单词 | Gravel |
例句 | 1. The water is infiltrating the gravel bed. 2. The workmen shovelled gravel onto the road. 3. The pebbles/gravel/snow scrunched beneath our feet. 4. scrunching along the gravel path. 5. The car drew up with a crunch of gravel. 6. His old car bumped down the gravel road. 7. The gardens are intersected by gravel paths. 8. They dredge the bay for gravel. 9. The tyres crunched to a standstill on the gravel. 10. I fell on the gravel, severely grazing my knee. 11. The wheels crunched the gravel. 12. A gravel drive swept between manicured lawns. 13. We got the gravel at our local garden centre. 14. The water burbled over gravel. 15. Sand is finer than gravel. 16. The gravel was puddling with the mud. 17. I crunched across the gravel to the front door. 18. There were weeds pushing up through the gravel. 19. Our feet crunched the gravel. 20. A gravel drive led up to the house. 21. Flying gravel had dinged the door. 22. We scrunched the pebbles/gravel/snow under our feet. 23. We bought six bags of gravel for the garden path. 24. The gravel crunched underfoot as we walked up to the house. 25. I heard feet crunching over the gravel outside the house. 26. The gravel pans well. 27. A gravel road leads through the jungle and up into the Andes. 28. The only sound was the crunch of tyres on gravel. 29. It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage. 30. He had been so absorbed with watching the building that he hadn 't heard footsteps on the gravel path. 1. The water is infiltrating the gravel bed. 2. The workmen shovelled gravel onto the road. 3. The pebbles/gravel/snow scrunched beneath our feet. 4. scrunching along the gravel path. 5. The car drew up with a crunch of gravel. 6. The only sound was the crunch of tyres on gravel. 7. The water burbled over gravel. 8. Sand is finer than gravel. 9. We bought six bags of gravel for the garden path. 10. He had been so absorbed with watching the building that he hadn 't heard footsteps on the gravel path. 31. I signed in and crunched across the gravel to my room. 32. Put a layer of fine gravel into the bottom of the plant pot for drainage. 33. The truck dumped two loads of gravel on the driveway. 34. He opened the gate quietly, trying not to let it scrape on the gravel. 35. This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964. 36. Use enough gravel to form a layer about 50mm thick. 37. She heard the crunch of tires on the gravel driveway. 38. I've got half a ton of gravel in the lorry but he won't sign my delivery note. 39. The prospector panned off bits of sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream. 40. The gravel pits have been landscaped and planted to make them attractive to wildfowl. 41. Water passes up through gravel to the media. 42. A gravel path wanders between them. 43. Their boots crunched loudly on the frozen gravel drive. 44. We turned left and followed the gravel stream bed. 45. His voice sounded like chains being dragged through gravel. 46. I crunched across the gravel. 47. Larger gravel is discharged back into the river. 48. He stepped out into a circle of gravel. 49. He landed heavily on gravel by the track. 50. We set off again along the gravel paths. 51. Chichester gravel pits, one nest in 1960. 52. Don't put gravel in the base of the pool. 53. U Undergravel filtration uses the gravel as filter medium. 54. High heels stumbling over gravel, coat flying open. 55. The old gravel mine crouched against the sky. 56. The camera followed the woman along a gravel path. 57. Cultivation: This plant is very indifferent to the tank bottom and will grow well even on bare gravel. 58. Substrate can consist of fine gravel, aquarium sand or powdered lava. 59. Water is sucked through and around charcoal-impregnated filter sponges into the undergravel plate and up through the gravel. 60. You would be directly over a sub gravel filter is not recommended. 61. Further along the gravel road we encountered two old men outside a farmhouse built of stone. 62. I heard the crunch of footsteps on gravel road outside. 63. The gravel was carpeted in bright green moss and leaves lay sodden and dark under the shrubs. 64. However, a healthy aquarium with lush plant growth will use the organic matter on the gravel as a plant fertiliser. 65. The other humans said something, and the box was cautiously put down on the gravel a few feet from Masklin. 66. Or are their blunt heads dipping to the bottom and sucking food from the sand or gravel? 67. Then he walked backwards, scraping the gravel with the side of his boot. 68. They scooped gravel from the paths and carried it in apron-pouches made from their jerseys. 69. Cultivation: It does not make specific demands of the growing medium, and will even grow on just fine gravel. 70. Gravel that is about half an inch in diameter has been found to be large enough for the large cichlid community tank. 71. Follow the road west and continue along the gravel road signposted to Askrigg. 72. The tank has green hairy algae all over the rocks, heaterstat, gravel and glass. 73. They need well-oxygenated water, an absence of pollution and a fine gravel bottom for spawning. 74. Marble discards are crushed to make the gravel or composite paving stones you see all over the world. 75. It crunched round on the gravel in front of the house then sped off through the gates scattering white stones. 76. Just beyond the bridge(sentence dictionary), the road follows the brook filled with large black rocks and gravel. 77. Jim Yellow Earring directed me from the gravel road to a one-lane dirt road. 78. He swerved off the track and into the gravel trap backwards, praying he wouldn't clout the wall. 79. Land-based sand and gravel from the region will increase from 5% to 20% by the end of the decade. 80. It will grow well in plain aquarium coarse sand or fine gravel. 81. He grinds the cigarette into the gravel with his heel and puts his other hand on the handlebar. 82. Cultivation: This plant is not very demanding as to its growing medium, and therefore can even be grown in gravel. 83. Fish photography is probably best started with a species that stays relatively still on the gravel. 84. These depend upon the water passing through a gravel or foam medium on which useful bacteria develop. 85. It wasn't long before she heard Douglas's car draw up on the short gravel drive. 86. I lifted the large black bird out and parked it on the gravel beside a flowerbed. 87. They imported all the granite gravel for the driveway from Paris. 88. Coarse sand or gravel with peat or loam is suitable. 89. These are buffered to some extent by coral sand and gravel. 90. However, whistling and swearing offends them and they will shower the guilty person with pebbles and gravel until he stops. 91. I crossed the gravel and started idly off through the trees to the east. 92. We break away from the house for the wilderness, darting across gravel quickly. 93. A shower of gravel barely missed me, hurled by naughty boys who played among the ruins, ambushing one another. 94. The shoreline was black gravel, occasionally interrupted by a sand beach. 95. Then it should be sunk into the gravel or sand base of the main tank. 96. Gravel is a good substitute for a lawn, especially in a very small garden. 97. It is possible that the reactors will never be demolished, but will be buried in mounds of sand or gravel. 98. Hand carts and horsedrawn carts wait to carry away building supplies brought from the gravel pits of Middlesex. 99. Hide it by smearing silicone sealer all over and adding gravel in a pebble-dash way. 100. A gravel substrate will also help, using a fine grade to avoid the fry getting stuck. 101. The jeep left the road and was fishtailing violently through a stretch of gravel as the fire truck thundered by. 102. At ground level geraniums and hostas provide a contrasting foliar foil to neat gravel. 103. If you put the gravel under the cloth and wipe the car you get a great mark. 104. Using open cut excavation where possible, Nuttall has moved about 26,000 cu m of alluvium and gravel. 105. Wet gravel pits are generally recognised as important habitats for wildlife, particularly in view of the increasing drainage of wetlands. 106. Some of the cops have gone; there are only ten cars and vans on the gravel drive now. 107. Gentlemen, you could very well be using this gravel strip as an emergency landing field for huge bombers. 108. The path around the pavilion, which had been mud only weeks before, was now crunchy gravel. 109. Some old mine buildings in the distance, some gravel pits. 110. The torrents are loosening high mountain rocks and soil, and are washing downstream with the gravel tiny flakes of gold. 111. Cultivation: Very undemanding as to growing medium, this plant will even grow in plain aquarium gravel or sand. 112. During debates on gravel extraction he could be seen flicking through its pages. 113. Through the beating of the rain he thought that he could hear the Eel, feet scrabbling on the gravel path. 114. It was of a piece with the neglected timber, the weedy gravel and the minatory notices which guarded the bounds. 115. A gravel pit search by divers was put off yesterday as experts continued checking the area. 116. The driveway was obstructed by piles of stones and gravel. 117. He crossed the road and went into the gravel pit. 118. It grows successfully in silty gravel or a rich mixture of clay or peat with sand or gravel. 119. Crunching up the gravel drive past a clump of rhododendrons, she heard a scuffle in the undergrowth. 120. The addition of finely-sifted compost or leaf-mould to the bottom layer with gravel or unwashed coarse sand is ideal. 121. There were royal palms and banyan trees and shell and gravel paths across the shaded lawns. 122. The couple began to walk across the gravel towards the Hostellerie, arms around each other and her head resting against him. 123. Cultivation: Very indifferent as to its growing medium, it will even grow in fine gravel or unwashed sand. 124. Cultivation: A medium of coarse sand or fine gravel on its own, or with some loam is sufficient. 125. The gravel track led downhill into a narrow belt of silver birch and rowan. 126. It therefore digs along sand and soft soil rather than scraping its way through deposits of gravel and clay. 127. It will grow quite well in aquarium gravel with very little organic matter. 128. Steps crunched on the roadside gravel as some one came around to the back. 129. The streams gradually filled with gravel and left behind these ridges when the glaciers melted. 130. Otherwise a layer of clay particles under the usual fine gravel will suffice. 131. The position of the piece of gravel would have made it virtually impossible for the fish to dislodge it. 132. In front of our building was a patch of raked gravel with flowerbeds full of geraniums and palm plants. 133. As with many things, - at the bottom. Cover the base of the tank with gravel. 134. After driving for so long on the gravel I was glad to get on an even stretch of road. 135. This was to prevent the fine gravel from finding its way through the undergravel plate. 136. These should be laid on the gravel to form a sound base which the fish can not undermine. 137. Rocks look more natural if you bed them into the gravel slightly, as if they have been there for years. 138. Below the old Church at Battersea the retreating flood had left exposed a wide shelf of mud and gravel. 139. Benches with reversible tops give the option of either a smooth surface or recessed gravel trays for summer and are particularly useful. 140. The pads can be inserted into an undergravel set up as a gravel tidy without interrupting the free flow of water. 141. They are dominated by a complex of chalk-rich till with many bodies of sand and gravel. 142. Most have been seen at Chichester gravel pits(), but the species may occur on any stretch of fresh water. 143. Tim Skerritt emerged from the trees on to the gravel drive. 144. The money he had stolen from the gravel pits reposed under his bunk in the houseboat. 145. All of these types of gravel must be washed very thoroughly as they often contain lots of dust or other debris. 146. Allow for an inch or so of small gravel underneath to help drain moisture from under the block. 147. He allowed the car to move slowly forward, the tyres crunching against the gravel road. 148. I've got gravel wounds in my back and my leg hurts where they took a skin graft. 149. Cultivation: A layer of peat and gravel, or leaf-mould and coarse sand or loam should provide a good medium. 150. Some clay with coarse sand or gravel can be provided in the tank. 151. The giraffes were following gravel paths, were pausing to munch sugar pears from treetops. 152. An under-layer of cheaper gravel can provide the depth required for terracing, planting, or undergravel filtration. 153. They pass on basic gardening skills to Ray Gravel, the ex-Rugby Union international and keen amateur gardener. 154. Cultivation: The planting medium of mud and sand or a gravel medium with detritus should suffice. 155. Coyote and bear scat, or droppings, were on the rough rocky gravel of the road. 156. Gravel forces off their finger nails, and the cabbage whites with caviar eyes stare about this stony paradise. 157. On the way back again to rejoin his mate he inadvertently walked over some gravel, and the noise alerted the guards. 158. We might as well stick the seeds into gravel and feed them fertilizer from a factory. 159. Almost at once there was a slight crunch of gravel under wheels as a vehicle came to a halt. 160. My footsteps made a satisfactory crunch on a gravel path and I was aware at once that the satyr's footsteps had halted. 161. The sound of wheels tearing through gravel engrossed her memory. 162. The breeding tank should have plenty of gravel, lots of fine-leaved plants, and lighting diffused by floating plants. 163. Some warrens are so extensive they can range over as much as 50 acres or take in a complete gravel working. 164. We drove up a steep gravel path, and soon beheld the well, Tobernalt. 165. They went around the house by the gravel drive to the east. 166. They landed on a sandy(sentence dictionary), gravel beach; above them rose cliffs which ran along the entire coast. 167. He presses his feet into the gravel, feels the pebbles press back. 168. They dig into mud, so supply river sand, at least, not gravel. 169. Stepping off the concrete path on to gravel was a new sensation and he felt himself slide and stumble. 170. Such cropmarks occur because soil moisture deficiency in gravel subsoils shows up the earlier features. 171. A very large amount of gravel would be excavated to form the channel. 172. One of the birds shat on Gravel as I pedalled up the path to town on the Tuesday morning. 173. In a short half mile we would leave the Lake shore, and make for home along the gravel of the road. 174. Gravel pits help wildlife Excavation of sand and gravel may scar the landscape but it does increase habitats for wildlife. 175. Some men pinched all the wages at the gravel pit. 176. Coarser gravel would not need it, but fine gravel is easier for plants to grow their roots through. 177. Marching across the gravel, she knocked firmly on the vast front door. 178. A gravel drive swept between manicured lawns to the portico of the imposing Edwardian house. 179. George decided to bury the girl's body in the gravel. 180. The Alvingham pottery is most attractively sited with a good sized gravel parking area. 181. Jagged irregular vibrations up the line suggest gravel and stones, small regular vibes mean fine gravel or sand. 182. Then new gravel is laid directly on top - the old gravel will form a firm foundation. 183. F Fertiliser substrate Compound mixed with gravel to promote plant growth. 184. Substrate would be calcium plus and coral gravel, with coral sand on top, separated by a gravel tidy. 185. But Joannides lost time to Yorkshire driver Brian Bell when the route moved on to the gravel roads. 186. Around Chichester there is an area of gravel and gravel pits of considerable economic importance. 187. He was drawn over a gravel bed and used a loaded waggler float with double white maggot hookbait. 188. He walked forward a few feet, gravel crunching under his shoes. 189. Constantly running water through gravel means that any hardness will be leached into the water. 190. Gravel and silt, washed down the mountainside, are clogging his irrigation ditch. 191. Every major site needs a constant supply of this slurry of cement, stones, gravel, and water. 192. By now we were close to my farm, coasting down off the ridge, the headlights turning the gravel road white. 193. The servant was guiding him along the gravel path parallel to the wall, carrying an oil lamp. 194. A layer of clay particles placed under the gravel layer is beneficial. 195. Concrete is made by mixing gravel with sand, cement, and water. 195. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 196. Use aquarium gravel, as it should not leach harmful substances into the water. 197. They sauntered along as if on parade, occasionally picking at the gravel. 198. Leased a gravel lot for $ 15 a month and sold used cars. 199. Not simply on Tring Reservoirs or the home counties gravel pits do men now sit for a ten pounder anymore. 200. Propagation is done by taking cuttings and simply planting them in the gravel. 201. Peat and clay particles and a layer of gravel is suitable. 202. Her feet scrunch on the gravel. 203. Gravel is much used for road - making. 204. The driveway gravel crunched underneath our sneakers. 205. More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the drive. 206. It was raining quietly and steadily and there were little pools of water on the gravel drive. 207. Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel. 208. A layer of coarse gravel is often placed around the drain tile. 209. Sandstone and conglomerate are the consolidated equivalent of sand and gravel. 210. Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water. |
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