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单词 Entertained
1. They were entertained by top singers, dancers and celebrities.
2. We were entertained with wine.
3. They were smiled at and entertained everywhere.
4. The Bradfords always entertained lavishly at Christmas.
5. They often entertained their friends at weekends.
6. Clients are entertained within private dining rooms.
7. She entertained the children with stories, songs and drama.
8. We hired a magician to keep the children entertained.
9. He entertained us in his own inimitable style.
10. We were entertained in the company's hospitality suite.
11. He had entertained hopes of a reconciliation.
12. She entertained us with stories of her travels.
13. He kept the whole table entertained with his jokes.
14. She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.
15. He entertained us with ribald stories.
16. We were entertained at the editor's expense.
17. She never entertained such ideas.
18. He secretly entertained thoughts of revenge.
19. We were entertained with songs and recitations.
20. They entertained a firm belief in final victory.
21. They were entertained at a tea party.
22. Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night.
23. The crowd was entertained with a display of aerobatics.
24. They entertained us to lunch in their new house.
25. He entertained the audience for two hours with his wit and wisdom.
26. We were royally entertained.
27. The company's guests at Ascot are entertained in the corporate hospitality area.
28. Everyone was thoroughly entertained.
29. For parents, it is an easy way of keeping their children entertained(), or simply out of harm's way.
30. Paul was on good form at the wedding and kept everyone entertained.
1. They were entertained by top singers, dancers and celebrities.
2. We were entertained with wine.
3. They were smiled at and entertained everywhere.
4. The Bradfords always entertained lavishly at Christmas.
5. They often entertained their friends at weekends.
6. Clients are entertained within private dining rooms.
7. She entertained the children with stories, songs and drama.
31. The crowds were once again entertained by the number one tennis player's antics on and off the court.
32. He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.
33. Most of the crowned heads of Europe have been entertained in this palace.
34. I am amazed that such a crackpot scheme could be seriously entertained.
35. The taxi driver entertained us with unprintable observations/remarks/views about government ministers all the way to the airport.
36. Mrs Keep entertained with chapters of popular novels.
37. For a few seconds I entertained the possibility.
38. Of course, Jamila would be entertained by that.
39. Huge audiences could be entertained at relatively little cost.
40. We subscribe in order to have our consciences pricked, not to be amused and entertained.
41. They arrived at midday and after a delicious lunch were entertained by a three piece band.
42. She entertained but fleetingly the notion of ringing the Bishop.
43. New Yorkers drank too much, entertained too lavishly, and were ostentatious and wasteful with money.
44. I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained. Walt Disney 
45. When he entertained them to dinner, they travelled to his apartment at Buckingham Palace, not the other way around.
46. The singers entertained members with a wide repertoire, both modern and old, and they were warmly thanked by Elizabeth Lawrence.
47. After the briefing our visitors were entertained to lunch and presented with a plaque to commemorate the visit.
48. I even entertained, though for the briefest minute, the notion of giving up Jasper altogether.
49. He had entertained thoughts of marrying her and raising a family, but he entered the Society instead.
50. Returning home from one such expedition, I couldn't help remembering how my parents entertained their circle in Hull.
51. Sarah was invited to Diana's wedding and entertained her royal friend in her apartment near Clapham Junction in south London.
52. While Violette entertained them with stories of increasing complexity,() Katherine from beneath lowered lids stole occasional glances at Carlo.
53. More spectacularly, I discovered that Matkovsky had actually been entertained by our association on one of his visits.
54. The House resolved that the petition created disquiet and should therefore not be entertained by the House.
55. Where could they eat steak and chips, buy their favourite drink, or be entertained?
56. If a composer remembers to keep this audience entertained, think what he can say to them all at the same time.
57. We were entertained most generously both in people's homes and in some of the many splendid restaurants.
58. The young visitors to the museum next Sunday will also be entertained with a model railway and sideshows.
59. This afternoon pupils will be entertained in the school yard.
60. They entertained them with the utmost hospitality and before they bade them farewell Helenus gave them useful advice about their journey.
61. We spent the afternoon being entertained, eating, drinking and representing Chelmsford.
62. He, Eric and I were supposed to keep Blyth entertained.
63. From that day onwards I entertained a high regard for his dexterity and skill in public affairs.
64. With no more resources than Charles Surface, he entertained London society with great panache and little regard for mounting debts.
65. Also, hundreds of costumed characters will keep visitors entertained throughout the day.
66. But he never entertained the thought of just walking away.
67. He entertained himself for long stretches with trucks and cars, mumbling to himself as he crashed them together.
68. My family in Nottingham entertained a friend who stayed with us for several days.
69. But, in a tremendous game that thoroughly entertained the big crowd, Garryowen played a storm.
70. After all, audiences want to be entertained, not see their idols with feet of clay.
71. Morris dancers, instead of soap box politicians, entertained the crowd at the revival.
72. Behrend who entertained us in the Officers' Mess for an evening meal and breakfast.
73. He embroidered his stories and kept us entertained for hours.
74. Nobody's thinking that there are middle-aged people, grannies and mums and 20 to 30-year-olds who want to be entertained.
75. Indeed in 1964 it briefly entertained hopes that Labour might prove more helpful over nuclear policy than the preceding government.
76. Most significantly on my sense of a distant but still valid national identity-until then I had entertained hopes of return.
77. Fisher spent some time here and it is believed he entertained Erasmus, his great friend, at the Palace.
78. An entertained audience is actually there and listening: a bored one has usually gone to dinner.
79. To this point his life was otherwise full of nothing but the petty disputes that entertained church people and bored everyone else.
80. No doubt the clients he entertained here were people who expected the best.
81. Hypocrites! he thought, and entertained a fugitive idea that Bella and Jim needed him.
81. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
82. When the fellow returned I entertained him here in the manor house.
83. If she had entertained any doubts before, they had gone for ever.
84. Before it was only pet shop owners who were entertained!
85. Quite affluent, the newcomers entertained, although Mr Thompson managed to get away at nights, robbing houses across London.
86. If Polly ever entertained more than three people at the same time some one had to bring their own chair.
87. The early structuralists analyse relations between larger elements of meaning than is entertained in structural linguistics.
88. On 7 March he entertained at the hotel - the bill No. 216 amounting to £16.50 was posted to his account.
89. He was a nice chap called Roland who entertained us with such finesse on his flute and oboe.
90. He sat in Parliament and entertained the king at a new mansion, his family's seat until the civil war.
91. He was in residence mainly only at weekends, but entertained no guests.
92. A group of children entertained us with a lively dance called a tarantella.
93. On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather permitting.
94. Meanwhile that one Catholic entertained the hope that his freedom to defend the Copernican system might yet be restored.
95. The writer is entertained by what he writes; he believes none of it.
96. Blanche was irritated and entertained by his nervous chatter in equal measure.
97. In breaks in our work Edward entertained me with curious stories of the old alchemists.
98. George Lyttelton, father of Humphrey, was once very entertained by a hat like that.
99. He even entertained them down here, but she took it all in her stride.
100. While no great leap forward stylistically, it has enough chewy bits to surprise listeners and keep them entertained through repeated listenings.
101. How do you put a price on nine years of being informed and entertained?
102. We were entertained first by a pair of talented young men playing two grand pianos.
103. Most of official Washington entertained little hope of an early improvement in East-West relations.
104. Additionally, there was an evening barbecue entertained by a local pop group.
105. There is factual evidence to support the view that Storni entertained the idea of suicide long before 1938.
106. Back in the Rathausplatz a seven-piece jazz band of students dressed up in 1920s' costume was keeping a large crowd entertained.
107. Cassie entertained more than a suspicion that John would definitely prove to be very ideologically unsound indeed!
108. One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us. Kurt Vonnegut 
109. His letters of advice and consolation entertained me vastly.
110. She entertained him with a good grace.
111. We were all entertained by his humorous stories.
112. The hostess hospitably entertained her guests.
113. He entertained guests with music of the first water.
114. He entertained us with reminiscence of his childhood.
115. They entertained a houseful of guests.
116. The guests were entertained by a string quartet.
117. Steersman is assigned by random and special request will not be entertained.
118. Fibromatosis and lymph nodes, both malignant and reactive(Sentencedict), also need to be entertained in the differential diagnosis.
119. A highway passed through the village to the great temple of Jagannath at Puri, and the villagers, most of whom were farmers and craftsmen, entertained many passing holy men and pilgrims.
120. The faithless tutor entertained him with sentimental conversations in place of lectures on algebra and Greek.
121. I had ever consciously entertained the idea of violating the laws of the land.
122. The new President, too, seizes an early occasion to indorse and strongly construe that decision, and to express his astonishment that any different view had ever been entertained!
123. Or convivial , witty friend, who entertained with style and had a taste for gambling?
124. Since all of these doctrines were accepted uncritically, new ideas were either not entertained or failed to gain a hearing.
125. He treated them seriously and, on occasion, entertained them hilariously.
126. He entertained the young men with queer little anecdotes and stories on their shooting parties or in their smoking-room.
127. As a local burlesque troupe entertained the crowd by staging a mock pillow fight, they were shocked when women from the audience came forward looking to join the battle.
128. All the while , a DJ keeps the passengers entertained.
129. During the short wait time, visitors are entertained by Cirque du Soleil busker style animators.
130. He entertained the young men with queer little anecdotes and grivoises stories on their shooting parties or in their smoking-room.
131. She made reasonable progress, entertained for me a vivacious though perhaps not very profound affection.
132. When my parents sat down to watch the wrestling on Saturday afternoons, milky cardamon tea in hand, they wanted to be entertained, they wanted a laugh.
133. The Reds still hungrily chased another goal to leave everybody thoroughly entertained and already eagerly anticipating the two-legged final with Sheffield United.
134. Macbeth had entertained a jealousy of Macduff, the thane of Fife.
135. When Pereira Ignacio passed on this count, too (he had studied at Cornell, entertained progressive views on labor relations), a formal bottler's agreement was finally signed.
136. According to the prearrangement, male guests in the wedding banquet will be entertained by the bridegroom.
137. May we not at least suppose this design of elopement entertained by the girl?
138. He entertained him affably with news of the day or rather of ten days previous.
139. But he is person narrow - minded , work simply to guest sit about, never tea meal is entertained.
140. Marcel Marceau has died. The legendary mime entertained audiences for more than 50 years and never said a word. He once said Charlie Chaplin was his greatest inspiration. Marcel was 84.
141. Midas , enchanted by Silenus's fictions, entertained him for five days and nights.
141. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
142. At last night's musicale in my cousin's house, we were entertained by a string quartet.
143. Here Huayna Capac entertained guests in the great halls and gambled with courtiers and other favorites, while his queen gardened and tended doves.
144. From 1841 - 1843, Emerson entertained in his home the naturalist and author Henry David Thoreau.
145. Under John Lasseter, a young animator rejected by Disney, Pixar started to develop a new kind of cartoon, which eschewed fairy-tale plots and entertained adults as well as children.
146. In these books we are not only most agreeably entertained , but most usefully instructed.
147. The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious.
148. Dinner guests will also be entertained by flamenco and paso doble dances, two renowned Spanish cultural performances that begin at 6:30 pm throughout the buffet promotion.
149. Archbishop Desmond Tutu and financier Michael Milken have also attended, and Sir Elton John and Macy Gray have entertained guests in past years.
150. Having no desire to be entertained by a cat-and-dog combat, I stepped forward briskly.
151. GGMT has set up a branch in Russia, which has entertained a large scale in product promotion.
152. The hectic social schedule gave him a fresh lease of life and he entertained visitors with crisp anecdotes, risque jokes and renditions of old music hall songs.
153. He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of his hats, swallowing fire( ), and other similar tricks.
154. At Peking was the Great Khan, and they were hospitably entertained.
155. He gave an old-time fire-and-brimstone speech and entertained the crowd by playing the fiddle.
156. People open their newspapers or browse online news sites hoping to be surprised, provoked, enraged, disgusted, challenged, titillated, amused, entertained and informed.
157. In the dining-room, a long and superb gallery which was situated on the ground-floor and opened on the gardens, M. Henri Puget had entertained in state, on July 29, 1714.
158. Steersman is assigned by the organizer special preference of any particular steersman will not be entertained.
159. They were being entertained in Mrs. Miller's salon by Randolph.
160. Extricate oneself of not to be exposed to, manager fete is entertained.
161. Mrs. Grantly entertained quite as strong an antagonism to Mr. Slope as did her husband.
162. Great hopes were entertained by the papacy for the conversion of the Mongols to Christianity.




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