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单词 How far
1. No matter how far we will be very good.
2. How far does the road continue?
3. How far is it to Shinjuku?
4. No matter how far away forever, I will protect you everything.
5. How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerate of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of this.
6. How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.
7. How far is it from the school to the station?
8. How far gone are you?
9. I don't know how far to rely on him.
10. Carrie doesn't care how far she has to walk.
11. How far have you got with that report?
12. How far does your memory go back?
13. Try how far you can throw.
14. How far back can you trace your family tree?
15. How far does war bring about social change?
16. How far is it to town?
17. How far is human nature determined by biology?
18. How far is it from Australia to New Zealand?
19. How far is it to the next services?
20. How far is it to your house from here?
21. How far apart should the speakers be?
22. I don't care how far I'll have to go.
23. How far is Boston from New York?
24. How far does this new pistol carry?
25. How far does the tradition go back?
26. Distance doesn't mean separation,[sentencedict .com]the longing feeling remains the same no matter how far it is.I'm your friend on the journey of life.
27. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
28. The reason why people give up so quickly is because they look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come.
29. Take a few minutes to appreciate what you have and how far you've come.
30. Life is challenge, not to stand high mountains,but you see how far.
1. How far is it to Shinjuku?
2. How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.
3. How far is it from the school to the station?
4. How far is it from here to Nottingham? — Twenty miles as the crow flies.
31. How far can we trust him?
32. How far is it to London from here?
33. How far is it from here?
34. How far does zoo's land go down?
35. How far away is the station?
36. How far can you throw?
37. How far is it to the station?
38. How far have we walked?
39. How far does your land extend?
40. How far do you think the traditional feminine role has changed?
41. You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is.
42. It's still not clear how far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans.
43. How far is it from here? —Just around the corner.
44. How far do those old,[/how far.html] outdated laws affect today's legislation?
45. You lived to tell the tale this time but who knows how far you can push your luck.
46. Think of how far we have come in a little time.
47. How far will members have progressed towards harmonising their economies?
48. The man didn't say how far it was to the next town.
49. They couldn't tell exactly how far away the bridge was.
50. Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended.
51. Though the shoreline could be dimly seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.
52. How far the republics can give practical help, however, is uncertain.
53. How far is it from here to Nottingham? — Twenty miles as the crow flies.
54. It is difficult to comprehend how far away the stars are.
55. The question is, how far is down?
56. You note how far you've gone.
57. How far is your present home from your birthplace?-14.
58. Iron deficiency anaemia - how far to investigate?
59. Excuse me, how far is it to Times Square?
60. It helps her remember how far things have come.
61. How far were the rules of scientific methodology infringed?
62. How far away is all this?
63. How far is it to the nearest gas station?
64. How far is Denver from here?
65. How far has the city grown outwards since 1900?
66. How far away that really means.
67. How far were such opportunities a new departure?
68. How far have we gone today?
68. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
69. How far have some of us changed in our outlook and how many have not changed at all?
70. Look how far the head has moved past the ball.
71. How far do women determine the occupational positions and behaviour of their husbands?
72. This would allow direct measurement of how far senescence in the original population had been caused by accumulation of partially recessive mutations.
73. It is important to wrestle with questions of how far a belief corresponds to reality or is illusory.
74. How far is it affected by motivation, by a clear sense of purpose, as with the microwave ovens?
75. It's amazing how far a body can be thrown when it's hit by a fast-moving vehicle.
76. How far and deep must one go to follow the identity of a given toe until it becomes lost in the interior?
77. So, haunted by images of funeral pyres of livestock, how far should we go to support farmers and auxiliary industries?
78. Foxes and other hunting animals need to know how far to pounce to catch their prey.
79. How far are market forces in this area more influential in determining who gets what housing than state intervention?
80. Nomatterwhere we go in space, nor how far back in time, we find power.
81. The event demonstrated how deeply seated were the suspicions of both sides, and how far apart their views.
82. How far does she commit herself to Proteus, and does she really criticise herself?
83. Mainstream modernism has often measured its modernity in terms of how far it dispenses with nature / naturalism.
84. Deciding Without Hearing How far is the decision-maker allowed to determine a matter without a hearing?
85. How far do you have to carry hay, bedding and water buckets?
86. How far the other goddesses in the Minoan pantheon were separate independent deities is very hard to tell.
87. The prognosis is perhaps for a euro recovery, but how far is it likely to move?
88. She had played with that line before and probably, as a doctor, thought she knew how far she could go.
89. They therefore look to social stratification to see how far it meets these functional prerequisites.
90. How far were they newly promoted from the lower social ranks?
91. It is a gradual, continuously varying effect on how far you can walk, and how fast.
92. Now declare how far you want to fire the mortar shell.
93. The codes govern everything from how wide a driveway can be to how far back from the street something can be built.
94. Even so, few foresaw how far and how fast the autonomy system would develop.
95. We shall never succeed in reaching an agreement on how far back we must go.
96. In the questionnaire, a large number of teachers are asked how far they agree or disagree with the statements.
97. However you should exercise caution in how far you extend a metaphor.
98. She swallowed deeply, wondering just how far he would go in order to try to force her to comply with his will.
98. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
99. She was quite calm and told me to get a watch and try and time how far apart the pains were.
100. How far does the knowledge that the state will tax away high salaries deter people from entering high-earning and demanding jobs?
101. How far homeworkers share similar conditions and perceptions of their situation can therefore be fully investigated.
102. Yet how far was the fabric of life in the countryside torn by the forces of the New World?
103. All trainee managers follow the same route; how fast and how far they develop depends entirely on their individual performance.
104. Sally lived in a happy whirl marred only by worrying about how far she should go.
105. Roberts's evidence suggests that there has been considerable variation historically in how far support structures extend to more distant kin.
106. It is up to him to ascertain how far he wishes to travel and by what route.
107. The quotations above illustrate this left-wing frankness, and show how far political allegiances in some cases determine selection policy.
108. For me, a key test will be how far the social provisions can be incorporated into the Maastricht agreement.
109. How far can women be said to be colluding in their own lower employment status?
110. She looked suspiciously and said how far, how long etc.
111. How far these variations affected the ability of tenants to sublet is difficult to determine in the absence of objective criteria.
112. The exact location is important, as are details of when the accident happened and how far some one has fallen.
113. He never detected any difference in speed, no matter how far apart the hills he and his assistants climbed.
114. How far can a style be identified with an aggregate of statistical features?
115. Returning brought back the pain, but it also brought home to her how far she had traveled.
116. The outcome showed both how near and how far Bohr had been with his improvising stab at reality.
117. Once that is accomplished, just imagine how far the two companies can carry this marvelous idea.
118. Among other things, we shall have to examine how far the hopes and claims of librarians match up to present realities.
119. How far Blake and Mouton were pioneers in this field is open to dispute.
120. And how far back can the Neanderthal lineage be traced?
121. This is an indication of how far government policy has undermined local planning authority priorities on the ground.
122. A two-day general strike last week was indicative of just how far Mr Mugabe has outmanoeuvred his opponents.
123. The answer depends in part on arithmetic, and on how far short the Conservatives are of the 326 seats needed.
124. How far Gloucester built up a local following is unclear.
125. How far are they a consequence of the teacher's assumptions about and expectations of the children in question?
126. How far is such a model serviceable for language learning?
127. Miss Logan calculated how far away their horses were tethered, and was not encouraged.
128. How far, for instance,[/how far.html] do Middle-March and an imagist haiku resemble each other?
129. How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world. William Shakespeare 
130. Christians may hold very different positions as to how far it is normative.
131. The aim is to discover how far mutation has depressed survival and fertility below their optimal values.
132. Probably the party would come in plain dinner dresses, just to show how far above such things they were.
133. He had little idea as to how far they had come and had lost count of how many times they had fallen.
134. The Santuccis are no fools, they know how far they have fallen.
135. If you approach a river, how far away from it must you be as you walk to find a bridge?
136. How far is the binary system binary in terms of curricula as well as organization?
137. How far should it be taken in respect of information handling?
138. But they are hesitant about how far to implement the Sharia.
139. Just how important efficiency considerations appear will depend on how far the reader accepts the basic theoretical framework.
140. Colour codes show how far each cab is from each pole.
141. How far they progress depends on many factors, but they will not progress unless given a chance.
142. How far is it reasonable to extrapolate these results to the non-poor is a highly debatable point.
143. I wanted to see how far a competent man could go in politics.
144. The technical question of how far the biological continuity between man and other animals is already fully understood is complex.
145. But how far will it have gone before that decision is made next April?
146. Whether, and how far, he changed in his later years must be examined in the next chapter.
147. How far did the abandonment of demesne lands affect the income of the landowners?
148. How far such seismic social pressures come through to a child may be impossible to judge.
149. In a way, you are ensuring your role in the future, no matter how far off that future may be.
150. How far are you prepared to stretch the long arm of coincidence?
151. However, before the First World War it was not at all clear how far the social democratic movements had been subverted.
152. The question then arises: how far did the Black population compensate for this catastrophic deficit by increasing the birth-rate?
153. How far the experiential approach offers something distinctive will be discussed in Chapter 6.
154. The score indicates how far the ball bounces forward before it comes to a halt.
155. Secondly, how far can the low pay of women compared to men be explained by women's domestic ties?
156. Draw a circle on it based on your decision as to how far you are prepared to travel to work each day.
157. This is how far we've strayed from the traditional concepts of pop.
158. But it remains unclear how far the plan will go in dismantling an entrenched system.
159. Another difficulty arises when trying to assess how far different media may be taken as propositional.
160. He went on to experiment with how far a branch could be extended in any one direction before the tree tipped over.
161. How far would you go to keep the hope of love alive? Nicholas Sparks 
162. But how far would the reform programme be extended beyond the economic sphere?
163. Floy glanced over his shoulder,[] trying to gauge how far they had come and in which direction the road now lay.
164. But the question is just how far it can take him.
165. The legal question is how far the trust can be respected in the face of the onslaught of creditors.
166. This shows how far general price inflation has eroded the level of spending shown in the detailed cash figures.
167. The players get paid based on how far they advance.
168. She was taken aback to realise just how far her reservations about seeing him had disappeared.
169. It requires evaluation of how far the risk of personal financial liability is an incentive to performance.
170. You can tell how cold it is by how far they fly before they crash.
171. I can't believe how far I have come in the past couple of years.
172. Do you know how far it is to my house from here?
173. It is still wonderful - both how far he moved from it and how he never abandoned it at all.
174. The principal aim seems to be to find out how far it can be extended.
175. It may be necessary to enquire how far her lust was excited, or if she experienced any enjoyment.
176. It is difficult to gauge how far the internet might become a vehicle for free information.
177. You know how far it was from our farm to the nearest golf course?
178. How far is it from Belfast to the nearest and furthest points on the frontier with Eire?
179. As she descended the stairs, she appreciated for the first time how far she had fallen from grace.
180. How far does the iron ore have to be taken inland to the nearest blast furnaces?
181. The real difficulty is in each case to ascertain how far such implications extend.
182. This all went to show just how far Quigley had slipped since I Testified.
183. How far judicial discretion on sentencing should be directed by Government policy is problematic.
184. The benefits of reaping economies of scale depend upon how far costs fall as output levels are increased.
185. To determine how far the ball bounces roll the Artillery dice again and mark the spot where the ball comes to land.
186. How far are money and the media responsible for the misbehaviour of football supporters?
187. The study will monitor how far Down's Syndrome adults begin to move away from their natural families for residential and social purposes.
188. Even small changes in how fast and how far the contraction spreads can have profound effects on form.
188. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
189. How far apart were these larger market towns and cities in 1800?
190. How far they were either north or south of their line they had no means of telling.
191. Before you put the cake in the oven, measure how far the mixture is from the top of the pan.
192. And how far can negative controls succeed in raising public standards?
193. How far this is possible depends to a great extent on the quality of the instructions accompanying the assessment procedure.
194. He groaned when he realised how far away it was.
195. How far can programs such as legally mandated parental leaves go toward meeting the individual needs of employers and families?
196. Oats wondered how far across the desert Brutha would have got if he'd been trying to support Granny Weatherwax.
197. Inspect carefully using discretion as to how far to proceed. 3.
198. Furthermore, the intensity of the waggle indicates how far along that line the food will be found.
199. The question Democrats are grappling with now is how far to take their campaign against Gingrich.
200. What is needed is for Parliament to amend the Act so that it explains exactly how far the rule-making powers go.
201. How far he can go in the absence of restrictive covenants is dealt with later.
202. How far can you hop on your right foot?
203. How far from here to go the Central park?
204. How far is the distance from Taichung to Kaohsiung?
205. How far can the French government's garage sale go?
206. How far will the Web browser client go?
207. How far do you punch in?
208. Harry's Nimbus 2000 flies at 60 miles per hour. How far he fly in 5 hours?
209. How far is it from Shenyang Railway Station to Taiyuan Business Street?
210. And how far would you go to find a 3.5 - carat diamond ring?
211. How far they might go to stop this remains a vexing question.
212. How far from the tee does the ball strike the ground?
213. Yes. how far advance should I order a birthday cake?
214. How far is it from here? ---- It's about a kilometer away.
215. There should be some identification of goals, and how far these have been achieved.
216. There was a limit to how far he could let the General prod him.
217. How Far Is The Beehive - Product Vaccines Away From Us?
218. And each time I will fall short of Your glory, How far will forgiveness abound?
219. The range indicates how far it is from the lowest data point to the highest.
220. But it is not clear how far they could help with the work on a power plant.
221. It a moot point how far this is rooted in fundamentals.
222. How far is it to walk from here to Trafalgar Square?
223. Walton : Mmmm, and how far are we with the computer, Hubert?
224. No matter how far it is, I'll go there anyhow.
225. Question: How far out should my elbows be when I do a barbell bench press?
226. "If we pay players, how far do we go?" Gresson asked pertinently.
227. How far did the Meiji constitution confirm the powers of the Meiji oligarchy?
228. How far can the stock price fall before a margin call?
229. How far is it from the residential area to town and back?
230. I do not like to think or ask how far your incredulity leads you.
231. It's amazing how far a tiny piece of dark chocolate can take us!




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