Durbeyfield, as she spoke, curved a sodden thumb and forefinger to the shape of the letter C, and used the other forefinger as a pointer.
238. "Had I known the answer to any of these questions, " Joan Didion once said, "I would never have needed to write.
239. Joan Crawford teamed with Gable eight times, more than any other actress.
240. When Saint Joan was twelve she first heard a Voice from God in her father's garden.
241. Mull over this story and try to decide, " Was there a Pope Joan?
242. B. What's that, Joan? I haven't done much with this software package.
243. The Chinese press did tout me as a sixties icon, however, and posted my picture all over the place with Joan Baez, Che Guevara, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
244. Pfizer spokeswoman Joan Campion says the company always said it would remain open and doesn't consider Wyeth a traditional "megadeal" because it's not all about one blockbuster.
245. Joan was feverish last night, but she is as right as a trivet his morning.
246. Joan Didion had been married to John Gregory Dunne for forty years when he died in mid-sentence while on his second pre-dinner whisky in December 2003.
247. Joan Didion wrote that in California "things had better work out here, because here, beneath that immense bleached sky, is where we run out of continent."
248. Much of the interview was serious, although Letterman kicked off with a series of quips about the level of security needed, which he described as "tighter than Joan Rivers' face".
249. It was during this war that Saint Joan rose up in France to lead her army to victory.
250. Frizzle's class. Arnold brings a webbed hoop, left behind by his great-aunt Arizona Joan, the famous archaeologist,[] but he has no idea what it is!
251. Jeff: What about you Joan? Will you give me a Xmas kiss?
252. Joan: I followed the instructions in the lift and pushed the emergency button.
253. Not content with being Pope Joan, you must be Caesar and Alexander as well.
254. I am in love with love; I do adore it;—from the smile on that rough fellow's face as he talks to his dog, to the ardours of a St. Francis or a Joan of Arc.
255. Job and Sue are a real old Darby and Joan.
256. Joan Didion established her fame in new - journalism and prose writing after the publication ofSlouching Towards Bethlehem.
257. Like my aunt who happened to be walking down the street one day in her Joan Crawford dress, in her funny felt hat with the black feather, cousin Totchy in one hand(), baby Frank in the other.
258. Something they said to my wife, Joan, and me struck a chord.
259. Saint Joan of Arc (6 January 1412– 30 May 1431) is considered a national heroine of France and a Catholic saint.
260. Pygmalion (1913), and Saint Joan (1923). To Shaw, nothing was sacred.
261. Oil heiress Joan is going to elope with bandleader Allen whom she ? s known four days.
262. But this was the first time that he had to direct professional actors, and one of the stars was Joan Crawford, once one of the leading lights in Hollywood.
263. In 1928 Joan Crawford and Johnny Mack Brown danced under the newly perfected tungsten lamp in the flapper classic, Our Dancing Daughters.
264. Des Moines attorney and former candidate for Iowa state treasurer Joan Bolin agrees.




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