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单词 nobility
释义  no·bil·i·ty /nəʊˈbɪləti, nə- $ noʊ-, nə-/ noun  1. the nobility HIGH POSITION OR RANKthe group of people in some countries who belong to the highest social class and have titles such as ‘Duke’ or ‘Countess’ 贵族(阶层) SYN the aristocracy2  [uncountable]CHARACTER OF something the quality of being noble 崇高,高贵 the nobility of his intentions 他崇高的志向Examples from the Corpusnobility• But the fundamental explanation for the absence of political confrontation between Crown and nobility remained the community of interest between them.• Most of the pictures celebrate the nobility of working with one's hands.• It also explains why the Tsar was able to secure the acquiescence of the nobility.• Le Philosophe sans le savoir is also a satire on the pride and depravity of the nobility.• The families of the nobility have always fascinated the visiting public more than their historic homes and works of art.• The 22.8 million serfs privately owned by members of the nobility were emancipated.• A growing proportion of the nobility lost their ties with the land·bil·i·ty nounChineseSyllable  some in of group who people the countries Corpus




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