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单词 Talking to
1. It's no use talking to him: he's completelyinfatuated.
2. I soon got talking to my fellow passengers.
3. I really enjoy talking to you.
4. He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone.
5. Do you know who you're talking to?
6. It was a waste of time talking to him.
7. The tramp frightened her by talking to her.
8. Nice talking to you. Bye.
9. She stopped talking to prick up her ears.
10. Ms. Kane is talking to someone else now.
11. Who do you think you're talking to?
12. Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you!
13. He's only talking to her to make you jealous.
14. Talking to her helped to assuage my guilt.
15. Who were you talking to just now?
16. I was talking to a woman I met on the flight.
17. The senator worked hard(), always talking to his constituents and hearing their problems.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. I was just talking to Jan, when Dave cut in .
19. The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.
20. It seemed unreal to be sitting and talking to someone so famous.
21. Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now .
22. I smile like an idiot when I'm talking to you.
23. It was nice talking to you, Miss Giroux.
24. Look, sunshine, who do you think you're talking to?
25. I got talking to her.
26. Talking to Jane cheered me up a lot.
27. It's no good talking to him.
28. They soon got to talking to each other.
29. I'd like an intro to that girl you were talking to!
30. At first his jealousy only showed in small ways-he didn't mind me talking to other guys.
1. I soon got talking to my fellow passengers.
2. I really enjoy talking to you.
3. He is talking to Tom on the internal telephone.
4. Do you know who you're talking to?
5. It was a waste of time talking to him.
6. The tramp frightened her by talking to her.
7. Nice talking to you. Bye.
8. She stopped talking to prick up her ears.
9. Ms. Kane is talking to someone else now.
10. Who do you think you're talking to?
11. Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you!
12. He's only talking to her to make you jealous.
13. Talking to her helped to assuage my guilt.
14. Who were you talking to just now?
15. I was talking to a woman I met on the flight.
16. The senator worked hard, always talking to his constituents and hearing their problems.
17. I was just talking to Jan, when Dave cut in .
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.
19. At first his jealousy only showed in small ways-he didn't mind me talking to other guys.
20. It seemed unreal to be sitting and talking to someone so famous.
21. Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now .
22. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.
23. A few sessions talking to a counsellor should straighten him out.
24. Listen, pal, I don't want you talking to my sister any more.
31. Who was that man you were talking to?
32. Rob! I'm talking to you!
33. People in that small town avoid talking to outsiders.
34. It's Lawrence you should be talking to.
35. She got talking to some geezer in the pub.
36. I got talking to her/We got talking.
37. He is talking to her sharply.
38. She diverted herself with talking to her baby.
39. Talking to someone has helped clarify my feelings.
40. Who's that talking to Jason?
41. Talking to him will get you nowhere.
42. Claudia spent a long time talking to him.
43. He was talking to all of us.
44. That's my wife you were talking to.
45. I certainly don't remember talking to you at all.
46. It's a comfort talking to you.
47. Children sit round small tables, talking to each other.
47. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
48. Talking to a counsellor helped her enormously.
49. Who's the blonde talking to Bob?
50. Pay attention when I'm talking to you!
51. Yes, stupid, it's you I'm talking to!
52. Talking to her makes me feel small.
53. At the moment, no one is talking to me.
54. He was talking to/with a friend.
55. Talking to girls is a snap for him.
56. I can't endure talking to those scoundrels.
57. Don't go yet. I like talking to you.
58. He was talking to Nina to make me jealous.
59. Don't you think talking to her would do some good?
60. Many years have rolled by since I last sat talking to her.
61. Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police.
62. She seemed preoccupied all the time I was talking to her.
63. I was talking to John when the line suddenly went dead.
64. One of the teachers came up and started talking to me.
65. We've been out and about talking to people all over the country.
66. I think they're both gradually working round to talking to each other again.
67. She ought to be thoroughly ashamed of herself - talking to her mother like that!
68. He obtained permission from his boss before talking to the press.
69. He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.
70. One eyewitness said he saw her talking to a man in a blue car.
71. When he was talking to a girl he could hardly speak, and when he did speak he talked gibberish.
72. She started talking to the man in front of her.
73. It's no use talking to him when he's in a temper.
74. I have to smarten myself up about talking to my superior.
75. Thanks for ringing - it's been nice talking to you.
76. It sets my teeth on edge when I hear him talking to his mother so rudely.
77. It is no good talking to my father when he is plunged in thought he won't hear you.
78. She has a maddening habit of interrupting me when I'm talking to her.
79. She burst into the room with her usual ebullience(/talking to.html), and immediately start talking to everyone.
80. Adults often modify their language when talking to young children. It is also the word you use when you are talking about making changes to the design of something:The design of the car has been modified for racing.
81. She latched onto me as soon as she arrived, and I had to spend the rest of the evening talking to her.
82. They used to argue all the time and now they've practically stopped talking to each other.
83. I saw you talking to that girl. Who is she?
84. You've been talking to Roger all evening - you really ought to be mingling with the other guests.
85. You can try talking to her, but I don't think it will do much good.
86. The man I was talking to had just arrived from Canada.
87. Talking to others can often help to put your own problems into perspective.
88. She burst into the room with her usual ebullience, and immediately started talking to everyone.
89. We tried talking to him but that didn't help any.
90. Mrs Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.
91. A few sessions talking to a counsellor should straighten him out.
92. Shock, horror! Carl James was seen talking to a woman and it wasn't his wife.
93. It was a personal matter , and she had no intention of talking to any journalist about it.
94. Several women were standing at the corner, talking to two police officers.
95. She's one of those touchy-feely people(), always putting her hand on your arm while she's talking to you.
96. I told you it was a waste of time talking to him.
97. So I'm going to be talking to over ninety people, am I? I don't like the sound of that!
98. She looked forward to talking to her daughter by phone.
99. What did he say to you? You cannot use 'say about', but you can say something about:I want to say something /a few words / a little about my family. Say can also be used with a clause when the person you are talking to is not mentioned:She didn't say what she intended to do.
100. What discussion? You weren't talking to me, you were talking at me!
101. I'm not talking to him; you do your own dirty work!
102. The negotiators kept the gunman talking to buy time for the hostages.
103. He's riding for a fall if he keeps talking to the boss so rudely.
104. From talking to former prisoners in the camps, an obvious conclusion is that they have been starved.
105. We've got some serious talking to do, you and me.
106. Listen, pal, I don't want you talking to my sister any more.
107. They say that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness!
108. He was too busy talking to notice us come in.
109. Stop talking to me like a Dutch uncle about my duty to my family, my school,(http:///talking to.html) and my country.
110. I started talking to her and - yada yada yada - it turns out she's from New York too.
111. It's useless talking to him?you may as well save your breath.
112. We're talking to some people about opening an office in London.
113. The policeman cautioned the children against talking to strangers.
114. Some one's talking to the other girls.
115. Look at me when I'm talking to you.
116. He's just spent the whole day talking to journalists.
117. Suddenly I felt I was talking to my mum.
118. She was around the corner, talking to Hoffmann.
119. He was gesticulating and laughing, talking to some one.
120. I also remember talking to live telephone operators.
121. We are also talking to potential purchasers.
122. Talking to a counselor can be a cathartic experience.
123. Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!
124. It's pointless talking to Ken - he won't listen.
125. Harriet Ryley has been talking to an organic farmer who believes in putting the environment before profits.
126. The police have been searching the site for clues, and talking to eye witnesses.
127. Talking to some one about how she was feeling and not bottling up her worries. 3.
128. Up front she could hear the pilot talking to Travis, his voice urgent as he gave instructions.
129. As ever, the potential gains through a properly thought-out strategy emphasise the importance of talking to a specialist independent financial adviser.
130. Marsha has this exasperating way of talking to me like a child.
131. He spotted Billy lounging against the far corner of the bar talking to Sooty Hill the joker.
132. Mooney was talking to three punks who lounged on the hood of the souped-up gray Chevy.
133. It seemed like Penny was talking to Mike a lot, whispering to him, leaning over.
134. An assistant began waving his arms and talking to the dealer noisily in his native tongue.
135. Human possums avoid conflict by agreeing with whichever side is talking to them at the time.
136. One day Howard came on the set and Brando was down the beach talking to a pretty girl.
137. Through talking to people running nurseries, she met Madeline Watson, now her business partner.
138. Then an acquaintance started talking to me and diverted my attention.
139. Authorities were talking to him by telephone shortly before noon on Friday when they heard a gunshot and the line went dead.
140. The two actors reputedly almost came to blows and ended the film not talking to each other.
141. Marion searched for him in the crowded room, and found him at last, talking to Sue's dad near the window.
142. She had spent her lunch-hours of the two previous days in talking to letting agents.
143. S Teach them the dangers of talking to strangers and not to accept sweets or gifts.
144. Pike was talking to a waitress and gripping her wrist very tightly.
145. Was he talking to political leaders who no longer or never could control the military wing?
146. Talking to Leo had brought it all back, the hurt, the desperation, the painful break with her family.
147. She was talking to him as if he was grown-up and it made him feel uncomfortable.
148. The student had formed a relationship with the rabbits she could reach and accompanied their feeding with petting and talking to them.
149. I tried talking to her in a civilized manner, but she refused to listen.
150. Opposite, number 47 in huge green wellingtons and baseball cap was talking to number 60.
151. If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother. Sam Levenson 
152. I sat opposite him at the Christmas do and he spent ages talking to me.
153. The identity and addresses of landowners can be established by talking to local people.
154. They cited internal government guidelines against talking to reporters without prior approval of agency public affairs officers.
155. Stella stood in the middle of the field talking to the only chap properly attired in shorts and jersey.
156. I put her to bed and sat there talking to her.
157. In many languages there are different words for "you' depending on who you are talking to.
158. No doubt he had observed her talking to the Shergolds and was itching for the chance to find out what she knew.
159. He can also make a point of talking to Mr Yeltsin and other republican leaders to offer them moral support.
160. I was talking to her at a women's group meeting - we were playing records.
161. He was sure no one had noticed him talking to the journalist.
162. I learned all this in the most natural way of all by talking to other patients.
163. Keith was standing on the pavement outside my digs talking to a woman.
164. I was talking to a girl in my class about the math homework.
165. The occupants of the car in front were staring straight ahead, not talking to each other, very tense.
166. I was not comfortable talking to kids, particularly boys, and I avoided the older ones like the plague.
167. Two young policewomen stood there,( ) and David was talking to them.
168. If I was talking to you as my pal, I'd get done for idling my time.
169. I think she wrote it while I was talking to the doctor, crying my eyes out.
170. But he might just as well have been talking to himself.
171. Outside a mad woman was talking to herself: she wore several coats and had a troubled, concentrated expression.
172. Abilities or aptitudes can be tested psychologically; experience can be validated by talking to peers or previous employers.
173. Be content to act, and leave the talking to others. Baltasar Gracian 
174. I like people and love talking to them on a deep level.
175. He said that he had been charged with 10 counts of breaking police regulations by talking to reporters about police brutality.
176. I understand that the Minister is talking to London Transport about advertising the campaign, but it needs much more than that.
177. We peeped through a crack in the fence and saw Mrs Finley talking to a strange-looking man.
178. Patients undergoing surgery sometimes find talking to a spiritual counsellor provides psychological comfort, even if they do not usually practise a religion.
179. I remember it as if I were still standing there, streaked with blood and dust and tears, talking to her.
180. He listened to me talking to him in baby talk.
181. Maybe the child who had first heard that story would use that phrase, but not the scientist talking to me now.
182. Eddie and Sandie are talking to each other in low voices.
183. At other times he would find Marcus talking to Irina, and ready to go out for a walk.
184. Richard Penzer, whose sister Judy died in the explosion, said he felt better after talking to the president.
185. Somewhere along the line, we just stopped talking to each other.
186. You don't know how glad I was to see you in that little cottage talking to old Freitas.
187. I was talking to this guy at the bar and he starting asking me whether I was married or had a boyfriend.
188. And when I was throwing my rackets and talking to the umpire it was breaking my concentration.
189. Dreikurs advises parents to restrict talking to friendly conversations and not use it as a disciplinary measure.
190. He was talking to himself about dinosaurs, and he had been looking for dinosaurs in the woods when he went missing.
191. Bill had done everything he could to avoid talking to me.
192. Judge Atkins lashed out at the defense attorneys for talking to the press.
193. Whether it was talking to travellers or just listening to the lads, whether I felt warmth or animosity did not matter.
194. I stayed in the bottom class, but noticed the girl that I had been talking to was in another class.
195. At home again, after the diagnosis, she was talking to a friend on the phone and she broke down.
196. The information only came out bit by bit since she's still not easy in her mind about talking to us.
197. And try to gauge whether the company is well-managed by checking its balance sheet and talking to experts about its business prospects.
198. I was talking to a woman at the supermarket checkout the other day.
199. She then continued talking to her friend in a conversation which was peppered with exactly the same word.
200. Yes, when I get through talking to this Yes, listen a couple of things I thought about before I forget.
201. Constable Jamieson was talking to Mr Fox, who owned the grocery store.
202. Talking to Rourke Deveraugh was like beating her head against a hard wooden post.
203. Dad can be so long-winded sometimes, I cringe when he starts talking to someone new.
204. The animals flinched as they felt it, but Isay held them firmly, talking to them in a quiet voice.
205. It declined to discuss who specifically it was talking to or the substance of the discussions.
206. Likes to spend time online talking to friends and listening to music.
207. Perhaps talking to her about Rob made him feel that some one was dancing on his own grave.
208. He missed being an interpreter for thern, talking to them and turning their ignorance into money.
209. You find an awful lot of things talking to Fred who works the filter press, y'know.
210. How many people who ask questions or speak at small or large gatherings are really only talking to themselves?
211. If the phone rings you know your dialer and modem are talking to each other properly.
212. Anytime the government sees one of us talking to a journalist, they say that person is a leader.
213. He had quit talking to Tregoning and was listening, as impassive as, the manager himself.
214. Cathy Troupp was talking to a specialist couple counsellor about this month's case history.
215. He also flouted the censorship efforts of the Vatican bureaucracy, the Curia, by talking to journalists.
216. Wilson, 26, is pumped as she stands talking to a reporter on the rooftop patio of a California hotel.
217. Given their workload, cuddling or talking to children is a luxury, and emotional deprivation an inevitable outcome.
218. They ended up talking to more than 200 of them, from a submarine navigator to a financial analyst for General Mills.
219. When you were talking to Barbara, did she mention her mother at all?
220. However, he may simply have been keeping his own counsel when talking to me out of a proper loyalty and caution.
221. Intel Corp is reportedly talking to anyone with cooling technology for its overheated Pentiums.
222. Talking to known users During the course of the research programme, a total of 125 heroin users were interviewed.
223. Talking to a counsellor can help divorcees to bear the pain of separation.
224. I was pacing in the next room, talking to the Lord.
225. Several hours later, I was talking to Pierluigi on the phone in Manhattan.
226. Mr Lewis was talking to him when we came up the stairs, and he slapped the bear on the back.
227. He began talking to her about birdsong, about bird music,(/talking to.html) really.
228. Several women were standing at the corner , talking to two men.
229. Paige could hear him talking to the pilot, and from time to time the sound of their combined laughter.
230. The writers spent a year talking to workers and visiting the factory to make sure their production was as authentic as possible.
231. A fellow trader talking to another thrift president on another line overheard DiNapoli and cracked up.
232. The accusation that the abuse was not being reported came from a police officer who was talking to two kids.
233. He spoke in a chipper tone, trying to let the children know he was talking to them.
234. We need to take extra care when talking to elderly people because they may not see or hear so well.
235. Eating smoked salmon while talking to Johnny Prescott had seemed to last a lifetime.
236. I well remember during one hot dry summer talking to one grower who was complaining about his poor crop of parsnips.
237. Talking to Murtach was like fighting a duel at times.
238. When he got that mulish look there was no talking to him.
239. She could hear herself talking to anyone who would listen about the shameless hussy.
240. After talking to Jean, Doug had carried out some investigations of his own.
241. From talking to local promoters we decide the level at which the band is to work.
242. Rohmer was still talking to himself, still keeping that vice-clamp grip on Gilbert's wrist.
243. They were sitting in the front row, talking to each other over two empty seats.
244. Do you think he's gone away to avoid talking to the police?
245. It would be pleasant to have a film of curate Ramsey talking to the young architects of sand-castles.
246. Heaven knows I've tried talking to him, but it gets me nowhere.
247. Then he implied that Lynne Donato had been talking to him about me losing my job.
248. You can bring some variety and social contact into your life by simply going out and talking to people.
249. They knew we'd been talking to their pop idols and they just wanted to touch us.
250. I liked talking to people and solving problems, but as you get promoted within a firm you lose that personal contact.
251. His hair was a little white in places and he found it difficult talking to people.
252. One chink of light had appeared, however: Steve was talking to her.
253. The boy was not altogether sure the judge was talking to him.
254. He managed to catch a brief glimpse of him talking to a man at the end of the platform.
255. She was talking to me just now, before you put your oar in.
256. Things went from bad to worse, and soon the pair were barely talking to each other.
257. I was talking to an old man in my constituency only last week.
258. When a woman is talking to you(/talking to.html), listen to what she says with her eyes. Victor Hugo 
259. It became clear after talking to him that Andrew wasn't going to cooperate.
260. Henry complains of her talking to some one else while dancing with him and compares a country dance to a marriage.
261. Not only was he preaching to the choir, he was talking to tax-cutting evangelists.
262. Quite apart from the vines, I have a heavy day ahead of me - a lot of serious talking to do.
263. A rider had come toward us and was talking to the coachman.
264. The Big Boy, when he hints at anarchy, is still respectful, apologetic, as if talking to a superior.
265. Meanwhile, all this time, I could see Lori, our paralegal, talking to reporters.
266. She seems to prefer watching soap operas to talking to me.
267. All the time I was talking to him he just sat and stared at the television.
268. Accompanying it is a photograph of three Chicanas looking away from the camera and talking to each other.
269. After that, DeLeo stays alone in the crown for a while, meditating or talking to the statue.
270. He had spent most of the day talking to the people of the exiled Court and had made copious notes.
271. She was talking to Katie Couric about the importance of couples going to bed together.
272. Rory moved near the stage, behind the tables where Kenneth and Mary sat, talking to mum.
273. Outside the school, little groups of friends were talking to each other.
273. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
274. His job involved talking to people who had made claims for workers' compensation.
275. People see a baby and automatically start talking to it.
276. They might only be minor, but to the person you're talking to it's a major decision.
277. Like talking to her, like directly in front of her face.
278. Have you been talking to that crazy green gypsy in the giant paperweight?
279. Are you in direct contact with the Pentagon or are you talking to some liaison?
280. I am talking to the refugee children, not the village children.
281. Joyce is talking to Terry, an instructor at the dive center.
282. They're talking to everyone who had access to that lab, okay?
283. Ted, a recent retiree, is talking to his financial planner Sally.
284. Between plays the coach was talking to the offense in the huddle.




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