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单词 Stand up
1. She didn't even have the strength to stand up.
2. Will you stand up for me?
3. There's a taxi stand up ahead.
4. Fall is not a failure, can not stand up to failure; walking is not successful, only unremittingly is victory.
5. You must stand up when your name is called out.
6. I wonder if he dare stand up to his boss.
7. The policeman ordered him to stand up and stay put.
8. Stand up to them!
9. Why don't you ask me to stand up with you?
10. Stand up for something, even if it means standing alone sometimes.
11. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
12. Is this building going to stand up to the strongest gales?
13. He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.
14. Always stand up for your friends.
15. His argument simply doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.
16. Please stand up when we call your name.
17. If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe.
18. I'm afraid it won't stand up in court.
19. Always stand up for your principles.
20. You'll look taller if you stand up straight.
21. Cliff couldn't stand up to bullying.
22. She had learnt to stand up for herself.
23. Your argument just won't stand up .
24. Any weapon could stand up to severe weather conditions.
25. Stand up straight and don't hunch your back.
26. He wasn't afraid to stand up to bullies.
27. Will the charge stand up in court?
28. I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.
29. It doesn't matter how many times you fail. What matters is how many times you stand up and try again.
30. For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand up on the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my flesh I shall see God.
1. She didn't even have the strength to stand up.
2. There's a taxi stand up ahead.
3. Is this building going to stand up to the strongest gales?
4. He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.
5. The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.
31. Their evidence will never stand up in court.
32. This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.
33. You can stand up for your right.
34. Stand up straight and tuck in your tummy.
35. Don't slouch! Stand up straight!
36. Will this car stand up to winter conditions here?
37. Stand up. Face the wall.
38. Stand up straight and don't slouch!
39. Could you stand up to pain?
40. I wonder whether he dare stand up in public.
41. He's too pusillanimous to stand up to his opponents.
42. Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.
43. He could hardly summon the strength to stand up.
44. This sort of shoes stand up well.
45. You must stand up for your rights.
46. He made wild accusations that did not stand up.
47. You've got to stand up for yourself, stop being such a mama's boy.
48. That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courage to stand up for any cause.
49. I felt very foolish having to stand up and give a speech.
50. Not many people have the nerve to stand up and speak in front of a large audience.
51. Sometimes a few words of comfort to the one who has just failed may encourage him to stand up and even try to make a comeback.
52. I had to stand up in front of the whole school.
53. Are you willing to stand up in court and swear that you don't recognize him?
54. Those who did have the courage to stand up and be counted were arrested and imprisoned.
55. It's the mark of a gentleman to stand up when someone enters the room.
56. Would you stand up for a moment,() I want to see how tall you are.
57. His ideas about social change do not stand up to close examination.
58. I think David's had one too many. He can hardly stand up.
59. The living-room carpet has to stand up to the combined wear and tear of two dogs and three children.
60. Don't let them shove you around. You've got to stand up for your rights.
61. How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?
62. Will the lorries stand up to the journey over rough roads?
63. Girls who have always been at a mixed school know how to stand up for themselves.
64. This cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.
65. Surely someone would stand up and let her sit down?
66. You'll get a better view of the pianist if you stand up.
67. Stand up so that I can see how tall you are.
68. You should stand up for your rights and insist that he pays you.
69. She'd learnt to be herself and to stand up for her convictions.
70. Some parents believe a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man.
71. Start legal proceedings against him, and the law could stand up for your rights.
72. Even if this possibility did not stand up to close scrutiny, Pavlov's theory would still be valid.
73. You've got nothing on me and you know it. Your theory would never stand up in a court of law.
74. By this time I was totally slewed and could scarcely stand up!
75. You need strength of mind to stand up for yourself.
76. It takes a lot of pluck to stand up to a bully.
77. Each one of you should stand up when your name is called out.
78. He'll respect you more if you stand up to him.
79. My mother was very weak; she could not stand up to this cold weather.
80. The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.
81. On the count of three,(http:///stand up.html) I'd like you all to stand up.
82. He knew clearly that the evidence he offered would stand up in the court of law.
83. Some people still think it is impolite for men not to stand up when a woman comes into the room.
84. If you want to speak in the meeting you should stand up and wait till the chairman recognizes you.
85. It took a lot of nerve to stand up and speak.
86. The memoirs stand up well to cross-checking with other records.
87. He was so weak that he could hardly stand up.
88. Without a witness, the charges will never stand up in court .
89. It takes sheer grit to stand up to a bully like that.
90. Do you think your car will stand up well under such snowy conditions?
91. Mind you don't bang your head on the shelf when you stand up.
92. His first album made the music world stand up and take note .
93. Stand up straight, tuck your tummy in and tuck your bottom under.
94. I don't think that argument would stand up in a court of law.
95. I'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law.
96. You have to stand up in court and promise to tell 'the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth'.
97. As a matter of conscience, he doesn't feel that he can stand up for the President any longer.
98. It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.
99. Be careful not to bump your head on the beam when you stand up.
100. Breathe out slowly through your mouth as you stand up.
101. She had the guts to stand up to the school bully.
102. There were no seats left so I had to stand up.
103. Somebody said that my short novels could stand up to Mark Twain's.
104. Those involved and benefiting from the scandal must be prepared to stand up and be counted.
105. I stand up and brush my coat down.
106. She was so drunk she could hardly stand up.
107. How does it stand up to this scrutiny?
108. I wanted to stand up and stretch.
109. How could Pinkus stand up to him?
110. We must stand up and fight for our rights.
111. Maybe even stand up,(http:///stand up.html) if everyone else does.
112. Could you all stand up please.
113. The most comfortable position was to stand up.
114. I stand up, walk across, and squeeze her shoulder.
115. The silent majority had begun to stand up.
116. However, they do not stand up to scrutiny.
117. Mr Grosz was the only senior politician yesterday with the courage to stand up for Communism in front of a hostile audience.
118. Aggressive bosses are less likely to criticize workers who stand up to them.
119. Thought they could stand up in full view in a club crammed with people, execute the man.
120. Design: zip neck, long sleeve top with lightly padded stand up collar.
121. So let's it hear it this morning for Allan Lamb. Stand up and be counted for fair play and truth!
122. But now many of them can stand up in front of the gate and talk back to the managing director.
123. Those who admire her should stand up and be counted.
124. Disappointment means that things haven't worked out the way you wanted! And now what to do? Very simple: Stand up and walk! Cut the tragedy because our limited time must always be used for the forward movements! Mehmet Murat ildan 
125. International investment agreements need to strengthen governments' ability to stand up to corporations.
126. Blood constantly soaked the scaffold, making it almost too slippery for the executioners to stand up.
127. Where the unions fail in their duties to black workers they must be challenged to stand up for their rights.
128. As if she could even stand up with only one on without it instantly jerking her off balance.
129. So count the cost of the holocaust Stand up and fight For peace.
130. Anyone who challenges my authority will have to stand up to this divine power when I come to Corinth.
131. When the boy releases the catch, we don't get out immediately, because we can't stand up.
132. Direct each pair to make the cookie sheet stand up on the far edge of the desk.
133. Video and one-way mirrors allow designers to see how their systems stand up in practice.
134. I stand up, as casually as a man can who has been kneeling in snow drinking lake water.
135. Haines fell over and a Corporal kicked him in the stomach, shouting at him to stand up.
136. If he continues to stand up his friends, he's not going to have any left.
137. Reports from Kampuchea claim that the country's 35,000-man army is good enough to stand up to Khmer Rouge incursions.
138. The Project also took advantage of the vast numbers of our supporters eager to stand up to the bullies at the clinics.
139. So many people in so little space that everyone had to stand up, with nothing to eat but peanuts and pretzels.
140. I got bullied in secondary school and Eminem helped me stand up for myself.
141. Keith and the other man are slipping and sliding,(http:///stand up.html) barely able to stand up.
142. Is this the best way to show women how this clothing might stand up to real-world stresses and tribulations?
143. It is a myth that is clinically naive and will not stand up in the face of empirical evidence.
144. Theories that fail to stand up to observational and experimental tests must be eliminated and replaced by further speculative conjectures.
145. From within he was given a vague signal that this was the time to stand up and away.
146. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another. Veronica Roth 
147. And then there was nothing to do but stand up, and feel for a switch, and unpack.
148. Every single time you help somebody stand up, you are helping humanity rise. Steve Maraboli 
149. Then I slowly stand up, and they see the length of me and back away.
150. And good intentions don't stand up in the rough and tumble of global commerce.
151. It is these muscles which make it possible to stand up straight and bend over to lift objects.
152. The pain was searing, so that I fell backwards, and though I struggled, I could not stand up again.
153. It terrified him to think that, in six months time, he would have to stand up in front of a class and teach them something.
154. Dawn made good progress, and was soon able to stand up.
155. Seve was no Hogan, no golfing machine-his game was erratic and did not stand up to acute tests of accuracy.
156. It must be impossible to stand up against it, he wrote, impossible to draw breath before it.
157. If a chap hadn't the guts to stand up for his own beastliness where was he?
158. My old truck can stand up to just about anything.
159. The time has come gentlemen. Stand up and be counted.
160. You shouldn't let other people push you around -- you've got to stand up for yourself.
161. How else, besides using her leg muscles, might she be able to help herself to stand up?
162. This will give a firm footing and will stand up to the constant flow of traffic.
163. It should be robust enough to stand up to the most rigorous testing from the appraisal panel.
164. To stand up in Congress and speak against homeownership would have been as politically astute as to campaign against motherhood.
165. Being told to do things like not run in the corridor, or stand up when the governor comes in.
166. Saw me, began to put the book aside and stand up. 1 went to him and kept him from rising.
167. Under careful analysis, however, the imagined alternatives do not stand up as realistic.
168. They are in no position to stand up to hostile superiors.
169. Women can form a communal bond quickly, but may be reluctant to stand up for their personal views.
170. There are various ways of designing a steel framework to stand up to the vertical and lateral forces.
171. My story is the story of thousands of children from around the world. I hope it inspires others to stand up for their rights.  Malala Yousafzai 
172. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. J. K. Rowling 
173. Did he stand up to be counted in the old days?
174. When in the grip of writer's block I might stand up and walk to the window and look out.
175. Their lyrics stand up as poems, good light verse in their own right.
176. Such computers have, of course, to stand up to more extreme environmental conditions than in the application areas described above.
177. He tries very slowly to stand up and get to the kitchen to give me some instant coffee.
178. Even twenty yards back they could not stand up, but they could crouch and stretch each limb in turn.
179. Only through unity and collective resistance can these people stand up to the powerful interests that seek to control their lives.
180. Civil and commercial litigation allows me to help a client stand up for his rights.
181. Here's one you can do when you're waiting in that boring old queue. Stand up straight.
182. With output recovering, the prime minister, Hanna Suchocka decided to stand up to Solidarity's threat to call a general strike.
183. I stand up and begin to look for the invisible rung.
184. But she decided Daniel's frail body would not stand up to the painful general anaesthetics and blocked the treatment.
185. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill 
186. At best it is an armchair consideration of whether the case would stand up in court.
187. Mariama was the first woman in the village to stand up against the traditional practice and refused to have her daughters mutilated.
188. All agreed that the United States had to stand up to the aggressors from the north, using whatever means were necessary.
189. Design: zip front top with lightly padded stand up neck plus long johns.
190. I do not want to stand up and be counted as a supporter of those demands.
191. The seats were all taken and we had to stand up all the way from Tokyo to Nagoya.
192. Learn to be assertive, stand up for yourself and your own value.
193. It is as well that such arguments do not stand up to serious scrutiny.
194. A big wine which will stand up to dishes like casseroles with a strong flavour.
195. Hence I have no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight. Malcolm X 
196. Indeed the habits of our civilised forebears at work and play would not always stand up to the scrutiny of the modern conscience.
197. He is respected as a leader who is willing to stand up to the West.
198. He and his Revolutionary Council expressed supreme confidence in their ability to stand up to the United States and its coalition partners.
199. We really need more help from you good men to stand up and be counted!
200. To be frivolous, laps are not conserved, for where does your lap go when you stand up?
201. We all had to stand up in turn in front of the class and give a short talk, followed by a question-and-answer session.
201. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
202. Don't be spineless -- you have to stand up to people like that.
203. They made girls stand up for themselves and neatness, grooming and deportment were important.
204. I stand up and begin to walk, slowly crossing the stage at an altitude of three feet.
205. Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight. Bob Marley 
206. Assessment shows that the rhetoric of community involvement did not stand up to examination in the way that bids were compiled.
207. Now, everybody open your seatbelt and stand up.
208. A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself?
209. "Stand up, please" she said in a orotund tone.
210. De you think this dress mate rial will stand up well under such conditions?
211. Stand up for your rights and don't be such a weakling.
212. These tyres will stand up to even the roughest wear and tear.
213. Even the mighty Samurai cannot stand up to the howitzers.
214. You'll get out there too, once you can stand up in the whitewater reliably.
215. Number 3, it's Shock Wave, Europe's only stand up roller coaster.




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