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单词 substantially
释义 Word family  noun substance substantiation substantive adjective substantial ≠ insubstantial substantive verb substantiate adverb substantially  sub·stan·tial·ly /səbˈstænʃəli/ ●○○ adverb  1  LOT/VERY MUCHvery much or a lot 大量地,可观地 SYN considerably substantially higher prices 高出许多的价格 The deer population has increased substantially in recent years. 近几年,鹿的数量大幅增长。2  IN FACTused to say that in many ways something is true, the same, different etc 主要地;大体上,基本上 SYN essentially There are one or two minor differences, but they’re substantially the same text. 这些文本有一两处细微差异,但大体上是一样的。Examples from the Corpussubstantially• The first chapter had been changed substantially.• Only in the last respect has Anderson shifted his ground substantially.• Evidently, text recognition is a substantially different problem to text understanding.• To depart substantially from them invites question unless it can be demonstrated that such departure conforms to accepted practice by rational analysis.• Their pensions were substantially lower than the ones enjoyed by widows of servicemen killed in subsequent wars.• Attendance at the conference was substantially lower this year.• Although identical, City Hall cost substantially more.• Soviet Kurds numbered 152,952 according to the 1989 census, although this figure was believed to be substantially underestimated.sub·stan·tial·ly adverbChineseSyllable  much a lot Corpus or very




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