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单词 To date
1) This technology is bang up to date .
2) It was the president's second public appearance to date.
3) The car is a beauty and quite up to date.
4) He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.
5) She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip - you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so's just bought a car.
6) To date,[http:///to date.html] we have not received any replies.
7) Archaeologists have been unable to date these fossils.
8) These machines are beginning to date.
9) This novel is his best work to date.
10) She wears clothes that are right up to date.
11) 'Dottie' is by far his best novel to date.
12) This film is bang up to date.
13) This type of music is beginning to date.
14) To date he has done half the work.
15) Don't forget to date your letters.
16) This is the biggest donation we've had to date.
17) To date the site has yielded many interesting finds.
18) Isn't this textbook beginning to date?
19) Don't forget to date your cheque.
20) This is perhaps his best novel to date.
21) Make sure your vaccinations are up to date.
22) To date, we have received over 200 replies.
23) We'll keep you up to date with any news.
24) Our computers are bang up to date.
25) They gave one of their best performances to date.
26) The temple is presumed to date from the first century BC.
27) It has not yet been possible to date the paintings accurately.
28) It's going to date me now. I attended that school from 1969 to 1972.
29) Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends.
30) Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.
1) This technology is bang up to date .
2) It was the president's second public appearance to date.
3) He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.
4) Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.
5) She always keeps me up to date with the latest gossip - you know, so-and-so from down the road is having a baby and so-and-so's just bought a car.
31) The exhibition contains some of his best work to date.
32) On Wednesday night the UN issued its toughest ultimatum to date, demanding that all troops withdraw from the city.
33) 50,000 troops massed on the border in the biggest show of strength to date.
34) In the new factory all the equipment was up to date.
35) She brought him up to date with what had happened.
36) Of course we'll keep you up to date with any future developments.
37) It was a modern factory - everything was really up to date.
38) Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness.
39) I have not received news from him up to date.
40) The recording gives the most convincing performance of Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring' to date.
41) We are keeping up to date with the latest developments.
42) I keep up to date with the news by listening to radio.
43) It's taboo to date a man a lot younger than you.
44) The time and expense involved in keeping up to date with all the changes has been worthwhile.
45) To date we have received more than five hundred applications.
46) The exhibition is informative, up to date,[Sentence dictionary] and mercifully free of gimmicks.
47) Some photos contain internal evidence that may help to date them.
48) Her best performance to date was her third place at the World Junior Championships.
49) The cost of the work to date has been about £150 million.
50) I went on a refresher course on new techniques in design to bring myself up to date.
51) The list is up to date now that we've added the new members' names.
52) It pays to keep up to date with your work.
53) The files were accessed every day to keep them up to date.
54) It was possible to date these remains with a fair degree of accuracy.
55) The technology is elaborate, expensive(), and bang up to date .
56) We must try to bring Mother more up to date with modern styles, and persuade her not to wear such old-fashioned clothes.
57) This may be the winery's best Cabernet to date.
58) It is thought to date to the Hadrianic period.
59) It is also unquestionably Banks' best work to date.
60) Ethan Casey brings us up to date.
61) Rod brought me up to date.
62) Oh, I forgot to date the check.
63) On a sunny Friday afternoon, the Open bid farewell to Nicklaus, to date the greatest golfer who has ever lived.
64) A real songwriter studio, featuring a large array of up to date equipment.
65) Mrs Heron was murdered in cold blood in a crime which to date has appeared to have no motive.
66) She has been too busy to cultivate many friendships and too concerned about her public image to date casually.
66) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
67) Radio Rentals take a pride in keeping up to date with new broadcasting technology.
68) To date it does not appear that this species has been bred in captivity.
69) It shows their tax code number and details of their gross pay and tax deducted to date.
70) He has looked a tremendous prospect on both starts to date, and will relish the extra furlong here.
71) Some climbers are very enthusiastic about the new proposal, recognising that the current system needs revising and bringing up to date.
72) To date advanced courses have been designed on an input model with emphasis being on the content.
73) This hilariously funny collection of political satire is one of the best Private Eye annuals to date.
74) Undoubtedly, the Under-Secretary of State will bring us up to date on that.
75) Please ensure that you check your list and bring it up to date now and return to the Office.
76) Most experts such as Koss focus on factors outside of criminal intent that contribute to date and acquaintance rape.
77) Although managers require up to date information they have access to more information on a day to day basis than external users.
78) Lack of up to date knowledge leading to a potential crisis of confidence.
79) The book begins to date immediately as new drugs come out and as the authorities amend the list of banned substances from time to time.
80) Yet the reaction to date does not suggest that this idea has been widely accepted.
81) By appearance, the largest contribution to date went toward the home-building project for maquila workers.
82) This idea has not been studied in detail in any lek species to date.
83) The reports produced to date are internal documents, and only those referring to botany need be mentioned here.
84) He is a good boxer, a powerful puncher who has knocked out 18 of his 20 opponents to date.
85) To date, seven city council hopefuls have requested money, with more expected to qualify.
86) No other concomitant infective agents have been implicated in the course of the disease to date.
87) The contract, the largest awarded to date to Magellan's workplace division, is for one year with four option years.
88) The reader should endeavour to keep up to date with oil market developments because of their impact upon the international economy and financial system.
89) The transfer took place during a natural cycle, and, to date, the pregnancy has gone smoothly.
90) In return we in the editorial team will try to keep you up to date with what is going on in the University.
91) And handsome David Wood, who now runs his own hairdressing salon in Melbourne, was lucky enough to date her.
92) Julia resolved to double-check everything she typed today and stay late, if need be, to get up to date.
93) June's parents were very conservative and wouldn't allow her to date till she was 18.
94) To date, our appeal through the magazine has raised between £1,500 and £2,000, which is perhaps a little disappointing.
95) But sales of mopeds for the year to date show the most dramatic rise.
96) The biggest achievement to date is to get dealers to sign a declaration that they are not dealing in conflict diamonds.
97) Figure 3 plots the percentage of listed industrial companies with potentially failing profiles over time from 1978 to date.
98) The results provide the most authoritative and conclusive evidence to date of some enduring inequities in participation in such facilities.
99) This section brings discussion on the process of central government management reform up to date by reviewing developments since 1980.
100) The monitor aims to bring managers up to date with legislation and their responsibilities.
101) Not only is the book up to date - it also indicates where future developments may lie.
102) To date, the Planning Department has refused the request,[http:///to date.html] choosing instead to prepare a brief addendum.
103) This may have been done in the Middle Ages, but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards.
104) To date there are few well established risk factors for dementia of the Alzheimers disease type.
105) To date, no one has been able to come up with a satisfactory explanation.
106) Experience to date and motivational goal data give us our greatest chance of picking a winner.
107) This has ensured that the video is up to date, as well as giving me a few more grey hairs!
108) To date, there has always been a middle class bias in participation in formal organisations.
109) Winter has also tried to introduce a new system of joint consultation, but with disappointing results to date.
110) With Thunderheart Apted has made his best movie to date.
111) Thus the importance of coinage for our understanding of the past diminishes, generally speaking, the more up to date we come.
112) There is no evidence, to date, that making people belt-up turns them into worse drivers.
113) A growing corruption scandal involving the Elf oil company claimed its highest-ranking victim to date.
114) But if you keep your on-line appointments diary up to date, a calendar on the network can compare everyone's schedules.
115) There was a brief account of professional intervention to date.
116) Information can be automatically kept up to date, and will allow individuals to co-operate on projects instead of beavering away in isolation.
117) The resulting chronology should then enable one to date particular instruments according to the presence of certain features.
118) Health gain has been rather narrowly defined in primary care studies of diabetic care to date.
119) Thus it was that his greatest hurdle to date had been asking his lordship for a job.
120) Some of these have rectangular layouts of streets which seem to date from late Saxon times, as at Winchester and Guildford.
121) These seminars provided a general introduction to the qualifications, and outlined the results of the pilot to date.
122) General practitioners have also found intensive courses in diabetes helpful in keeping them up to date and improving their clinical skills.
123) Most of the country's fertility clinics were listed, although none of the catalogues was up to date.
124) A number of them are duplicated in Windows 3.1 and these are more up to date versions.
125) To date, such monitoring has not revealed any deleterious effects from the limited number of organisms which have been released.
126) However,[http:///to date.html] there is no clear evidence that such a situation has arisen to date.
127) As if in answer to this prayer one further Pathfinders production was launched in 1961- the most ambitious to date, Pathfinders to Venus.
128) Ultimate has installed about 50 systems to date in the Commonwealth of Independent States.
129) But it could have strategic value for a defense team facing the biggest case filed against an Aberdeen soldier to date.
130) To date, however, little thought has been given to balancing love and work through creative use of communications media.
131) Revision and recycling is a prominent feature of the course, pulling together all strands of students' learning to date.
132) Here, though, is a very brief account of what has been done to date and what was found.
133) In syllabuses produced to date, only perfunctory attention has been given to cross-curricular themes.
134) You have been assigned the task of keeping the records up to date.
135) It reminded her of why she had started refusing most invitations to date a long time ago.
136) Begin by facing up to the headlines and statistics of most fundamental change efforts to date.
137) Unfortunately,() adhoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication.
138) The worldwide list of national governing body addresses is the most up to date anywhere.
139) The columns on the right of the form show the total allocation to each project for the period and to date.
140) It is all that the young can do for the old, to shock them and keep them up to date. George Bernard Shaw 
141) Scientists have attempted for many years to identify a cause for canker sores but have not been successful to date.
142) It also provided some of the strongest evidence to date that Sellafield did directly and routinely harm people's health.
143) To improve precision, it is usual to date several samples from the same archaeological level to determine the mean age.
144) Again, this information was informative and served as a fairly comprehensive review of the work reported to date using these systems.
145) To date, there have been no prosecutions for this version of the offence of inciting to racial hatred.
146) Each Agency will make a brief presentation of its work to date and its plans for the future.
147) Obviously this utilises the experience I have gained to date and also allows me to develop further within my chosen field.
148) The Dictionary as a whole needs to be kept constantly up to date.
149) Within earth science literature, the most important obsolescence study to date is that by Kohut.
150) Reports to date are interesting, if somewhat inconclusive, and without immediate practical application.
151) The cars are being assembled at Bombardier's Thunder Bay works, and 112 have been delivered to date.
152) Prince Charles is Patron of the Trust and is full of praise for its activities to date.
153) It is only by renting your equipment that you can keep fully up to date with advances in home entertainment technology.
154) To date, no data are available about the neurohumoral mechanisms underlying high amplitude propagated contraction onset.
155) But Sisson, in addition to bringing his story up to date with a final chapter, interjects half way through a lengthy segment on his war.
156) Recently it has proved possible to date small dental fragments directly[/to date.html], without first powdering them.
157) Unlike nearly every microlight aircraft I've flown to date, the power plant up front was not out of the Rotax stable.
158) They have played some fluent football to date and their finishing has been clinical.
159) Despite government promises of firm action, no official had to date been convicted of corruption.
160) Keeping up to date, helping to improve skills for the off-farm job, and making contact with other farmers were other minor responses.
161) To date £6.7 million has been spent on two incomplete ferry terminals at Gills Bay and Burwick.
162) Prisoners are brought up to date with new legislation that may affect them, such as housing and social security.
163) This is something manifestly absent from all computer systems that have been constructed to date.
164) The construction equipment giant has been a customer since the early Seventies, and has taken delivery of 150,000 engines to date.
165) There had been no suggestion from the company's bankers or major institutional shareholders to date that he should do so.
166) Our approach has worked satisfactorily for the problems we have encountered to date.
167) In summary, the research to date provides few definitive guidelines for the clinician.
168) To date, rural planners have virtually ignored the need for cooking energy.
169) He was also a founder member of Bill Bruford's Earthworks, which has recorded four albums to date.
170) Jamila butted in to add details and keep us up to date.
171) The charges against Enrile arose from the abortive coup attempt of December 1989, the most serious military insurrection Aquino to date.
172) The fund's activities to date are described in a recent article by Greenwood.
173) The Court may allow an adjustment period, and practice to date suggests that usually both parties wish this.
174) The magazine's chief function is to keep the medical profession up to date with the latest advances and drugs.
175) The following table shows some more recent Utopias, ranked according to date of publication.
176) To date, the limestone chippings have not yet been installed.
177) TeamLinks, which to date only operates on VAX/VME-based systems, comprises an X.400-based mail system and office automation software.
178) Statistical accounts of those whose benefits have been cut under the Actively Seeking Work legislation to date were provided.
179) The beauty here is beyond words but not beyond painting, and is my greatest artistic challenge to date.
180) However, to date this exciting new technology has only adopted on a voluntary basis.
181) Table 2 shows for Lothian how the target breaks down by age group and what progress has been made to date.
182) The renewed interest in alternative fuels and feedstocks has revived coal gasification and the old technology is rapidly being brought up to date.
183) This is a very laborious and exacting technique and, to date, it has only been used with a few plants.
184) Software houses have been slow to response but the square footage sold to date is reportedly ahead of schedule.
185) Controlled studies to date of the effectiveness of covert sensitization offer mixed results.
186) The precision of the method when used to date tooth enamel is in the order of 10-20 percent.
187) To date they have undertaken four conversions, with others reportedly under way.
188) The total number of flushes to date is 202, 063, with one in five a freebie.
189) It appeared in three subsequent editions in 1831, 1832, and 1838, considerably enlarged and brought up to date.
190) To date, a lot of energy has been expended but successes have been limited.
191) The only problem with the Clivus to date has been an outbreak of fruit flies inside the tank.
192) To date a coin or an artifact is not the same thing as to date the context in which it is found.
193) You may have received a letter from them early in 1984 asking for up to date details.
194) To date, many housing associations' rural ventures have not met with marked success.
195) Their only failure to date has been a Los Angeles real estate agent.
196) She can give him chapter and verse on Finance Acts and other current legislation, and is rigorous in keeping up to date.
197) An emerging contemporary example of radical change is in the business which to date has been concerned with the defence industries.
198) The research conducted to date has turned up several intriguing results.
199) Publication date for the directory was last month and the editorial listing for Hanson appears to be up to date.
200) Made of bronze, brass and stainless steel, it is the artist's largest, most monumental sculpture to date.
201) Ballantyne's style is old fashioned and Golding's is more modern and up to date.
202) This helps to keep families up to date with the thinking of the school and strengthens the sense of identity.
203) To date, diabetics rely largely on insulin medication, discovered in 1921, to regulate their blood glucose levels.
204) We were also given presentations outlining progress to date since the merger and plans for the future.
205) How do you feel about your progress to date?
206) Verify entry date to date informed consent signed.
207) Stanford dropout, treasure hunter. Only to date.
208) Maintains an adequate and up to date filing system.
209) Immigration deserves a far more serious public debate than it has received to date.
210) YS has some of the best Red Guppy Gene bank I have seen to date.
211) To date, the most potent of these chemicals is glial - cell - line derived neurotrophic factor ( GDNF ).
212) To date, research on the application of the genetic map is very limited.
213) The abysmal academician's acarpous writing had accomplished little in achievements to date.
214) However, there have been no in vivo studies of GIT 1 function to date.
215) Studies of the bioluminescent mechanisms of jellyfish to date have focused primarily one species , Aequorea victoria.
216) Yet to date, ordinary Libyans have seen little of that windfall.
216) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
217) I have extensively tested nearly all Android phones to date.
218) The modified New York criteria ( 1984 ) for ankylosing spondylitis ( AS ) is widely used up to date.
219) William a bad egg. Better tell your sister not to date him.
220) To date, biopsies are the only effective diagnostic test for fatty livers.
221) In additions summary of research work up to date is given.
222) To date, it always reminds me of you whenever I see a man smoking menthol Marlboro.
223) Their life history to date , although short, has been interesting and rather hectic.
224) To date there has no compensation for victims of unethical biological experiments.
225) In all dictionaries to date we give the headword and all the inflected forms.
226) I remember you used to date that gorgeous girl - she was a cheerleader.
227) Short term reported results have to date been excellent, offering good versatility.
228) It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower to date.
229) Computer technology is advancing so rapidly that no book can ever be fully up to date.
230) To date, we've arrested or otherwise dealt with many key commanders of al Qaeda.
231) This reference book, though pubilshed ten years ago, is still up to date.
232) So, are any of these guys the reason you don't want to date Lucas?
233) They had to bring the card index up to date.
234) Very few cyanobacterial toxins have actually been isolated and characterized to date.
235) To date we have no news from the disaster area.
236) To date, 47 states and District of Columbia have enacted LLC legislation.
237) Kudrow used to date American talk show host Conan O ∝ Brian.
238) Third, keep your card index handy and up to date.
239) To date, one prosthetic ear and a nose hae been made.
240) To date Frontier has supported the likes of TechColumbus, Ohio State University and the Cleveland Clinic.
241) Long Treasurys for the year to date didn't pan out that well either.
242) More material is to be included to bring the book up to date.
243) To date there have been two children's shows revolving around anthropomorphic ( living ) tugboats.
244) PB has authenticated and is up to date. checking your account.
245) Proline has been found in every protein studied to date.
246) Excise taxes on cigarettes and liquor slipped below expectations for the fiscal year to date.
247) To date, the Doctrine of Cheng Fu still exerts its admonishing effect.
248) Aim To date precisely the gabbro vein from Luohansi group and discuss its geological significance.
249) The double - blind, placebo - controlled,[http:///to date.html] phase III study is one of the largest PD clinical trials to date.
250) Florist : thanks . And just so you know, am ready to date.
251) My family has a vase, which is said to date back to Ming Dynasty.
252) All the men in the office flirt with me and try to date me.
253) Turkmenistan recently delayed the start of China's exports of natural gas to date.
254) To date 11 Duce has suffered a scratch or two from the claws of Italia Bella.




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