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单词 Globalisation
1 Globalisation is a catch-all to describe increased international trade.
2 We don't raise our fists or reject globalisation.
3 But globalisation has created a vacuum of responsibility.
4 A march against globalisation erupted into violence in Barcelona.
5 London: Granta, 1998. 19 Hoogvelt A.. Globalisation and the post-colonial world.
6 So unless some action is taken to shape globalisation the world will grow more dangerous and volatile.
7 The extent of economic globalisation is illustrated by the recent enormous growth in trade and foreign capital flows.
8 That it may even have been strengthened by globalisation will have come as an even greater shock.
9 Capitalist globalisation is increasingly emptying the old nation states of their capacity for serious political intervention.
10 Globalisation, Giddens seems to say, is about giving every villager in the Andes a Nokia internet-enabled mobile phone.
11 Uniting against globalisation is not the same as uniting against capitalism.
12 The globalisation of capital, business and governance is being matched by the globalisation of opposition.
13 Globalisation has been one factor forcing prices down, but privatisation and increased regulation have led to a tougher competitive environment.
14 Those who set the monstrosity of globalisation in train seek in vain to dissociate themselves from the effects of their actions.
15 Similarly, it was argued that globalisation spread a company's exposure to geographical vicissitudes of local economies.
16 Is globalisation for the few or for the many, Prime Minister?
17 Globalisation has spawned its own opposition in the form of non-governmental organisations.
18 If the onward march of globalisation can not be halted, the case for a more effective regional policy has become unassailable.
19 Voters are animated by new fears about global warming, genetically modified crops and globalisation.
20 The reasons they switched their allegiance included anxiety about globalisation, a rejection of political corruption and fear of immigration.
21 We should look at corporate greed, investor stupidity and lack of backbone within national governments as the down side of globalisation.
22 As the fuel protests showed, the main constraint on government is public opinion, not globalisation or corporate power.
23 During those six years Salgado, the economist who became a photographer, took pictures of the face of globalisation.
24 They were there to discuss strategies for slowing down the whirlwind of globalisation.
25 In response to the protesters, Western policymakers often trot out the line that globalisation is good for the poor.
26 The intelligence estimate portrays the pandemic as the bad side of globalisation.
27 The changes during the Nixon administration unintentionally paved the way for the uneven rise of globalisation.
28 The legal market is being driven by economic rationalisation, demographic saturation, marketplace maturation, consumer-driven deregulation and globalisation.
29 It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.
30 The debt relief campaign throws into stark relief the central contradiction of globalisation: it is to do with time.
1 Globalisation is a catch-all to describe increased international trade.
31 If globalisation is to mean anything, it has to give rights of mobility to labour as well as goods and money.
32 As long as globalisation is synonymous with economic imperialism it is worthy of the most vociferous opposition.
33 We should put on the agenda the question: what is globalisation for?
34 Economic globalisation -- entailing deregulated trade and investment -- is a mixed blessing for health.
35 Utopian rhetoric about worldwide democratic capitalism is being replaced by the more pragmatic project of globalisation in one country.
36 Globalisation, accelerated by the internet, is exposing serious flaws in the world's tax systems.
37 For governments and corporations this may be the price of popular support for globalisation on a human scale.
38 The trend toward globalisation can also be traced to the Nixon administration's modifications of the political economy of the cold war.
39 The practical results will be felt by hundreds of millions who do not spend their time debating the theory of globalisation.
40 There is also an emerging globalisation of ethical and judicial standards, which should render social and individual rights more secure.
41 With globalisation still in its infancy, the likelihood of such crises recurring is high.
42 Advocates of globalisation advise third world economic planners to divert water away from food production to increase manufacturing.
43 But Mr Brown is certainly a champion of globalisation.
44 Globalisation has vastly increased the opportunities for such business.
45 Where then does that pantomime villain, globalisation, fit in?
46 On the other hand, the effect of globalisation all-pervasive.
47 Eventually, globalisation will cease to be a dirty word.
48 The multinationals have led this globalisation of CSR, but the basic principles are now being adopted indigenously in most regions.
49 Open and competitive markets made Britain the poster child for globalisation in the rich world.
50 Quite a lot of us derive our patchy understanding of globalisation from such well - publicised high jinks.
51 T minus zero for Apollo was plus one for globalisation.
52 Certainly, the strident promoters of globalisation – politicians, big businessmen, and journalists – will have to work much harder now to bamboozle their audiences.
53 It is easy to assume, with globalisation, that a rising tide lifts all boats.
54 Globalisation exists andshort of a collapse of human society, is irreversible.
55 Jamaica's Prime Minister, JP Paterson , said globalisation had favoured a few and marginalized the weakest.
56 Unfortunately, with globalisation we are playing in the big league and our costs are not competitive.
57 And the risks of financial globalisation can also be dismissed too easily.
58 Owing to the globalisation of capital under neo-liberalism,() the ruling class recognises that the solution must be global.
59 Despite globalisation and technology, I predict a steady rise of religiosity worldwide.
60 On the other hand, the effect of globalisation is all - pervasive.
61 Works extolling the late Chinese leader, damning capitalism and attacking globalisation are laid out on shelves.
62 The answers are much the same as the globalisation of economic activity: liberalisation and technological advance.
63 Of course, globalisation is not a lose - lose proposition for the west.
64 T minus zero for Apollo was T plus one for globalisation.
65 The real issue is not globalisation, but the rise of emerging countries.
66 Yet the dead-end of economic globalisation looms clearly before Europe and America's youth: little chance of stable employment, or even affordable education.
67 Globalisation is creating an insurmountable headwind for growth in the west.
68 In turbulent economic times, globalisation has become regarded as a dirty word, tainted by a toxic mix of misinformation, misconception and misanthropy .
69 Others argue that OFCs may be an inevitable concomitant of globalisation.
70 Globalisation needs to be stopped and a new emphasis placed on local trade and local production for local needs.
71 Costs have continued to come down on account of location, technology and globalisation.
72 The no vote was driven by the most backward forces in France— the enemies of globalisation and Americanisation.
73 The onward march of globalisation is, of course, not ineluctable.
74 First, globalisation. Increasingly, economic activity is undertaken without reference to international borders.
75 Accounting is playing an important role in the process of globalisation as an world-universal commercial language and at the same time the involvers are having a higher demand for it.
76 Over the past quarter-century no country has gained more from globalisation than China.
77 Many workers are missing out on the rewards of globalisation.
78 What matters far more is the future of economic globalisation.
79 It advocates free markets and is generally in favour of globalisation.
80 The combination of globalisation and rising wealth is proving to be a bonanza for both religions.
81 Figures on the decline in world trade are horrible for anybody except anti - globalisation advocates of autarky.
82 And to the extent that there is a global guarantor of the current system, it is America, a country which as globalisation works will continue to lose relative power.
83 For better or worse, globalisation is a fact of modern life.
84 Fourth, another problem which is related to neoliberal globalisation, in which China plays an important role as WTO-member, is that the world market is more important than local markets.
85 By then it would initiate the globalisation period under China's mode.
86 Whereas the Soviet Union and America built separate economic spheres, globalisation has bound the American and Chinese economies intimately together, to mutual advantage.
87 Nevertheless,(http:///globalisation.html) the yuan's globalisation is irreversible. The only question is how fast it will globalise. Hong Kong is no doubt the best halfway house.
88 OFCs, for their part, have by and large done well out of globalisation.
89 As the late-flowering globalisation of the legal industry gathers pace, lawyers' appetite for the international qualifications needed to take advantage of it is growing.
90 It was once regarded as axiomatic that globalisation would marginalise politics.




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