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单词 Seized
1. Police seized various books and tapes.
2. He seized her by the arm.
3. She seized me by the wrist.
4. Her upper arms were seized in an iron grip.
5. The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.
6. He seized power in a military coup in 1981.
7. The policeman seized the thief by the arm.
8. The washing machine totally seized up on Thursday.
9. An attack of paralysis seized him.
10. They have anticipated us and seized the bridge.
11. Suddenly he seized my hand.
12. I seized him by the collar.
13. The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip.
14. Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.
15. He was immediately seized and thrown into prison.
16. She seized hold of my hand.
17. She seized her attacker by the throat.
18. The army seized the fort.
19. Panic seized me when I saw the scenes.
20. He seized the occasion to invite her home for.
21. I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me.
22. The police kept after the criminal until they seized him.http://
23. He seized on a bar and went up to them.
24. Thousands of pounds worth of drugs were seized in dawn raids yesterday.
25. Government troops have overwhelmed the rebels and seized control of the capital.
26. The dog seized the meat and bit a piece off.
27. The beggar seized hold of my wallet and ran away.
28. Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars.
29. I hewed him on his neck with my left hand,and he released his hands that seized me by the throat.
30. The thief stabbed me in the arm with a knife as he seized my bag.
1. Police seized various books and tapes.
2. He seized her by the arm.
3. Her upper arms were seized in an iron grip.
4. The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.
5. He seized power in a military coup in 1981.
6. The policeman seized the thief by the arm.
7. The washing machine totally seized up on Thursday.
8. An attack of paralysis seized him.
9. They have anticipated us and seized the bridge.
10. Suddenly he seized my hand.
11. I seized him by the collar.
12. Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.
13. He was immediately seized and thrown into prison.
14. She seized hold of my hand.
15. She seized her attacker by the throat.
16. The army seized the fort.
17. Panic seized me when I saw the scenes.
18. He seized the occasion to invite her home for.
19. I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me.
20. The police kept after the criminal until they seized him.
21. I hewed him on his neck with my left hand,and he released his hands that seized me by the throat.
22. He seized on a bar and went up to them.
23. Thousands of pounds worth of drugs were seized in dawn raids yesterday.
24. Government troops have overwhelmed the rebels and seized control of the capital.
25. The dog seized the meat and bit a piece off.
26. The beggar seized hold of my wallet and ran away.
27. Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars.
28. The thief stabbed me in the arm with a knife as he seized my bag.
29. He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.
30. He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.
31. He was writing his essay when, all of a sudden, he was seized with giddiness.
32. He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.
33. They seized on the waste tools and went away with them.
34. He seized power in a military coup.
35. Troops yesterday seized control of the broadcasting station.
36. They seized power in a military coup.
37. The following day mobs seized the Parliament building.
38. The rebels have seized power.
39. He seized the opportunity to put the ball away.
40. Another fit of coughing seized him.
41. Customs officers have seized a large shipment of cocaine.
42. His every remark is seized upon by the press.
43. He was seized with a violent attack of dysentery.
44. The bailiffs seized the car and house.
45. Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.
46. The army has seized control of the country.
47. Though stabbed, he still seized the robber.
48. He seized the bag and ran off with it.
49. She was seized by an onrush of nerves.
50. 20 kilos of heroin were seized yesterday at Heathrow.
51. The car seized up yesterday.
52. He seized me by the arm.
53. The mechanism had seized up.
54. She was seized of vast estates.
55. She promptly seized the opportunity his absence gave her.
56. The rebels seized control of the national radio headquarters.
57. She seized him by the arm.
58. The police seized various books and tapes.
59. His computer was seized under a court order.
60. Peter seized on her last comment.
31. They seized on the waste tools and went away with them.
32. Police have seized several consignments of pornography.
33. The fishing boat was seized for its trespass into restricted waters.
34. I suggested a cycling holiday, and he seized on the idea.
61. She seized the gun from him.
62. She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience.
63. The army has seized power.
64. She seized on my suggestion and began work immediately.
65. A group of soldiers seized the airport.
66. The engine suddenly seized up.
67. He was seized with pain.
68. The peace talks is being seized up.
69. Heroin worth about $5 million was seized.
70. I was suddenly seized by an attack of cramp.
71. We were seized by a sudden impulse to run.
72. They seized the airport in a surprise attack.
73. Police have seized several consignments of pornography.
74. The gunmen were seized at 1 a.m.
75. Maggie seized the letter from her.
76. 160,000 CDs were seized from illegal factories.
77. The men were seized as they left the building.
78. She seized her by the hair.
79. He was seized by curiosity.
80. He seized the book from her hand.
81. Troops have seized the airport and railroad terminals.
82. The rebel soldiers seized power in a bloodless coup.
83. Dad brought a notebook along to the beach,[] in case he was seized by sudden inspiration.
84. The fishing boat was seized for its trespass into restricted waters.
85. He seized the chance to make amends for his behavior.
86. I was suddenly seized by/with a feeling of great insecurity and loneliness.
87. The rebellious officers, having seized the radio station, broadcast the news of the overthrow of the monarchy.
88. The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press.
89. UN officials say two military observers were seized by the Khmer Rouge yesterday.
90. The firm defaulted on its debt and its assets were seized.
91. Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn'treally happening.
92. He once seized my knitting, flinging it across the room.
93. The kidnapped man was said to have been seized by five people.
94. Travis had left the door open—she seized her chance and was through it like a shot.
95. A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid.
96. She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.
97. When the opportunity came, I seized it with both hands.
98. When she saw his face, she was seized by fear.
99. They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country.
100. Customs officers at Heathrow have seized 60 kilos of heroin.
101. The old man was seized with burning hatred for the fascists.
102. She seized on every excuse to avoid doing the work.
103. Police seized drugs with a street value of £2.5 million.
104. The heroin seized has an estimated street value of £600 000.
105. The rumours were eagerly seized on by the local press.
106. During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.
107. Customs officers have seized drugs with a street value of over 1 million.
108. Ammunition was seized during a dawn raid on the flat.
109. The terrorists have seized 20 hostages and are threatening to kill one a day unless their demands are met.
110. I seized the chance to interview Chris Hani about this issue.
111. Using their high-tech wizardry, the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen property within hours of it being seized.
112. I suggested a cycling holiday, and he seized on the idea.
112. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
113. The army seized power after five days of anti-government demonstrations.
114. Spanish police have seized cocaine valued at around $53 million.
115. With a courage born of necessity, she seized the gun and ran at him.
116. Police were reported to have seized all copies of this morning's edition of the newspaper.
117. Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.
118. The soldiers fell on the villagers and seized all their weapons.
119. The rebels have seized ten soldiers to use as hostages.
120. The islands were seized by the Soviet army in the dying days of the second world war.
121. The traffic had seized up for miles because of the roadworks.
122. All of my assets were seized , including my home.
123. Men carrying sub-machine guns seized the five soldiers and drove them away.
124. The story was seized on by the tabloid press, who printed it under huge headlines.
125. The bird seized an unusually big beetle and bore it off to its nest.
126. The critics seized on my mistake and said I was ignorant.
127. A haul of stolen cars has been seized by police officers.
128. Six tons of cocaine were seized last week in Panama's biggest drug bust.
129. Customs officers have seized nearly a ton of heroin destined for New York.
130. Margaret was seized by a fit of the giggles .
131. He seized on my mistake and said I didn't understand.
132. He says there's a golden opportunity for peace which must be seized.
133. Detectives seized drugs with a street value of almost £300,000.
134. Bags of cocaine and all sorts of drug paraphernalia were seized at the airport.
135. I couldn't bear the girl to be seized and taken away by the nobleman.
136. In a devastating display of military muscle, soldiers seized the town yesterday.
137. Young kids are sometimes seized by bald eagles.
138. Her whole body was seized with a terrible cold.
139. Rohmer seized his wrist and with apparent ease, twisted.
140. But Lynwood appears to be the first city where one minority group -- Latinos -- seized control from another -- blacks.
141. In recent weeks, drugs squad officers have seized quantities of crack cocaine in Gloucester and Stroud.
142. Suddenly a coughing fit seized him and a stab of agony lanced through him from back to front.
143. I told him to shut up and I seized the door handle and gave it a good tug.
144. Then he seized the initiative in a dramatic fashion[sentence dictionary], just as he had in April 1182.
145. Much was seized for food by a starving population, and much became the casualty of unexploded mines and bombs.
146. He was seized on January 17, and by February 6 was in Moscow as a prisoner of war.
147. Every opportunity to maximise the differences between school and college life was seized.
148. Some grew to a length of two metres and were armed with immense pincers with which they seized smaller creatures.
149. The non-commissioned officers of the garrison on learning that they had been left in the lurch seized four of the remaining leaders.
150. He seized a horrible pair of forceps and I closed my eyes as he started flexing his muscles.
151. Recovering, Emmie seized the thin old hearthrug and began to beat at the flames.
152. Anyway, they've seized on this legal brouhaha as an example of Albion's perfidy, so to speak.
153. The law was amended so that profits from drug dealing could be seized by the government.
154. Voice over Trading Standards officers raided a factory in North Oxfordshire last month and seized files and company records.
155. It was also reported that considerable quantities of files and computer disks had been seized during the raids.
156. She seized hold of the door handle and tried to open it.
157. It was true that less developed countries had seized educational technology; whereas the developed countries had resisted it.
158. With tight defence budgets, Trinidad is trying to change the law to make use of seized assets a priority.
159. The research ship Solo was seized when it crossed into territorial waters.
160. He seized the broomstick between his strong teeth and began to leap about, trying to wrest it from Angela's grasp.
161. Uncontrolled and dazed, he seized the rim of the desk and heaved with a burst of anger.
162. He was seized by an elemental hunger but made himself eat slowly.
163. He went back to the carrel, seized his pen and continued to write out everything he knew.
164. As I left the cinema I was seized in an irresistible spasm of shivering.
165. Dao Van Lat studied his naked body in the long mirror and was seized afresh with an exhilaration of awe.
166. It is knocked to the ground by a heavy blow, seized by the throat or mouth and quickly suffocated.
167. Early that January a bitter wind blowing off the far Urals seized East Anglia in a grip of ice.
168. Infuriated, he seized the goblet, leapt on his horse and galloped away.
169. When the receivers were called in, fraud squad officers seized eight tons of documents.
170. The equipment manufactured and distributed by Mr Bowitz is far more complex than gear seized in previous investigations, the agencies said.
171. Three minutes later Sharp was denied by Chamberlain, but Milligan seized on the loose ball to score.
172. And behind bars ... puppy is seized in rabies scare.
173. March 6: Four people arrested and £1,[]000-worth of drugs seized after a bus is stopped on the Holywood Road in Belfast.
174. But when she reached the vicinity of her garden she was seized with a sudden embarrassment.
175. Then on Sunday, investigators seized 500 pounds of stolen dynamite cached at a Vallejo house.
176. Heseltine, by contrast, seized every opportunity to be interviewed, as well as campaigning actively at Westminster.
177. The army seized control, occupied many campuses, and closed all universities.
178. Louise saw him miss the beat, and she seized the moment, stepping forward.
179. The animal was seized after being brought ashore illegally from a foreign ship.
180. Confiscated boats and planes could be used by law enforcement agencies and seized money used to train and better equip the forces.
181. Republicans seized control of both houses of Congress, picking up a whopping 117 House seats along the way.
182. Deadwood was an opportunity he could not afford to give up, and so she seized the chance for a visit home.
183. Gunmen have driven countless people from their villages and seized or burned their homes.
184. Finally I seized his scruff, took a fistful of fur.
185. Police reported they had seized appliances, clothing, video and audio tapes from 30 warehouses and storage areas.
186. The supposed one-to-one correspondence between thing and symbol was seized upon for two reasons.
187. Terror suddenly hit her like an iron arrow in the breastbone and her throat seized up and she choked.
188. July 4: 300 kilos of cannabis resin and herbal cannabis worth up to £3m seized from a Northern Ireland-registered lorry in Dover.
189. It was very uncertain whether Henry would be able to retain the crown he had seized.
190. Any work which demonstrated ancient Germanic culture was seized upon and given official patronage.
191. Anti-abortion groups have seized upon the few that have shown an adverse effect,() not the many that have not.
192. One, who was seized at a farmhouse in Kent, is aged 62.
193. Davis regained his lease to the river frontage, but this was quickly seized by the sheriff for non-payment of debt.
194. The Great Exhibition of 1851 brought him an excellent opportunity to expand his business and he seized it with relish.
195. Stupidly, without calculation, she was seized by the need to retaliate.
196. They dispersed a crowd of whites and seized weapons in the black section of town.
197. Dara seized a kitchen knife and tried to defend himself, but the thugs overpowered him.
198. She went through the house door leading into the garage, seized a rake and plunged into the cold wind.
199. Later, they seized the town and contributed to the downfall of the Empire.
200. The anti-Roman faction in the royal household seized power and totally upset the careful arrangements made and fostered by Rome.
201. Course officials fear the seized batch isn't the end of the story.
202. At first the other orderlies had merely seized upon it as an excuse for extra banter.
203. Fidel would be seized by cramps, vomiting and fits of coughing, just like the long-tailed primates,[] and horribly die.
204. Eventually, environmental health officers seized Mary Carruthers' stereo system and speakers after a petition from neighbours.
205. She seized the black leather strap dangling near the hall mirror and beat the gong for lunch.
206. Ninety federal agents arrested the seven Bay Area defendants Wednesday and seized more than 800 additional guns.
207. Some 4,000 police and customs officers took part and stolen cars, cash and weapons were also seized.
208. He suddenly seized her under the armpits and swung her round and round, until she was breathless.
209. She seized the handle, but the impetus was too great, and it was wrenched from her convulsive grasp.
210. He expected these waterways to be seized on his behalf by the Union navy.
211. August 20: Cannabis plants worth £2,500 seized by drugs squad officers at a house in the Waterside area of Londonderry.
212. She was gasping for air, then her throat seized closed and she fainted.
213. The slim man had seized the whip, and after two more murderous kicks, commenced to thrash the defenceless coachman.
214. Her brain, as usual, seemed to have seized up in Roman's overpowering company.
215. Their suitcases had been seized by the hall porter and an ageing bell-boy, both avid for Kent cigarettes.
216. Her flailing hand slipped down to the pack, wrenching its cords open, just as cruel fingers seized her arm.
217. He seized the assets of all those he held, doubtless exceeding his authority in cases of the very wealthy.
218. Trading standards officers have seized counterfeit goods with a face value of thousands of pounds.
219. Springing from behind fat fluted columns, they seized two skaters and snapped their necks.
220. He seized the demented man round the shoulders and began to drag him back to safety.
221. Panic seized him and he felt he was about to lose everything by a small error of judgment.
222. Police seized 30,000 bootleg tapes in a raid last night in Brooklyn.
223. Otherwise, day after day, a restlessness had seized her again, to be afraid.
224. Their attitudes to literature, art, fashion, politics were seized upon, devoured, turned over, re-sited.
225. The brake-pad bindweed had returned and everything was seized up in the early-seventies.
226. I coined it but my good friend Will Shakespeare seized it for himself.
227. The clever ones soon discovered that while banknotes could be seized a bank balance could not.
228. In 1983 a group of leftist army officers led by Thomas Sankara seized power.
229. The criminal seized on the new opportunity for a quick get-away across state boundaries.
230. Duke Wolf, believes that the enemy forces could have seized Dau Tieng had they realized how weak defenses had become.
231. The defeated were either beheaded or brought back as slaves and their property seized by their captor.
232. An important cash advantage or money making opportunity can be seized.
233. Houston also seized the mental high ground for a possible playoff matchup,[] which could occur as early as the first round.
234. Phillips seized on a long ball and found himself with only Manninger to beat.
235. The new government banned books, seized passports, expelled foreigners, and legalized detention without trial.
236. Additionally, some of the worker's surplus was seized by the feudal lord.
237. The police seized an escaping convict.
238. The escaped convict was seized outside the city.
239. Our soldiers, working with the Bosnian government, seized terrorists who were plotting to bomb our embassy.
240. He said that anyone trying to export goods without proof of ownership would have them seized.




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