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单词 Work at
(1) They start work at dawn.
(2) I don't work at the weekend.
(3) We quit work at five.
(4) They stopped work at sunset.
(5) I start work at nine.
(6) He was bending over his work at desk.
(7) They had an agreement never to talk about work at home.
(8) I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
(9) I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week.
(10) We often work at night.
(11) I work at head office now[http:///work at.html], for my sins.
(12) The students work at their own pace.
(13) Policemen and policewomen work at a police station.
(14) I work at the university.
(15) I was out of work at the time.
(16) Dr Hoffman did his postgraduate work at Leicester University.
(17) I desire you to set to work at once.
(18) I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.
(19) She doesn't have to work at weekends.
(20) There, I've made it work at last.
(21) He used to work at the FO.
(22) I'm absolutely snowed under with work at the moment.
(23) He starts work at 4am.
(24) The workers quit work at noon.
(25) We started our work at eight.
(26) I'm swamped with work at the moment.
(27) I never did a stroke of work at college.
(28) Father begins work at 8 every morning.
(29) She goes to/leaves for work at 8 o'clock.
(30) He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.
(1) They start work at dawn.
(2) I don't work at the weekend.
(3) We quit work at five.
(4) I start work at nine.
(5) They had an agreement never to talk about work at home.
(6) He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.
(7) I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
(8) I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week.
(31) He left work at the usual time.
(32) He started work at 16 in a local bakers.
(33) I never work at the weekend.
(34) I go to work at 8 o'clock.
(35) She comes home from work at 7 pm.
(36) The co-op sells the art work at exhibitions.
(37) Many advertisements work at a subconscious level.
(38) Generally I get to work at 9.30am.
(39) She stops work at the end of this month.
(40) He leaves for work at 7 every morning.
(41) They work at opposite ends of the country ,[http:///work at.html] so only see each other at weekends.
(42) She's very taken up with voluntary work at the moment.
(43) If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home.
(44) If need be, I can do extra work at the weekend.
(45) We get far too much work at this time of year.
(46) A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time take Angela, for example.
(47) I needed a job which would enable me to work at home.
(48) You should try to work at an even rate instead of taking it easy one day and working flat out the next.
(49) Mexican farm workers migrate into the US each year to find work at harvest time.
(50) Team work at its best results in a synergy that can be very productive.
(51) We encourage all students to work at their own pace .
(52) My father was out of work at the time, so we struggled, obviously.
(53) There is a snag to the job: you have to work at weekends.
(54) Success never seems to come but through hard work, often physically demanding work at that.
(55) She used to work at her laptop until four in the morning.
(56) The atmosphere at work at the moment is quite unbearable.
(57) Billy's work at school has shown signs of improvement this year.
(58) We usually knock off work at about twelve on Saturday.
(59) To make the computer work at full capacity, the programmer has to think like the machine.
(60) She got through her work at a rate of knots.
(61) We both used to work at the airport - that's how we met.
(62) I hope Adrian's actually doing some work at college - he seems to spend all his time socializing!
(63) Each applicant is asked to supply a portfolio of work at interview.
(64) The latest computers can work at a blindingly fast speed.
(65) You can work at home? That's all right, isn't it?
(66) I used to work at a tobacconist's, and I found it quite interesting.
(67) I'm up to my ears in work at the moment.
(68) He's had a bit of freelance work at the moment.
(68) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(69) After he felt better, he searched for work at the various mills.
(70) He started work at the sharp end of the business, as a salesman.
(71) The committee judged it better to start the work at once.
(72) It suits me if you come to work at eight o'clock.
(73) He asked me to work at the weekend, but I refused point-blank.
(74) I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it's a Wednesday or a Thursday.
(75) One has to push the child or she will do no work at all.
(76) We must finish the work at all costs before midnight.
(77) Mary has reinvented herself since she started work at a big company.
(78) People think I am a natural, but I've had to work at it.
(79) I often start work at the crack of dawn when there is a big order to get out.
(80) I haven't been able to do any work at all.
(81) She has to work at weekends from time to time.
(82) Under her contract of employment, Mrs Lee could not be required to work at a different site.
(83) If you don't want to work at the weekend, say so - don't let the boss walk all over you.
(84) Learning a language isn't easy. You have to work at it.
(85) I told my assistants to work at their own rate.
(86) We'll have to work at a smart pace if we're going to finish on time.
(87) There have been days when I have finished work at 2pm.
(88) Ideally, I'd like to work at home but it's just not practical.
(89) There isn't a lot of work at this time of the year.
(90) The children had to get themselves off to school as both their parents went out to work at eight o'clock.
(91) Most couples would agree that for a marriage to succeed, both parties have to work at it.
(92) He said women have an easier life than men, did he? - I'd like to see him bring up children and go to work at the same time.
(93) It suits me to start work at a later time.
(94) They put on a retrospective show of his work at the National Museum of American Art.
(95) I usually leave for work at 7:30.
(96) You went back to work at half-past one.
(97) I have to work at having fun.
(98) I'm leaving work at twelve-thirty on the dot.
(99) He starts work at 10,[] and finishes at 6:30.
(100) Most instruction is individualized: students move through their course work at their own pace.
(101) Meanwhile, unlike many bogged-down projects around the globe, the work at Cusiana has been proceeding nonstop.
(102) Epstein taught college courses concurrently with his work at the two newspapers.
(103) The freedom to work at whatever you want to goes hand in hand with freedom of every kind.
(104) Every Avis executive was required to don the Avis red jacket and work at the company checkout stations regularly.
(105) Angela Grauerholz arrives from Montreal after the exhibition of her work at Kassel this year.
(106) I was thirteen when I went to work at the cannery.
(107) The slaves were driven to work at such a pace that their entire population had to be replaced about every 20 years.
(108) She began to work at our factory at the age of 16.
(109) Managers who live in the hotel usually have regular work schedules, but they may be called to work at any time.
(110) We ought to do more modern work at drama school, as well as the classics.
(111) Shipbuilding work at the Scotstoun yard has been at a standstill for a fortnight since pay negotiations broke down.
(112) You can work at your own pace and choose from a wide range of flowers from around the world.
(113) If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf. Bob Hope 
(114) Employees on their way into work at Hasbro headquarters Thursday morning said they opposed a merger.
(115) But funding problems have halted work at the site, and it is unclear when it will resume.
(116) He may also face the prospect of long-term hardship, if he can not return to work at all.
(117) Are you guys naturally weird, or do you have to work at it?
(118) The rules and structures that will regulate and reward work at home and with diverse co-workers are in an embryonic stage.
(119) I became a croupier - starting work at 11 p.m. and finishing at 5 a.m.
(120) Her husband had just finished the day's work at his butcher's shop and they were settling down to supper.
(121) But it did not work at all well for the degenerative diseases such as cancer, lupus, or various heart conditions.
(122) Most companies insist on demonstrable quality management procedures before they will contract work at all.
(123) Most work at uninspiring tasks, pore over old court decisions and statute books, and draft memos for their higher-ups.
(124) Many people who work at the European Parliament are multilingual.
(125) We already know that a large majority of women who do paid work at home feel themselves tied by child-care responsibilities.
(126) It seemed clear Corbett wanted me to work at Salomon, but he never came right out and proposed.
(127) There was a fractional hesitation before he said yes, and suggested meeting after work at a pub off Hatton Garden.
(128) Giles Aplin remained at the Hankses' cottage until Tom returned from his work at the manor.
(129) I hope she does some work at home. She does bugger all in the office.
(130) Somehow, he accomplishes it and keeps doing work at the leading edge.
(131) They report to work at 8.30am on an empty stomach.
(132) You ought to get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of each week.
(133) Terry and I tried to find work at the drive-ins.
(134) Then I went to work at the Alameda naval air base, as a machinist's helper.
(135) Such values work at the expense of a positive evaluation of females.
(136) The three members contributed regular essays, or else original compositions, and criticized one another's work at group meetings.
(137) For those who love what they do, even working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week is not work at all. It is just a fun. RVM 
(138) The geologists in mission control were not best pleased as they had planned some serious scientific work at the landing site.
(139) Because I work at home, the telephone is like a lifeline to me.
(140) Fisher is very much the full-time artist and was recently invited to exhibit a work at the U. S. Senate.
(141) All of this information can be discovered by checking with those who work at the circulation desk and those who shelve books.
(142) Maise Carney notched up 44 years office work at the docks.
(143) It was what the shearmen in the woollen manufacture, who did not work at home(), regarded as usual.
(144) By and large, most of the people in the town work at the factory.
(145) There, robots work at dangerous and tedious jobs and serve as integrated parts of automated systems.
(146) Very few men took clerical orders in the hope of devoting themselves to pastoral work at parish or diocesan level.
(147) Then she was hired to work at the hospital, sterilizing surgical instruments and assisting elderly patients.
(148) The trainees work at their machines under instruction from a supervisor.
(149) She adopted an individually structured approach to teaching which allowed students to work at their own pace as and when they pleased.
(150) It might work at international level but at club level you need a hardworking manager with a good business head.
(151) Currently graphics screens reproduce 60 to 100dpi, most page printers work at 300dpi and typesetting systems operate at 1,000dpi and above.
(152) College students work at a camp for kids from the inner city, leading craft activities and sports competitions.
(153) Markets only work at the cost of perennial insecurity for producers.
(154) Get a good idea and stay with it. Do it, and work at it until it’s done right. Walt Disney 
(155) A life-long lover of magazines, he found work at everything from a fan magazine to a soft drink publication.
(156) Full-time work at $ 5. 00 an hour generates an annual income of approximately $ 10, 000.
(157) Self-employed accountants may be able to do part of their work at home.
(158) In the early 1980s, the world of work at Sparta underwent a drastic change.
(158) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(159) In initial efforts to hoodwink journalists, mine managers said there had been no work at Longshan since late May.
(160) These courses are also a preparation for work at the hardware/software interface and provide the potential for work in hardware design.
(161) I loved driving to work at first, but the novelty soon wore off.
(162) They came to his home uninvited once or twice and they would waylay him as he emerged from work at the factory.
(163) If student reports are anything to go on, the system does appear to work at Thayer.
(164) One obvious element was his willingness to work at being a good lord.
(165) Modigliani was among the painters who showed their work at the studio in the narrow street off Boulevard Montparnasse in 19 16.
(166) Read in studio A survey has revealed that pressure of work at Oxford university is making students lives a misery.
(167) It is a fitting tribute to Evans, whose centenary of starting work at Knossos will fall during the project's duration.
(168) We all need to work at forgiveness and acceptance right into our dotage.
(169) Of course you could also be looking for work at home, where the ability to travel to and fro is immaterial.
(170) The good thing about my job is that I can often work at home.
(171) The Home Handicaps Most of us would love to work at home.
(172) In the interim period, we moved to Kent to work at Hildenborough Hall.
(173) She also does two afternoons' voluntary work at the school which her children attend.
(174) Yeltsin returned to work at the end of December after five months of preparation for and convalescence from his November surgery.
(175) The largest group work at the municipal garbage dump near the banks of the river Cauca.
(176) We finish work at six, and then the cleaners come in.
(177) Security is the main mission of most of the nearly 10, 000 military personnel who will work at the Olympics.
(178) This was an indication of those gay people who work at all levels of broadcasting.
(179) My philosophy is, I leave work at 5 o'clock and forget all about it till the next day.
(180) I used to work at McDonald's making minimum wage. You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? "Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it's against the law.". Chris Rock 
(181) The implications of the work at Wharram Percy are of enormous interest for our understanding of how settlements and the landscape developed.
(182) Most work at least 40 hours a week and may work much longer on occasion to meet project deadlines.
(183) Groom these ticklish areas with a stable rubber, tea cloth or your hand and work at it gently.
(184) The questionnaire administered to parents included specific questions about work at nuclear establishments and monitoring for exposure to ionising radiation.
(185) He suggested a three-month moratorium on politics while the administration and Congress work at reaching agreements on a number of pending issues.
(186) Read in studio A family is celebrating more than five hundred years of work at a local docks.
(187) Work at the four offices involved was seriously disrupted for the day, although North Sea operations continued without interruption.
(188) Not much is said, as each young person, and Bill, is hard at work at the task at hand.
(189) Only in keeping with the bumper sticker, the driver isn't heading to work at all.
(190) To support himself and his wife, Edith, he daily gets up at 2.30am to work at Richmond bakery.
(191) None of the fathers' job descriptions given on the birth certificate referred to work at a nuclear establishment.
(192) The office staff stop work at 5: 30.
(193) Most MBA students possess the qualifications to work at top firms.
(194) Magna Carta of the Argentine Locksmiths'Union prohibits us from doing any work at that address.
(195) Thank you for your work at this important Forum. Enjoy Nairobi.
(196) For myself, I immediately got into work at Palmer's Printing House.
(197) In 1929 he went to Paris to work at the Pasteur Institute.
(198) If he's never hit a kid, then he can work at Mount Vernon.
(199) The committee recommended that recombination DNA work at Princeton be considered in this same light.
(200) She has received several official recognitions for her resourcefulness and conscientious work at this company.
(200) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(201) Ms Taiwan: Can't work at all, but still brag and quibble rascally.
(202) He did his undergraduate work at the university of Notre Dame in south Bend Indiana.
(203) Hi, I'm Nelson. I work at one of the apple retail store.
(204) But in 1949 mainspring was released to work at full strength.
(205) WB : Yes, I'll start work at the Farm Institute next month.
(206) The two did their work at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix, Arizona.




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