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单词 overdone
释义 Word family  noun deed ≠ misdeed do doing adjective done overdone undone verb do outdo overdo redo undo  Related topics: Cookingo·ver·done /ˌəʊvəˈdʌn◂ $ ˌoʊvər-/ adjective  DFCcooked too much 煮得过度的,烧得太久的 OPP underdone The beef was overdone. 牛肉煮过头了。Examples from the Corpusoverdone• As usual, the fish was overdone.• His use of humour was good, and not overdone.• Nationalism is out of fashion - except on playing fields and running tracks, where it is overdone.• Some of his expressions of outrage were a little overdone.• There are, however, at least three good reasons to believe that the gloom over jobs is overdone.• This talk about a crisis of confidence in the City is overdone.• However, with the negligible stick forces of the K6E, he must have rather overdone forward movement.• He watched silently and impassively, chewing his overdone steak, and retrieving his cigarette from the ashtray between courses.o·ver·done adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus much too cooked




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