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单词 overdeveloped
释义  o·ver·de·vel·oped /ˌəʊvədɪˈveləpt◂ $ ˌoʊvər-/ adjective  1  if a city or area is overdeveloped, too many houses, buildings, roads etc have been built there 〔某城市或地区〕发展过度的,过度开发的 an overdeveloped country 发展过度的国家2  TOO/TOO MUCHtoo great or large 过度的,过大的 You have an overdeveloped sense of duty. 你的责任感强得过分了。Examples from the Corpusoverdeveloped• The second behavior is the peculiarly overdeveloped ability of Californians to frame experience as spectacle.• Ryan has an overdeveloped sense of his own importance.o·ver·de·vel·oped adjectiveChineseSyllable  too is or many city Corpus area overdeveloped, houses, a if buildings,




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