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单词 hydrate
释义  hy·drate1 /ˈhaɪdreɪt/ verb [transitive]  to supply someone or something with water to keep them healthy and in good condition 给…供给水分 OPP dehydrate After you run, drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. 跑步后要多喝水,以保持体内水分充足。n Grammar Hydrate is usually passive. —hydration /haɪˈdreɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushydrate• Many of the rescued birds are being hydrated with electrolytes and kept warm on a heating pad.Related topics: Chemistryhydrate2 noun [countable] technical  HCa chemical substance that contains water 水合物,水化物Examples from the Corpushydrate• Animals were kept under light anaesthesia thereafter with ip chloral hydrate.• Another large reservoir of fossil fuels, solid gas hydrates, has recently come to public recognition.Origin hydrate2 (1800-1900) hydro-hy·drate1 verb →n GRAMMAR1hydrate2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  supply keep Corpus something someone or water with to to




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