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单词 Wreckage
1. The ambulance crew removed him from the wreckage.
2. The wreckage slowly drifted away.
3. A man was crawling away from the burning wreckage.
4. Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage.
5. Firemen managed to pull some survivors from the wreckage.
6. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try to find the cause of the tragedy.
7. Crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft.
8. Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.
9. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
10. Some of the wreckage caused by the explosion fell amid the crowd of spectators.
11. Pieces of wreckage have been found up to three miles away.
12. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.
13. Forensic scientists are examining the wreckage for clues about the cause of the explosion.
14. He surveyed the wreckage of his expensive equipment.
15. Another body has been recovered from the wreckage.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. Flames belched from the wreckage.
17. She was pinned under the wreckage of the car.
18. Two children were trapped in the wreckage.
19. Bodies lay among the tangled wreckage.
20. The wreckage has now been cleared from the motorway.
21. Accident investigators will examine the wreckage of the plane.
22. The investigators studied flight recorders salvaged from the wreckage.
23. Wreckage was strewn over a wide area.
24. Workers have been clearing the wreckage from the tracks.
25. Investigators have been reassembling the wreckage of the plane.
26. Rescue teams searched among the wreckage for survivors.
27. They hauled him clear of the wreckage.
28. We will now try to reassemble pieces of the wreckage.
29. They had to amputate his foot to free him from the wreckage.
30. Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.
1. The ambulance crew removed him from the wreckage.
2. The wreckage slowly drifted away.
3. A man was crawling away from the burning wreckage.
4. Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage.
5. Firemen managed to pull some survivors from the wreckage.
6. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try to find the cause of the tragedy.
7. Crash investigators have been sifting through the wreckage of the aircraft.
8. Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.
9. Some of the wreckage caused by the explosion fell amid the crowd of spectators.
10. We will now try to reassemble pieces of the wreckage.
11. Pieces of wreckage have been found up to three miles away.
12. They had to amputate his foot to free him from the wreckage.
13. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.
14. Forensic scientists are examining the wreckage for clues about the cause of the explosion.
15. Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. They hauled him clear of the wreckage.
31. The runway is still strewn with wreckage.
32. Pieces of the wreckage were washed ashore.
33. They stared unseeingly at the wreckage.
34. The crash left wreckage spread over a wide area.
35. Investigators combed through the wreckage.
36. Three people were freed from the wreckage.
37. Her body was discovered in the wreckage.
38. Firefighters pulled her clear of the wreckage.
39. Six bodies were recovered from the wreckage.
40. Two bodies were recovered from the wreckage.
41. A few survivors were pulled from the wreckage.
42. Several people are still trapped in the wreckage.
43. Firemen had to extricate the driver from the wreckage.
44. The remains of an explosive device were found among the wreckage.
45. Firemen rescued a driver trapped in the wreckage of his car.
46. We watched in horror as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.
47. Wreckage of the aircraft was scattered over a wide area.
48. The driver had to be cut free from the wreckage of his car.
49. Wreckage filled the channel.
50. Kate was still clinging to the wreckage of her failed marriage.
51. The injured driver had to be cut from the wreckage.
52. The wreckage of the car was scattered over the roadside.
53. Traces of explosives found among the wreckage were the key to the puzzle.
54. For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed.
55. Investigators will take samples of the wreckage to identify the cause.
56. Both men were freed from the wreckage after a four-hour operation.
57. They found him pinned under the wreckage of the car.
58. She still hoped to salvage something from the wreckage of her marriage.
59. Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a large area.
60. She had to be cut from the wreckage of her car.
61. The injured driver was cut from the wreckage of his car.
62. Police officers have continued to sift through the wreckage following yesterday's bomb attack.
63. It's business as usual at the factory, even while investigators sift through the bomb wreckage.
64. All the victims have now been freed from the wreckage.
65. The wreckage of the plane was scattered across the scorched earth.
66. A search is going on for wreckage from the blazing aircraft.
67. Pieces of wreckage were found ten miles away from the scene of the explosion.
68. Wreckage has been sighted fifteen miles north of the island.
69. He had to be cut from the wreckage by firemen.
70. Rescuers took several hours to cut the survivors free from the wreckage.
71. Police are searching the wreckage for clues to the cause of the accident.
72. Most of the wreckage from the 1985 quake has been cleared.
73. Could nothing be rescued from the wreckage of her dreams?
74. Mark was dragged from the burning wreckage of his car.
75. Investigators sifted through the twisted wreckage of the plane.
76. Gunns had to be cut from the wreckage.
77. Sonar was used to locate the submerged plane wreckage.
78. There was nothing to see,(http:///wreckage.html) only wreckage.
79. Crews have worked all week clearing away the wreckage.
80. Searchers on Friday recovered human remains among the wreckage.
81. Wreckage was spread across a wide area.
82. Rescue workers searched through the wreckage for survivors.
83. But he drifts away with the wreckage.
84. A number of bodies were recovered from the wreckage.
85. Firefighters pulled the woman clear of the wreckage.
86. In seconds, the whole wreckage was engulfed in raging flames and happiness had turned to horror.
87. We've recovered two bodies from the wreckage, but they are unrecognizable.
88. Officials hope the Navy will solve the mystery of four bombs that are missing from the wreckage of a military jet.
89. Many distorted fragments of meteoritic iron are later dredged up from the area where the wreckage fell.
90. Seconds later an empty train travelling away from London ran into the wreckage.
91. The rescuers dug slowly and carefully, fearing that the wreckage might collapse on top of them.
92. The Mercedes burst into flames and broke up with the burning wreckage being thrown among the spectators.
93. The wreckage was strewn over an area of 150-yard radius, confirming the official's description.
94. By the time they found the wreckage of the plane, it had already started to corrode.
95. There is now little left for the creditors to salvage from the airline's wreckage.
96. Meanwhile, residents have been reporting pieces of the wreckage washing ashore.
97. Nine cars and a van collided, spilling wreckage across all three lanes of the motorway.
98. Realising that the aircraft had crashed, two witness made their way to the wreckage in order to assist the pilot.
99. Commuters, who slowed to view the wreckage, backed up for three miles to Convoy Street in Kearny Mesa.
100. The families at Kennedy Airport sit in the hotel ballroom and receive regular reports on the search for wreckage and bodies.
101. But what really catches our eyes is the airplane wreckage higher up on the hill.
102. Investigators were photographing the wreckage from all angles, and searching for a data recorder that had been aboard the freight train.
103. Mark Windram from Eastfield in Northampton had to be cut from the wreckage by the fire brigade.
104. Experts are examining the wreckage, but the cause of the accident has not yet been identified.
105. The accident, which left wreckage spread over a wide area, blocked the road causing severe traffic disruption.
106. There was no other sign of wreckage of any other aircraft.
107. He had to be cut from the wreckage of his Ford Focus, which somersaulted when it seemed to catch a siding.
108. The blazing wreckage crashed into wild, inaccessible countryside only eight miles from the airport.
109. They're still attempting to recover the plane's wreckage from the ocean floor.
110. Wreckage in the vicinity of the break point fell first and was recovered in the westernmost of three major debris fields.
111. He would rather go down fighting, and try to salvage whatever he could from the wreckage of his dreams.
112. The wreckage was then taken to the air accident investigation unit at Farnborough.
113. People saw where it fell, but it took rescuers 10 days to find the wreckage.
114. Two survivors - both women - were cut free after being trapped for 20 minutes in the wreckage.
115. Firemen were using cutting equipment to remove the bodies from the wreckage.
116. Throughout that summer more vital pieces of the rear fuselage were recovered along the downwind wreckage trail.
117. The combined efforts of four police officers and two paramedics were needed to lift the driver from the wreckage.
118. And, by definitively closing the book on the past, the language of socialism also remains trapped in Stalinism's wreckage.
119. He went to assist at a passenger train derailment last year and got trapped in the wreckage.
120. The dig was now over, trailers loaded with wreckage headed for home, the diggers contented.
121. Kirk battled for eight hours to free himself from the wreckage.
122. All we had to do now was satisfy ourselves that there was enough wreckage to warrant returning for a full-scale excavation.
123. Relatives now face an anxious wait while the emergency services search the wreckage for survivors.
124. Long after the war, the wreckage of his plane was discovered.
125. Flames belch from the wreckage, degenerate human beings scrabble for survival, the screen is dark and the aspect brooding.
126. There was no fire, and all four occupants quickly vacated the wreckage with no more than minor injuries.
127. Wreckage analysis showed that there was nothing untoward about the airframe or engines, However comments were made about the avionics installation.
128. It was the wreckage of a courier ship that had disappeared on its way to Pleiku a year before.
129. Investigators are looking through pieces of the wreckage for any clues about the crash.
130. The police have confirmed 40 walking wounded, and 31 people hospitalised who had been cut from the wreckage.
131. Subsequent reports said that rescuers had recovered up to 180 bodies from the wreckage.
132. Four people are missing, and the U. S. Coast Guard continued its search for wreckage.
133. But the damaged houses were pathetic to see, and wreckage was still being pulled from alleyways and lanes.
134. One had to be cut from the wreckage by firemen.
135. On the other is a toppled colossus painfully constructing a market economy out of the wreckage of a socialist one.
136. She searched the area for three days and verified all my descriptions but found no wreckage of the transport and gave up.
137. He escaped with a broken leg and pulled himself from the wreckage before Crowfield emergency services arrived from the club.
138. You will then have your crew get out and inspect the wreckage firsthand.
139. Air crash investigators told the inquest that the battery recovered from the wreckage was flat.
140. The trawler ploughed on(sentence dictionary), leaving the fishermen clinging to pieces of wreckage.
141. Reacher and the gunner disappeared through the thicket of trees between us and the wreckage.
142. He made two journeys down the path to the wreckage of the car.
143. Following the crash the airliner's emergency radio beacon failed to function and rescue teams experienced difficulties locating the wreckage.
144. Police took two hours to find the wreckage and the bodies of the couple.
145. Investigators searched through the plane's wreckage for several hours before locating the flight recorder.
146. Recovery crews continued the grim task of retrieving bodies from the wreckage.
147. When an investigator arrives at the scene of an accident there is a single golden rule: secure the wreckage.
148. He picked his way around the smoking wreckage of the Chelonian tanks.
149. Its founders were clinging to the wreckage, not setting out on a brave new voyage.
150. When the arbour collapsed, when the pear tree blew over, they cleared the wreckage and left Nature to it.
151. Traffic was diverted on to the A166 as emergency services cleared the wreckage between Dunnington and Kexby, near York.
152. Navy salvage experts used sonar to help locate the area of submerged wreckage.
153. As he crawled away from the burning wreckage he thought he was surrounded by trees.
154. He stared in dumb misery at the wreckage of the car.
155. Body bags lay off to one side of the big intersection, while the corridors leading off were strewn with wreckage.
156. Before his body could be hauled from the wreckage of his plane, Lincoln Beachey had drowned.
157. Strewing fresh wreckage gathered in the gales.
158. Wilson poked about the wreckage, and then sighed.
159. No wreckage could ever be found.
160. Police with sniffer dogs are among the 700 workers combing the wreckage.
161. Cleaning up the wreckage left by our 250-year industrial bacchanal will require fundamental changes in a society hooked on its fossil fuels.
162. French Air Accident Investigation Department 3, said it had found in the Atlantic about two years ago, Air France Flight 447 crash wreckage, are now looking for "black box" whereabouts.
163. The bodies and plane wreckage will be transported tomorrow to Fernando de Noronha, where the military has set up a staging post for the search operation.
164. Crews pulled the wreckage off the highway, but drivers continued to rubberneck and cause delays.
165. Television footage showed the tail of the twin - engined propeller plane visible amid the burning wreckage.
165. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
166. Three perished in a fire during early testing for the Apollo programme and 14 died in the wreckage of the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia.
167. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember.
168. Two aircraft collided in mid air and pieces of wreckage landed all over the shop.
169. Federal investigator left a skeleton crew to analyze the plane wreckage.
170. Upon receiving the Performance Certificate, the Contractor shall remove any remaining Contractor's Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works from the Site.
171. Lenin, Stalin and Hitler all rose out of the wreckage of liberalism.
172. With a hardhat on his head and a bullhorn in his hand, he ducked into the wreckage of a hospital where scores of people were buried and shouted: "Hang on a bit longer. The troops are rescuing you."
173. Out of that wreckage, Busby eventually rebuilt a mesmerizing team around Charlton, which went on to triumph in the European Cup a decade later.
174. Search crews are still hunting through the wreckage of the jetliner which was carrying 155 people.
175. Local police said the accident occurred in Brahmanbaria in the Mei Gena River, ferry accident in the wreckage of the other ferry sank after the collision.
176. The wreckage of a pirate ship abandoned by Captain Kidd in the 17th century has been found by divers in shallow waters off the Dominican Republic, a research team claims.
177. Upon the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, the Contractor shall clear away and remove all Contractor's Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Works.
178. Crowds of onlookers came to gawp at the wreckage of the aircraft.
179. A camel leers over the wreckage left on the El Alamein battleground, May 18, 1950, where one of the crucial struggles of World War II was fought.
180. The wreckage includes a cargo pallet and two flotation buoys.
181. Instead, their large clouds of molecular gas and dust do, triggering furious episodes of star formation near the center of the cosmic wreckage.
182. Russian investigators sifting through wreckage found by ships trawling the crash site said they had a piece of what appeared to be a S200 surface-to-air missile.
183. The wreckage of the plane was put on display here Tuesday.
184. The pilot of the first copter was pinned in the wreckage.
185. The 19-month investigation finally, in March 1999, led to two key recommendations: that searches should be conducted for the wreckage of the Sydney – and the crewman now dubbed the Unknown Sailor.
186. Fire fighters recovered three bodies from the wreckage of a still burning sugar refinery in Georgia.
187. Parts of the downed F-117 wreckage –such as the left wing with US Air Force insignia, the cockpit canopy, ejection seat,[] pilot's helmet and radio –are exhibited at Belgrade's aviation museum.
188. Biden overflew the tsunami wreckage before landing in northeastern Sendai, one of the hardest-hit cities.
189. Had it afoul of an underwater rock or the wreckage of some enormous derelict ship?
190. It took the rescue crew over half an hour to extract me from the wreckage using the "jaws of life."
191. In Tuscaloosa and other cities, looters have been picking through the wreckage to steal what little the victims have left.
192. A book was found amid the wreckage of the are.
193. New states were born out of the wreckage of old colonial empires.




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