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单词 Ultraviolet light
(1) Sun lotions screen out damaging ultraviolet light.
(2) Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer.
(3) Avoid too much exposure to damaging ultraviolet light.
(4) Ultraviolet light is a mixed blessing as far as living things are concerned.
(5) Ultraviolet light, hydrogen peroxide and ozone assure crystal-clear, clean water.
(6) Strictly speaking the extreme ultraviolet light does not come from a laser, but it does retain the coherence of the original.
(7) Some systems use ultraviolet light to destroy harmful organisms.
(8) Bees can see ultraviolet light.
(9) Some systems use ultraviolet light to destory harmful organisms.
(10) Ultraviolet light is needed to activate production of vitamin D in the body, which prevents rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
(11) As a result, every transplanted cell glowed under ultraviolet light and was easy to trace.
(12) The phosphine and arsine absorb the ultraviolet light much more strongly than does silane, causing them to be deposited out on the walls of the container.
(13) The effect of plasticizer DOP on the ultraviolet light(UV) ageing properties of PVC was studied by means of mechanical properties test, SEM and FT-IR.
(14) Urine reflects ultraviolet light. And to a kestrel searching for food, these trails are perfectly visible from the air.
(15) The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it.
(16) Cholecalciferol is produced by irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol with ultraviolet light either from the sun or from an artificial source .
(17) If a mutant strain appears that eschews recombination, it proves to be especially susceptible to damage by ultraviolet light.
(18) Most of the clusters, intriguingly, are in mountainous areas, where levels of ultraviolet light are high.
(19) Other experts suggested the use of high-frequency sound waves or ultraviolet light.
(20) Right, the same flower as seen by a bee, photographed in ultraviolet light.
(21) The amplified products were electrophoresed through a 1.5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide and viewed under ultraviolet light.
(22) Ozone in the stratosphere forms a natural shield to filter harmful ultraviolet light.
(23) Melanin producing cells in our bodies are activated by ultraviolet light from the sun and can have a protective effect.
(24) Such gases, mixed with water vapour, were subjected to electrical discharge and ultraviolet light.
(25) Fastaged beef is held at about 70-F for two days at high humidity levels; ultraviolet light is used to control spoilage.
(26) Freeze-dried vaccine was mixed with the vinyl-pyrrolidone monomer before being placed into microneedle molds and polymerized at room temperature using ultraviolet light.
(27) Calgon Carbon Engineered Solutions offers oxidation and disinfection technologies that use medium pressure ultraviolet light to purify water.
(28) This paper introduced the degradation mechanism of polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) under the irradiation of ultraviolet light.
(29) And then,() underneath a secret message hidden comes out under a ultraviolet ultraviolet light.
(30) A ghost crab eats oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill, shown glowing yellow-orange under ultraviolet light, at Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola (map), Florida.
(31) PDP uses electrons in a high - pressure discharge to produce ultraviolet light.
(32) A spectrograph device can use the near-infrared light bouncing off an apple to show evidence of damage. The ultraviolet light can show contaminants.
(33) Past studies have found that the calcium carbonate exoskeletons of corals that make up reefs fluoresce under ultraviolet light, suggesting that they absorb UV rays.
(34) Could be further use of ultraviolet light, natural purple jade in the general non-fluorescent under ultraviolet light reaction, or there are some weak response.
(35) And then , underneath it, we have a secret message hidden comes out of under ultraviolet light.
(36) About 90 percent of such cancers are caused by ultraviolet light from the sun.
(37) Illuminated by ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit from within. The coral absorbs the invisible ultraviolet light, then emits wild orange visible light.
(38) Calgon Carbon Engineered Solutions offers oxidationdisinfection technologies that use medium pressure ultraviolet light to purify water.
(39) For most cooling water applications, corona discharge is the method of choice because ultraviolet light produces less than 0.5% ozone versus about 1.5% for corona discharge for the same energy input.
(40) The Board is posive photoptic , exposed under ultraviolet light, no image area.
(41) When exposed to ultraviolet light, azobenzene molecules rearrange themselves internally, a process called isomerisation.
(42) Fluorescing in ultraviolet light, the cast off material trails behind the giant star as it plows through the surrounding interstellar medium at 130 kilometers per second.
(43) Will this type of sun block protect me ultraviolet light?
(44) Titanium white is an excellent and expensive pigment, but usually effloresces under the ultraviolet light.
(45) Fumed silica from silicon tetrachloride vapor in an oxyhydrogen flame hydrolysis, compared with natural silica, silica of high purity silica, inert, resistance to ultraviolet light.
(46) Ultraviolet light and nitrous acid are the mutagens of choice for T. viride -285. They are highly effective when used together.
(47) Ultraviolet light from the hot cluster stars causes the surrounding nebula to glow.
(48) Based on different action principle, light stabilizers were defined as ultraviolet light screening agent, ultraviolet absorbent, quencher and free radical catching agent.
(49) Frequently, a fluorescent material is combined with the particles so that discontinuities can be readily detected visually under ultraviolet light.
(50) Gerba is a consultant to the makers of Purell hand sanitizer , Clorox bleach and the Oreck antibacterial vacuum cleaner, which uses ultraviolet light to kill germs on your rug.
(51) In 1995 the mind-boggling discovery was made by Finnish researchers that some birds-of-prey see a wider colour spectrum than we do: including ultraviolet light.
(52) In this paper, the affects of temperature and ultraviolet light on the stability and mildewproof effect of sorbic acid and ethyl-p-hydroxybenzoate used as food preserving agent, was studied.
(53) Danish physician and anatomist who showed that ultraviolet light could kill bacteria.
(54) We can protect skin from ultraviolet light by using a sunblock.
(55) The stability and biological activity of methomyl solution under ultraviolet light were investigated.
(56) Such displays of ultraviolet light on Earth are referred to as the northern and southern lights.
(57) It was found that the polymers could he cured under ultraviolet light, and the curing speed and unsaturation convention of PA174 were higher than those of PA151.
(58) Objective To study the action spectrum of ultraviolet light in chronic actinic dermatitis (CAD).
(59) To make sure the enucleation, ultraviolet light is used to check DNA located in the polar body and the metaphase plate.
(60) UV ink: Inks which are chemically reactive to ultraviolet light.
(61) There is no cure, But treatment with drugs and ultraviolet light may help.
(62) Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light.
(63) The strain BX - 2 ( Bacillus subtilis ) was matagenized by ultraviolet light and DES , a high - D - ribose - producing strain ( BY - 5 ) was obtained.
(64) Black holes gravitationally draw gas and dust into them, accelerating and heating this attracted matter until it emits high-energy radiation, including X-rays and ultraviolet light.
(65) These gases are ionised by ultraviolet light from the remaining core and glow, resulting in nebulae that take on a variety of shapes and sizes.
(66) Such tunability might be achieved by many means: ultraviolet light, electricity, temperature, solvent and acidity.
(67) The image was recorded in extreme ultraviolet light emitted by ionized Helium, an element originally identified in the solar spectrum.
(68) On its own , titania works as a catalyst for this reaction in ultraviolet light.
(69) Microscopic scales covering the wings absorb ultraviolet light and then re - emit it.
(70) Physical methods, including ultraviolet light irradiation, adsorption and electrostatic air filters and other methods.
(71) Like most of the features in the image, this area is visible due to ionisation of the surrounding gas by the ultraviolet light of a young cluster of stars within.
(72) The ultraviolet light is then converted to visible light by phosphors on the surface of the discharge tube.
(73) The concerns stem from a small body of research indicating that oxybenzone, which blocks ultraviolet light, may mimic the effects of estrogen in the body and promote the growth of cancer cells.
(74) Although hydrocarbons have long been known to fluoresce, or glow, under ultraviolet light, this may be the first time the technology has been used outside a lab to spot oil.
(75) A programmable read - only memory that can be erased by exposure to ultraviolet light and then reprogrammed.
(76) Now(/ultraviolet light.html), we have mastered technique of LPG fabrication with ultraviolet light in our lab.
(77) "The LEDs produce a slightly unnatural blueish light. As the acrylic ages, it becomes slightly yellowed and crazed through exposure to ultraviolet light, " he said.




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