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单词 Political correctness
(1) Political correctness is the principle of avoiding language or behaviour that may offend certain groups of people.
(2) For reasons of political correctness we have been asked to withdraw our advertisement from the national press.
(3) Political correctness has had an impact on the language people use to describe women.
(4) The film may lack subtlety and political correctness, but it can be thrilling if you let it.
(5) From political correctness to the flagging tenure system, the right of unadulterated academic lip flapping seems increasingly embattled.
(6) There is no need to reclaim political correctness from its detractors.
(7) The new dictionary lays great store by so-called political correctness, especially where women are concerned.
(8) Managers must steer a middle course between political correctness and political babble.
(9) We have to live with bullies of political correctness and just-plain bullies at the top.
(10) Political correctness now debates the worthiness of many words.
(11) Yeeess! - This is political correctness amok.
(12) I am done with political correctness.
(13) In some sectors, where political correctness is a powerful force, I've been criticized for that.
(14) First half was nonsense, political correctness gone mad, and more like an advert for London Transport and what was the lollipop lady doing?
(15) Anichkin believes that political correctness is part of the British problem.
(16) The status of Arab regimes is not at the centre of the stormy debate, but the freedom of Robert Kilroy-Silk to express his opinions, free from "censorship" or "political correctness".
(17) I am not going to be a sacrificial lamb on the altar of political correctness.
(18) And if the budget train wreck ended, there would still be -- political correctness.
(19) Where Gilman scores is in her damning portrait of the evasions of political correctness.
(20) They used to call this politeness; now they call it political correctness.
(21) Women like him too, and not just for his civil rights stand and political correctness.
(22) Style in Washington hangs from the twin pillars of conservatism and political correctness.
(23) That is why you rarely see anyone sticking up for political correctness.
(24) First of all, let me say a thing or two about political correctness.
(25) The subject generates great cynicism, with critics suggesting investors are in thrall to political correctness and guilty of creating a "box-ticking" culture that stifles entrepreneurship.
(26) But the powerful party boss now worries that Breivik's massacre will lead to political correctness in Norway.
(1) Political correctness is the principle of avoiding language or behaviour that may offend certain groups of people.




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