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单词 Lodging
1, We are lodging with Mr. Brown.
2, It's £90 a week for board and lodging .
3, Who will look to his board and lodging?
4, He pays £90 a week board and lodging.
5, Several of them board at the same lodging house.
6, The landlord provides board and lodging .
7, I'm lodging at Mrs Brown's /with Mrs Brown.
8, He pays 40 a week board and lodging.
9, He was given free lodging in a three-room flat.
10, Do you have lodging for tonight?
11, The bill is inclusive of the food and lodging.
12, Where are you lodging?
13, There was a small hotel, or lodging house.
14, Prescott offers plenty of lodging choices.
15, She got herself back to the lodging somehow.
16, The tourist office will send you information on lodging.
17, Enter, then, one expects, the lodging agreement in lieu of the previously favoured licence agreement.
18, MacLauchlan never married, lodging in the Lambeth and Clapham areas of London when not engaged on archaeological work.
19, Color photographs,(http:///lodging.html) lodging and restaurant listings and maps enhance the directory.
20, These travellers normally require food, lodging, hospitality and service of a good standard.
21, His vision included slum brigades, lodging houses, eating houses, legal aid and the first labour exchange.
22, The purchase provides the Rowling family with lodging properties that carry instant name recognition, analysts said.
23, You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.
24, Each student has to pay $100 a month for board and lodging.
25, Lee's solicitor said last night that they would be lodging an appeal against the sentence.
26, The chief witness was allowed to leave the town only after lodging a sworn statement with the police.
27, How kind of Bill to get our board and lodging ready.
28, The collective community charge applies to some houses in multiple occupation, some lodging houses and some hostels.
29, As far as they are concerned, I had thoughtfully provided them convenient lodging when I built the cabin.
30, Their wage was £1 0s. 0d. each per week, plus food and lodging.
1, We are lodging with Mr. Brown.
2, It's £90 a week for board and lodging .
3, You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.
4, Each student has to pay $100 a month for board and lodging.
5, Do you have lodging for tonight?
6, The bill is inclusive of the food and lodging.
7, The chief witness was allowed to leave the town only after lodging a sworn statement with the police.
31, We need as little as possible of the concept of board and lodging and bed and breakfast.
32, Growth promoters reduce stem height, but agronomic factors influence crop lodging heavily.
33, Approaching the lodging house it looks as if the old harridan has got a gang together to repel unwelcome boarders.
34, For lodging information, begin by calling the ski resort of your choice.
35, No camping or lodging will be available until a later date.
36, With limited exceptions, shops and lodging facilities are shuttered during the harsh winters.
37, Some will spend their giro cheque on a room in a lodging house.
38, Cost for a course including full board and lodging is £175.
39, No objections have been received and the period for lodging objections has now elapsed.
40, Moreover, all Soviet art education was state financed and students got materials, free board and lodging, and pocket money.
41, Following the lodging of Defences, procedure is not massively dissimilar to that in the Sheriff Court.
42, She thought of the noise of the lodging houses with the chorus girls shrieking at each other and larking in the corridors.
43, He wondered if he would be able to stand the lodging house for much longer.
44, The Abbey's property consisted largely of lodging houses in Crown Street, interspersed with public houses, stables and workshops.
45, Mr. Wigley Does the Minister accept that board and lodging is a second-best provision for those families?
46, Sea Ixora remained silent as they drove back to the lodging house in Castries.
47, For once some contributions to her funds were assured, since delegates would be charged a small fee for their food and lodging.
48, This Sunday everyone is worried because the Pastor has just given Mrs Cigans a bill for food and lodging.
49, This man was lodging himself like an irritating burr under her skin.
49, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
50, Nurses lodge 10 Nurses are on a collision course with the Government after lodging a claim for a ten percent pay rise.
51, Weekends are $ 225 a person and include lodging, Saturday meals and Sunday breakfast and the workshop.
52, For one thing, most other potential bidders have expertise in either lodging or gaming, not both.
53, The lodging of a compensation form, a simple enough matter, here required a respect for ritual.
54, As a result, my telephone and fax bill is much greater than the bill for board and lodging.
55, At a conservative estimate they had cost considerably more than she had just paid for her night's lodging.
56, His hospitality knew no respect of persons; the abbey-gates stood open for all comers who needed either refreshment or lodging ....
57, The partners in the development have started a public consultation process ahead of lodging the planning application.
58, You also get reduced prices for golf and lodging that make the Panhandle a tremendous bargain.
59, David was coming from his own lodging, pale and grave and preoccupied, with his child-wife by the hand.
60, An important factor to consider is the proximity of your lodging to the slopes and to nightlife.
61, Her salary was £85 perannum with board and lodging, rising to £95 after one year.
62, Mrs Gould and her niece are lodging in the Rising Sun.
63, All council members donate their time, and the district being evaluated pays for travel, lodging, and food.
64, It seemed cheap at the price - five guineas for travel and a month's board and lodging.
65, As a punitive measure, the mayor closed black lodging houses and hotels at public insistence.
66, He sat down on a sofa which he realised was slightly longer than his cubicle in the lodging house.
67, He describes lodging in the beautifully furnished house of a respectable widow with artistic tastes, who had been impoverished by inflation.
68, The second might be found in greater numbers among the inhabitants of lodging houses in great cities.
69, Our everyday language reinforces the conception of the womb as a permanent space, an empty lodging waiting for a tenant.
70, Of course, Alladice can occupy his time in custody by lodging any number of formal complaints.
71, In 1989 the board and lodging allowance varied from £140 to £230 a week depending upon the category of resident.
72, These might include some bed and breakfast hotels, lodging houses or certain types of hostel.
73, He points out that customers must first complain to the Tessa provider before lodging a claim with the ombudsman.
74, They sang and giggled all their way to every quiet lodging house and noisily whispered goodnight on the pavements.
75, A tall man waited at the stable entrance of the lodging house where Lucille Castineau had rented two attic rooms.
76, Landladies were among the more frequent visitors to Bloomsbury House as the records indicate: Often, lodging and employment went together.
77, Thirty-five dollars per day per person includes all his services as well as food, lodging and trekking permits.
78, She turned into an expert at coaxing food and lodging invitations out of perfect strangers.
79, Residents stood shivering in the chilly night air as Red Cross officials scrambled to find them lodging after they fled their homes.
80, Lodging: Resort lodging ranges from motel rooms to three-bedroom cabins with fireplaces and full kitchens.
81, Lodging was less, despite more nitrogen fertiliser and a cheaper growth promoter programme.
82, This would include a sum, if necessary, for any board and lodging provided for the substitute housekeeper.
83, It evades capture by lodging itself inside the very muscles of the pursuer.
84, Reluctantly, I let her lead me to a lodging database, then to a rather entertaining multiple-choice quiz.
85, However he recollected himself, and tramped through the wet to find a lodging.
86, They have tracked the man Feliks to his lodging.
87, He had much ado in finding out his lodging.
88, It is a Grade II Listed lodging house.
89, We are lodging a claim for inferior quality.
90, It was a grasshopper lodging house.
91, They partook of our lodging at night.
92, We have substantial evidence for lodging a claim.
93, Peter is lodging at Mrs. Jones'house.
94, Where can you find lodging for the night?
95, This old prison in Mount Gambier has been transformed into a lodging aimed at budget travelers.
96, And so it pleased me, in a half-laughing way, to leave pieces of money on the turf as I went along, until I had left enough for my night's lodging.
97, I pay 30 pounds a week for board and lodging ( or : bed and board ).
98, The schoolteacher found lodging in the house of his pupils'parents.
99, The rules, procedure and conditions for the lodging of the complaint by the voters under paragraph one shall be in accordance with the organic law on counter corruption.
100, Basing a global civilisation on the empowerment of a few thousand and the impoverishment of six billion is like lodging depth charges in the planetary core.
101, The construction of Beijing University Wu Daokou student lodging house began in Beijing at the end of 2000.
102, For lodging, "with the return of the business traveler, [hoteliers] are going to be more aggressive in trying to recapture the money they have lost over the last two years."
103, For harvesting lodging maize, the inclination angle of the ear snapping unit relative to the ground is reduced, and a front plant holding plate of a plant holding device is lowered toward the ground.
104, If you're after free board and lodging in return for hard graft on an organic farm head to
105, A lot of red flags are hanging in the lodging house .
106, A public lodging house serving food and drink to travelers; a hotel.
107, Families never pay St. Jude for treatment and St. Jude covers the cost of food, travel and lodging for patients and a family member.
108, Along with native foods like lemon grass and capers, he raises bok choy, tomatoes and corn, sometimes with the help of volunteers who come to work for a month or so in return for food and lodging.
109, According to the producer, on 1st the two filmed in outdoor field, where Haeyoung (played by SSH) and Li Seol (played by KTH) watched a movie in the yard of a lodging house.
109, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
110, But when the differences of plant height were little , mechanical strength of culm determined lodging resistance.
111, Next morning she rose up early, paid for her night's lodging and set out for Scarborough.
112, Cerone (ethephon) is now available for lodging control in cereals in the United States, and we have used it in our more recent studies.
113, I'm lodging at Mrs Brown's ( house ) / with Mrs Brown.
114, He could not stay in his silent lodging when they were gone.
115, Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them!
116, Accountant: Full-time, the person that have working experience is preferential, wage scale is discussed, company but arrange board and lodging.
117, The men in that lodging house are a rough and noisy crew.
118, This man is lodging with a certain Simon , a tanner, whose house is by the sea.
119, Do you feel tired today, go back your lodging house have a rest for a while.
120, The main results were as follows:1 . Plant height, culm thickness and biomass per plant were correlated to the lodging index at the 1% level of significance.
121, It was this old woman, ornamented with the name of the principal lodger, and in reality intrusted with the functions of portress, who had let him the lodging on Christmas eve.
122, Tuttle had not offered lodging, but the limner willingly slept in the stable with his mare for company, and ate in the kitchen.
123, There was an endless round of institutions, municipal and eleemosynary, on which he might set out and receive lodging and food accordant with the simple life.
124, The very helpful oceanfront tourist office offers maps, good tips on scenic outings and lodging information.
125, My friend Mr Bunce will be able to find you a night's lodging.
126, He wondered how all these other lodging - house people around him got along.
127, Beijing Chateau Laffitte Hotel, a European-style lodging house in the north suburbs of the city, is reported to be hosting the Chinese and American super-rich guests starting at 5 pm.
128, In addition, Anstar alfalfa and Kitawakaba et al. were lodging resistant and had good orthotropism , which were suitable for mechanized harvesting.
129, He paid his three guineas a week regularly for board and lodging, baths costing extra.
130, The Principle of Equidistance: Choose lodging ( eg. hotel ) equidistance to all Service Points.
131, Objective: To prevent theperforation of nasal septum due to button battery lodging in nose.
132, By researching, We can find that not only in lodging a complaint, processing question, but also doing a final judgement, judge has tendentiousness to the gentleman.
133, Their lodging is always kept with a soldierly cleanliness and order.
134, Not unless you give me back twenty dollars and two years'board and lodging. ".
135, In St Petersburg he went cold and hungry while working as a signwriter to earn the money to pay his school fees and board and lodging.
136, You will have difficulty ( in ) finding a good lodging house in the city.
137, The Principle of Stewardship: Choose lodging place ( eg. hotel ) that is cheap and within budget.
138, This hybrid has the character of high resistance and lodging, endurable to drought and barren resistance.
139, Overman is a new human nature which Nietzche looked forward to and his last temporary lodging to reevaluate all the value.
140, A woman in Bristol read about her in a newspaper and recognized her as a girl who had stayed at her lodging house not too long before.
141, It could also restore the cilium from adhesion, lodging and shedding, thus improve the high reactivity and remodeling of the airway tract.
142, However, with the developing of yield level, lodging and Sclerotinia stem rot are the main factors limiting high yield and yield stability.
143, It happened one day that the son of a king, while riding in the forest, came by chance upon the dwarfs' house and asked for a night's lodging.
144, There were a row of lodging - homes, behind them a railway station.
145, I mentioned recently that BF did the preliminary budget per person, and came out to $9700 per person for our trip which includes food, lodging, transportation and flights but not personal shopping.
146, Results: Jin - Shui - Liu - Jun - Jian decoction can prevent the scaling, lodging and adherence of the trachea cilia of the chronic bronc...
147, So we find Angel Clare at six-and-twenty here at Talbothays as a student of kine, and, as there were no houses near at hand in which he could get a comfortable lodging, a boarder at the dairyman's.
148, Again he resorted to the Bowery lodging - house, brooding over where to look.
149, The Customs may, if necessary, post men in the warehouses on supervisory missions. The warehouse keepers should provide them with offices and board and lodging.
150, Specialists in chalet and lodging accommodation in ski resorts throughout Europe and North America.
151, At the time when this story began , there were seven people in the lodging house .
152, It is an old messuage and my daughter's lodging is a row of old - fashioned houses.
153, We received food and lodging in requital for ( or of ) our services.
154, We are lodging a claim with you for the short weight.
155, Philemon 1 : 22 But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.
156, The hybrid is resistant to head smut aphids, leaf disease, lodging, drought and waterlogging.
157, The contestants will be provided free board and lodging at CMS International Guest House, CMS Kanpur Road, Lucknow.
158, You generally cannot deduct lodging and meals unless you stay away overnight. Meals may be partially deductible as an entertainment expense, as discussed below.




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